Glitches due to ionizing radiation contribute significantly to the noise in a measurement. In the in-flight performance specification of the detectors, the noise from glitches that are either (1) too faint for detection by the deglitching algorithms or (2) too strong for complete removal has been included in the detector noise term.
High energy glitches can increase the signal of the detector for a duration up to 10 sec. The present software removes these disturbances by applying a deglitching algorithm at both the integration ramp level and signal level. This method works for long staring observations, but for shorter measurements (e.g. a chopper plateau or a raster map position) signal deglitching does not work. In a raster with integration times of order 12 sec per position a high energy glitch may increase the signal of 1-2 pixels of the final map, imitating a weak point source. Only by oversampling it is possible to remove such spurious sources.