G.J. Stacey 1, M.R. Swain 1, M.J. Barlow 2, C.M. Bradford 1, P. Cox 3, J. Fischer 4, S. D. Lord 5, M. L. Luhman 4, N. Q. Rieu 6, H. A. Smith 7, S. J. Unger 8, & M. G. Wolfire 9
1 Cornell University
2 University College, London
3 Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay
4 Naval Research Laboratory
5 California Institute of Technology
6 Observatoire de Paris
7 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
8 Queen Mary and Westfield College
9 University of Maryland
We have mapped the face-on late type barred spiral galaxy M83 in
the far-infrared fine-structure lines of [OI] (63 and 146 ),
[OIII] 88
[NII] 122
and [CII] 158
Our map is laid
out on a rectangular 8 x 7 point grid that is nearly fully
sampled (45
step size) and covers nearly the entire optical
disk. The [CII] and [NII] line are strongly detected over the
entire disk. Their ratio indicates that roughly 30% of the
observed [CII] emission from the disk arises in low density HII
regions. The [OI] 63
line is detected over much of the disk,
while the 146
line is detected at about 30% of the pointings.
The [OI]/[CII] line ratios are used to estimate the physical
conditions of the photodissociated gas. The [OIII] 88
line is
locally strong near the spiral arms and bar and signals the
harder UV radiation fields associated with very early type (O6 or
earlier) stars. We also obtained a full LWS grating scan (43 to
at the nucleus. At the nucleus we detect the [OIII]
line plus the [NIII] 57
The [OIII] line ratio
indicates the emission from the nucleus is dominated by a low
density (
ionized medium, while the
[OIII] to [NIII]
line intensity ratios indicate a near solar
abundance ratio.