ISO Observation catalogue and Postcard server accessible from CDS

The catalogue of ISO observations is accessible from CDS, Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg, F.

From the VizieR Catalogue Service, ISO observations can be queried and compared with other catalogues.

An enhanced ISO observation postcard, maintained at the IDC, is accessible by clicking on the observation identifier in CDS/Vizier. The ISO Postcard Server also contains links to documentation specific to the observation, pipeline expected accuracies and caveats, mainly contained in the ISO Handbook.

The VizieR query result page also contains links to the Aladin-Java service in CDS, where the central coordinates of the ISO observations can be plotted on a digital image of the sky and compared with the pointings of other catalogues.

Acknowledgments: It is a pleasure to thank François Ochsenbein and Thierry Contini at CDS for the multiple interactions and collaboration.

Alberto Salama, ISO Data Centre, 21/06/2001