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Measurements of noise  for various reset times and signal levels during the SWS instrument level tests resulted in the following characterization of the noise behaviour of the F-P detector and integrating preamplifier system:

For sensitivity calculations, this may be summarized as


with S the signal in tex2html_wrap_inline2404 V/s and tex2html_wrap_inline2408 dimensionless (happens to be equal to the reset time in seconds). The empirically determined noise parameters tex2html_wrap_inline2710 (read noise, in tex2html_wrap_inline2404 V/s) tex2html_wrap_inline2714 (dark current noise, in tex2html_wrap_inline2404 V/s), and tex2html_wrap_inline2718 (signal shot noise, tex2html_wrap_inline2404 V tex2html_wrap_inline2722 /s tex2html_wrap_inline2722 ) for the two F-P detector materials are summarized in Tab. 5.3.


Band 5 6
detector FP-Si:Sb FP-Ge:Be
range ( tex2html_wrap_inline2404 m) 11.4-26 26-44.5
tex2html_wrap_inline2863 0.630.89
tex2html_wrap_inline2865 1.003.00
tex2html_wrap_inline2867 0.180.13
Table 5.3: Fabry-Pérot noise parameters


SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996