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Tables and diagrams of ISO capabilities

Imaging capabilities of ISO

Wavelength Range	No. of Pixels	Pixel f.o.v.
     (um)				(arc secs)
  2.5 - 5		  32 x 32	1.5, 3, 6, 12
    5 - 17		  32 x 32	1.5, 3, 6, 12
   40 - 120		   3 x 3	43.5
  100 - 240		   2 x 2	89.4

Spectroscopic and photometric capabilities of ISO


Main characteristics of the ISO instruments

Instrument													Typical Signal
(Principal			Wavelength	Spectral				Outline			Detectable in
Investigator)	Main Function	(um)		Resolution		Resolution	Description		200 sec at SNR>10
ISOCAM		Camera and	2.5 - 17	Broad-band,		Pixel FOVs	Two Channels, 
(C. Cesarsky,	polarimeter			narrow-band,		of 1.5, 3, 6	each with a		3mJy at 2.5 - 5 um (1)
CEN-SACLAY, F)					and circular		and 12"		32 x 32 element		1mJy at 5 - 15 um (1)
						variable filters			detector array
ISOPHT		Imaging photo-	2.5 - 240	Broad-band		Variable from	Three subsystems:
(D. Lemke,	polarimeter			and narrow-		diffraction-	(i) Multi-band,		8mJy at 10 - 20 um (2)
MPI für						band filters		limited to	    multi-aperture	30mJy at 100 um (2)
Astronomie								wide 3' diam.	    photopolarimeter
Heidelberg, D)								beam		    (3 - 125 um)
						Near-IR					(ii) Far-infrared camera
						grating					     45 - 130 um: 3 x 3 pixels
						spectrometer				     90 - 240 um: 2 x 2 pixels
						with R~90				(iii) Spectrophotometer
											      (2.5-12 um)
SWS		Short-		2.4 - 45	1000 - 2500 (grating)	7.5 x 20" and	Two gratings and	Grating mode: (2)
(Th.de Graauw,	wavelength			across wavelength	12 x 30"	two Fabry-Pérot		3 x 10^-16 Wm^-2
Lab. for Space	spectrometer			range and 3 x 10^4	apertures	interferometers
Research,					(Fabry-Pérot)
Groningen, NL)					from 15 to 35 um
LWS		Long-		43 - 196.7	200 (Grating) and	1'.65		Grating and two		Grating mode: (3)
(P. Clegg,	wavelength			10^4 (Fabry-Pérot)	diameter	Fabry-Pérot		3 x 10^-16 Wm^-2 at 65 um
Queen Mary and	spectrometer			across			aperture	interferometers		10^-16 Wm^-2 at 100 um
Westfield College,				wavelength							3 x 10^-17 Wm^-2 at 160 um
London, UK)					range

(1) Perault et al., in ``Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing", SPIE Conference July 1993, San Diego, CA.

(2) ``Scientific Capability of the ISO Payload", Issue 1.0, ESA document ISO-55D-8805, Nov 1991.

(3) Emery et al., in ``Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing", SPIE Conference July 1993, San Diego, CA.
