Anomalous feature found in LWS data from revolution 447

Description of the feature

After detailed inspection of data of a full grating spectrum, a broad feature, seen in all scans, was noted close to the 157 micron line. This feature was also present however in the background observation. The feature consist of a broad - emission - 'bump' in the continuum peaking at about 159 microns and about 10 microns wide ( see figure). It should be noted that the feature is not readily visible in the AAR products.

Where the features have been found

As it was scientifically unlikely to be real, other L01 data from revolution 447, from the previous revolution 442 and the next revolution 448 were inspected. Note that revolution 447 was the first full revolution after the resumption of operations.

The result is :

TDT       Target            Presence of the feature
  --------  ----------------  -----------------------
  44200137  IRD+40540         No
  --------  ----------------  -----------------------
  44700327  IC 4406           No
  44700574  M83 N01           No
  44700672  W Hydra           Yes
  44700719  RHO OPH A#7       ?
  44700720  RHO OPH A#8       ?
  44700721  RHO OPH A#9       ?
  44700722  RHO OPH A#10      Yes
  44700723  RHO OPH A#11      Yes
  44700724  RHO OPH A#12      Yes
  44700725  RHO OPH A#13      Yes
  44700726  RHO OPH A#14      Yes
  44700727  RHO OPH A#15      Yes
  44700928  RHO OPH E#1       Yes
  44700929  RHO OPH E#2       Yes
  44700930  RHO OPH E#3       Yes
  44700931  RHO OPH E#4       Yes
  44700932  RHO OPH E#5       Yes
  44701013  HD143006          Yes
  44701014  HD143006 Off      Yes
  44701411  IRC+20236         No
  --------  ----------------  -----------------------
  44800303  Alpha Boo         No
  44801304  Alpha Sco         No
  44801406  IRAS15408         No
  44802202  IRAS23133         No
  44802307  NGC7023           No
  44804505  NGC6543           No
  --------  ----------------  -----------------------

The question mark for RHO OPH indicate that due to strong fringing the feature cannot be identified positively.

Investigations and Results

*   Spacecraft pointing
    No correlations were found with:
      . RA and DEC positions.
      . the solar aspect angle.

*   Instrument parameters
    No anomaly was found in:
     . the temperature for all instruments.
     . the illuminator commanded status. 
     . the illuminator current.

*   Previous observation
    No correlation was found with the observation before the affected
    one (they are different instruments/configurations).

It is believed that the anomalous feature detected in some of the observations from revolution 447 is a one-off problem. However, monitoring will continue.

Those observations where the feature has been clearly or tentatively detected (i.e. marked with 'YES' or '?' in the table above) have been recommended for rescheduling.

ISO Science Operations and LWS Instrument Team