Final Announcement (14/05/99):

                Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations
                       VILSPA, May 25-28, 1999

Dear workshop participant,

In this mail you can find the latest information about the workshop. Those
who have not yet confirmed the visit, can they please do so by sending
an email to helpdesk? Please include the dates of arrival and leave and the
place of your hotel. Note that we start EARLIER, at 9:30, on the openings day
(Tuesday 25 May) in order to ensure that the hands-on afternoon sessions
start on time.


Workshop Agenda

The hands-on data reduction sessions will be held in the afternoons after
lunchtime starting around 14:00. On thursday 27 May at 10:30 we have
integrated the VILSPA seminar (lasting 1 hour) in our programme.

Day 1 (25/05/99)

Registration - until 9:30 am

09:30	M.F. Kessler	Welcome
09:40	S. Ott		CIA: ISOCAM interactive analysis
10:30	R. Siebenmorgen Processing of CAM polarisation observations

11:10	Coffee Break

11:30	R.J. Laureijs	Signal Processing of PHT Polarisation observations
12:00	U. Klaas	Fundamental steps in data reduction, calibration and            
			performance of PHT polarisation modes

12:45	Lunchbreak

14:00	Visitors room	CAM processing demo by R. Siebenmorgen
			PHT processing demo by R.J. Laureijs

15:00 -	Hands-on processing

Day 2 (26/05/99)

09:30	T. Onaka	Thermal polarisation in an anisotropic radiation field
10:00	T. Mueller	ISOPOT Polarisation measurements of asteroids:
			Data reduction and/or results
10:30	R. Tuffs	Infrared Synchrotron Emission from SNRs
11:00	D. Clemens	Magnetic Fields in Filamentary Dark Clouds:
			ISOPHOT Polarimetry at 160 micron toward GF9

11:30	Coffee and hands-on sessions afterwards

Day 3 (27/05/99)

09:30	D. Alexander	Review:
	+ M. Ruiz	(Mid-)IR polarisation of AGNs

10:30	Coffee break + VILSPA Seminar

11:30	U. Klaas	FIR Polarization of the Quasar 3C 279
12:00	M. Kidger	The July 1997 outburst of BL Lac - evidence of a low
			frequency cut-off in the outburst spectrum from
			ISO observations

Day 4 (28/05/99)

9:30 -

The morning session will be dedicated to presentations on first results.
All observers are invited to give a brief presentation of their
achievements during the workshop. Problems can be addressed and worked
on in the remainder of the workshop.

16:00: End of Workshop


Contact our helpdesk in case you need additional help for your visit.

Looking forward to seeing you in VILSPA,

Rene Laureijs, Ralf Siebenmorgen (ISO Data Centre, Vilspa)
and Ulrich Klaas (MPIA, Heidelberg)
14 May 1999

Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations: Additional Information

List of confirmed participants
Name			Affiliation				
D. Alexander		SISSA, Trieste
D. Clemens		IAR, Boston Univ.
M. Kidger		IAC, Tenerife
T. Mueller		IDC, Madrid
T. Onaka		Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Tokyo
M. Ruiz			PSD, Univ. of Hertfordshire	
R.J. Tuffs		MPIK, Heidelberg
P. Andre		CEA Service d'Astrophysique, Saclay

C. Gabriel		IDC, Madrid				PIA support
U. Klaas		MPIA, Heidelberg			PHT support
R.J. Laureijs		IDC, Madrid				PHT support
R. Siebenmorgen		IDC, Madrid				CAM support
S. Ott			IDC, Madrid				CIA support

- There will be no formal proceedings, but we will publish presentations and
contributions on the ISO WWW and in paper form via the IDC preprint series.
In order to homogenize the inputs we encourage you to format your proceeding
paper in LATEX using the template and style files given in:

- Recently updated guidance for travel arrangements is given on web page:

- Be aware that the Villafranca Satellite Station cannot be entered
without clearance permission or identification badge. Monday May 24 is
a regular working day in Spain unlike in most European countries.
Immediate Contacts:

VILSPA switchboard/guards	(34) 91 813 1100/200
R.J. Laureijs			(34) 91 813 1367 (office)
R. Siebenmorgen			(34) 91 813 1366 (office)

see also: