New Version (v3.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed on 16/12/1999
In the afternoon of the 16th of December 1999, a new version (v3.0) of the ISO Data
Archive software was installed.
The major improvements of this new version are :
- Mirror of the IDA database at IPAC for quicker queries in the US. Product retrieval is still made from the Prime
ISO Data Archive in Villafranca, Spain.
- To access it, on the ISO home page, go to the
"General user access to ISO data (via IPAC, US)".
- Introduction of the ISO Survey Product Display Tool to view and examine ISO quick look FITS products interactively
(developed in collaboration with ST-ECF).
- Access to the IRAS data (from IPAC) surrounding an ISO observation.
- Access to the publications based on an ISO observation. A link to the abstract is provided through ADS.
- Request time estimation in the Product Request Monitor.
- Robustness improvements in the product retrieval system.
- Possibility to access directly the ISO quick look GIF images from other software / archives (contact ISO helpdesk at if interested).
- Various other minor bugs have been fixed.
The ISO Data Archive can be accessed at
in the Data Archive section.
Christophe Arviset, ISO Data Centre, 16/12/1999