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How to compute approximate duration of an AOT SWS07 observation


Users are recommended to use SOTE or to look at figure 6.5 to get an approximate idea as to how long an observation will require.

Remember that merging will occur for FP Observations and SW grating observations in the region 2.38-7 tex2html_wrap_inline2404 m where observations use the same aperture. Grating observations through apertures 1 and 2, times for which can be calculated from the data given describing AOT 6, should be planned so as not to require extra time.

The minimum observation time for an AOT 7 is approximately 300 seconds OTT. To this time has to be added the 180 seconds for slewing to the target, or five minutes if it is a Solar-System Object. For Solar-System Objects, one AOT can only observe through one aperture.

SWS Consortium
Wed Aug 7 17:20:29 MET DST 1996