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- Lay-out of SWS
- Block diagram of the SWS. The diagram shows the optical
functions of the spectrometer, excluding its internal calibration
sources, but including the shutter, the collimation and the imaging
optics. It excludes band 3E.
- Optical schematic of the SWS.
The diagram indicates the location of the six separate entrance slits
behind the dichroics after the three apertures. It shows all the
spectral order-separation filters and the internal wavelength
calibrators. The shutters, collimation and imaging optics and band 3E have
been left out
- Overview of possibilities for simultaneous use of LW grating
and SW grating (top) and F-P and SW grating (bottom). Only combinations
within the hatched area are allowed. The corresponding AOT band designations
and aperture numbers are indicated.
- SWS AOT Selection Tree
- SWS grating instrumental profiles. The solid lines represent
Gaussian fits. SW: laser plus continuum. LW: laser and dark current
- Calculated SWS grating spectral resolution (confirmed by spot
checks) as a function of wavelength for extended sources. The spectral
orders are indicated in circles.
For point sources the resolution of SW spectra will be about a factor
two larger; for LW spectra this effect is not significant
- Measured SWS grating spectral response function for SWS AOT
Bands 1A and 1B. The data of Band 1A are affected by noise. Vertical lines
indicate the wavelength limits of the bands
- Measured SWS grating spectral response function for SWS AOT
Bands 1D and 1E. The data of Band 1D are affected by noise
- Measured SWS grating spectral response function for SWS AOT
Bands 2A and 2B. The fringes are real
- Measured SWS grating spectral response function for SWS AOT
Bands 2C and 3A. The fringes in the data for Band 2C are real
- Measured SWS grating spectral response function for SWS AOT
Bands 3C and 3D. The fringes are real
- Measured SWS grating spectral response function for SWS AOT
Bands 3E and 4. The fringes are real
- SWS Fabry-Pérot spectral resolution as a function of
wavelength, computed from measured mesh properties and confirmed by checks
at selected wavelengths
- SWS Fabry-Pérot spectral response. The flux scale corresponds to
a point source, diffraction losses at the aperture have been taken into
- Computed ISO diffraction losses for the SWS F-P channels. The
fraction of the ISO diffraction disk accepted by the effective SWS F-P
aperture is shown as a function of wavelength
- Basics of leakage in F-P spectra. The instrumental profile of
the combination of F-P and grating is given by the solid line. Residual
transmission from neighbouring F-P orders occurs if the instrumental
profile of the grating alone (dashed line) is too wide
- SWS Fabry-Pérot leakage. Leakage is defined here as the fraction
of the total detected signal that originates in unwanted Fabry-Pérot
orders. Preliminary data shown here are based on extrapolation from
measurements at a few wavelengths. A better characterization is expected
from in-orbit calibration
- Effects of leakage on a crowded spectrum. A wavelength range of
high leakage has been selected for demonstration. The upper line shows the
assumed true source spectrum at the SWS F-P spectral resolution, the lower
line how it will appear in the presence of leakage.
- SWS Fabry-Pérot effective gap as a function of wavelength. To
obtain the effective gap width for a given wavelength, the gap correction
has to be added to the gap width for the reference wavelength of 25
Both F-P units have gap widths of about 12.500
- Sensitivity of AOT SWS01. Spectral flux density vs.
wavelength, detectable at SNR = 20 per resolution element for
= 1 sec. For
= 2 sec, allowed at the lower scan
speeds, the achieved SNR will be a factor of 2 larger.
- Sensitivity of AOT SWS02. Flux density vs. wavelength,
detectable at SNR = 20 per resolution element in a 2500 second
- Sensitivity of AOT SWS02. Line flux vs. wavelength
(line confined within one resolution element), detectable at
SNR = 20, in a 2500 second observation.
- Sensitivity of AOT SWS06. Spectral flux density vs.
wavelength, detectable at SNR = 20 per resolution element. It is
assumed that a pure integration time of 120 sec is used for the wavelength
range of 30 scanner steps covered by AOT SWS06
- Sensitivity of AOT SWS07 F-P. Flux levels that can be reached in an
observation of approximately 1200 seconds, covering a wavelength range of 50
km/s at a S/N ratio of 10.
- Off-line processing - flow diagram of the standard
product generation pipeline.
SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996