New Version (v7.0) of the ISO Data Archive installed on 08/06/2004
On the 8th of June of 2004, a new version (v7.0) of
the ISO Data Archive (IDA) software was installed.
The major improvements of this new version are :
Better description of quality of each observation data products through the Data Quality Report. Specific quality flags are attached to each observation and some more general caveats are described for each instrument mode.
New ISO Postcard Server with a better and more efficient design, including direct link to the data products as well as link to the new Data Quality Report.
Allow searching on the new quality flags and caveats
Improved Survey Products FITS viewer, with flux units conversion
Improved interoperability with Vizier by adding a link from the IDA to the ISO related published catalogues in VizieR
Various bug fixes:
Correct some wavelength bands associated with absolute photometry mode
Fix the Search by Object Type in combination with an HPDP for Solar System Objects
Improved sorting of the HPDP search panel
Correct chopper configuration information in Observation Detail Display
Better IDA support for DIGITAL UNIX
Better IDA support for Netscape 7 on all platforms
Better handling of big data requests
Better support for users being behind a firewall
Improve the determination of the Field-Of-View for some ISOCAM observations and Solar System Objects observations
Fix problems with fetching POFs and ICS files from the Observation Detail Display
Proper error message given when a request is made which does not contain any files
Report SQL syntax errors in the Advanced Archive Search (Direct SQL interface)
Further minor fixes have been implemented.
The ISO Data Archive can be accessed at
Christophe ARVISET, ISO Data Centre, 08/06/2004