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For the short wavelength channel, the detector array is an InSb 32 32 pixels Charge Injection Device (CID), manufactured by the Société Anonyme des Télécommunications. At the time of the ESA Call for ``Proposals for ISO instruments", it was already qualified and presented the advantages of a low operating temperature and a large radiation tolerance, compatible with the ISO mission. Including the 89 % filling factor of the 100100 pixels and the charge injection efficiency, the effective quantum efficiency is 0.3 at 4 m, with a flat curve towards shorter wavelengths, and a cutoff at 5.2 m.

A control and readout hybrid electronic was designed to work at 4K, close to the chip. The array and its cold electronics are housed behind a titanium cover which provides a shield for radiation and straylight.

ISOCAM Observer's Manual - V1.0
Tue Oct 31 12:06:23 MET 1995