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By reading the present polar.dat template files we see that most of the observer's have used the recommended raster mode and often used the correct ID_CAT keyword. Often template files have been delivered with the wrong syntax. Please use the syntax check tool which you may down-load form

The following needs a re-edit or additional check of your observation template file:

In the appendix a template for a standard polar.dat file is given. The example is set up for a source having a flux of F   100ADU/s/g. A 2x2 raster (M=N= 2) with dM=dN = 8 pixels (= 12 arcsec) is used. The number of exposures are tex2html_wrap_inline111 =100 and tex2html_wrap_inline133 = 15. The number of stabilization frames read tex2html_wrap_inline193 =15. Two cycles are used ( tex2html_wrap_inline127 =2) and the integration time is tex2html_wrap_inline119 = 2sec (=15 camtu). The keyword SEQ_RESET = PARALLEL. The example will take a total observing time including all overheads of TDT = 5908 sec.

Say saturation would happen while arriving in CAM parallel mode configuration, e.g. because there is a very bright source in the field of view of ISOCAM. Then one would need the offset procedure to avoid saturation and one would need to specify SEQ_RESET = DARK. In this case the total TDT would increase to: 6338s.

Thu Jan 16 18:15:16 MET 1997