ISO A new design for the ISO WWW Site!

Early in December, the new ISO Web Service will go live with a redesigned web site.

The old ISO Web was designed four years ago, oriented towards the operational aspect of ISO. Now that the ISO mission has ended and the role of the IDC changed to supporting general user access to the ISO archive, it was necessary to update the ISO Web. Gone is the access to PDEC, the tool to query if your observation was scheduled and all the other operational buttons. In are methods to access the ISO Archive and retrieve data, new explanations of the instruments and satellite and information on how to get to IDC to reduce your data.

Long time users will notice the cleaner homepage and that the load times for the new homepage have been reduced considerably. They may also, unfortunately, note that some of their bookmarks no longer work due to pages being moved or deleted.

Any comments or suggestions about the new web site should be addressed to

J. Matagne, The ISO Web Master, 23 November 1998.