Jean-Paul Baluteau 1, Cecilia Ceccarelli 2, Bruce M. Swinyard 3, Emmanuel Caux 4, Pierre Cox 5, & Sunil D. Sidher 3
1 LAS, CNRS, Marseille, France
2 Observatoire de Grenoble, France
3 RAL, Didcot, UK
4 CESR, CNRS, Toulouse, France
5 IAS, Orsay, France
We report the detection of several pure rotational
transitions of ammonia
toward the Sgr B2 (Main) molecular cloud. The
observations were obtained during
LWS Spectral Survey of Sgr B2 at high spectral resolution
(10000), using the
LWS Fabry-Perot mode in the 45 to 200 um range. All the
transitions of ammonia
from J=3-2 (around 170
to J=10-9 (around 50
detected, all in
absorption against the strong continuum. These
preliminary results are
discussed in the light of the present data reduction and
calibration procedure
of the L03 mode of operation. We finally compare the NH3
observations with
previously published ground-based observations and with
models predictions to
derive the physical conditions of the emitting region in
the Sgr B2 molecular