Next: 9. Getting started with
Previous: 7. Caveats in the
8. Guide to instrument related data products.
8.1 Inventory and naming convention
The LWS specific files that are included on the CD-ROM have been named
with the following naming convention:
- All file names start with an L (indicating LWS)
- The following 3 characters give a three letter code indicating the
product type (see below)
The convention for the product code is
LSTA - LWS Compact status history file
LIER - LWS Illuminator ERD file
LGER - LWS Grating ERD file
LSER - LWS Short wavelength FP ERD file
LLER - LWS Long wavelength FP ERD file
LWHK - LWS Housekeeping ERD file
LIPD - LWS illuminator processed data
LWGH - LWS Glitch history file
LSAN - LWS Auto analysis product file
LSNR - LWS Auto analysis product file without responsivity corrections
LIAC - LWS Auto analysis illuminator summary file
LSCA - LWS Auto analysis scan summary file
LGIF - LWS Auto analysis group information file
LC** - LWS calibration file (see chapter 5)
Depending on the AOTs that are used, an observer will find different sets
of files on the CD-ROM.
- For Grating AOTs (AOT L01 and L02) files:
Raw data:
Standard processed data:
Auto Analysis results:
Plus the necessary calibration files (see chapter 5 for a list).
- For Fabry-Perot AOT (AOTs L03 and L04):
Raw data:
Standard processed data:
Auto Analysis results:
Plus the necessary calibration files (see chapter 5 for a list).
8.2 Description of content and use
This section gives for every product file a short description of the
contents and of the use of this file.
8.2.1 Timing information in the products; the ITK
The LWS Instrument Time Key (ITK) is the main source of timing information
in the products for one AOT, and is therefore extremely important for the
processing. The LWS ITK is unique over an orbit. It is given in units of
2-14 of a second. The ITK for science record n can be calculated
(8.1) |
- ITKn is the ITK for this science record (number n)
- ITKref is the ITK for the start of the revolution, which can be
found in the header of each product
- UTKf is the UTK for this format
- UTKref is the UTK corresponding to ITKref
- Td is the time delay after the start of a format (=248 ITK units)
- D(Ls) is the number of ticks of the spacecraft clock (taken from
House Keeping frame 17).
is the Spacecraft clock frequency (=218)
8.2.2 General FITS header keywords for LWS Data
Table 8.1 gives the general keywords that are used in the
header of every data product. Some of these are general FITS keywords,
others are specific for ISO data.
Table 8.1:
The general keywords
that are used in the headers of all product files.
Name |
type |
contents |
L |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
L |
general FITS keyword |
C |
European Space Agency |
C |
Infrared Space Observatory |
C |
Instrument used |
C |
File name in ISO archive |
C |
Creation date 96/115 |
C |
Version ID in ISO archive |
C |
SOC OLP system version |
C |
Unofficial data product |
C |
Version ID of each input file |
C |
Target ID as given by proposer |
C |
Proposer ID in ISO Mission DB |
R |
Equinox |
I |
Telemetry rate in Kbps (Kbits/sec) |
C |
Approx. UTC of start of observation |
C |
Approx. UTC of end of observation |
C |
AOT name |
C |
Proposal ID |
C |
Observation sequence number |
C |
Pointing sequence number |
C |
Proposal category |
C |
Calibration indicator |
C |
Target type |
C |
AOT-to-OCT logic version |
C |
UTC of start time of slew to intended target |
C |
UTC of time of first arrival at intended target |
R |
On-target flag threshold (arc secs) |
R |
Intended Right Ascension of instrument viewing |
R |
Intended DEClination (with ATTRA) |
C |
Type of attitude operation (P/R/T) |
R |
Guide star reference number |
R |
Solar aspect angle (degrees) |
I |
CONTINGEncy flag(0=success; 1=target not acq'd) |
I |
UTC (whole seconds since 01-01-1989) |
I |
UTC (remaining fraction of second) |
I |
ISO Uniform Time Key (UTK) |
I |
R |
ITK unit length in seconds |
C |
Binary table FITS extension |
I |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
I |
general FITS keyword |
8.2.3 Edited Raw Data
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
For every period where the instrument is in the same
status this file holds a record giving information on the begin
end time of that time period and on the status of the instrument.
The record structure can be found in table 8.2.
Table 8.2:
LWS Compact Status Record Structure
Field |
Number |
Type |
Description |
1 |
I*4 |
UTK start time |
1 |
I*4 |
UTK end time |
1 |
I*4 |
ITK start time |
1 |
I*4 |
ITK end time |
2 |
I*4 |
UTC start time |
2 |
I*4 |
UTC end time |
1 |
I*1 |
Observation Sequence Number |
15 |
I*1 |
Spare |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list word 1 |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list word 2 |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list word 3 |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list word 4 |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list word 5 |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list word 6 |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list word 7 |
1 |
I*2 |
Sample list type |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating scan number |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating scan direction (0:forward, 1:reverse) |
1 |
I*2 |
Instrument status |
1 |
I*2 |
FP scan number |
1 |
I*2 |
FP scan direction (0:forward, 1:reverse) |
1 |
I*4 |
Spare |
is Integer*2 variable consisting of a high byte which
identifies the subsystem and a low byte that subdivides different types
within the subsystem. The subsystem values are:
'0100'X Illuminator subsystem
'0200'X Grating subsystem
'0300'X FPS subsystem
'0400'X FPL subsystem
'0000'X Other
Using this and the LSTASTAT
field the status of the instrument at
any given time can be determined:
Meaning |
Grating |
0 |
Grating sample list, grating not scanning |
Grating |
1 |
Grating sample list, grating scanning |
0 |
FPS sample list, FP not scanning |
1 |
FPS sample list, FP scanning |
0 |
FPL sample list, FP not scanning |
1 |
FPL sample list, FP scanning |
Illuminator |
0 |
Illuminator sample list, illuminators off |
Illuminator |
1 |
Illuminator sample list, illuminators on |
Other |
n/a |
Other sample list |
The sample list is used to tell the instrument which subsystems have
to be read-out. The following list gives the possible sample lists for
Sample list |
Sampled data |
Grating |
10 detectors, grating position (LVDT), grating coil current, |
grating structure temperature, grating electronics temperature, |
grating commanded position |
10 detectors, grating LVDT position, 3 FPL error signals |
FPS commanded position, grating |
10 detectors, grating LVDT position, 3 FPL error signals |
FPL commanded position, |
Illuminator |
10 detectors, illuminator current, grating structure |
temperature, detector temperature A or temperature B, |
FPL temperature, illuminator status |
In principle the only things that are of interest to the general user
of LWS are the detector read outs, the positions of grating and FP, and
the illuminator status. The temperatures are put here as well for use by
the LWS instrument team.
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
For every read-out this contains the timing data for
that read-out, the raster point information plus the raw science
data for the 15 sampled science channels of LWS.
The record structure can be found in table 8.3.
Table 8.3:
LWS Illuminator ERD file Record Structure
Field |
Offset |
Number |
Type |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
Instrument time key |
4 |
2 |
I*1 |
Raster point ID (also for single pointing) |
6 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
8 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW1 detector readout |
10 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW2 detector readout |
12 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW3 detector readout |
14 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW4 detector readout |
16 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW5 detector readout |
18 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW1 detector readout |
20 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW2 detector readout |
22 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW3 detector readout |
24 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW4 detector readout |
26 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW5 detector readout |
28 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating structure temperature |
30 |
1 |
I*2 |
Detector temperature A |
32 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPL temperature |
34 |
1 |
I*2 |
Illuminator current |
36 |
1 |
I*2 |
Illuminator commanded status |
38 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
For every read-out this contains the timing data for
that read-out, the raster point information plus the raw science
data for the 15 sampled science channels of LWS.
The record structure can be found in table 8.4.
Table 8.4:
LWS grating scan ERD file Record Structure
Field |
Offset |
Number |
Type |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
Instrument time key |
4 |
2 |
I*1 |
Raster point ID (also for single pointing) |
6 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
8 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW1 detector readout |
10 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW2 detector readout |
12 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW3 detector readout |
14 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW4 detector readout |
16 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW5 detector readout |
18 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW1 detector readout |
20 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW2 detector readout |
22 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW3 detector readout |
24 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW4 detector readout |
26 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW5 detector readout |
28 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating LVDT position |
30 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating current |
32 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating structure temperature |
34 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating electronics temperature |
36 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating commanded position |
38 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
For every read-out this contains the timing data for
that read-out, the raster point information plus the raw science
data for the 15 sampled science channels of LWS.
The record structure can be found in table 8.5 .
Table 8.5:
LWS FPS scan ERD file Record Structure
Field |
Offset |
Number |
Type |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
Instrument time key |
4 |
2 |
I*1 |
Raster point ID (also for single pointing) |
6 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
8 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW1 detector readout |
10 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW2 detector readout |
12 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW3 detector readout |
14 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW4 detector readout |
16 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW5 detector readout |
18 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW1 detector readout |
20 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW2 detector readout |
22 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW3 detector readout |
24 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW4 detector readout |
26 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW5 detector readout |
28 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating LVDT position |
30 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPS commanded position |
32 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPS error signal 1 |
34 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPS error signal 2 |
36 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPS error signal 3 |
38 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
For every read-out this contains the timing data for
that read-out, the raster point information plus the raw science
data for the 15 sampled science channels of LWS.
The record structure can be found in table 8.6.
Table 8.6:
LWS FPL ERD file Record Structure
Field |
Offset |
Number |
Type |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
Instrument time key |
4 |
2 |
I*1 |
Raster point ID (also for single pointing) |
6 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
8 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW1 detector readout |
10 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW2 detector readout |
12 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW3 detector readout |
14 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW4 detector readout |
16 |
1 |
I*2 |
SW5 detector readout |
18 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW1 detector readout |
20 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW2 detector readout |
22 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW3 detector readout |
24 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW4 detector readout |
26 |
1 |
I*2 |
LW5 detector readout |
28 |
1 |
I*2 |
Grating LVDT position |
30 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPL commanded position |
32 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPL error signal 1 |
34 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPL error signal 2 |
36 |
1 |
I*2 |
FPL error signal 3 |
38 |
1 |
I*2 |
Spare |
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
The LWHK file contains the contents of the housekeeping frames 1 and 17 from
each telemetry format. These frames contain important information about the
instrument status, which are used during the data processing. Each record in
the LWHK file contains the data from a single telemetry format. The LWHK data
are therefore only available once per format (every two seconds at the nominal
telemetry rate). This compares with the contents of the LGER, LLER, LSER and
LIER files, which are sampled at a much higher rate.
The record structure can be found in table 8.7.
Table 8.7:
LWS House Keeping ERD file Record Structure
Field |
Offset |
Number |
Type |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
Instrument time key |
4 |
2 |
I*1 |
Frame quality flag (see note) |
8 |
128 |
I*2 |
House keeping Frame 1 |
264 |
128 |
I*2 |
House keeping Frame 17 |
The frame quality flag is set to 0 for perfect data, and is non-zero for
imperfect quality data (i.e. frame 1 or 17 are bad). The House keeping
frames 1 and 17 contain the essential house keeping of the instrument
and are used in the processing. The most important parameters that can be
found in these house keeping frames are given in Tables 8.8,
8.9,8.10 and
Table 8.8:
Position in the
House Keeping frames of the detector bias values.
Detector biases
det |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Frame 1 bytes 122-123, Frame 17 bytes 10-11 |
SW1 |
x |
x |
x |
SW2 |
x |
x |
x |
SW3 |
x |
x |
x |
SW4 |
x |
x |
x |
SW5 |
x |
x |
x |
Frame 1 bytes 124-125, Frame 17 bytes 12-13 |
LW1 |
x |
x |
x |
LW2 |
x |
x |
x |
LW3 |
x |
x |
x |
LW4 |
x |
x |
x |
LW5 |
x |
x |
x |
Table 8.9:
Location of
the most important amplifier parameters in the House Keeping
Amplifier gains
det |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Frame 17 bytes 14-15 |
SW1 |
x |
x |
x |
SW2 |
x |
x |
x |
SW3 |
x |
x |
x |
SW4 |
x |
x |
x |
SW5 |
x |
x |
x |
Frame 17 bytes 16-17 |
LW1 |
x |
x |
x |
LW2 |
x |
x |
x |
LW3 |
x |
x |
x |
LW4 |
x |
x |
x |
LW5 |
x |
x |
x |
Other amplifier parameters:
Parameter |
Frame |
bytes |
Current sample number |
17 |
172-173 |
Current number of resets from step |
17 |
174-175 |
Number of resets after saturation |
17 |
176-177 |
Commanded number of resets per step |
17 |
170-171 |
Commanded number of samples per reset |
17 |
168-169 |
Table 8.10:
Location of the
most important grating parameters in the LWS House Keeping frames.
Grating parameters
Parameter |
Frame |
bytes |
Grating commanded position |
17 |
44-45 |
Grating LVDT position |
17 |
62-63 |
Grating requested scan mode |
17 |
64-65 |
Grating current scan number |
17 |
56-57 |
Grating requested start position |
17 |
46-47 |
Grating requested step size |
17 |
50-51 |
Grating requested number of steps |
17 |
48-49 |
Grating current step number |
17 |
52-53 |
Table 8.11:
Location of Fabry
Perot parameters in the Housekeeping frames.
Fabry Perot parameters
Parameter |
Frame |
bytes |
FP requested scan mode |
17 |
88-89 |
FP S or L commanded selection |
17 |
72-73 |
FP requested start position |
17 |
76-77 |
FP requested step size |
17 |
80-81 |
FP requested number of steps |
17 |
78-79 |
FP current scan number |
17 |
86-87 |
FP current step |
17 |
82-83 |
FP current commanded position |
17 |
74-75 |
FPS power ON/OFF |
17 |
90-91 |
FPS offset 2 |
17 |
92-93 |
FPS offset 3 |
17 |
94-95 |
FPS coil current 1 |
17 |
102-103 |
FPS coil current 2 |
17 |
104-105 |
FPS coil current 3 |
17 |
106-107 |
FPS error coil 1 |
17 |
96-97 |
FPS error coil 2 |
17 |
98-99 |
FPS error coil 3 |
17 |
100-101 |
FPL power ON/OFF |
17 |
108-109 |
FPL offset 2 |
17 |
110-111 |
FPL offset 3 |
17 |
112-113 |
FPL coil current 1 |
17 |
120-121 |
FPL coil current 2 |
17 |
122-123 |
FPL coil current 3 |
17 |
124-125 |
FPL error coil 1 |
17 |
114-115 |
FPL error coil 2 |
17 |
116-117 |
FPL error coil 3 |
17 |
118-119 |
8.2.4 Standard Processed Data
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
The LWS SPD contains the detector photocurrents for all ramps taken
at all grating or Fabry-Perot positions. The information contained
in the SPD includes:
- timing information
- the mechanism position
- detector photo-currents for all ten detectors (uncalibrated against the
internal illuminators) including their uncertainties
- detector photo-currents for all ten detectors without deglitching, and
their uncertainties.
For FP spectra only a subset of those (for certain detectors) will
contain scientifically
usable data. The SPD contains sufficient information which identifies the data
specifically requested by the observer.
The photo-currents for one detector at all mechanism positions in one scan will constitute
one LWS ``mini-spectrum''.
The units for the LWS derive-SPD data are:
- The photo-currents contained in an SPD record are in units of amps.
- The mechanism positions contained in an SPD record are raw values.
- The timing information is expressed as LWS ITK.
Table 8.12 gives the record structure for the LWS SPD product file.
Table 8.12:
LWS SPD file record structure
Field |
Offset |
Number |
Type |
Unit |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
General prefix: ITK |
4 |
2 |
I*1 |
- |
General prefix: Raster Point ID |
6 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
General prefix: Spare |
8 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Record type |
12 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Active detector flags. Bit 0 = SW1, |
bit 1 = SW2... (bit 0=LSB) |
16 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Line number |
20 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Scan count |
24 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Scan direction (0=forward, 1=reverse |
-999=error) |
28 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Grating commanded position |
32 |
1 |
R*4 |
- |
Grating LVDT position (average over |
- |
mechanism position) |
36 |
1 |
R*4 |
- |
Uncertainty in grating LVDT position |
40 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
FP position |
44 |
10 |
R*4 |
A |
Detector photo-currents |
84 |
10 |
R*4 |
A |
RMS of detector ramp fit |
124 |
10 |
R*4 |
A |
Detector photo-current without deglitching |
164 |
10 |
R*4 |
A |
RMS of undeglitched detector ramp |
fit |
204 |
10 |
I*1 |
- |
Detector Status bytes |
214 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
Auxiliary data for this mechanism |
position |
The header of the LWS SPD file contains the ganeral FITS keywords
described in section 8.2.2.
It also contains the additional, LWS specific, keywords listed in
table 8.13
Keywords with the prefix `LEI' are copied from the EOHI TDATA information.
Keywords with the prefix `LEOH' are copied from the EOHA TDATA information
(see section 3.2.2 for more details about TDATA).
Table 8.13:
LWS SPD file header keywords
Keyword |
Type |
Unit |
Description |
I |
none |
Bias level for each detector |
LCD1* |
* |
none |
Various values from LCD1 calibration file |
LCF* |
* |
none |
Processing options selected. For pipeline |
these are fixed at standard values |
R |
m |
For line AOTs give the expected wavelength |
for line nn. For wavelength range AOTs gives |
the wavelength of the reference line which |
determined the integration time for part nn |
of spectrum |
L |
none |
Indicates if FPS was used. |
(FP observations only) |
L |
none |
Indicates if FPL was used. |
(FP observations only) |
I |
none |
Number of spectra obtained |
I |
none |
Detector used for start wavelength (L01 only) |
I |
none |
Detector used for end wavelength (L01 only) |
I |
none |
Start zone (L03 only) |
I |
none |
End zone (L03 only) |
I |
none |
Break zone (L03 and L04 only) |
R |
m |
Start wavelength of requested range. |
(L01 and L03 only) |
R |
m |
End wavelength of requested range. |
(L01 and L03 only) |
L |
none |
Flag indicating if observation was done |
in photometric mode (fixed grating) |
C |
none |
LWS version information for each calibration |
file used by SPL |
In addition to these keywords, the SPD header also contains various
statistics on the data. These are intended more for diagnostics, so they
should be treated with caution by observers. They are listed in
table 8.14. The letter 'n' at the end of the keyword is used
to indicate that there is a set of keywords with one keyword per detector.
The value of n ranges from 0 to 9, with 0 representing detector SW1, etc.
See also the description of the processing performed by Derive-SPD in
section 6.3.
Table 8.14:
LSPD statistics keywords
Keyword |
Type |
Unit |
Description |
I |
none |
Total number of raw data points read from ERD per |
detector |
I |
none |
Total number of ramps read from ERD per detector |
I |
none |
Number of jumps in ITK (indicated missing data |
caused by telemetry dropouts etc.). |
I |
none |
Number of anomalous points found. See description |
of first level deglitching. |
I |
none |
Number of points rejected due to detector resets |
and mechanism movements. |
I |
none |
Number of points rejected as having invalid raw |
values. |
I |
none |
Number of points rejected due to glitches |
detected by first level deglitching. |
I |
none |
Number of glitches found by first level |
deglitching. |
I |
none |
Number of ramps affected by glitches found by |
first level deglitching. (Ramp could contain |
more than one glitch.) |
I |
none |
Number of ramps fitted with first order slope fit. |
I |
none |
Number of ramps fitted with second order slope fit. |
I |
none |
Number of points rejected because too few points |
remained in ramp for slope to be fitted. |
I |
none |
Number of saturated points. |
I |
none |
Ramps containing 1 or more saturated points. |
I |
none |
Number of data points actually processed into SPD. |
R |
A |
Maximum photocurrent |
R |
A |
Minimum photocurrent |
R |
A |
Maximum goodness of fit of slopes |
R |
A |
Minimum goodness of fit of slopes |
R |
1/V |
Maximum calculated debiasing parameter. Only |
calculated for second order slope fits. Set to |
zero if not calculated. |
R |
1/V |
Minimum calculated debiasing parameter. Only |
calculated for second order slope fits. Set to |
if not calculated. |
R |
none |
Percentage of raw data points actually used to |
calculate SPD results. |
R |
sec-1 |
Estimated glitch rate per detector. |
R |
sec-1 |
Estimated total glitch rate. |
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
The LIPD is similar to the LSPD file, but contains the results of
processing the ramps of an illuminator flash rather than a grating
or FP scan. This file contains the following information:
- Timing information
- The value of the illuminator commanded status word
- Detector photo-currents for all ten detectors, plus their
- Other auxiliary information
The units are as follows:
- The timing information is expressed as LWS ITK
- The photocurrents are in units of amps
The LIPD has two principle purposes. Firstly it is used by
Auto-Analysis to perform the absolute responsivity correction. This
is done by comparing the photocurrents in the LIPD file against
reference photocurrents in the LCIR calibration file. Secondly the
ramps at the start of `closed' illuminator flashes provide a
measure of the background and straylight at that time.
The header of the LIPD file contains the same keywords as the header
of the LSPD file. The LIPD file contains the same detector status word
as the LSPD file (see section 8.2.5).
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
The LWGH file contains a record of all glitches detected by SPL during an
observation (including the illuminator flashes). Each record of the LWGH
file contains the information for a single glitch. The information stored
includes the time of the glitch, the detector number and the height of the
glitch. The full layout of the LWGH file is given in table 8.15.
Note that the layout has changed compared to the OLP V6 version. The V6
version contained fewer fields and required the time key and glitch height to
be extracted from bit fields.
Table 8.15:
LWGH file record structure
Name |
offset |
num |
type |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
ITK time of start of glitch |
4 |
1 |
I*4 |
ITK time of start of glitched ramp |
8 |
1 |
I*2 |
Detector number (0-9) |
10 |
1 |
I*2 |
Estimated glitch height to ramp height ratio |
expressed in multiples of 0.01 |
12 |
1 |
R*4 |
Estimated height of glitch, in volts |
The FITS header for the file must contain, in addition to the mandatory
keywords, at least the additional keywordsgiven in table 8.16.
Table 8.16:
LWS Glitch History file keywords
Name |
Type |
Description |
I |
The Universal time, in seconds, of an arbitrary format |
during the observation. The field LWGHTIME specifies |
the time of the glitch relative to this point |
I |
Remaining fractions of a second of time specified by |
I |
ITK time corresponding to TREFUTC1 |
I |
UTK time corresponding to TREFUTC1 |
I |
Number of additional glitches found after maximum |
number of glitch records allowed in file had been |
exceeded. Should always be zero. |
C |
LWS version information for each calibration file |
used (n=1,2,3,...) |
LCD1* |
* |
Various keywords which detail how first level |
deglitching functioned. These are copied from |
the LCD1 calibration file used |
(see table 8.23) |
The keywords TREFUTC1, TREFUTC2, TREITK, and TREFUTK are copied from the
header of the ERD file being processed.
The keyword LWGHMORE gives the number of glitches which occured after the
maximum size of the LWGH file was reached. In practice this should always be
zero as the maximum size has been set to a sufficiently large value to cope
with all observations.
8.2.5 LSPD and LIPD Status words
Each LSPD and LIPD record contains a status word for each of the ten detectors
for the
current ramp. This has been implemented as the field LSPDSTAT or LIPDSTAT,
which are arrays of 10 words, with one word for each detector.
The detector status word contains the fields (Bit position 0 is
the least significant bit) given in Table 8.17.
Table 8.17:
The contents of the detector
status word
Bit |
Description |
0 |
Glitch flag |
1 |
Saturation warning flag |
2-4 |
Number of (mini) ramps |
5-7 |
Percentage of available data used |
These fields are described in more detail below.
Each record of the LSPD file contains a single integer*2 field
called LSPDMAUX.
This word contains various status information associated with the current
mechanism position.
The meaning of each of the bits in this word are given in
Table 8.18
Table 8.18:
The contents of the mechanism status word
Bit |
Description |
0-3 |
4-13 |
14 |
Grating LVDT error |
15 |
Spare |
These fields are described in more detail below.
- NRESETS is the commanded number of ramps per mechanism position. It is
copied from the LWS housekeeping data file (LWHK).
- NSAMPLES is the commanded number of samples per ramp.
It is copied from the LWS housekeeping data file (LWHK).
- Grating LVDT error is defined as the grating LVDT position differing by
more than a given amount from the grating commanded position for the current
ramp. The value of this threshold is specified in the configuration file (see
user manual for SPL). This value is also written into the header of the LSPD
file as the keyword LCFGRWAR.
8.2.6 SPD calibration files
The contents and usage of the SPD calibration files have changed as the
pipeline has developed. Some of the calibration files which are still read by
SPL are no longer used during the processing. Other files contain information
which is no longer used. In the following sections only the information which
is actually used is identified.
Each SPD calibration file contains a version number and date for identification
purposes. The version numbers are contained in the keywords named
, where XXXX
is the four letter name of the calibration
file. The date is contained in the keyword LDATE
. The date and version
numbers of the calibration files used by Derive-SPD are written into the header
of the SPD and AAR files as a series of keywords named LSVERSn
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
- The amount of time to be discarded following each detector reset, in
milliseconds. The LCDT file for V7 effectively contains only a single
discard time which applies to all ramps of all detectors. However, due
to requirements for previous versions of the pipeline, this is
implemented as two separate discard times for each of the ten
detectors. One discard time is for `short' (high signal) ramps, the
other discard time for `long' (low signal) ramps. Since the
introduction of the
method of slope fitting in V7,
all discard times are set to the same value.
- Two keywords specifying the time period that must be discarded
after a movement of the grating or Fabry-Perot. These times are not
in use as the amount of time discarded after each detector reset
has been found to be sufficient to cover mechanism settling times as
Table 8.19:
LCDT calibration file keywords
name |
type |
unit |
description |
I |
none |
Threshold for switching from standard set of |
detector reset discard times to alternate set. |
R |
ms |
Standard discard time for detector n (n=0...9) |
following detector reset. Only used if number of |
samples in ramp is less than or equal to LCDTNSAM. |
R |
ms |
Alternate discard time for detector n (n=0...9) |
following detector reset. Only used if number of |
samples in ramp is greater than to LCDTNSAM. |
- Use:
- To determine how much of every integration ramp has to be
discarded. Used in Derive-SPD processing step `Construct ramps and
discard unusable readouts', see section 6.3.2.
- Type of File:
- FITS header
- Contents:
- Ten values specifying for each detector the minimum
readout value below which the analog amplification chain does not
respond. All readouts which are below this value are discarded.
See table 8.20 for the keywords.
- The following ten keywords specify for each detector the maximum
readout value above which the analog amplification chain saturates.
All readouts above this value are discarded.
See table 8.20 for the keywords.
Table 8.20:
LCAL calibration file keywords
name |
type |
unit |
description |
I |
- |
Detector SW1 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW2 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW3 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW4 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW5 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW1 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW2 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW3 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW4 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW5 minimum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW1 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW2 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW3 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW4 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector SW5 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW1 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW2 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW3 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW4 maximum readout |
I |
- |
Detector LW5 maximum readout |
- Use:
- To determine which readouts are outside the limits of the
electronics. Note that this is not the same as the `saturation' limits.
These limits are specified in the LCDB file
- Type of File:
- FITS header
- Contents:
Two keywords are used in the conversion of raw detector
readouts into voltages. The conversion is done using the formula:
V = (raw detector value - LCVCVOFF) * LCVCVFAC
where the keywords are:
LCVCVFAC= Conversion factor, Volts per raw value
LCVCVOFF= Offset to be subtracted from raw value
The conversion factor and the offset value are REAL values.
- Use:
- To convert the read-outs into voltages.
- Type of File:
- FITS header
- Contents:
Eighty keywords (all REAL values) specify the analogue amplification gain
for each gain setting of each detector. Each keyword has the format:
, where <detector>
specifies the
detector as a
number between 0 and 9, and <gain>
specifies the gain setting
as a
number between 0 and 7.
- Use:
- In Derive SPD for the conversion of readouts to voltages
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
Ten keywords specifying the fixed gain of the JF4 amplifier
for each detector.
And ten keywords specifying the capacitances associated with
each of the JF4 amplifiers.
See table 8.21 for the keyword names.
Table 8.21:
LCJF calibration file keywords
name |
type |
unit |
description |
R |
- |
Detector SW1 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector SW2 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector SW3 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector SW4 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector SW5 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector LW1 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector LW2 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector LW3 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector LW4 JF4 gain |
R |
- |
Detector LW5 JF4 gain |
R |
farad |
Detector SW1 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector SW2 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector SW3 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector SW4 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector SW5 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector LW1 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector LW2 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector LW3 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector LW4 JF4 capacitance |
R |
farad |
Detector LW5 JF4 capacitance |
- Use:
- In derive SPD for the conversion of read-outs to voltages.
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
This file contains the maximum allowable voltage before a point is regarded
as being saturated. See section 6.3.4 for a description of how
saturated points are handled.
This file also contains values for the `de-biasing' parameters and the
thresholds for switching between first and second order slope fitting.
These values have not been used since the introduction of the
method of slope fitting in pipeline 7.
Table 8.22:
LCDB calibration file keywords
name |
type |
unit |
description |
R |
Volts |
Detector SW1 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector SW2 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector SW3 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector SW4 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector SW5 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector LW1 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector LW2 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector LW3 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector LW4 maximum readout |
R |
Volts |
Detector LW5 maximum readout |
- Use:
- In Derive SPD for identifying saturated points
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
See table 8.23 for the contents of this file.
Table 8.23:
LCD1 calibration file keywords.
name |
type |
unit |
description |
R |
none |
Glitches whose height is below this fraction of |
the ramp height will be rejected |
R |
none |
'Spikes' whose height is below this fraction of |
the ramp height will be rejected |
R |
none |
Number of standard deviations from mean for point |
to be marked as an outlier. |
I |
none |
Number of ramps to discard after a positive glitch. |
I |
none |
Number of ramps to discard after a negative glitch. |
L |
none |
Indicates if the whole of the glitched ramp should |
be discarded. |
I |
none |
For illuminator flashes, the number of ramps to |
discard after a positive glitch. |
I |
none |
For illuminator flashes, the number of ramps to |
discard after a negative glitch. |
L |
none |
For illuminator flashes, indicates if the whole of |
the glitched ramp should be discarded. |
- Use:
- Contains various parameters which control the detection and
removal of glitched points by first level deglitching.
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
The first keyword (
gives the maximum number of records
that can be written to the LWS Glitch History file. This was introduced
because of early fears that this file might grow uncontrollably. In fact this
has not proved to be the case and this value is set to a high enough value to
cope with all observations.
Table 8.24:
LCGH calibration file keywords
name |
type |
unit |
description |
I |
- |
Maximum number of records |
- Use:
- For writing data to the LWS glitch history file.
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
This file relates to a deglitching stage used during early versions of the
pipeline. This file is still currently read by SPL, but its contents are
not used.
- Use:
- Not used
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
Ten keywords containing the time constants for the high pass
filter for each detector. The times are specified in seconds.
These values have not been used since the introduction
of the
method of slope fitting in pipeline 7.
- Use:
- Not used
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
This file relates to a deglitching stage used during early versions of the
pipeline. This file is still currently read by SPL, but its contents are
not used.
- Use:
- Not used
8.2.7 Auto Analysis results
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
This product contains the set of individual spectra for each detector
including the range required by the observer. Each spectrum consists of
calibrated flux and wavelength, together with their uncertainties, and has
been derived from data gathered from a single detector during a single scan
whilst observing a single point on the sky (could be one point of a raster)
in a single AOT.
The user is reminded that within the LWS Off-line Processing chain
there will be:
- no averaging of data points at the same grating or FP position
- no joining together of spectra from adjacent detectors
- no generation of maps for raster scans
- no subtraction of the local astronomical background
For some information on these additional processing steps that could be made
we refer to chapter 10.
The units for the data in this product are:
- The fluxes are in W/cm
m for
grating scans. For FP scans the units are in W/cm2 as the spectral
bandwidth correction is not performed for FP scans. The uncertainties
in these values cannot be calculated by the pipeline. However, the
LSAN file does contain the fractional systematic error due to
the calibration, which forms part of the overall uncertainty.
- The wavelengths and their uncertainties are in microns
- Timing information is given as both UTK and ITK.
Each record of the LSAN contains:
- General Auto-Analysis record prefix (including UTK)
- Detector id
- Wavelength and uncertainty
- The flux falling on the detector.
The record structure is given in table 8.25.
The header of the LSAN file contains information about the calibration
that was used to derive the product, in particular the flux calibration
and the velocity correction. Table 8.26 gives the keywords
that contain this information.
Table 8.25:
LWS AA product file record structure. Note that for FP spectra
the units for the Flux and the uncertainty in the flux are W/cm2.
Field |
Offset |
Number |
Type |
Unit |
Description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
UTK time |
4 |
2 |
I*1 |
- |
Raster Point ID |
6 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
Filler |
8 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Line number |
12 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Detector ID |
16 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Scan direction |
20 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Scan count |
24 |
1 |
R*4 |
m |
Wavelength |
28 |
1 |
R*4 |
m |
Uncertainty in wavelength |
32 |
1 |
R*4 |
W/cm m |
Flux on detector |
36 |
1 |
R*4 |
none |
Fractional systematic flux error |
due to calibration. |
40 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Status word |
44 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
ITK time |
Table 8.26:
LWS Auto Analysis file keywords
Name |
Type |
Description |
C |
LWS version number for each SPL calibration file |
(n=1,2,3.....) |
C |
LWS version number for each AAL calibration file |
(n=1,2,3.....) |
L |
Flag indicating if observation is done |
in photometric mode (fixed grating). |
LCGBdet |
R |
Grating spectral bandwidth correction factor for |
detector det (det=SW1....LW5) from LCGB file |
LCGBUdet |
R |
Uncertainty in grating spectral bandwidth correction |
factor for detector det (det=SW1...LW5) from LCGB file |
R |
4 double precision numbers (n=0,1,2,3) giving FPL |
wavelength conversion coefficients (FP observations only) |
R |
4 double precision numbers (n=0,1,2,3) giving FPS |
R |
wavelength conversion coefficients (FP observations only) |
R |
(n=0,1,2,3,4) Coefficients used during conversion of |
grating LVDT to wavelength |
R |
Number of lines per um on grating. Used during |
conversion of grating LVDT to wavelength |
LCGWAdet |
R |
(Det='SW1'...'LW5') Angle for each detector used during |
conversion of grating LVDT to wavelength |
R |
(n=0-9) Start of wavelength range for which GR RSRF is |
valid for each detector |
R |
(n=0-9) End of wavelength range for which GR RSRF is |
valid for each detector |
L |
Flag indicating whether LSAN file contains all data |
Should always be `T' |
L |
Indicates if dark current subtraction was omitted |
Should always be `F' |
L |
Indicates if FP spectral responsivity stage was omitted |
Should always be `F' |
L |
Indicates if FP velocity correction stage was omitted |
Should always be `F' |
I |
Abs. responsivity option, 0=off, 1=on, 2=select |
Should always be 2 |
I |
Rel. responsivity option, 0=off, 1=on, 2=select |
Should always be 2 |
R |
Coefficients of 2nd order fit for the velocity |
correction (n=0,1,2). |
L |
Indicates if absolute responsivity correction was done |
L |
Indicates if relative responsivity correction was done |
* |
Copy of EOHA information from LSPD header (see
table 8.13) |
LEI* |
* |
Copy of EOHI information from LSPD header (see
table 8.13) |
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
The LSNR file contains the same results as the LSAN file, but without the
absolute responsivity and responsivity drift corrections applied. The layout
is identical to the LSAN file, except that the field names have the prefix
`LSNR' rather than `LSAN'. The keywords in the header of the LSNR file are
identical to those in the LSAN file. See description of LSAN file for more
details. The LSNR file contains the same status words as the LSAN file
(see section 8.2.8).
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
This file contains the final results of processing the illuminator flashes.
One record is written to this file for each illuminator flash in the
observation. Note that only the information from `closed' illuminator
flashes are actually used in the processing. However, the LIAC file will
contain the results for all illuminator flashes, regardless of whether they
are open or closed. Each record of the LIAC file contains the following
- Timing information in both ITK and UTK units.
- The wheel position during the flash. Wheel positions are: 0=FPS
1=Grating, 2=FPL, 3=blank (not currently used). A value of 0, 2 or 3
indicates that the flash is `closed'.
- The photocurrent backgrounds measured at the start of the flash for
each detector, in amps.
- The ratio between the flash data and the calibration reference data
in the LCIR file for each detector.
- Other auxiliary information.
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
This file contains summary information for each scan processed by Auto
Analysis. The main purpose of this file is to enable the correction for
the drift in responsivity to be performed. Each record of the LSCA file
- The average photocurrent for each detector for a single scan
- The ITK times of the beginning, middle and end of the scan
- The dark current/straylight value subtracted from the scan in AAL.
- Other information which is constant over the scan
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
The LGIF file provides information about the absolute responsivity correction
and responsivity drift correction applied to the final LSAN data. It contains
one record for each `group' of data in the LSAN file. A group is a time
interval during which a single absolute responsivity correction factor and
drift correction factor is applied for each detector. Each record of the
LGIF file contains:
- The start and end times of this group, in ITK units
- The reference time of the group in ITK units. This is the point
at which the absolute responsivity correction factors are calculated
and at which the responsivity drift is normalised.
- The absolute responsivity correction factor and its associated
uncertainty for each detector
- A set of flags indicating if responsivity drift information has been
calculated for each detector.
- The coefficients of the drift slope applied to correct for the
responsivity drift for each detector. The coefficients give the LSPD
value at the ITK reference time for the group and the gradient of the
slope in LSPD units per ITK unit.
- Other information which is constant for the group
8.2.8 LSAN Status words
The LSAN file contains one record per detector for each ramp. The status
words in the LSNR files are identical in layout and content to the status
words in the LSAN file.
Each record of the LSAN file contains one 32 bit status word per record. 8
bits of this status word are simply a copy of the status word for the
appropriate detector from the LSPD file.
The layout of the LSAN status word for each detector is as given in
Table 8.27.
Table 8.27:
Contents of the Auto Analysis status word
Bit |
Meaning |
0-7 |
Copy of detector status word from LSPD file |
8 |
Invalid data flag |
9 |
Spectral responsivity error flag |
10 |
Active detector flag |
11 |
Grating spectral responsivity warning flag |
12-14 |
Spare |
15 |
FP flag. Set to 1 if FPL is in use. 0 otherwise |
16-23 |
Spare |
24 |
Invalid photocurrent flag |
The invalid data flag indicates that the flux value is not valid. This flag
will be set if the SPD contained no data for this point, or an error occurred
during the spectral responsivity correction stage (see below), or if the
invalid photocurrent flag is set (see below). If the 'percentage data' field in
the SPD status word is set to 0 then there was no SPD data for this point. This
is usually due to data being discarded due to glitches.
The spectral responsivity error flag indicates that either no responsivity
value could be found in the calibration files for this point, or that the
responsivity value found was set to zero.
The active detector flag indicates for L02 and L04 AOTs if this detector is
the `active' detector. For these AOTs only one detector can be active at any
one time. For L01, L03 and photometric L02 AOTs this flag is not
applicable and will not be set for any detector.
The grating spectral responsivity warning flag indicates data points which are
poorly calibrated. Any points with this flag set should only be used for
wavelength identification of features. See section 6.4.3 for
more details.
The invalid photocurrent flag indicates that the value of the detector
photocurrent from the SPD data was outside the acceptable range for this
observation. This flag is set when the photocurrent value is a negative value
which is less than -1 times the absolute value of the dark current/straylight.
Invalid photocurrent values may be caused by glitches which have
not been detected.
8.2.9 Auto-analysis calibration files
All Auto Analysis calibration files contain a set of standard keywords in
their header to identify the version and validity of the file.
These keywords can be used to check that the calibration files are valid
for the data that is being processed. The keywords are checked during the
automatic processing of the data in the SOC-OLP pipeline.
The keywords can be found in table 8.28
Table 8.28:
AA calibration files general keywords
name |
type |
unit |
description |
C |
- |
date of creation or update |
I |
- |
version number |
C |
- |
identifies instrument model (always FM) |
I |
- |
UTK of start of validity |
I |
- |
UTK of end of validity |
I |
- |
indicates the bias level for which |
the file is valid for each detector |
(0-9). If LVLBIA0 is set to -1 |
file is independent of bias, other |
bias levels are then not present |
The version number and date of all the calibration files used by Auto Analysis
are written into the header of the LSAN file as a series of keywords named
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
The LCIR file is a calibration file which contains a reference photo-current
value for each ramp in an illuminator flash for each detector. The LCIR is a
FITS binary table extension file of shape 1, ie. there is only one LCIR file
which covers the whole mission.
The file contains an illuminator `type' number as part of each record,
it to contain reference data for more than one `type' of illuminator flash.
comments in the LCIR file header should describe each flash type stored in
For each flash type the LCIR file contains only the data starting from when
first illuminator was switch on and ending when the last illuminator was
switched off. The background measurements at the beginning and end of
flash are not contained in the LCIR file. The the reference photo-current
values in the LCIR file have had the background photo-current already
Each LCIR record contains a status flag which allows selected points to be
ignored when ratioing against the flash data. This can be used to mask out
from illuminator levels which do not provide useful data. Any photocurrent
value in the LCIR file which is set to zero will also be ignored in the
way. Values may be zero because of glitches in the reference data.
The header of the LCIR file contains keywords which specify NSD, the number
of standard deviations for median clipping the data. These keywords are:
LCIRNSDB (Number of Standard deviations to use for median clipping of
background) and LCIRNSDF (Number of Standard deviations to user for median
clipping of flash data).
The record structures is given in table 8.29
Table 8.29:
LCIR calibration file record structure
name |
offset |
Number |
type |
unit |
description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Number identifying type of |
illuminator flash |
4 |
10 |
R*4 |
A |
Reference photo-current, |
with background subtracted |
44 |
10 |
R*4 |
A |
Uncertainty in reference |
photo-current |
84 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Status word. 1=use this value, |
0=ignore this value |
88 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Illuminator commanded status |
- Use:
- For the flux calibration of the data.
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table.
- Contents:
This file contains the parameters required for converting the grating LVDT
readout values into wavelength. Since the wavelength calibration changes
over time this file contains different sets of coefficients for different
time periods. Each record of the LCGW file contains one set of coefficients,
which are valid for a particular time period. Rather than use a time key
directly, the LCGW file uses the revolution number to identify which record
is valid for which time period. Each record contains the start and end
revolution numbers for which it is valid.
The record structure of the LCGW file is shown in table 8.30.
The header of the LCGW file also contains keywords which contain fixed
values for use in the conversion. These keywords are shown in
table 8.31.
Table 8.30:
LCGW calibration file record structure.
name |
Offset |
number |
type |
unit |
description |
0 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Revolution number of start |
of validity for this record |
4 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Revolution number of end of |
validity for this record |
8 |
5 |
R*4 |
- |
Conversion coefficients |
28 |
10 |
R*4 |
deg |
Angle for each detector |
Table 8.31:
LCGW keywords.
name |
type |
unit |
description |
R |
- |
Number of lines per m on grating |
LCGWOdet |
I |
- |
Order number for each detector |
(det=`SW1'...`LW5') |
- Use:
- Wavelength calibration of the grating.
- Type of File:
- FITS primary array
- Contents:
This FITS file contains the grating relative wavelength
responsivities for each detector at selected wavelengths. The
file applies for a particular bias level. The data are normalized to
the wavelength at which the absolute responsivity is measured.
The relative responsivity includes a correction for the aperture
size of the instrument, assuming the source is a point source in
the center of the beam. The unit of the relative responsivity
therefore is cm2.
The file is written as a FITS primary array with three axis
). The axis are defined as given in table 8.32.
Table 8.32:
LCGR calibration file structure.
name |
Number of |
type |
unit |
description |
elements |
4 |
R*4 |
m |
Wavelength |
R*4 |
m |
uncertainty in wavelength |
R*4 |
cm2 |
Relative Responsivity |
R*4 |
cm2 |
Uncertainty in responsivity |
10 |
R*4 |
- |
Detector number |
4096 |
R*4 |
- |
Grating LVDT value |
The header of the file contains keywords which specify the range of grating
positions which are used within the file and the `nominal' wavelength range for
each detector. The `nominal' range is where the calibration is of acceptable
quality. Everything outside the nominal range has poor calibration and is
flagged with a warning flag in the LSAN status word. These keywords are shown
in table 8.33.
Table 8.33:
LCGR keywords.
name |
type |
unit |
description |
I |
- |
First valid grating position in file |
I |
- |
Last valid grating position in file |
R |
m |
Start of nominal wavelength range |
for detector n (n=0...9) |
R |
m |
End of nominal wavelength range |
for detector n (n=0...9) |
- Use:
- Relative responsivity correction for grating mode.
- Type of File:
- FITS Header
- Contents:
This FITS file contains the parameters required for converting FP
position into wavelength.
The parameters are the coefficients for the third order polynomial
that is used to describe the dependence of the wavelength on the
position of the FP etalons. Because of the precision of the FP
wavelength calibration, these values should be read into real*8
Table 8.34 gives the keywords for this file.
Table 8.34:
LCFW calibration file keywords
name |
type |
unit |
description |
D |
- |
FPL zeroth order coefficient |
D |
- |
FPL first order coefficient |
D |
- |
FPL second order coefficient |
D |
- |
FPL third order coefficient |
D |
- |
FPS zeroth order coefficient |
D |
- |
FPS first order coefficient |
D |
- |
FPS second order coefficient |
D |
- |
FPS third order coefficient |
- Use:
- Wavelength calibration of Fabry-Perot data.
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
This file has been split into ten separate files. Each file contains
the FPL Spectral response curve for one detector. The file is divided
into a number of mini spectra of the response curve. Each record
contains the start and end grating position, and the responsivity
as a function of the relative FP position. This position is given
relative to the rest positions as given in the LCLRZ file.
The description of the
record structure is given in table 8.35.
Table 8.35:
LCLR_<det> calibration file record structure.
name |
offset |
number |
type |
unit |
description |
0 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
Start grating position |
2 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
End grating position |
4 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Number of valid responsivity values |
8 |
500 |
I*2 |
- |
Relative FP position |
1008 |
500 |
R*4 |
- |
Rel.Responsivity for this detector |
3008 |
500 |
R*4 |
- |
Uncertainty in responsivity |
- Use:
- For the Spectral response correction for FPL observations.
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
This file contains the zero positions of the FP, relative to which the
FP positions in the LCLR files are given. For each standard grating
position, this file contains 10 FP positions (one for each detector).
Since the file depends on the grating calibration there are at present
two versions of this file, one for data taken before revolution 346
(LVLRZ1) and one for data taken after that (LCLRZ2).
The record structure can be found in table 8.36.
Table 8.36:
LCLRZ calibration file record structure.
name |
offset |
number |
type |
unit |
description |
0 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
Grating LVDT position |
2 |
10 |
I*2 |
- |
FP zero position |
22 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
filler |
- Use:
- For the Spectral response correction for FPL observations.
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
This file has been split into ten separate files. Each file contains
the FPS Spectral response curve for one detector. The file is divided
into a number of mini spectra of the response curve. Each record
contains the start and end grating position, and the responsivity
as a function of the relative FP position. This position is given
relative to the rest positions as given in the LCSRZ file.
The description of the
record structure is given in table 8.37.
Table 8.37:
LCSR_<det> calibration file record structure.
name |
offset |
number |
type |
unit |
description |
0 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
Start grating position |
2 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
End grating position |
4 |
1 |
I*4 |
- |
Number of valid responsivity values |
8 |
500 |
I*2 |
- |
Relative FP position |
1008 |
500 |
R*4 |
- |
Rel. Responsivity for this detector |
3008 |
500 |
R*4 |
- |
Uncertainty in responsivity |
- Use:
- For the Spectral response correction for FPL observations.
- Type of File:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
This file contains the zero positions of the FP, relative to which the
FP positions in the LCSR files are given. For each standard grating
position, this file contains 10 FP positions (one for each detector).
Since the file depends on the grating calibration there are at present
two versions of this file, one for data taken before revolution 346
(LVSRZ1) and one for data taken after that (LCSRZ2).
The record structure can be found in table 8.38.
Table 8.38:
LCSRZ calibration file record structure.
name |
offset |
number |
type |
unit |
description |
0 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
Grating LVDT position |
2 |
10 |
I*2 |
- |
FP zero position |
22 |
1 |
I*2 |
- |
filler |
- Use:
- For the Spectral response correction for FPS observations.
- Type of file:
- FITS binary table
- Contents:
- The correction factor for the grating spectral
bandwidth for each of the ten LWS detectors. For each detector the
factor and its uncertainty is given. The record structure can be found
in Table 8.39.
Table 8.39:
LCGB calibration file record structure
name |
offset |
number |
type |
unit |
description |
0 |
1 |
C*3 |
- |
Detector |
3 |
1 |
I*1 |
- |
Filler |
4 |
1 |
R*4 |
m |
Bandwidth |
8 |
1 |
R*4 |
m |
Uncertainty in bandwidth |
- Use:
- In Auto Analysis to correct fluxes for the spectral bandwidth
for grating spectra.
Next: 9. Getting started with
Previous: 7. Caveats in the
ISOLWS Data Users Manual, Issue 5.0, SAI/95-219/Dc