A. Coustenis 1 A. Salama 2, E. Lellouch 1, Th. Encrenaz 1, Th. de Graauw 3, G. L. Bjoraker 4, R. E. Samuelson 4, D. Gautier 1, H. Feuchtgruber 2, M. F. Kessler 2, & G. Orton 5
1 DESPA, Paris-Meudon Observatory, France
2 ISO Science Operation Center, Madrid, Spain
3 SRON, Groningen, The Netherlands
4 NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA
5 JPL, Pasadena, CA, USA
Observations of Titan in the thermal infrared were performed by ISO, using
the Grating and the Fabry-Perot modes of SWS in the 2-45
region in
January and December 1997, during Titan's Greatest Eastern Elongation. The
resolving power of the SWS/Grating varies between 1500 and 3000 in the
Grating mode and reaches 30000 in the Fabry-Pérot mode, where some short
observations were dedicated to Titan in the 15-16
Two pure rotational water lines were observed using the ISO/SWS in the
Grating mode (R=2000) at 39.4 and 43.9
m, with fluxes of about 2 Jy
a continuum of 60 Jy (Coustenis et al., 1998a). The associated
signal-to-noise ratio is about 8. The observed flux can be reproduced with
a constant abundance of
or with the photochemical
profile of
Lara et al. (1996) multiplied by a factor of 0.4. This yields a H2O vapor
mole fraction of about 10-8 at the 400 km altitude level (column density
). The inferred water influx at Titan at
700 km of
altitude is :
compatible with
the observed CO2
abundance and similar to that found at Saturn (Feuchtgruber et al., 1997).
This suggests that the infalling material from Saturn rings is not the
dominant source for Saturn's water. Future work on the input from the
local or the interplanetary components is required before a better
understanding of these processes is achieved.
The 233-1500
spectrum of ISO/SWS affords 10 times higher spectral
resolution than Voyager 1/IRIS. We have modeled the spectrum using, as a
first step, the Voyager-derived atmospheric parameters (Coustenis et al.,
1993; Coustenis and Bézard, 1995) and have improved the precision of the
thermal and compositional structure of Titan inferred on a disk-average.
>From the ISO data we have recovered a new temperature profile for Titan's
disk average (from the analysis of the n4 CH4 band at 7.7
), as
well as
more precise mean molecular abundances for the minor species with emission
bands in the thermal infrared (Coustenis et al. 1998b). In particular, we
find a new determination of the CH3D abundance to yield a D/H ratio in
Titan's stratosphere of
This value is four times less
than in
comets and suggests that Titan's atmosphere is not of cometary origin, but
rather formed by outgassing from the interior. The enrichment in deuterium
observed in Titan today with respect to the protosolar nebula can be
explained by the enrichment found in CH4 present in grains which formed
Titan in the saturnian subnebula and by fractionation mechanisms. We have
inferred upper limits for some likely candidates in Titan's stratosphere
(such as benzene and allene) and tested available vertical profiles.
Future work involves the analysis of ISO/LWS, ISO/SWS/Fabry-Pérot,
ISO/PHT-S and other ISO observations of Titan.