ISO proposals must be prepared using a special software tool, provided by
ESA: the ISO Remote Proposal Submission Software - IRPSS. Version 1.3 must be used.
This tool makes checks for formal correctness of the proposer entries. It
produces formatted text output in electronic form. Proposals in any other
format will not be accepted.
For technical reasons within the SOC, each proposal can only contain a maximum of 99 observations. In those cases where there are more than 99 observations, the proposal must be split into two or more parts, with each one containing 99 or fewer observations. To identify such parts as components of one proposal, the appropriate integer must be placed in the ``PART_NUM'' field of IRPSS. 12 paper copies of each proposal part are required.
For each observation contained in the proposal, the estimated total time must be given. Procedures of how to estimate observing times for a given observing mode are described in detail in the Instrument Observer's Manuals and in the ISO Observer's Manual. Note that to calculate times, it is usually necessary for proposers to prepare most observing parameters although these do not have to be submitted to the SOC during Phase 1; the entry of these parameters will be done at a later stage (Phase 2).
A line-by-line description of the details to be included in a Phase 1 proposal is given in the ISO Remote Proposal Submission Software Users Manual, together with an example of an output file.
For Target of Opportunity proposals, the same basic approach is to be followed. The differences for ToO proposals are that:
Submission of any proposal is only complete:
ISO Observing Proposal, Astrophysics Division,by: 9 October 1996, 12.00 GMT.
Keplerlaan 1,
P.O. Box 299,
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk zh
The Netherlands
The receipt of both paper and electronic versions by the due dates is mandatory. In view of possible network congestion close to the deadline, proposers are urged to make all attempts to submit their proposals in advance of the due date. The submitted electronic and paper versions must be identical in content, with the exception of any figures which may be added to the paper version. Proposers will receive an acknowledgment confirming the receipt of the electronic version.
US proposers must also send an electronic copy to the following address (internet):
IPACJapanese proposers must also send an electronic copy to the following address:
California Institute of Technology, MS 100-22
Pasadena, CA 91125.
H. Okuda
ISAS, 3-1-1, Yoshinodai, Sagamihara,
Kanagawa 229, Japan.