DAY 1, Monday February 3
Bus leaves from Hotel (Madrid) to VILSPA 08:15 Registration 09:00 Welcome by V. Claros, VILSPA Station Director 09:30 Introduction by M.F. Kessler, ISO Project Scientist 09:40 SESSION: CAM faint source observing strategy and data reduction - ISOCAM instrument overview 09:45 C. Cesarsky (CEA) - Faint source detection in the ISOCAM Deep Survey 10:15 D. Elbaz (CEA/DAPNIA/SAp) COFFEE BREAK & POSTERS 10:45 - 11:00 - ISOCAM data reduction techniques for deep survey of faint sources 11:00 F.X. Desert and Puget J.-L (IAS) - ISOCAM transients, gain drifts, and sky modelling at IPAC 11:30 D. Van Buren, M. Kong, J. Li, K. Ganga, R. Hurt (IPAC) SESSION: PHT faint source observing strategy and data reduction - ISOPHOT instrument overview 12:00 D. Lemke (MPIA) - PHT faint source data reduction 12:30 M. Haas (MPIA) - PHT-S advanced data reduction: PHT-S drift corrections on faint sources 12:45 J. Acosta and J. Schubert (MPIA/IAC/ISO-SOC) LUNCH BREAK & POSTERS 13:00 - 14:15 - PHT faint source test measurements and observing strategies 14:15 P. Abraham (MPIA) - General observing strategies and overview on PHT calibration status 14:45 U. Klaas (MPIA/ISO-SOC) COFFEE BREAK & POSTERS 15:15 - 15:45 - Astronomical background and confusion 15:45 J.-L Puget (IAS) - Space weather 16:15 H. Castaneda (MPIA/IAC/ISO-SOC) - ISOPHOT observations of a sample of blue compact galaxies 16:35 N. Junkes, G. Richter, R. Assendorp (AIP), H. Krueger (MPIK), A. Kniazev, V. Lipovetsky (SAO, Nizhnij Arkhyz, Russia) BREAK & POSTERS 16:55 - 17:10 - Faint sources in the Virgo Cluster observed with PHT32 17:10 S. Niklas and R.Tuffs (MPIK) - PHT observations of a sample of compact steep-spectrum radiosources 17:30 C. Fanti, R. Fanti. F.Pozzi (DFU-IRB) - PHT-S observations of Seyfert galaxies: Improved data reduction techniques 17:50 B. Schulz, J. Clavel, B. Altieri, P. Barr, P. Claes, A.M. Heras, K. Leech, L. Metcalfe, A. Salama, G. Tagliaferri (ESA/ISO-SOC) - Spectral energy distributions of high-redshift quasars 18:10 B.J. Wilkes, K.K.McLeod, M.S. Elvis, J.C. McDowell (SAO) C. Lonsdale (IPAC), C. Impey (U of A), M. Malkan (UCLA) SOCIAL EVENT: spanish wine and tapas in the VILSPA restaurant 18:30 Bus back to Madrid 20:00DAY 2, Tuesday February 4
Bus leaves from Madrid to VILSPA 08:30 - A search for brightness fluctuations in the Zodiacal Light at 25 micron 09:00 P. Abraham, Ch. Leinert, D. Lemke (MPIA) - ISOPHOT observations of cirrus 09:20 U. Herbstmeier(1), P. Abraham(1), R.J. Laureijs(2) D. Lemke(1), K. Mattila(3), Ch. Leinert (1), Ch. Surace(1) 1: MPIA; 2: ESA/ISO-SOC; 3: Univ. of Helsinki - Deep ISOPHOT observations of Supernova Remnants 09:40 I. Heinrichsen (MPIK/ISO-SOC), R. Tuffs (MPIK), D. Levine (IPAC/ISO-SOC) - Observing faint IR excesses from main sequence stars 10:00 C. Dominik (Univ. Leiden) speaking for the VEGA consortium - PI H. Habing - ISOPHOT photometry of faint sources - effects of calibration on SEDs of Young Stellar Objects 10:20 M.R. Meyer and S.V.W. Beckwith (MPIA) COFFEE BREAK & POSTERS 10:40 - 11:00 - PHT32 observations of hot stars 11:00 R. Blomme and M. Runacres (AI-VUB) - Preliminary analysis of ISOPHOT observations of Selected Area 57 11:20 M. Linden-Voerle (ICSTM) - ISO observations of the Hubble Deep Field 11:40 S. Oliver (ICSTM) speaking for the ISOHDF Consortium - A search for an optical/ISO flux correlation in the Hubble Deep Field 12:00 D. Clements (IAS) speaking for the ISOHDF Team (ICSTM and elsewhere) - Preliminary results of the ISOCAM deep survey for primeval galaxies 12:20 Y. Taniguchi et al. (AI-TU) - ISOPHOT far-infrared survey in the Lockman Hole and high-redshift quasars seen by ISO 12:40 K. Kawara et al. (IA-UT/ISO-SOC) LUNCH BREAK & POSTERS 13:00 - 14:15 Review and discussion 14:15 - 16:00 Reviewers: F. Sibille (Observatoire de Lyon) D. Sanders (IA-UH) Bus to airport 16:30 POSTERS (Confirmed) - Searching for Bok globules using the ISSA plates N. Jessop and D. Ward Thompson (IA-UE) - The European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) S. Oliver (ICSTM) for the ELAIS Consortium - The ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA), a calibration and scientific analysis tool. C. Gabriel (ESA/ISO-SOC) - ISOPHOT observations of the far-infrared luminous galaxy IRAS 13224-3809 M. Polletta, T. Courvoisier, R. Walter (ISDC)ACRONYMS
AIP Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam AI-TU Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University (Sendai) AI-VUB Astrofysisch Instituut, Vrije Universiteit Brussel DFU-IRB Dipartimento di Fisica dell 'Universita' and Istituto di Radioastronomia Bologna ESA European Space Agency (Space Science Department) IAP Institut d'Astrophysique Spatial (Paris) IA-UE Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh IA-UH Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii IA-UT Institute for Astronomy, University of Tokyo ICSTM Imperial College for Science, Technology and Medicine (London) IPAC Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, California Institute of Technology (Pasadena) ISDC Integral Science Data Center (Versoix, Switzerland) ISO-SOC ISO Science Operation Centre MPIA Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie (Heidelberg) MPIK Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (Heidelberg) SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (Cambridge, MA)