BEAM = SW-l SW channel + large Fabry
BEAM = SW-s SW channel + small Fabry
BEAM = LW-l LW channel + large Fabry
BEAM = LW-s LW channel + small Fabry
FLTR_CVF = 1 to 11 selects a filter in channel SW.
FLTR_CVF = 14 selects CVFSW in channel SW.
FLTR_CVF = 1 to 10 selects a filter in channel LW.
FLTR_CVF =11 or 12 selects CVFLW1 or CVFLW2 in
2.273 5.122 for FLTR_CVF = 14
4.956 9.583 for FLTR_CVF = 11
9.003 16.52 for FLTR_CVF = 12
Note that if CVF_LAMB was not taken in the second column of
Table to
, the system will
automatically set the wheel to the closest achievable value of
SW : 0.28, 2, 6, 20, 60. (Note: for XTRA_SW mode, choose 20)
LW : 0.28, 2, 5, 10, 20.
2, SW channel.
2 or
4, LW channel.
OBS = request of the observation in the selected
configuration, on a single pointing or the complete raster.
CAL = request for a calibration with the ICD.
DARK = request for a dark frame measurement.
CLEAN = request for a CLEAN procedure.
OBS is obviously mandatory, the three others are optional. In single
pointing the user should select DARK in order to process the data.
CLEAN has no effect for SW.
A flat-field and a dark frame are mandatory for processing each observation. If for an observation they are not produced by an OPERATION, the system will first scan the list of observations of the AOT looking for these frames generated in an identical configuration, if they are not found, a library frame will be used automatically.