Dear LWS observer,

The last LWS observing mode has now been released for observations. The
Fabry Perot wavelength range AOT (L03) has been tested using observations
of the Galactic Centre, and was found to be working properly. Therefore
other observations using the L03 AOT can now also be scheduled.

We would like to ask all L03 observers to carefully read the advice on
the use of L03 as given in a note that was sent out by the ISO helpdesk
on March 11, 1997, and which can also be found on the World Wide Web at
the corresponding page.

In short L03 should only be used to identify lines and determine reasonably
accurate (20%) line fluxes for sources with smooth continuum and narrow 
lines (less than 5 FP resolution elements). In all other cases L03 might be
used, if no other observing mode is possible. However, there will be great 
difficulty in the interpretation of the data in those cases. If a measurement
of the continuum is also needed for the scientific goals of the proposal, a 
full grating scan should be made using the L01 AOT.

Please contact the ISO helpdesk for any changes
necessary to your observations, or to release the programme as is.

Best regards,

ISO helpdesk.