Invited overviews

Name Address Title
Frank Bertoldi MPI fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
Giessenbachstrasse 1603
85740 Garching bei Munchen
"ISO: a novel look at the photo-
dissociated surfaces of molecular
F. Bertoldi
Martin Burgdorf ESA/Vilspa
"Topics in LWS data analysis and calibrations"
M. Burgdorf & LWS IDT
Pepe Cernicharo Instituto de Estructura de  la  Materia
Serrano 123
E-28006 Madrid
"Physical Conditions in Interstellar and Circumstellar clouds from the modelling of ISO data"
P. Cernicharo
Therese Encrenaz Observatoire de Paris
5 Place Janssen
92195 Meudon cedex
"The Giant Planets as seen by ISO"
Th. Encrenaz et al.
Pascale Ehrenfreund Leiden Observatory
PO Box 9513
2333 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
"Ices in star-forming regions: highlights from ISO, laboratory and theory"
P. Ehrenfreund
Martin Harwit Cornell University
511 H Street, SW
Washington DC 20024-2725
"Review of the workshop"
M. Harwit
Peter van Hoof Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
PO 800
9700 Groningen
The Netherlands
"Cloudy: Numerical Simulations of infrared emitting regions"
G. Ferland and P. van Hoof
Ulrich Klaas Vilspa
"Topics in ISO-PHT spectroscopy calibration"
U. Klaas
Robert Kurucz Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
"Progress on Model Atmospheres and Line Data"
R. Kurucz
Xiaowei Liu University College London - Dept. Physics & Astronomy
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom
"Ionized zones and PDRs of planetary nebulae"
X. Liu
Dieter Lutz MPI fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
Giessenbachstrasse 1603
85740 Garching bei Munchen
"ISO spectroscopy of luminous Galaxies"
D. Lutz et al.
Leo Metcalfe ESA / Vilspa
"Topics in ISO-CAM spectroscopy calibration"
L. Metcalfe
Paco Najarro Universitaetssternwarte Muenchen
Scheinerstrasse 1
81679 Muenchen
"Quantitative spectroscopy of Hot Stars with ISO"
P. Najarro
Alberto Salama ESA/Vilspa
"Topics in SWS data analysis and calibrations"
A. Salama, A. Heras, H. Feuchtgruber, F. Lahuis, R. Lorente, P. Morris, B. Vandenbussche, & E. Wieprecht
Christoffel Waelkens Instituut voor Sterrenkunde
Celestijnenlaan 200B
3001 Leuven
Flux Calibration of SWS and Stellar Atmosphere Models
C. Waelkens


(O) = oral, (P) = poster

Peter Abraham
"PHT-S measurements of the Zodiacal Light" (O)
P. Abraham et al.
Bernhard Aringer Institut fuer Astronomie - Universitaet Wien
Tuerkanschanzstrasse 17
A-1180 Vienna
"Variations of  molecular features in mass-losing AGB stars and dynamical model atmospheres" (P)
B. Aringer et al.
Jean-Paul Baluteau Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale
BP 8
13376 Marseille cedex 12
"New ISO/LWS results on the Magellanic Clouds HII regions" (O) J.-P. Baluteau and LWS team
Mike Barlow University College London

M. A. Barucci Observatoire de Paris
5, Place J. Janssen
92195 Meudon Principal Cedex
"First results on asteroids" (P)
M.A. Barucci et al.
D.A. Beintema S.R.O.N.
PO Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
"The SWS line spectrum of the planetary line nebula NGC 6302" (O)
S.R. Pottasch & D.A. Beintema
A. Blanco Universita` di Lecce
Dipart. di Fisica
CP 193
73100 Lecce

Andrea Biviano Vilspa
Francois Boulanger Institut d'Astronomie Spatiale
Bat 121
Universite Paris Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex
"Mapping of H2 Lines from Molecular Clouds with ISOCAM"
F. Boulanger
Valetin Bujarrabal Centro Astronomico de
Cerro de la Palera, Yebes
Apartado 148
19080 Guadalajara

Jan Cami S.R.O.N.
PO Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
"Detection of CO2 emission in ABG stars with the 13 micron
dust feature." (P)
J. Cami
Emmanuel Caux C.E.S.R.
BP 4346
31029 Toulouse Cedex
"ISO-LWS spectroscopy of the diffuse interstellar medium" (P)
E. Caux and C. Gry
Cecilia Ceccarelli Observatoire de Grenoble
414 rue de la Piscine
38041 Grenoble
"Molecular line emission toward the protostar IRAS16293-2422" (O)
C. Ceccarelli
Arnaud Claret Vilspa
Martin Cohen University of California-Berkley
601 Campbell Hall
Berkley, CA 94720
"New tests of the common calibration context for ISO, IRTS, and MSX" (O)
M. Cohen
Pierre Cox Institut d'Astronomie Spatiale
Bat 121 -
Universite Paris Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex
"Mapping of the H2 rotational lines in the Helix nebula" (O)
P. Cox
Emmanuel Crete CESR
9 Ave du Colonel Roche
BP 4346
F31029 Toulouse cedex

Jacques Crovisier Observatoire de Paris
Section d'Astrophysique
92190 Meudon
"The Infrared Spectrum of comet Hale-Bopp" (O)
J. Crovisier et al.

"Constants for Gas-Phase Molecules of Interest for ISO" (P)
J. Crovisier
Emmanuel Dartois Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Bat 121, campus d'Orsay
Universite de Paris XI
91405 Orsay Cedex

K. Demy Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Bat 121, campus d'Orsay
Universite de Paris XI
91405 Orsay Cedex

Leen Decin Instituut voor Sterrenkunde K.U.Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200B
B-3001 Heverlee
"Comparison between ISO-SWS obervations and synthetic spectra of K and M giants Alfa Boo and Beta Peg" (P)
L. Decin et al.
Michel Dennefeld Institut d'Astrophysique
98 Bis, Boulevard Arago
75014 Paris
"P40 spectra of galaxies and diagnostics of AGN" (P)
M. Dennefeld
Elisabetta Dotto Observatoire de Paris
5 Place Janssen
92195 Meudon cedex

Alain Doressoundiram Observatoire de Meudon
5 place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon

Therese Encrenaz Observatoire de Paris
5 Place Janssen
92195 Meudon cedex
"A study of the Jovian Atmospheric Structure using SWS and CAM-CVF" (P)
Th. Encrenaz
Nye Evans Department of Physics
Keele University
Keele, Staffordshire
"ISO and other observations of Sakurai's object" (O)
S. Eyres et al.
D. Ewart Vilspa
Edith Falgarone Radioastronomie, ENS
24 rue Lhomond

Helmut Feuchtgruber Vilspa
Jacqueline Fischer Naval Research Laboratory
4555 Overlook Ave SW
20375 Washington DC
"Implications of the ISO LWS Spectrum of the Prototypical UIltraluminous Galaxy Arp~220 " (O)
J. Fischer et al.
Mino Freund Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences
3-1-1 Yoshinodai
Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa-ken 229
"A new network of faint calibration stars from the NIRS/IRTS" (O)
M. Freund et al.
Robert D. Gehrz University of Minnesota
116 Church Street SE
44544 Minneapolis MN
"PHOT and SWS Spectra of Classical Novae in Outburst" (O)
R.D. Gehrz, A. Salama and C.E. Woodward
Martin Giard CESR/CNRS
BP 4346
31029 Toulouse Cedex
"Pumping of interstellar molecules by near infrared PAH photons" (O)
M. Giard, E. Crété, & J.L. Puget
E. Gonzalez-Alfonso CSIC-IEM, Dpto Fisica Molecular
Serrano 123
E-28006 Madrid
"Modelling the infrared water emission from circumstellar envelopes and molecular clouds" (O)
E. Gonzalez-Alfonso
Thijs de Graauw S.R.O.N.
PO Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Matthew Greenhouse Code 685
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Cecile Gry Vilspa
Joachim Guertler Universitaets-Sternwarte
Schillergaesschen 2
07745 Jena
"U Men: PHT spectroscopy and imaging of the circumstellar dust shell" (P)
J. Guertler
Ingolf Heinrichsen Vilspa "ISOPHOT-S Observations of Evolved Stars" (P)
H. Walker and I. Heinrichsen
Louis d'Hendecourt Institute d'Astrophysique Spatiale Bat 121 Campus d'Orsay
91405 Orsay
"Interstellar Ices : the confrontation of the laboratory approach with ISO spectroscopic results" (O)
L. d'Hendecourt et al.
Ana Heras ESA/Vilspa "A comparison between SWS grating and Fabry-Perot line fluxes" (P)
A. M. Heras
Astrid Heske ESA/Vilspa
Peter van Hoof Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
PO 800
9700 Groningen
The Netherlands
"A comprehensive IR line list for atomic transitions on the WWW" (P)
P. van Hoof & Dima Verner
Karel van der Hucht S.R.O.N.
Sorbonnelaan 2
3584 CA Utrecht
The Netherlands
"Spectral line identifications in ISO-SWS spectra of Gamma-2 Velorum (WC8+O) and WR147 (WN8)" (P)
K. van der Hucht et al.
Josef Hron Institut fuer Astronomie - Universitaet Wien
Tuerkanschanzstrasse 17
A-1180 Vienna
"Dust and molecular features in the SWS spectra of C-rich AGB stars: models and observations (O)
J. Hron et al.
J.M. van der Hulst Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
PO 800
9700 Groningen
The Netherlands
"ISO SWS Spectroscopy of HII regions in the Magellanic Clouds" (O)
J.M. van der Hulst & R. Vermeij
Marie Jourdain de Muizon LAEFF-INTA
ESA Satellite Tracking Station
PO Box 50727
28080 Madrid

Jocelyn Keene Caltech 320-47
91125 Pasadena, CA
"LWS 04 Observations of OI toward Sgr B2" (P)
J. Keene
Martin Kessler ESA/Vilspa
Fred Lahuis Vilspa "Spectroscopy of gas-phase C2H2 and HCN: Data reduction and modelling" (P)
F. Lahuis and E.F. Van Dishoeck

"ISO SWS Data Analysis" (P)
F. Lahuis and E. Wieprecht
Kieron Leech ESA/Vilspa "LWS Observations of a Statistical Sample of Late-Type Galaxies from the VIRGO Cluster" (P)
K. Leech et al.
Emmanuel Lellouch Observatoire de Meudon
92195 Meudon
"Deuterium and oxygen in Giant Planets" (O)
E. Lellouch et al.
Deborah Levine Vilspa "SWS spectra of a mid-IR ring in the Galactic Center" (P)
D. Levine
Tanya Lim Vilspa "Memory Effects and the LWS RSRF" (P)
T. Lim
Steve Lord IPAC "FIR spectroscopy of normal galaxies" (O)
Michael L. Luhman Naval Research Laboratory
4555 Overlook Ave SW
20375 Washington DC
"PDR Modeling of the LWS Fine-Structure Lines in Ultraluminous Galaxies" (P)
M.L. Luhman et al.
Koen Malfait Instituut voor Sterrenkunde
Celestijnenlaan 200B
3001 Leuven

Jesus Martin-Pintado Centro Astronomico de Yebes
Cerro de la Palera, Yebes
Apartado 148
19080 Guadalajara
"On the heating of the Galactic Center molecular gas" (P)
J. Martin-Pintado
Andrea Moneti SERCO/Vilspa
Amaya Moro-Martin

Patrick Morris Vilspa
Christian Muller Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
Avenue Circulaire 3
B-1180 Bruxelles
"Characteristic spectral aspects of a Martian duststorm" (P)
C. Muller &D. Moreau
Alberto Noriega-Crespo I.P.A.C.
Caltech 100-22
770 S. Wilson
CA 91125 Pasadena
"Multiwavelength analysis of the Cepheus E embedded outflow " (P)
A. Noriega-Crespoi an P. Garnavich
Takashi Onaka University of Tokyo - Dept. Astronomy
2-11-16 Yayoi Bunkyo-ku
113 Tokyo
"Time variation of SWS spectra of Oxygen-rich Mira Variables" (O) T. Onaka et al.

"ISO Spectroscopic Observations of the Carina Region" (P)
T. Onaka, M. Mizutani and H. Shibai
David J. Osip University of Florida
Dept. Astronomy
211 Bryant Space Science Center
32611-2055 Gainesville FL

P. Persi I.A.S./C.N.R.
Via E.Fermi 21
00044 Frascati
"ISOCAM-CVF Spectral Images of selected Proto-Planetary and Planetary Nebulae" (O)
P. Persi et al.
Timo Prusti Vilspa
Peter Roelfsema S.R.O.N.
PO Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Nils Ryde Astronomiska observatoriet
Box 515
S-751 20 Uppsala

Alberto Salama ESA/Vilspa "ISO Observations of the Classical nova V705 Cas" (P)
A. Salama, S. Eyres and E. Evans
Farid Salama NASA Ames Research Center
Space Science Division
94035 Moffett Field CA

Raghvendra Sahai J.P.L. - Caltech
MS 179-225, 4800 Oak Grove Drive
CA-91109 Pasadena
The near to far-infrared spectrum of Very Low Excitation Planetary Nebulae" (P)
R. Sahai
Maria Santos-Lleo Vilspa/LAEFF
Shobita Satyapal NASA/GSFC
Code 685
20771 Greenbelt, MD
"Photoionization modeling of the LWS fine structure lines in IR Bright Galaxies" (P)
S. Satyapal et al.
Ralf Siebenmorgen ESA/Vilspa "Discovery of a halo around Herbig Ae/Be stars" (O)
R. Siebenmorgen et al.
Russell F. Shipman S.R.O.N.
PO Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Robert Stencel University of Denver - Dept. Physics & Astronomy
2112 East Wesley Avenue
80208 Denver, CO
"SWS spectra of Vegadisk stars" (P)
R. Stencel
Giovanni Strazzulla Istituto di Astronomia
Citta` Universitaria
I-95125 Catania
"Comparison between astronomical and laboratory spectra of ices" (O)
G. Strazzulla
D. Texier ESA/Vilspa
Michele Thornley MPI fuer Extraterrestrische  Physik
Giessenbachstrasse 1603
85740 Garching bei Munchen
"Constraints on Star Forming Regions and Starburst Galaxies from SWS Spectroscopy" (P)
M. Thornley
E. Tommasi LIDT Vilspa "ISO-LWS spectrophotometry of Young Stellar Objects" (P)
E. Tommasi and S. Pezzuto
N. R. Trams ESA/Vilspa "ISO Spectrophotometry of AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds" (P) N. R. Trams et al.
Wing-Fai Thi Leiden Observatory
PO Box 9513
2333 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
"Weak H2 Emission from diffuse and translucent clouds" (P)
W.F. Thi et al.
Takashi Tsuji University of Tokyo
Dept. Astronomy
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka
181 Tokyo
"Confrontation of the ISO spectra with model atmospheres of M-type stars: dwarfs, giants, and supergiants" (O)
T. Tsuji, W. Aoki and K. Ohnaka
R. Tuffs MPI fuer Kernphysik
Saupfercheckweg 1
D-69117 Heidelberg
"ISOPHOT Spectrophotometry of dust and gas in SNRs" (O)
R. Tuffs et al.
Sarah Unger I.P.A.C.
Caltech 100-22
770 S. Wilson
CA 91125 Pasadena
"SWS and LWS Observations of Cassiopeia A" (P)
S. Unger et al.
Edwin Valentijn S.R.O.N.
PO Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
"Deep SWS measurements of the H2 molecule in galaxies" (O)
E. Valentijn
Ronald Vermeij Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Postbus 800
NL-9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Laurent Verstraete Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Bat. 121 - Universite Paris XI
91405 Orsay
"Variation the PAH bands in various environments, relation to the gas phase state" (P)
L. Verstraete
Bart Vandenbussche Vilspa

Rainer Wehrse Institut fuer Theoretische Astruphysik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 561
D-69120 Heidelberg
"ISOPHOT S Spectra and the Temperature Distributions in M Dwarfs" (P)
R. Wehrse
Thomas Wilson MPI fuer Radioastronomie
Auf dem Huegel 69
D-53121 Bonn

Charles E. Woodward University of Wyoming - Dept.Physics & Astronomy
Laramie, WY 82071-3905

Chris Wright Leiden Observatory
PO Box 9513
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
"SWS Spectroscopy of DR 21" (P) C.M. Wright, R. Timmermann and S. Drapatz

"Gas-phase molecular spectroscopy of young stellar objects" (O)
C.M. Wright et al.
Issei Yamamura University of Tokyo - Dept. Astronomy
2-11-16 Yayoi Bunkyo-ku
113 Tokyo
"SWS Observation of a silicate carbon star V778 Cyg" (P)
I. Yamamura et al.

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Last update  : 10.09.97