Next: 11.2 Product Types Sorted
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In the next subsections the data products generated at the different processing levels are tabulated. For each product, 4 columns are given. The first defines the product. The next names the type of product. The third column indicates for which AOT's the product is generated. The final column refers to which section of this manual contains a full description of the product.
Product | Description | AOTs | Section |
PSTA | Compact Status | All | 12.2.7 |
PPER | P ERD | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19, 50 | 12.2.2 |
P1ER | C100 ERD | P22, 25, 32, 37/38/39 | 12.2.3 |
P2ER | C200 ERD | P22, 25, 32, 37/38/39, 51 | 12.2.4 |
PSER | S ERD | P40 | 12.2.6 |
P2ES | Serendipity Mode | - | 12.2.5 |
Product | Description | AOTs | Section |
PP1S | P1 SPD | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.3.2 |
PP2S | P2 SPD | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.3.2 |
PP3S | P3 SPD | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.3.2 |
PC1S | C100 SPD | P22, 25, 32, 37/38/39 | 12.3.3 |
PC2S | C200 SPD | P22, 25, 32, 37/38/39 | 12.3.4 |
PSSS | SS SPD | P40 | 12.3.5 |
PSLS | SL SPD | P40 | 12.3.6 |
Product | Description | AOTs | Section |
PP1A | P1 Cal A | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.3.7 |
PP2A | P2 Cal A | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.3.7 |
PP3A | P3 Cal A | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.3.7 |
PC1A | C100 Cal A | P22, 25, 32, 37/38/39 | 12.3.8 |
PC2A | C200 Cal A | P22, 25, 32, 37/38/39 | 12.3.8 |
Product | Description | AOTs | Section |
PP1D | P1 Dark | P05 | 12.3.9 |
PP2D | P2 Dark | P05 | 12.3.9 |
PP3D | P3 Dark | P05 | 12.3.9 |
PC1D | C100 Dark | P25 | 12.3.10 |
PC2D | C200 Dark | P25 | 12.3.11 |
Product | Description | AOTs | Section |
PPAP | P point source photom. | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.4.2 |
PPAE | P extended source photom. | P03, 04, 05, 17/18/19 | 12.4.3 |
PPAS | P raster map photom. | P03 | 12.4.9 |
PCAP | C point source photom. | P22, 25, 32, 37/38/39 | 12.4.4 |
PCAE | C extended source photom. | P22, 25, 37/38/39 | 12.4.5 |
PCAS | C raster map photom. | P22, 32 | 12.4.10 |
PGAI | surface brightness image | P03, 22, 32 | 12.4.6 |
PGAU | uncertainty image | P03, 22, 32 | 12.4.7 |
PGAT | exposure time image | P03, 22, 32 | 12.4.8 |
PSAP | SS point source spectros. | P40 | 12.4.11 |
PSAE | SS ext. source spectros. | P40 | 12.4.13 |
PSAS | SS scan spectros. | P40 | 12.4.15 |
PLAP | SL point source spectros. | P40 | 12.4.12 |
PLAE | SL ext. source spectros. | P40 | 12.4.14 |
PLAS | SL raster map spectros. | P40 | 12.4.16 |
Product | Description | Section |
PTIMEDEP | calibration file time dependency | 13.2.1 |
PDIE1TRANS | DIE1 power calibration table | 13.3.1 |
PDIE2TRANS | DIE2 power calibration table | 13.3.2 |
PSELNDR | NDR (de-)selection | 13.4.1 |
PPCRELIN | P CRE Linearisation | 13.5.1 |
PC1CRELIN | C100 CRE Linearisation | 13.5.2 |
PC2CRELIN | C200 CRE Linearisation | 13.5.3 |
PP1RESETI | P1 reset interval correction | 13.6.1 |
PP2RESETI | P2 reset interval correction | 13.6.2 |
PP3RESETI | P3 reset interval correction | 13.6.3 |
PC1RESETI | C100 reset interval correction | 13.6.4 |
PC2RESETI | C200 reset interval correction | 13.6.5 |
PSDARK | S Dark Current correction | 13.7.1 |
PPDARK | P Dark Current correction | 13.7.2 |
PC1DARK | C100 Dark Current correction | 13.7.3 |
PC2DARK | C200 Dark Current correction | 13.7.4 |
PP1VIGN | P1 vignetting correction | 13.8.1 |
PP2VIGN | P2 vignetting correction | 13.8.2 |
PP3VIGN | P3 vignetting correction | 13.8.3 |
PC1VIGN | C100 vignetting correction | 13.8.4 |
PC2VIGN | C200 vignetting correction | 13.8.5 |
PPCHOPCOR | P chopper correction factors | 13.9.1 |
PC1CHOPCOR | C100 chopper correction factors | 13.9.2 |
PC2CHOPCOR | C200 chopper correction factors | 13.9.3 |
PP1FCSPOW | P1 FCS power calibration table | 13.10.1 |
PP2FCSPOW | P2 FCS power calibration table | 13.10.2 |
PP3FCSPOW | P3 FCS power calibration table | 13.10.3 |
PC1FCSPOW | C100 FCS power calibration table | 13.10.4 |
PC2FCSPOW | C200 FCS power calibration table | 13.10.5 |
PRESP | P default responsivities | 13.11.1 |
PC1RESP | C100 default responsivities | 13.11.2 |
PC2RESP | C200 default responsivities | 13.11.3 |
PP1FCSAP | P1 FCS aperture correction | 13.13.1 |
PP2FCSAP | P2 FCS aperture correction | 13.13.1 |
PP3FCSAP | P3 FCS aperture correction | 13.13.1 |
PC1ILLUM | C100 illumination correction | 13.12.1 |
PC2ILLUM | C200 illumination correction | 13.12.2 |
PC1FLAT | C100 filter-to-filter correction | 13.14.1 |
PC2FLAT | C200 filter-to-filter correction | 13.14.2 |
Product | Description | Section |
PPSF | point spread function | 13.15.1 |
PSPECAL | S wavelength calib. and spectral response | 13.16.1 |
PFLUXCONV | P/C power to flux density calib. | 13.17.1 |
PPOMEGA | P apertures and ![]() |
13.18.1 |
PC1OMEGA | C100 dimensions and ![]() |
13.18.2 |
PC2OMEGA | C200 dimensions and ![]() |
13.18.3 |
Product | Description | Section |
PCCBB | colour correction: blackbody | 13.19.1 |
PCCMBBONE | colour correction: ![]() |
13.19.2 |
PCCMBBTWO | colour correction: ![]() |
13.19.3 |
PCCPOWER | colour correction: ![]() |
13.19.4 |
ISOPHOT Data Users Manual, Version 4.1, SAI/95-220/Dc