Please Post: First announcement of Workshop ISO beyond point sources: studies of extended infrared emission =============================================================== 14-17 September 1999 ISO Data Centre Villafranca del Castillo Madrid, Spain This is the first announcement for a workshop which will be held at the Data Centre of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) in Villafranca del Castillo near Madrid (Spain) from September 14 to 17, 1999. ISO observations spatially resolved a variety of objects ranging from planets, circumstellar envelopes, and galaxies, to larger structures like comet trails, interstellar clouds, and star forming regions. It is also possible to investi- gate the properties of the zodiacal, galactic, and extra-galactic backgrounds since ISO measured the absolute brightness level of the infrared sky. The analysis of extended sources presents new challenges compared to the analysis of point sources. In most cases, expertise is required in surface brightness calibration, map construction, and source flux extraction to arrive at reliable results and interpretation. Comparison of results with data from other experiments is often highly desirable. General knowledge of the infrared backgrounds can be used to separate more accurately the extended emission of a spatially resolved source from its background. This workshop aims at bringing together scientists, who are working on programmes in which extended emission is important, to exchange results and experiences. Instrumental issues such as imaging, beam profile characterisation, defringing, etc. will be discussed so that expertise can be shared. Spectroscopy on extended sources is included. The workshop agenda will be arranged mainly according to scientific topics because it is generally not easy to understand the observations without a clear knowledge of the underlying scientific problem. We invite participants to give presentations concentrating on the scientific case of their project. A number of presentations will be given by the instrument experts. Some time will be dedicated to review methods and techniques from (far-)infrared expe- riments other than ISO. If you are interested in participating the workshop please fill in the form attached to this email and return it to before 19 April 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ We will send out a second announcement by the beginning of May 1999 which includes detailed information on logistics, a tentative workshop agenda, and a list of invited speakers. The workshop proceedings will be published probably in the ESA-SP series. Local Organisers: R.J. Laureijs M. Burgdorf C. Gry A. Heske M. Kessler A. Salama ISO Data Centre, Villafranca del Castillo Satellite Tracking Station Apartado 50727, 28080 Madrid (Spain) email: =============================================================================== If you are interested in the workshop, please return the following questionnaire to before 19 April 1999. We will keep you on the mailing list. 1) Name: Affiliation: Mailing address: 2) Are you interested in participating in the Workshop? 3) Are you willing to give a presentation of your work during the workshop? Can you give a title? 4) It has been suggested that it would be desirable to have a separate data reduction workshop on extended sources for at most 15 people. During this Hands-On Workshop people can reduce ISO data guided by instrument specialists. Would you be interested in such a dedicated Hands-On Workshop a few days prior to the science workshop? If yes, please give brief description of your programme and requested instrument expertise. 5) Additional remarks/wishes: