Astronomical Observing Templates (AOTs) PHT05 and PHT25 were designed to determine the absolute brightness of the sky in the wavelength range between 3.3 and 240 micron. Target examples are the zodiacal light, the galactic background, and the extragalactic background. These type of sources are relatively faint and cannot be measured using the standard differential technique which applies an on- and off- position. This means that the target signal should be extracted from the total instrumental signal which includes the dark signal. The absolute photometry AOTs can also be applied for point sources in case a very accurate determination of the source flux is necessary; see also "Absolute photometry (PHT05/PHT25) vs multi-filter photometry (PHT03/PHT22)".To convert the target signal into a fluxdensity, a calibrated comparison signal is measured from an internal grey body, the Fine Calibration Source (FCS). The FCS itself has been calibrated by direct comparison with celestial standards during the mission.
In orbit tests have shown that the signal from an FCS measurement does not only contain components from the FCS itself and dark current but also a straylight component from the sky entering the instrument. This is due to the absence of a mechanical shutter to block the external beam. Both the dark signal as well as this straylight signal should be removed from the total FCS signal before comparison with the target signal.
The straylight and dark signal components can now be separated in PHT05 and PHT25 by including a dark measurement and a "cold FCS" measurement with no heating power applied to the FCS.
A signal separation can only be achieved as long as the target signal, FCS straylight, as well as the dark signal are stable during an observation. This has put additional requirements on the minimum integration time for each measurement.
Note: the dark signal is caused by the detector dark current and a continuous stream of very low level radiation hits close to the detector noise level. The dark signal differs per detector pixel and can vary in time depending on the ionizing radiation conditions.
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