New Version (v4.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed on 20/10/2000
In the morning of the 20th of October 2000, a new version (v4.0) of the ISO Data
Archive software was installed.
The major improvements of this new version are :
- Indicate in various places if there is a problem with data retrieving facilities.
- Improvements in the Request Monitor.
- Quota is now based on both amount of data and number of observations requested per day.
- Improvements in the Login/Register panel.
- User passwords are now encrypted in the database.
- The Macintosh version of the IDA applet is now the same as for the other platforms.
- Check on the move of observations to the Shopping basket is now done on the on-the-fly reprocessing quality flag.
- Display of referenced wavelength for photometric observations (instead of wavelength ranges).
- Fix search on date.
- Various other minor bugs have been fixed.
The ISO Data Archive can be accessed at
in the Data Archive section.
Christophe Arviset, ISO Data Centre, 20/10/2000