              Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age 
                   Parador de Siguenza (Spain)  
                       June 24-27, 2002              
We are pleased to announce the above symposium, dedicated to the scientific
exploitation of the ISO (*) Data Archive.

At the beginning of the year 2002 the calibration of the ISO instruments 
will have converged for the bulk of the ISO data. The archive will be   
populated with data processed to a highly consistent level, and the 
stable Interactive Analysis systems will continue to support 'hands-on' 
interactive processing. The explanatory Handbooks will by then also be 
released in their final version, gathering all the information needed to 
use efficiently the ISO data.
We then enter a new phase for ISO, the 'Active Archive Phase', supported
by ESA from 2002 to 2006, during which the data, successfully collected 
during the 2.5 years of operations and carefully calibrated during the 
following 3.5 years, can be fully exploited.

The aim of the symposium is to promote the use of the ISO Data Archive.
It will in particular:
* Offer the opportunity to present new results obtained with ISO.
The new view on the cold universe offered by ISO will be discussed by
several review talks as well as selected contributed talks and posters.
Special emphasis will be given to the generation of catalogs, to projects
involving large data sets and/or systematic data reduction, or any project 
making use of the data with a different purpose than that planned in the 
original proposal. 
* Be a platform to expose new ideas for such projects and to establish new 
collaborations by allowing ample time for discussions.
* Encourage new projects by providing overviews of the scientific content 
of the archive, giving rise to useful inventories. 
* Advertise the relevance of the ISO Data Archive for the use of future 
infrared science facilities (SIRTF, ASTRO-F, SOFIA, Herschel...) and solicit 
suggestions to make the archive more useful for those missions.
* Facilitate the use of the archive by offering information on the different 
tools available to work with ISO data and by addressing  the relationship of 
the archive to other data bases and virtual observatories.

The symposium is organised by the ISO Data Centre, including 
R. Alvarez, P. Garcia Lario (chair), C. Gry, S. Martin, J. Matagne, 
L. Metcalfe, T. Mueller, S. Peschke, A. Salama, B. Schulz, A. Willis.

The program is prepared by the Scientific Organizing Committee composed by 
J. Cernicharo (CSIC), C. Cesarsky (ESO), F. Genova (CDS), T. de Graauw (SRON), 
C. Gry (ESA, chair), H. Habing (Sterrewacht Leiden), G. Helou (IPAC),
M.F. Kessler (ESA), D. Lemke (MPIA), T. Lim (RAL), L. Metcalfe (ESA), 
A. Salama (ESA), I. Yamamura (ISAS).

You can find further information and register on our web page
For any further enquiry please write to isoconf 

We hope to hear from you soon,
The organisers.

(*) ESA's Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) was the first infrared observatory 
in space. About 30,000 scientific observations (150,000 if one considers
parallel and serendipity mode observations) were made during its 28 month
mission (1995-1998), in the 2-240 um wavelength range, with a variety of
spectral and spatial resolutions. Targets include a wide range of
astronomical objects, from within the Solar System out to the most distant
galaxies. Most of these observations will remain unique for decades, making
the ISO Data Archive a treasure trove for further astronomical research. 
Nearly 800 ISO articles have been published in the refereed literature 
since late 1996.