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The Universe as seen by ISO

October 20 - 23 1998, Unesco, Paris, France

Edited by

Pierre Cox, Valérie Demuyt and Martin Kessler

Postscript Version (compressed with gzip)


This conference is made possible thanks to generous financial support from:

Scientific Organizing Committee:

M.E. Anderegg, E.Becklin, J. Cernicharo, C. Cesarsky (chair), P.E. Clegg, P. Cox, Th. Encrenaz, R. Genzel, Th. de Graauw, H.J. Habing, M. Harwit, G. Helou, D. Hollenbach, M.F. Kessler, A.F. Moorwood, A. Natta, L. Nordh, H. Okuda, J.-L. Puget (co-chair), M. Rowan-Robinson, T. Tsuji

Local Organizing Committee:

P. Cox (chair), V. Demuyt (secretary), Th. Encrenaz, M. Joubert, I. Vollgraf, L. Vigroux, S. Volonté

Scientific Programme


October 20-23, 1998, Unesco, Paris, France

Tuesday 20 October, Morning session: THE ISO SATELLITE & SOLAR SYSTEM

08:30 Registration
09:30 L. Woltjer Opening address
09:50 M.F. Kessler The ISO Mission: Past and Future
10:10 T. de Graauw ISO SWS in-orbit Performance
    and Highlights of its Observations
10:30 P.E. Clegg ISO LWS: Performance and Astronomical Highlights
10:50 Coffee Break
11:20 C. Cesarsky ISOCAM: Performance and Astronomical Highlights
11:40 D. Lemke ISOPHOT: Performance, Results and Outlook
12:00 E. Lellouch Solar System Observations with ISO
12:30 Lunch

Tuesday 20 October, Afternoon session: SOLAR SYSTEM (continued) & ISM

15:00 H. Feuchtgrüber Oxygen Sources in the Stratospheres
    of Giant Planets and Titan
15:20 J. Crovisier The Spectrum of Comet Hale-Bopp as seen by ISO
15:40 T.G. Müller ISO Observations of Ceres
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 B.T. Draine The Physics of Photodissociation Fronts
17:00 D. Rosenthal SWS Spectroscopy of the Orion Peak 1
    Outflow: H2 and HD
17:20 C. Gry LWS Observations of Cirrus and Diffuse Galactic
    Lines of Sight
17:40 P. Saraceno Far-Infrared Cooling Lines in pre-MS Sources
18:00 Reception/Cocktail

Wednesday 21 October, Morning session: ISM (continued)

09:00 A.G.G.M. Tielens PAHs and the Infrared Emission Spectrum of the ISM
09:25 L. d'Hendecourt Ices and the Infrared Absorption Spectrum of the ISM
09:50 R. Laureijs Cold Dust in the Interstellar Medium
10:10 C. Waelkens ISO's View on Dust in Comets and Circumstellar Media
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 A. Abergel Spatial Distribution of Dust from Cirrus to Dense Cores
11:20 D. Lutz ISO Spectroscopy of the Galactic Center
11:40 D.C. Lis ISO LWS observations of Cold GMC Cores near the Galactic Center
12:00 P. Cox ISO Spectroscopy of the Dense Interstellar Medium
12:20 Lunch

Wednesday 21 October, Afternoon session: WATER & STAR FORMATION

14:30 G.J. Melnick ISO measurements of Gaseous Water in the ISM
14:55 J. Cernicharo The Water Vapour Abundance and its spatial Distribution
    in Orion & SgrB2
15:20 T. Tsuji Water in Stars: expected and unexpected
15:45 Coffee Break
16:20 E. van Dishoeck ISO Spectroscopy of Young Stellar Objects
16:50 S. Cabrit ISOCAM Mapping and Spectro-imaging of bipolar Outflows
17:10 T. Prusti Luminosity Distribution of Young Stars
17:30 G. Olofsson ISOCAM Survey of nearby Star Formation Regions
17:50 D. Ward-Thompson ISOPHOT and initial Conditions of Star Formation
20:00 Conference Dinner

Thursday 22 October, Morning session: STARS

09:00 S.V.W. Beckwith ISOPHOT Observations of Circumstellar Disks
    around Young Stellar Objects
09:20 C. Dominik Vega-like Stars
09:40 P.O. Lagage Mid-infrared Silicate Dust Features in $\rm\beta$-Pictoris
    as seen by ISOCAM
10:00 A. Omont The ISOGAL Survey
10:20 Coffee Break
10:50 R. Waters A better View on AGB and post-AGB Stars: ISO Results
11:20 A. Salama Target-of-Opportunity Observations of Novae
11:40 E. Dwek Unusual Line and Continuum Emission from
    Cas A Supernova Remnant
12:00 R. Tuffs Spectrophotometric Mapping of Dust and Gas
    Supernovae Remnants
12:20 P. Morris New Perspectives on the Physics and Evolution
    of Early-type stars from ISO observations
12:40 Lunch

Thursday 22 October, Afternoon session: EXTRAGALACTIC

15:00 G. Helou The ISO View of Star Forming Galaxies
15:30 L. Vigroux ISOCAM Observations of Nearby Galaxies: an Overview
15:50 S. Malhorta Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Normal Galaxies
16:10 Coffee Break
16:40 J. Fischer An LWS Spectroscopic Survey of Infrared Bright Galaxies
17:00 E. Valentijn First Extragalactic Detection of Large Scale H2
    in the Disk of NGC 891
17:20 A.F.M. Moorwood ISO Observations of Active Galaxies
17:50 D. Rigopoulou ISO Observations of High Energy Sources:
    Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies and AGN

Friday 23 October, Morning session: Extragalactic & COSMOLOGY

09:00 M. Stickel The ISOPHOT Far-Infrared Serendipity Sky Survey
09:20 B. Wilkes The far-infrared Spectral Energy Distributions
    of High-Redshift Quasars
09:40 D. Elbaz Deep Surveys in the Mid-Infrared
10:10 J.-L. Puget Deep Surveys in the Far-Infrared
10:40 Coffee Break
11:10 M. Rowan-Robinson The ELAIS Survey
10:30 K. Kawara ISO Deep Far-Infrared Survey of the Lockman Hole
11:50 L. Metcalfe A Deep and Ultra-Deep ISOCAM Cosmological Survey
    through gravitationally lensing Galaxy Clusters
12:10 R.M. Bonnet Future Prospects for Infrared Astronomy
    in the ESA Science Program
12:40 Lunch

Friday 23 October, Afternoon session: FUTURE MISSIONS & SUMMARY

14:00 J. Mather What to do beyond the Future Plans?
14:30 H. Okuda IRIS Mission
14:50 S. Volonté FIRST/Planck
15:10 M. Harwit Conference Summary: The Milky Way
15:30 R. Genzel Conference Summary: Galaxies

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"The Universe as seen by ISO", 20 - 23 October 1998, Paris: Abstract Book