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Vega-like stars

Carsten Dominik 

Leiden Observatory, P.O. Box 9531, NL-2300RA Leiden

Vega-like stars are main-sequence stars with IR excesses usually attributed to the presence of a circumstellar debris disk. According to the results from the IRAS database, approximately 30% or more of all main sequence stars should show such an excess (Aumann & Good 1990, AJ 350, 408; Aumann 1988, AJ 96, 1414) however, a more recent re-evaluation of this problem indicates numbers clearly below 20% (Plets 1997, PHD-thesis, University Leuven). One of the problems of the IRAS studies was that the samples used to study the phenomenon usually were poorly defined. This was also prohibitive to a detailed statistical study of age effects these stars.

We have undertaken the study of a volume-limited sample with ISO. Studying this sample and theoretical models we will show in this contribution that:

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"The Universe as seen by ISO", 20 - 23 October 1998, Paris: Abstract Book