Aalto S. Steward Observatory, University of Arizona Centre and Disk Spectroscopy of Interacting Galaxies
Abergel A. Institut D'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Very Cold Dust Imaging
Alcolea J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara Dust Distribution around Bipolar PPNEE
Allamandola L. NASA/Ames Research Center - Moffett Field Specific PAH and Amorphous Carbon Structures
Allamandola L. NASA/Ames Research Center - Moffett Field The D/H Ratio in Interstellar PAHs the Search for Interstellar Pads
Andre P. Service d'Astrophysique-Saclay, Gif Sur Yvette Magnetic Field Geometry Toward Embedded Outflow Sources
Andre P. Service d'Astrophysique-Saclay, Gif Sur Yvette Spatial Structure of the Youngest Protostars An Absorption Study
Andreani P. Dipartimento Di Astronomia, Univ. Padova FIR Photometry of a Complete Sample of Optically Selected Bright Quasars.
Andreani P. Dipartimento Astronomia, Univ. Padova Spectrophotometry of a Complete Sample of IRAS Galaxies With Millimetric Fluxes, CO and HI Data.
Antonucci R. University of California at Santa Barbara Search for CO Absorption in the Cygnus A Torus
Appenzeller I. Landessternwarte Heidelberg Using IR Coronal-Lines As Calorimeters for AGN
Appleton P. Iowa State University - Ames IR Imaging of Collisional Ring Galaxies
Arendt R. Applied Research Corp. - Greenbelt Unusual Line and Continuum Emission in the Cas A SNR
Armus L. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena The Far Infrared Spectral Energy Distribtions of High Redshift Quasars
Axon D. Nuffield Radio Astronomy Lab - Macclesfield The Kinematics and Physical Structure of Molecular Tori
Bachiller R. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara Molecular IR Lines As Tracers of Infall and Outflow in Star Forming Cores
Bachiller R. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara The Bipolar Outflows From the Youngest Stellar Objects Infrared Spectroscopy
Bania T. Department of Astronomy, Boston University Probing the Structure of Nearby Translucent Molecular Clouds
Bania T. Department of Astronomy, Boston University Probing the Structure of the Nearest Molecular Cloud MBM-12
Barbieri C. Universita` di Padova, Dip. di Astronomia - Padova IR Observations of Rosetta Asteroidal Targets.
Barlow M. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, London Photometry of a New Sample of candidate Vega-Excess Sources
Barlow M. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, London TOO: Observations of Novae During the ISO Mission
Barr P. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Infrared Observations of Cygnus X-3
Barr P. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk ISO Observations of the Egret Blazars
Barrado Navascues D. Depto. Astrofisica, Universidad Complutense - Madrid The Infrared Spectrum of Chromospherically Active Stars
Barthel P. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - Groningen The Nature of Broad Line Radio Galaxies
Barucci A. Observatoire De Paris-Meudon Dark, Volatile-Rich Asteroids: Possible Relation to Comets.
Barvainis R. MIT Haystack Observatory - Westford H2 Emission from the Molecular Torus in Cygnus A
Barvainis R. MIT Haystack Observatory - Westford ISO Observations of the Cloverleaf, a Quasar with CO at Z=2.5
Baudry A. Observatoire de Bordeaux, Floirac Detection of OD in Selected Hot Molecular Cores
Baudry A. Observatoire de Bordeaux, Floirac OH Spectroscopy of the Dense Gas Surrounding Compact HII Regions
Bechtold J. Steward Observatory, University of Arizona Probing Dust in Quasars Observations of the 9.7 Micron Silicate Feature
Beckwith S. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Physical Properties of Circumstellar Disks Spectral Energy Distributions of Young Stellar Objects
Beckwith S. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Search for Dust Debris in the Outer Solar System
Beichman C. IPAC - Pasadena Search for Dark Matter Halos in Galaxies and Clusters.
Bell J. NASA Ames Research Center - Moffett Field Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy of Mars
Bell J. NASA Ames Research Center - Moffett Field Infrared Spectroscopy of Phobos and Deimos
Bell Burnell J. Open University, Milton Keynes ISO Observations of Cygnus X-3 : Infrared Studies of a `Microquasar'
Bergeat J. Observatoire de Lyon - Saint-Genis-Laval The Environment of Cool Giant Variables Extensions and Detached Shells On the AGB
Bergeron J. Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris Far IR Photometry an Spectrometry of Sub Classes of Radio-Quiet Quasars
Bergvall N. Uppsala Astronomical Observatory Star Formation in Luminous Blue Compact Galaxies
Bernard J. IAS, Orsay Of Color Variations in the ISM
Bezard B. Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon Measurement of the CH4 Mixing Ratio in Neptune's Stratosphere
Bezard B. Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon Search for Undetected Hydrocarbons On Jupiter and Saturn
Bezard B. Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon Search for Undetected Hydrocarbons On Neptune
Birkinshaw M. Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory IR Properties of the Cores of Nearby Radio Galaxies
Black J. Steward Observatory, University of Arizona Thermal Structure of Translucent Molecular Clouds
Blanco A. Dipartimento Di Fisica, Universita Di Lecce Dust Composition in Carbon Stars
Blommaert J. Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris The Nature of OH/IR Stars in the Galactic Centre
Blomme R. Royal Observatory of Belgium - Brussel Clumping in the Stellar Wind of Early-Type Stars
Bockelee-Morvan D. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Search for CO and CO2 Ices Towards Vega-Like Stars
Bockelee-Morvan D. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Study of Carbonaceous Matter in Comets.
Boisson C. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Testing the Unifying Scheme of Active Galactic Nuclei
Bonnet-Bidaud J. Service d'Astrophysique Saclay Infrared Study of the Peculiar X-Ray Binary Cygnus X-3
Bonoli C. Osservatorio Astronomico, Padova Infrared Properties of Barred Galaxies
Bonoli C. Osservatorio Astronomico, Padova Infrared Properties of Galaxies in Intermediate Redshift Clusters
Bonoli C. Osservatorio Astronomico, Padova Star Formation in Ring Galaxies. Dust Properties in Colliding Galaxies
Bontemps S. Service d'Astrophysique-Saclay Mid-IR Search for Embedded Outflow Shocks Around YSOs
Boulanger F. IAS, Campus d'Orsay A Comparison of Extinction and Emission Properties of Dust
Boulanger F. IAS, Campus d'Orsay Dust in the Low Density Warm Phases of the Interstellar Medium
Bower G. University of California, Berkeley, Magnetic Field Morphology in Spiral Galaxies
Brahic A. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Reflectance Variations of Planetary Satellites.
Braine J. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. Is There Dust in the Intercluster Medium Dust in Galaxy Clusters
Braine J. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. The Interstellar Medium of a Normal, Isolated, Spiral Galaxy
Brand P. University of Edinburgh Warm Molecular Hydrogen in the Galaxy
Brandt W. IOA, Cambridge University IR Line Maps and Longwave Spectra of X-Ray Bright Extragalactic HII Region Galaxies With Superbubbles
Bregman J. NASA AMES Research Center, Moffett Field Are There Hidden Supernovae?
Bregman J. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Dust in the X-Ray Atmospheres of Elliptical Galaxies
Browne I. NRAL Jodrell Bank A New Look At the Synchrotron Emission in Radio-Loud AGN.
Bujarrabal V. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara Atomic Gas in Protoplanetary Nebula
Calzetti D. Space Telescope Science Institute - Baltimore The Relationship Between Dust Absorption and Emission in Galaxies
Carilli C. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Infrared Imaging of the Optical Emission Line Jet and Optical and HI Shells in Centaurus A.
Carilli C. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Infrared Imaging of the Radio Hot Spots in Cygnus A.
Casali M. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh The Decline of Outflow Activity With YSO Age - A New Approach
Casali M. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh The Disks of Young Stars in Dense Clusters
Casoli F. Observatoire de Paris Star Formation and Gas Content in Isolated Galaxies. A Reference Sample
Cassinelli J. University of Wisconsin, Madison The Velocity Structure of Wolf-Rayet Winds From Infrared Line and Continuum Observations
Cassinelli J. Universtiy of Wisconsin, Madison IR Diagnostics of Temperature Structure in the Atmospheres of Early B Stars
Ceccarelli C. CNR-IFSI and Observatoire De Grenoble Major Cooling Lines in Infall Around YSOs
Cernicharo J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara A Search for C3, C4H2, and C6H2 in the Interstellar Medium
Cernicharo J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara A Study of Dust, Atomic and Molecular Emission in Cometary Globules
Cernicharo J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara A Study of Water Emission in Molecular Clouds:
The Extent of Water Vapor Emission in Galactic Molecular Clouds
Cernicharo J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara A Study of Water Emission in O-Rich Evolved Stars:
The Water Abundance and the 17O/18O Isotopic Abundance Ratio in CSE
Cernicharo J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara The Mid and Far Infrared Spectrum of Keystone Molecular Clouds
Cernicharo J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara The Molecular Content of IRC+10216 Between 2.38 and 196.7 Microns
Cherchneff I. Royal Observatory of Edinburgh Observation of Dust Features in Carbon-Rich Wolf-Rayet Stars
Cherchneff I. Royal Observatory of Edinburgh Observation of Dust Features in R CRB Stars
Chini R. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. ISO Study of Protostars
Chini R. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. Star Formation Efficiency in Galaxies
Chrysostomou A. University of Hertfordshire - Hatfield Determining the Role of Magnetic Fields in the Disks of YSOs
Chrysostomou A. University of Hertfordshire - Hatfield Line Emission From Photodissociation Regions
Clampin M. STSCI - Baltimore Dust Characterization in Circumstellar Shells Around Evolved, Massive Stars
Clark F. Phillips Laboratory, Geophysics Emission From and Destruction of Small Interstellar Dust High Radiation Environments
Clavel J. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Mapping the Molecular Torus in Active Galactic Nuclei
Clayton G. CASA, University of Colorado - Boulder Understanding the Evolution of H-Deficient Stars
Clemens D. Boston University Are Starless Bok Globules Really Devoid of Stars?
Clemens D. Boston University Dust Temperatures and Densities in Filamentary Dark Clouds
Clemens D. Boston University Embedded Magnetic Fields in Filamentary Dark Clouds
Clemens D. Boston University Low Luminosity Protostars and YSOs in Bok Globules
Clements D. Oxford University - Oxford ISO Observations of Low Ionisation BAL Quasars
Clements D. Oxford University - Oxford The Spectral Energy Distribution of Extreme Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies
Coe M. Southampton Universiy - Southampton TOO: Studies of High Mass X-Ray Binary Systems
Cohen M. University of California-Berkeley PAH Emission Bands in Selected Planetary Nebulae
Colangeli L. Osservatorio Astronomico Di Capodimonte, Napoli Cometary Nuclei and Trails Study Analysis of Comets
Colgan S. SETI Institute/NASA-AMES Research Center Infrared Spectroscopy of the Great Annihilator
Colgan S. SETI Institute/NASA-AMES Research Center The Properties of Narrow Recombination Line HII Regions
Combes F. DEMIRM, Observatoire De Paris Bars and Tides in Galaxies Role of Large-Scale Dynamics On Star Formation
Combes F. DEMIRM, Observatoire De Paris Spiral Arm in Messier 31 Star-Formation Processes Across the Arm
Comeron F. University of Barcelona Brown Dwarf Candidates in Embedded Stellar Populations
Cotera A. Stanford University - Moffett Field The Interaction of Recently Discovered Hot Stars With Galactic Centre Thermal Radio Emission Filaments
Courtin R. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon A Spectroscopic Investigation of Titan At 5-7 Micrometers
Courvoisier T. Geneva Observatory - Sauverny ISO Spectra of a Sample of AGN
Courvoisier T. Geneva Observatory - Sauverny Polarimetry of 2 Radio-Loud Quasars
Coustenis A. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Spectroscopy of the 15 Micron Region On Titan (CO2 and CO)
Coustenis A. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Spectroscopy of the 16 Micron Region on Titan (C4H2 and C3H4)
Cox C. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Far Infrared Emission From the Cores of Rich Clusters
Cox P. Observatoire de Marseille Spectroscopic Observations of PDRs in Proto-Planetary and Planetary Nebulae
Cox P. Observatoire de Marseille The Helix Planetary Nebula: A Case Study of a PDR Region
Creech-Eakman M. University of Denver, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Stellar Plasma to Circumstellar Dust Transformation
Crifo F. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Bolometric Magnitude and Effective Temperature of M Dwarfs
Crifo F. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Radii, Effective Temperatures and Bolometric Luminosities of Subdwarfs
Crotts A. Columbia University - New York Evolution of 3-35 Micron Lines From the Formation of SNR 1987a
Crovisier J. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon TOO: Observations of Unexpected Comets.
Cruikshank D. NASA AMES Research Center - Moffett Field Molecular Nitrogen in Interstellar Ices
Currie D. University of Maryland - College Park Thermal Structure and History of Eta Car
Danziger J. ESO - Garching TOO: Supernovae Mid-IR Supernova Studies
Davies J. University of Wales - Cardiff The Diffuse FIR Emission From Spiral Galaxies
De Jong R. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - Groningen Surface Density Distribution of Hot and Cold Dust in a Complete Sample Of Face-On Spiral Galaxies.
De Zotti G. Osservatorio Astronomico, Padova Far-IR Evolution of Galaxies: The IRAS Deep Survey Sample.
Decourchelle A. Service d'Astrophysique, Ce Saclay Detailed Comparison of IR and X-Ray Emission in Selected Regions of The Cygnus Loop Supernova Remnant.
Deguchi S. National Astronomical Observatory - Nagano Observations of H2O Thermal Lines in Nuclei of Galaxies
Deguchi S. National Astronomical Observatory - Nagano Observations of Halo AGB Stars With ISO SWS
Deguchi S. National Astronomical Observatory - Nagano Observations of Stars With Unusual IRAS LRS Spectra
Deleuil M. Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale - Marseille Origin of the Circumstellar Gas Around Beta Pictoris
Dennefeld M. Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris The Nature of High X-Luminosity Rosat/IRAS Galaxies:
Relations With Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Dennefeld M. Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris The Nature of the Faintest IRAS Galaxies and Galaxy Evolution
Dermott S. Univ of Florida, Gainesville Observations of the Earth's Circumsolar Dust Ring
d'Hendecourt L. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Far Infrared Spectroscopy of Ices Features
d'Hendecourt L. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Search for Specific Solid State Features From Interstellar Grains
Di Serego Alighieri Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri - Firenze Jet-ISM Interactions in Radio Galaxies.
Digel S. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Abundance Determinations in the Far Outer Galaxy
Dobashi K. Materials Science,University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai Infrared Properties of YSO Candidates Isolated From Molecular Clouds
Doi Y. The Institute for Space and Astronautical Science, Kanagawa Spectroscopy of Interstellar Gas Around the Cygnus OB2 Association
Donahue M. Space Telescope Science Institute ISO Studies of Cooling-Flow Emission-Line Nebulae
Dougados C. Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble The Embedded Clusters Associated With Young Intermediate Mass Stars
Doyle J. Armagh Observatory - Armagh Detectability of Mass Loss From Cool M Dwarfs
Drapatz S. MPIE, Garching Search for Interstellar Molecular Oxygen
Drossart P. DESPA, Observatoire de Meudon Spectroscopy of the Auroral Regions of Jupiter
Dufton P. Queen's University Belfast - Belfast H II Regions Associated With Young Galactic Clusters
Dunlop J. Liverpool John Moores University - Liverpool The Formation and Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies
Dutrey A. IRAM, Saint-Martin-d'Heres Chemistry of CO in Circumstellar Disks Around YSO's
Dwek E. Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt Grain Destruction in Supernova Remnants
Eaton J. Tennessee State University - Nashville The Atmospheric Eclipse of V444 Cygni
Eckart A. MPE - Garching Probing Shocks and PDRs Using Sulphur-Bearing Molecules
Edmunds M. Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University The Cooling and Composition of Extragalactic HII Regions
Egami E. Institute for Astronomy, Univ. of Hawaii Search for Primeval Galaxies Around Z>4 Quasars
Ehrenfreund P. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Far-Infrared Observations of Water Ice
Ehrenfreund P. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Search for Solid O2 and O3 On Interstellar Grains With ISO
Eisloeffel J. Observatoire de Grenoble - Grenoble Cedex Rotationally-Excited Molecular Hydrogen in Bipolar Outflows
Elbaz D. CEA,DSM,DAPNIA, Service d'Astrophysique Galaxy Evolution and Diffuse FIR Emission in Hickson Compact Groups of Galaxies
Elias J. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, NOAO Comparison of Mass-Losing AGB Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Elston R. National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Tucson The Nature of Faint Red Field Galaxies
Emery R. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Didcot Study of the Rosette Nebula Complex
Encrenaz T. Paris Observatory - Meudon Neptune: Search for PH3 and Determination of Tropospheric C/H
Engelmann J. Sternwarte Der Universitaet Bonn Interaction of IVC 86+38-44 With the Hot Plasma
Engels D. Hamburger Sternwarte - Hamburg IR Spectral Properties of Young PPN
Engels D. Hamburger Sternwarte - Hamburg The 22 Ghz H2O Maser Pump in AGB Stars
Eriksson K. Uppsala astronomical observatory Imaging of Dust Shells Around Carbon Stars
Eriksson K. Uppsala astronomical observatory Spectra of Envelopes Around AGB Stars
Evans A. Keele University, Staffordshire An ISO Study of PAH Emission in XX Oph
Evans A. Keele University, Staffordshire Far Infrared Observations of RV Tauri Stars
Evans A. Keele University, Staffordshire The Far-Infrared Flux Distribution of Rs Cvn Stars
Evans N. The Uni. of Texas at Austin, TX Photoionization Regulated Star Formation, Cloud Structure, and Tracers Of the Neutral ISM
Fabian A. Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge Cold Gas and Star Formation in Massive Cooling Flows
Falcke H. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie - Bonn Photometry of a New Sample of Ghz--Peaked--Spectrum Sources
Falgarone E. Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris Gas Spectral Diagnostics of the Dust Emission, Color Variations in Interstellar Clouds.
Fanti C. Insititute of Radioastronomy Bologna Medium-Far Infrared Observations of Compact Steep-Spectrum and Ghz Peaked Spectrum Radio Galaxies
Fender R. Open University, Milton Keynes TOO: ISO Observations of Cygnus X-3 in Outburst
Feretti L. Istituto Di Radioastronomia - Bologna Rich Clusters With Tailed Radio Galaxies: Dust and Stripping
Ferrari C. EUROPA, Paris Observatory - Meudon Reflectance Variations in Saturn'S Rings. Rings Spectrum
Festou M. Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees - Toulouse Production and Loss of H3O+ Ions in Comet Comae. Water Ions
Fitzsimmons A. Queens University of Belfast - Belfast The Composition of D-Type Asteroids
Fix J. University of Iowa - Iowa City ISO Observations of Variable Circumstellar Shells
Forrest W. University of Rochester - Rochester, NY A Search for Brown Dwarfs in the Hyades
Fosbury R. ST\ ECF Garching Infrared Properties of Extragalactic Radio Sources
Foster R. Naval Research Laboratory - Washington, DC Circumstellar Dust Emission From Millisecond Pulsars
Franceschini A. Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova ISO Observations of Candidate Primeval Dusty Galaxies
Fuente A. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara A Chemical Study of the Hot and Dense Molecular Gas Adjacent to Photodissociation Regions
Fuente A. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara Study of the Interface Between the Atomic and Molecular Gas in the Reflection Nebulae: NGC 2068 (S), Sgr R1 (A)
Furniss I. Dept of Physics and Astronomy UCL - London Observations of Complex HII/Molecular Cloud Structures
Fusi Pecci F. Osservatorio Astronomico, Bologna Circumstellar Matter in the Central Region of Globular Clusters.
Gallant Y. MPIK, Heidelberg Crab-Like Supernova Remnants Imaging, Polarisation and Broad-Band Spectroscopy
Garcia-Lario P. ESA IUE Observatory - Madrid Correlation of Mass and Age With the Far-IR Colors of Pne and Ppne
Garcia-Vargas M. Dpto Fisica Teorica. Univ. Autonoma De Madrid. IR Study of High Metallicity Star-Forming Regions
Garnett D. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Sulfur and Neon in Extragalactic HII Regions
Garzon F. Instituto De Astrofisica De Canarias - La Laguna Stellar Populations of the Inner Bulge of the Galaxy.
Gavazzi G. Osservatorio Astronomico Di Brera - Milano IR Properties of S/Irr Galaxies in the Coma and A1367 Clusters
Gehrz R. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Studies of Classical Novae and Related Objects With ISO
Gehrz R. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis TOO: Observations of New Novae in Outburst
Genzel R. MPIE, Garching Testing Unified Models With Infrared Spectroscopy
Gerbaldi M. Institut d'Astrophysique Paris Remnant of Circumstellar Matter Around Early A-Type Stars in Young Clusters
Gerin M. Radioastronomie, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris The Dust Composition At High Redshift
Giard M. CESR/CNRS - Toulouse Warm Dust in HII Regions and PDRs
Giard M. CESR/CNRS - Toulouse Water Vapor in Warm Dusty Regions
Gilmore G. Institute of Astronomy - Cambridge Brown Dwarf Halos of Low Redshift Spiral Galaxies
Goebel J. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field Study of the Population Distribution of the 7 micron dust emission feature in oxygen-rich stars
Goldschmidt P. Imperial College, London The Physical Causes of Quasar Evolution
Gonzalez-Serrano J. Universidad De Cantabria - Santander IR Photometry of a Complete Sample of B2 Radio Quasars
Goodman A. Harvard University Astronomy Department Mapping Magnetic Fields in the Interstellar Medium
Gorny S. Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center - Torun Spectroscopy of Dusty Planetary Nebulae With Wr-Type Central Stars
Grady C. Applied Research Corporation - Landover The Beta Pictoris Phenomenon in Young Stars With Accreting Gas
Gray M. University of Bristol - Bristol Detection of OH FIR Lasers in Star-Forming Regions
Green D. Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory - Cambridge Mapping of 3C58
Greenhouse M. Smithsonian Institution - Washington DC Infrared Coronal Lines of Active Galactic Nuclei
Gregorini L. IRA - CNR - Bologna A Complete Sample of Dumb-Bell Galaxies Dust Inside Interacting Systems
Griffin M. Queen Mary and Westfield College, London The Far Infrared Continuum Spectra of Cold Protostellar Sources
Groenewegen M. Institut d'Astrophysique De Paris Observations of Mass Losing Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds
Grossmann V. Astronomisches Institut Der Universitaet Tuebingen Cold Dust and Dust Filaments in a High-Latitude Cirrus Cloud
Gruen E. MPIK, Heidelberg TOO: ISOPHOT Observations of a Bright Comet
Guelin M. IRAM, Saint Martin d'Heres FIR Emission in the Cepheus A/B Molecular Complex
Guelin M. IRAM, Saint Martin d'Heres Matter At the Periphery of Nearby Galaxies: the Dust Component
Guenther E. Queen Mary and Westfield College, London Ex-Orionis Stars
Guertler J. Universitaets-Sternwarte - Jena Analysis of Dust Envelopes Around Evolved Stars
Guesten R. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. Low-Mass Protostars in Globular Filament GF-9
Guesten R. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. Study of An Unusual Shock Region in the Galactic Center.
Haas M. NASA-AMES Research Center - Moffett Field Physical Conditions in the Circumstellar Envelopes of Supergiants
And Other Evolved Stars
Haikala L. Helsinki University Observatory - Helsinki Mapping of Cold Dust and Search for Embedded Young Stars
Hammer F. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Infrared Studies of Distant Galaxies in Deep Optical Radio Surveys.
Hammersley P. Instituto De Astrofisica De Canarias - La Laguna Star Counts in the Galactic Bar.
Hansen L. Copenhagen University Observatory - Copenhagen Production and Destruction of Dust in X-Ray Gas Environments
Harrington P. University of Maryland - College Park, Maryland Dust in Hydrogen-Poor Planetary Nebulae
Harris A. DLR Institute for Planetary Exploration, Berlin Cometary Activity in Asteroids
Harvey P. University of Texas at Austin - Austin, Texas Diffraction Limited Imaging of Protostellar Clouds
Hauschildt P. Arizona State University - Tempe A Spectroscopic Study of the Water Bands in M Dwarfs
Hawley S. Michigan State University - East Lansing Circumstellar Disks and Far Ir Luminosity in Active M Dwarfs
Heithausen A. I. Physikalisches Institut Der Universitaet Zu Koeln Ionized Carbon in High Velocity Clouds
Helmich F. Sterrewacht Leiden - Leiden Searches for New Interstellar Molecules: CH2 and NCCN
Helou G. IPAC - Pasadena Exceptions to the Radio-Infrared Correlation: Radio-Deficient Galaxies
Henkel C. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. An OH Multilevel Study of Megamaser Galaxies OH Megamasers
Henkel C. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. The Strongest Molecular Hotspot in the Magellanic Clouds
Henning P. University of New Mexico - Albuquerque Dust in the Intergalactic Hi Cloud Near UGC7636
Henning T. Max Planck Group - Jena Dust Spectroscopy of Embedded Infrared Sources in the Magellanic Clouds
Herbstmeier U. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Physical Properties of a Cloud Located in the Local Hot Bubble
Higdon J. NRAO - Socorro Probing the Star Forming ISM in Ring Galaxies
Hines D. Steward Observatory - Tucson Infrared Fine Structure Emission in Warm IR-Ultraluminous AGN
Hirth G. Max Planck Institut Fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Physical Properties of Outflows From Young Stellar Objects
Hoare M. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Ionized Winds From Luminous Young Stellar Objects.
Hoernes P. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Radioastronomie - Bonn Dust, Clouds and Magnetic Fields in a SW Spiral Arm Region of M31
Hora J. Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii The Spatial Distribution of Cool Dust in Planetary Nebulae
Hough J. University of Hertfordshire - Hatfield Polarimetry of the Nuclear Regions of Cena
Hough J. University of Hertfordshire - Hatfield Polarimetry of the Nucleus of Active Galaxies
Hrivnak B. Valparaiso University, Indiana SWS Spectroscopy of Obscured Proto-Planetary Nebulae
Hrivnak B. Varparaiso University, Indiana Spectroscopy of Visible Proto-Planetary Nebulae
Hron J. Institut fuer Astronomie, Universitaet Wien - Vienna Spectral Variability of Long Period Variables
Hu E. Institute for Astronomy - Honolulu Two Extremely Red Galaxies
Huettemeister S. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Dust Properties of Galactic Center Clouds
Hurley K. University of California At Berkeley Study of Soft Gamma Repeater Counterparts
Hurt R. UC Riverside Dept. of Physics - Riverside, CA Dust Emission From Class 0 Protostars in the Serpens Cloud Core
Hutsemekers D. Liege Institute of Astrophysics - Liege Dust Around Luminous Early-Type Stars in Nearby Galaxies
Hutsemekers D. Liege Institute of Astrophysics - Liege The Circumstellar Environment of HD168625
Iovino A. Osservatorio Astronomico Di Brera, Milano ISO Observations of Compact Groups of Galaxies.
Ip W. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Aeronomie, Lindau A Survey of Kuiper Belt Candidates
Ivison R. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh Testing the Binary Hypothesis for OH/IR Colour Mimics
Ivison R. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh The Properties of Circumstellar Dust in Symbiotic Miras
Jackson J. Boston University, MA Photodissociated Gas in the NGC 6334 Complex
Jaffe D. University of Texas at Austin, TX Low Velocity Shocks in the Dense Interstellar Medium
Jaffe W. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Cool Gas and Dust in Cooling Flows in Clusters of Galaxies
Jameson R. Leicester University - Leicester A Spectral Atlas for M Dwarfs
Jansen D. Sterrewacht Leiden - Leiden The O/OH/H2O Transition in Partially Ionized Globules in IC1396
Jarrett T. IPAC - Pasadena Multi-Wavelength Study of Starburst NGC 3690
Jenniskens P. NASA/AMES Research Center - Moffett Field The Emission Spectrum of Quiescent Dense Cloud Dust.
Jiang B. National Astronomical Observatory - Nagano The Nature of IRAS LRS Sources Without Near-Infrared Detection
Joblin C. NASA AMES Research Center - Moffett Field Photochemical Evolution of PAHs in the Interstellar Medium
Jones H. Institute for Astronomy - Edinburgh Water Vapour in Cool Dwarfs
Jorissen A. Institut d'Astronomie d'Astrophysique, Bruxelles A Study of Mass Loss Along the AGB and RGB of 47 Tuc
Jorissen A. Institut d'Astronomie d'Astrophysique, Bruxelles Dust in Binaries Containing Chemically Peculiar Giants
Jorissen A. Institut d'Astronomie d'Astrophysique, Bruxelles IR Spectral Classification of S Stars
Jourdain De Muizon M. Leiden Observatory - Leiden The Organic Component of Interstellar Dust in Diffuse Clouds
Kaper L. European Southern Observatory - Garching Infrared Study of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
Kaper L. European Southern Observatory - Garching Stellar-Wind Structure in High-Mass X-Ray Binaries
Kastner J. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Mid-IR Polarimetric Imaging of Evolved Star Envelopes
Kawara K. Dept. of Astron. Sci., Mitaka, Tokyo A Search for Primeval Galaxies Around Known Objects
Kawara K. Dept. of Astron. Sci., Mitaka, Tokyo MIR and FIR Photometry of High-Redshift Qsos
Keel W. University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa Dust Emission and Absorption in Backlit Spiral Galaxies
Keenan F. Queen's University Belfast Spectroscopy of Hot Halo PAGB Stars and Planetary Nebulae
Kegel W. Inst. f. Theor. Physik, Universitaet Frankfurt/Main Methanol-Masers: Pump Mechanism and Possible Iraser-Lines
Kegel W. Inst. f. Theor. Physik, Universitaet Frankfurt/Main Oh-Megamasers: Pump Mechanism, Possible Iraser-Lines, and the Velocity Field.
Kerp J. Radioastronomisches Institut der Universitaet Bonn The High-Velocity-Cloud 90+42.5-130
Kerschbaum F. Institut fuer Astronomie, Universitaet Wien - Vienna Atmospheric Structure of Oxygen-Rich Semiregular Variables
Kidger M. Instituto De Astrofisica De Canarias - La Laguna The Optical-Radio Polarisation Breakpoint in Blazars
Knapp G. Princeton University Observatory - Princeton Origin and Evolution of Dust in Elliptical Galaxies
Koch-Miramond L. CEA/DAPNIA/Astrophysique - Gif-sur-Yvette Search for Circumstellar Material Around Nearby Pulsars
Koester B. I. Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Zu Koeln CO Emission From Massive Star Formation Regions
Koornneef J. SRON-G - Groningen An Investigation of the Ara Infrared Cluster
Koornneef J. SRON-G - Groningen Search for Cold Molecular Hydrogen in the Galaxy
Krishna G. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie - Bonn Mid and Far-Infrared Properties of Nearby Radio-Loud Ellipticals
Krueger H. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Infrared Studies of HII Galaxies with Companions
Krugel E. Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie - Bonn Dust Emission from Radio Galaxies at High Redshifts
Kunth D. Institut d'Astrophysique De Paris PAH Molecules in Star-Forming Galaxies
Kutner M. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Troy Molecular Clouds and Star Forming Regions in the Magellanic Clouds
Kwok S. University of Calgary, Alberta Spectroscopy of 21 Micron Feature Sources
Kwok S. University of Calgary, Alberta Spectroscopy of Extreme Carbon Stars
Lada E. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland Investigations of the Earliest Stages of Stellar Evolution in Young Embedded Clusters
Lagage P. CEA, DSM/DAPNIA/Service d'Astrophysique, Saclay Polarimetry of Dust Disks Around MS and PMS Stars.
Lagrange A. Observatoire De Grenoble - Grenoble Infra-Red Study of the Close HAEBE Binary System TY CrA
Lahuis F. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Didcot HII Regions in M33, Supernovae Rates
Lambert D. Univ of Texas at Austin FG Sagittae--A New R Corona Borealis Star
Lambert D. Univ of Texas at Austin Infrared Spectroscopy of R Coronae Borealis Stars
Lambert D. Univ of Texas at Austin Testing Model Atmospheres of Cool Dwarf Stars With ISO
Lamers H. SRON Laboratory for Space Research Utrecht The Winds of Early Type Supergiants
Lamy P. Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale - Marseille Observation of Cometary Nuclei
Lamy P. Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale - Marseille TOO: the Nucleus of a New Bright Comet
Langer W. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Pasadena Evolution of Pre-Protostellar Core Fragments
Larson H. University of Arizona - Tucson Search for Hydrated Minerals Around 0-Rich Red Supergiants
Larson H. University of Arizona - Tucson Spectroscopic Studies of Volatile-Rich Asteroids
Laureijs R. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Dust Properties of Cirrus Heated By B-Stars
Laureijs R. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Properties of Peculiar Molecular Clouds At High Latitudes
Laureijs R. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Small Scale Structure and Dust Properties in Cloud Cores
Laureijs R. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Study of Dust Particles in Bright-Rimmed Clouds
Le Bertre T. Observatory of Paris Interstellar Dust Heated By AGB Stars
Le Fevre O. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Evolution of Galaxies in Very High Redshift Clusters
Lecavelier A. Institut d'Astrophysique De Paris Gaseous Content of a Few Well-Known Beta Pictoris-Like Stars
Leech K. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk A Multiwaveband Study of the Unusual Narrow Line Quasar IRAS 20181-2244
Leech K. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Is There Dust in Z > 4 Quasars?
Leger A. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Reflection Nebulae, Photometry and Full Range Spectroscopy
Leger A. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay SWS Spectrum of a Galactic Line of Sight Search for Dust and PAH Spectral Signatures
Leinert C. Max-Planck-Institut Fur Astronomie - Heidelberg Mapping of COBE Fields
Lellouch E. Observatoire de Meudon The Surface Temperature of Pluto
Lemke D. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Astronome - Heidelberg Search for Very Cold Dust Outside the Optical Disks of Galaxies
Liljestrom T. Helsinki University Observatory - Helsinki Heating and Cooling of Cirrus and Dark Clouds
Lis D. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena Star Formation in the Galactic Center Dust Ridge
Liseau R. Stockholm Observatory - Saltsjoebaden Class I Sources in the Galactic Giant Molecular Cloud VMR-D
Liseau R. Stockholm Observatory - Saltsjoebaden Spectroscopic Mapping of the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud
Liseau R. Stockholm Observatory - Saltsjoebaden Spectroscopic Mapping of the Serpens Cloud
Lisse C. NASA/GSFC - Maryland Large-Scale Observations of Scattered Sunlight and Thermal Emission In the Tails of Bright Periodic Comets
Little L. University of Kent - Canterbury C+ and O Distribution in the Molecular Cloud G34.3+0.2
Little L. University of Kent - Canterbury Evolutionary Status of Protostellar Condensations in L1630
Longair M. Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University Far-Infrared Photometry of Distant 3cr Radio-Galaxies
Lonsdale C. Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, Pasadena ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey
Lonsdale C. Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, Pasadena Ultraluminous High Redshift IRAS Galaxies
Loup C. Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Paris Mass-Loss and Evolution of AGB Stars in the Lmc. A Mini-Survey.
Lu N. IPAC/Caltech - Pasadena IRAS Galaxies With the Coldest Far-Infrared Colors
Lutz D. Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik - Garching Spectral Line Mapping of M82 - From Starburst to Quiescent Disk -
Luu J. Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge Evolution of Dust in Circumstellar Disks
Macchetto F. ESA / STScI Baltimore Imaging of Infrared Counter-Part of Extragalactic Radio-Jets
Macchetto F. ESA / STScI Baltimore Exploring the Physical Properties of the Dust Component in Early Type Galaxies
Madden S. NASA Ames Research Center - Moffett Field Effects of Metallicity On Star Forming Clouds in Irregular Galaxies
Magnier E. University of Amsterdam A Broadband Spectral Study of the Bulge of M31
Maihara T. Kyoto University FIR Photometry of the Lensed Galaxy Mg0414+0534
Malkan M. University of California, Los Angeles High Resolution Spectroscopy of the 2 Brightest Seyfert Nuclei
Manchado A. Instituto De Astrofisica De Canarias - Tenerife Spectroscopy of Heavily Obscured Post-AGB Stars
Martin-Pintado J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara On the Properties of the Giant Molecular Clouds in the Neutral Disk
Martin-Pintado J. Centro Astronomico De Yebes - Guadalajara The Physical Properties of the Stellar Winds in Selected Radio Stars
Marx M. Radioastronomisches Institut Der Universitaet Bonn Infrared Spectroscopy of Cool Clouds in the LMC
Massaro E. Istituto Astronomico, Universita` Di Roma ISO Spectroscopy of 4U 0241+61 and other Low Redshift (Z<0.1) AGNs
Mathieu R. University of Wisconsin - Madison Masses of Circumstellar Disks in Pre-Main-Sequence Binary Stars
Mathieu R. University of Wisconsin - Madison Searching for Gaps in the Disks of Pre-Main-Sequence Binary Stars
Matsuhara H. Department of Astrophysics, Nagoya University Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Galactic Warm Ionized Medium
Mattila K. Helsinki University Observatory - Helsinki Search for Compact Very Cold Dust Clouds in the Galaxy
McCaughrean M. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Circumstellar Disks in the Trapezium Cluster
McHardy I. University of Southampton Could Emission From Dust in Clusters of Galaxies Confuse Observations Of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect?
McMahon R. Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxies
McMahon R. Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University Ultraluminous High Redshift IRAS Galaxies
Meisenheimer K. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie - Heidelberg Mid- and Far-Infrared Polarimetry of Bright Quasars -
Meixner M. Dept. of Astronomy, University of Illinois FIR Imaging Dust Halos of Protoplanetary and Planetary Nebulae
Meixner M. Dept. of Astronomy, University of Illinois Spectroscopy of Atomic Fine Structure Lines in Evolved Stars
Merluzzi P. Ist. Ing. Aerospaziale Univ. Napoli Physical Properties of Dust Components in Galactic Cirrus
Metcalfe L. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk IR Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Miley G. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Dust in the Most Distant Radio Galaxies
Millar T. UMIST - Manchester Carbon-Bearing Molecules in Oxygen-Rich Stars
Miller S. University College London - London Forbidden Rotational Specrtum of H3+ in the Ionosphere of Jupiter
Mirabel F. Service d'Astrophysique. CEA-Saclay Clusters of Galaxies At Early Epochs of the Universe
Mirabel F. Service d'Astrophysique. CEA-Saclay The Galactic Superluminal Source Grs 1915+105
Mittaz J. Department of Space and Climate Physics, UCL FIR Observation of X-Ray Selected Emission Line Galaxies From The Rixos Survey
Mobasher B. Imperial College, London Photometry of Galaxies in Deep Radio-Selected Surveys
Mochizuki K. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. Kanagawa FIR Spectroscopy of M31 Seach for [C II] Deficit
Mochizuki K. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. Kanagawa FIR Spectroscopy of M33 Interstellar Physics in a Low Metal Spiral
Molinari S. Istituto di Radioastronomia - CNR - Bologna Spectroscopy of Candidate Progenitors of Ultracompact HII Regions
Montesinos B. LAEFF - Madrid The Infrared Energy Distribution of FG Sge
Montmerle T. Service d'Astrophysique - CEA Saclay Search for H2 and H3+ IR Lines Associated With X-Ray Sources Embedded in Molecular Clouds
Montmerle T. Service d'Astrophysique - CEA Saclay Spectral Features of X-Ray Irradiated Dust
Moorwood A. ESO - Garching Energy Source in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. Starbursts Or Obscured AGN'S in IRAS Galaxies
Moran J. Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, Cambridge High Spectral Resolution Observations of Megamaser Galaxies
Moritz P. Radioastronomisches Institut Der Universitaet Bonn Infrared Photometrie and Spectroscopy of the Draco Nebula
Morris M. UCLA, Los Angeles Thermal Water Line Emission From Warm Clouds Near the Galactic Center
Mouri H. Meteorological Research Institute - Tsukuba MIR Spectroscopy of Heavily Obscured IRAS Galaxies
Muller C. Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy - Brussels TOO: Martian Dust Storms Observations.
Myers P. Smithonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge Warm Dust Imaging of Nearby Low Mass Protostars
Nakagawa T. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. Kanagawa IRTs Follow-On Observation of SNR'S With FIR Fine Structure Lines
Nakajima T. CALTECH, Pasadena A Search for Brown Dwarf Companions to Young Nearby Stars
Naylor D. University of Lethbridge, Alberta LWS Grating Observations of HD On Uranus and Neptune
Naylor T. Keele University, Staffordshire TOO: Observations of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
Neininger N. IRAM - St-Martin-d'Heres Mapping the Surroundings of NGC 206
Neininger N. IRAM - St-Martin-d'Heres Polarimetric Mapping of the Central Region of M82
Neri R. IRAM - St-Martin-d'Heres A Key Spectroscopic Study of Crl2688, Crl618 and NGC7027
Neufeld D. Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore Search for Far-IR Transitions of Interstellar Hydrogen Halides
Neufeld D. Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore Search for Ultra-High-Excitation Rotational Lines of Water
Nguyen-Rieu Q. Observatoire De Paris, Demirm - Paris Water Abundance in the Envelope of Optical Oxygen-Rich AGB Stars
Nisini B. CNR Istituto Di Fisica Dello Spazio Interplanetario, Frascati Spectroscopic Imaging of Bipolar Outflows
Noriega-Crespo A. IPAC, California Momentum Injection in Molecular Outflows. Imaging in H2 and Spectroscopy Scanning in [OI]
Odenwald S. Applied Research Corporation - Landover, Maryland Why Is the Comet-Shaped Cloud, NGC 5367 Forming Stars?
Oestreicher M. Astronomical Institute Ruhr-University Bochum Broadband and Spectrophotometry of Luminous Stars in the Lmc
Okumura K. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Cedex Diffuse Interstellar Medium in the Magellanic Clouds
Oldham P. Queen Mary and Westfield College - London FIR Spectroscopy and Mapping of the W3 Region the Nature of Irs4s.
Oliva E. Arcetri Observatory - Firenze Probing Cool Molecular/Atomic Gas in Cooling Flow Cd Galaxies.
Oliver S. Imperial College, London Evolution in the SED of Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies
Omont A. Institut d'Astrophysique De Paris ISOCAM Survey of the Inner Galaxy
Onaka T. Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo A Systematic Study of Infrared Emission From Galaxies
Onaka T. Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo FIR Polarization of Diffuse Thermal Emission
Onaka T. Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo Time Variation of Circumstellar Envelopes
Onishi T. Nagoya University - Nagoya Deep IR Observations of Starless Cores in Taurus B213 Region
Osip D. University of Florida - Gainesville Spectral Analysis of Carbon-Chain Depleted Comets.
Oudmaijer R. Kapteyn Laboratory Groningen Is Wra1484 a Hot Post-AGB Star?
Oudmaijer R. Kapteyn Laboratory Groningen Post-AGB Stars With Cool Dustshells
Padovani P. Physics Department, II University of Rome ISO Observations of Radio-Selected Bl Lacs
Pauls T. Naval Research Laboratory - Washington Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of G159.6-18.5
Penny A. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Didcot Dust in Globular Clusters
Perault M. Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris Photo-Imaging of Quiescent Molecular Clouds in the Inner Galaxy
Perez-Fournon I. Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Tenerife Search for Hidden BLR in Seyfert 2 Galaxies
Pfau W. Jena University Observatory - Jena The Signature of Diffuse Interstellar Bands in Mid Infrared Emission
Phillips T. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena Oxygen in Molecular Clouds
Pierre M. Service d'Astrophysique, CE Saclay - Gif sur Yvette Detailed Insights Into the Intra-Cluster Medium of Abell 2256
Poglitsch A. MPE - Garching Spectral Line Mapping and the Extended Medium in nearby Galaxies
Prieto A. MPE,Rosat Division - Garching Anisotropy of the Radiation in NGC 5252
Prusti T. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Bolometric Luminosity Functions of nearby Star Forming Regions
Prusti T. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Extended Infrared Emission Around Young Stars
Prusti T. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Search of the Comet-Like Activity in Stars With Non-Periodic Algol-Type Minima
Prusti T. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk TOO: Evolution of the Circumstellar Environment During An Fu Ori or Ex Lup Outburst
Prusti T. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Variable Infrared Emission From Circumstellar Environment of Young Intermediate Mass Stars
Prusti T. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Spectral Energy Distributions of Young Stellar Objects
Puget J. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Deep Survey At 4.5 Micron Spectrum of Faint Galaxies in the Near IR Cosmological Window
Puget J. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Spectral Survey of the Cold Interstellar Medium
Puxley P. Royal Observatory Edinburgh Mid-IR Recombination Line Spectroscopy of Bright Galaxies
Puxley P. Royal Observatory Edinburgh The Dust Content of HII Regions
Quirrenbach A. MPE, Garching Absorption Lines Towards the Nucleus of Centaurus A
Quirrenbach A. MPE, Garching Rapid Infrared Variability of An Extreme BL Lac Object
Ramsay G. Mullard Space Science Lab/University Collge London Observations of Magnetic CVs. The Determination of Magnetic Field Strengths
Rasmussen I. Danish Space Research Institute - Lyngby Shock Processing of Dust in Tycho's SNR
Rawlings S. Oxford University - Oxford Far-IR Photometry of High-Redshift Radioquasars
Rawlings S. Oxford University - Oxford Far-IR Photometry of Radio Quiet Quasars
Reach W. NASA/GSFC - Greenbelt Grain Destruction in Intermediate-Velocity Clouds
Reach W. NASA/GSFC - Greenbelt Infrared Emission From the Warm Ionized Medium
Reach W. NASA/GSFC - Greenbelt Phase Transitions in Translucent Clouds
Reach W. NASA/GSFC - Greenbelt Supernova Interactions With Molecular Clouds and their influnce on X-Ray Remnant Morphology
Reid I. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena Cocoon Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Reinsch K. Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen Cyclotron Spectroscopy of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
Rengarajan T. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - Bombay Infrared Emission From Rs Cvn Binaries
Renzini A. Dept. of Astronomy, University of Bologna FIR Emission in X-Ray Bright and X-Ray Faint Early-Type Galaxies.
Richards P. Rutherford Appleton Laboratories - Didcot Dust in Galactic Open Clusters
Rieke G. Steward Observatory - Tucson Low Mass Pleiades Brown Dwarfs
Rieke G. Steward Observatory - Tucson Optically Quiet QSOs
Rieke G. Steward Observatory - Tucson Star Formation and Evolution of Seyfert Nuclei
Rieke M. Steward Observatory - Tucson Mid-Infrared Output of Quiescent Galaxies
Rieke M. Steward Observatory - Tucson Study of the Far-IR Properties of BAL QSOs
Roche P. Oxford University - Oxford Dust Emission Features in Stellar Envelopes
Roche P. Oxford University - Oxford Magnetic Field Structures in Star Forming Regions
Rodono` M. Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Catania Infrared Excess in RS CVN and Algol Type Binaries
Rodono` M. Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Catania Infrared Excess in Dme Stars
Rouan D. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon PAHs/Very Small Grains in Edge-On Galaxies
Rowan-Robinson M. Imperial College, London A Deep Large-Area Survey With ISO in Open Time
Rowan-Robinson M. Imperial College, London Photometric Identification of High Redshift Objects From IRAS FSS Blank Fields
Rowan-Robinson M. Imperial College, London Photometry and Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies: the QDOT Sample
Rubin R. NASA Ames Research Center (Orion Enterprises) An Analysis of Planetary Nebulae: Temperatures, Densities, and Abundances
Rubin R. NASA Ames Research Center (Orion Enterprises) Iron Abundances in Gaseous Nebulae
Russell S. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies A Statistical Study of Dust in Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnants
Russell S. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies A Statistical Study of the SEDs of Very Cold IRAS Sources
Russell S. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies The Energy Sources of Molecular Outflows
Sahai R. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech Far-IR Spectroscopy of Very Young, Low-Excitation Planetary Nebulae
Salama A. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Unravelling the Murky Past of the Old Nova Gk Per
Sams B. Max Planck Institute Ex - Garching The Power Source of High-Z Ultraluminous Galaxies
Sanders D. Institute for Astronomy - Honolulu Complete (PHT32-C200) Maps of a Nearby Prototypical GMC
Sandford S. NASA/Ames Research Center - Moffett Field A Search for Solid State Ozone (O3) in the Ices in Interstellar Dense Molecular Clouds
Sandford S. NASA/Ames Research Center - Moffett Field The 11-16 Micron C-H Bending Modes of Interstellar PAHs
Sandford S. NASA/Ames Research Center - Moffett Field The Composition of the H2-Containing Ice and Dust Along the Line of Sight to the Unique Object Wl5
Sauvage M. Service d'Astrophysique, CEA-Saclay Hot Dust in the Central Regions of Early-Type Galaxies?
Schmitt B. LGGE - CNRS - Saint Martin d'Heres The Composition and Temperature of the Surface of Io
Schulte-Ladbeck R. University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Asymmetric Mass Loss in the Upper HR Diagram - the Role of Molecular CO
Schultz A. NASA-AMES Research Lab - Moffett Field Imaging of Shocked Molecular Hydrogen in Herbig-Haro Objects
Schulz R. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Aeronomie, Lindau Distributed Sources in Cometary Comae Column Density Profiles of Parent Potential Parent Molecules
Schutte W. Leiden Observatory - Leiden IR Absorption Features of H2O Diluted in Apolar Ices
Schutte W. Leiden Observatory - Leiden IR Absorption Features of Nitrogen and Sulfur Containing Molecules in Interstellar Ices
Scotti J. University of Arizona - Tucson Characterization of the Size of Short-Period Comet Nuclei.
Scoville N. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena ISO Search for H2 Rotational Transitions in High Z Quasars/Host Galaxies
Sedlmayr E. Institut fuer Astronomie und Astrophysik - Berlin Variability of Circumstellar Dust Shells around long--period variables
Sellgren K. Astronomy Department, Ohio State University Imaging of Infrared Emission Features in Reflection Nebulae
Serra G. CESR / CNRS - Toulouse cedex IR Emission of SZ Galaxy Clusters
Shanks T. Physics Department, Durham University Infra-Red Properties of X-Ray Selected Qsos and Galaxies
Shields J. Steward Observatory - Tucson Infrared Spectroscopy of the Lowest Luminosity Seyfert 1 Nucleus
Sibille F. Observatoire De Lyon - Saint Genis Laval Luninosity Functions of Low Mass Star in Nearby Molecular Clouds
Siebenmorgen R. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk Dust Emission of Reflection Nebulae
Siebenmorgen R. ISO Science Operations, ESTEC, Noordwijk The Energetics of Extended Emission Around Herbig He/Be Stars
Simpson C. Oxford University - Oxford Direct Observations of the Broad Line Region in Cygnus A
Skinner C. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Co Observations of Mass-Loss in Low-Mass Post-Main Sequence Stars
Skinner C. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory PAHs and Chromospheres in M-Supergiants
Smith B. University of Texas - Austin Mid-Infrared Spectral Imaging of Galaxy Bulges
Smith B. University of Texas - Austin The ISM in Low Luminosity Virgo Cluster Spiral Galaxies
Smith H. Laboratory for Astrophysics - Washington DC Excitation and Kinematics of Sgr A*
Smith M. MPIA, Heidelberg Molecular Hydrogen in Bipolar Outflows
Soifer B. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena ISO/SWS Observations of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
Spaans M. Sterrewacht Leiden - Leiden FIR Line Observations of Photon Dominated Regions Around Cool Stars
Spear G. Sonoma State University - Rohnert Park The Period-Luminosity Relationship at 12 Microns for LMC Cepheids
Spinoglio L. Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario, Frascati IR Energy Distributions and Imaging of the Complete Sample of 12 micron AGN
Spinrad H. University of California, Berkeley Mg1019+0535: A Dusty, High-Z Radio Galaxy
Spyromilio J. ESO - Garching IR Studies of Extremely Young Supernova Remnants Mid-IR Supernova Studies
Stacey G. Cornell University - Ithaca, NY The Mid-IR Spectral Energy Distribution of IR Luminous Galaxies
Stapelfeldt K. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Pasadena Dissipation of Gaseous Circumstellar Disks
Stark R. Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris Cooling By the Diffuse Cold and Warm Phases of the ISM
Stark R. Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris The Gas-Dust Connection and Cooling in Proto-Planetary Discs
Stauffer J. Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge Dust Around `A' Stars in Young Open Clusters
Stauffer J. Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge Dust Around Solar-Type Stars in Young Open Clusters
Steele I. Leicester University - Leicester Photometry of Cluster Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
Stern A. Southwest Research Institute - San Antonio, Texas A Comprehensive Investigation of the Thermal Properties and Rotational Thermal Variability of the Pluto-Charon Binary and Chiron
Sternberg A. MPIE, Garching Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Liners - the AGN Connection
Sternberg A. MPIE, Garching [FeII] Emission in Starburst Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei
Stockton A. Institute for Astronomy, Univerity of Hawaii Correlations Between FIR Spectra and Qso Host Galaxy Morphology
Strazzulla G. Istituto Di Astronomia Universita' Di Catania Amorphous vs Crystalline Water Ice Ice Structure in Circumstellar Envelopes
Stutzki J. I. Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet zu Koeln High Density PDR Tracers
Stutzki J. I. Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet zu Koeln The Changing Faces of PDRs
Stutzki J. I. Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet zu Koeln Trace Species Detected Through PDR Emission
Sugai H. Dept. of Astron., UCLA Energy Sources for Emission Lines From Liners
Sulentic J. University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa Star Formation and Secular Evolution in Galaxies Mixed Morphology Pairs
Tagliaferri G. Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera Merate Infrared Continuum Variability of the highly variable BL Lac object Pks2155-304
Tanabe T. Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo A Systematic Study of Unidentified Features in AGB Stars
Tanabe T. Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo A Systematic Study On the Properties of Dust Grains Around M Supergiant Stars
Tanabe T. Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo Spectrophotometric Observations of AGB Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Tanabe T. Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo TOO: Dust Formation Around R CRB Type Stars At their Minimums
Taniguchi Y. Tohoku University - Sendai Star Formation in Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxies
Tauber J. ESA SSD, Noordwijk Galactic Distribution of the Isotopic Ratio (13)CII/CII
Tauber J. ESA SSD, Noordwijk Observations of High-J CO Lines in Dense Photon Dominated Regions
Tedesco E. Mission Research Corporation - Nashua, NH Asteroid Size-Frequency Distribution
Thomas N. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Aeronomie, Lindau Io's SO2 Atmosphere and Torus
Thum C. IRAM - St. Martin d`Heres The Disk of MWC349
Thum C. IRAM - St. Martin d`Heres The Recombination Line Maser
Tilgner C. Max-Planck-Institut Fuer AStronomie - Heidelberg SETI: Search for Dyson Spheres
Tinney C. European Southern Observatory - Garching The Near- and Far-Infrared Spectra of Very Late M-Stars
Treves A. SISSA/ISAS,Trieste - Trieste The Infrared Energy Distribution of the BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304
Tsuji T. Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo High Resolution Spectroscopy of Co and Sio in Red (Super)Giants
Tsuji T. Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo Infrared Excesses in Carbon Stars of the Galactic Halo and the Lmc
Tsuji T. Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo Infrared Properties of Very Low Mass Stars From M Dwarfs to Brown Dwarfs
Tuffs R. MPIK, Heidelberg Polarimetric Imaging of MIR Synchrotron Emission in Cas A
Tuffs R. MPIK, Heidelberg Polarimetric Mapping of Synchrotron Emission in the Crab Nebula
Turner J. UCLA - Los Angeles Gas and Dust Properties in Two Nearby Spiral Galaxies
Van Buren D. IPAC - Pasadena ISOCAM Search for Pulsar Debris Disks
Van Buren D. IPAC - Pasadena Infrared Coronal Lines in Ultracompact HII Regions
Van Buren D. IPAC - Pasadena Stellar Wind Bow Shocks - Laboratories for Dust Shock Processing
Van De Steene G. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - Groningen Accurate Abundance Determination of CNO in PN.
Van Der Hucht K. Sron-Utrecht Neon Abundance in Wolf-Rayet Stellar Winds
Van Der Hulst J. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - Groningen Density and Ionization Structure of HII Regions
Van Der Hulst J. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - Groningen Dust in Shell Galaxies
Van Der Hulst J. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - Groningen Dust Temperatures in Galaxies as Function of their Surface Brightness
Van Der Veen W. Columbia University, New York Imaging of Dust Shells Around AGB and Post-AGB Stars
Van Der Werf P. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Pressure in the Interstellar Medium of M33
Van Der Werf P. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Pressure in the Interstellar Medium of Late-Type Galaxies
Van Der Werf P. Leiden Observatory - Leiden Spectroscopy of Distant Radio Galaxies: Starbursts and Active Nuclei at redshift 1
Van Dishoeck E. Leiden Observatory - Leiden The Chemical State of Southern High-Mass Star-Forming Regions
Veilleux S. Kitt Peak National Observatory - Tucson Infrared Spectroscopy of a Unbiased Sample of Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies With Log[L_{IR}/L_{Sun}] = 12.3 - 13.0 and Z = 0.1 - 0.3.
Verheijen M. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute - Groningen An Improved Distance Indicator for Spiral Galaxies
Verstraete L. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - Orsay Mid-IR Spectroscopy of Small Dust Grains Around Hot Stars
Vigotti M. Istituto Di Radioastronomia C.N.R. Bologna The Nature of AGN and Stellar Populations in High Z Powerful Radio Galaxies
Vogel M. Institute of Astronomy - Zurich Dust in Symbiotic Binaries.
Volk K. University of Calgary, Alberta Spectroscopy of Featureless, Low-Temperature IRAS Sources
Volk K. University of Calgary, Alberta Study of Unusual 11.3 Micron Feature Sources
Volk K. University of Calgary, Alberta Study of An Unknown Type of Dust
Waelkens C. Instituut Voor Sterrenkunde - Leuven Circumstellar Matter Around High-Latitude Supergiants
Waelkens C. Instituut Voor Sterrenkunde - Leuven Dust Discs Around Young Main-Sequence Stars
Waelkens C. Instituut Voor Sterrenkunde - Leuven Monitoring of the IR Emission of HR4049 and HD213985
Waelkens C. Instituut Voor Sterrenkunde - Leuven Probing the Vega Phenomenon in Open Clusters
Walker C. Steward Observatory - Tucson [C II] Emission as a Probe of Starformation in Absorption Line Systems
Walker H. DRAL - Didcot Mapping of R CRB Dust Shells
Walker H. DRAL - Didcot Mapping the Environment of Vega-Like Stars
Walmsley C. Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn. Observation of NH3 in Some Hot Molecular Cores
Ward M. Oxford University Centaurus A: Qu'Est-Ce Que C'Est?
Ward M. Oxford University Hot Dust in High Redshift Quasars? Implications for the Presence/Absence of Tori
Ward M. Oxford University IRAS F10214+4724: Starburst Or Enshrouded Quasar?
Ward-Thompson D. Royal Observatory Edinburgh - Edinburgh Pre-Protostellar Cores
Waters L. Astronomical Institute, Amsterdam IR Photometry of K Stars with IR excess. The Nature of Circumstellar dust in K Giants
Waters L. Astronomical Institute, Amsterdam Infrared Spectroscopy of Normal O and B Stars:
A Search for Low-Density Circumstellar Gas
Waters L. Astronomical Institute, Amsterdam Massive Stars in the LMC and SMC:
A Study of the Ejecta of B[E] Stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Wehrse R. Institut f. Theoret. Astrophysik, Univ. Heidelberg Temperature Stratification in Cool Dwarf Atmospheres
Weinberger R. Institut fuer Astronomie Innbruck Dust in Born-Again Planetary Nebulae
Weinberger R. Institut fuer Astronomie Innbruck Edge-On Dust Disks in Planetary Nebulae
Weiss W. Institute for Astronomy, Vienna Dust and Gas Environment of Lambda-Bootis Stars
Wendker H. Hamburger Sternwarte - Hamburg G 79.29+0.46: A New LBV and its Shell.
Wennmacher A. Radioastronomisches Institut der Universitaet Bonn Physical Properties of a Cloud Located in the Local Hot Bubble
Werner M. JPL, Pasadena Studies of Wolf-Rayet Galaxies
Wesselius P. SRON Space Laboratory Groningen CO2 and CH4 Ice Absorption Features
White D. Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge Dust in the Stripped Interstellar Medium of M86.
Whitelock P. ESO, Garching A Study of M Stars With Unusual Mass-Loss Rates
Whitelock P. ESO, Garching Mass-Loss History of the Lithium-Rich S Star Rz Sgr
Wiklind T. Onsala Space Observatory Dust and Gas Properties of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies.
Wilking B. Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis, MO The Nature of Weak Radio Sources in the Rho Oph Cloud Core
Williams P. Royal Observatories - Edinburgh Structure of Wolf-Rayet Stellar Winds
Willis A. University College London IR Spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet Starburst Galaxies
Willis A. University College London The Neon + Magnesium Abundances in Wc and Wo Stars
Willner S. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Cambridge Abundance Gradient in M 33
Winkler C. ESA SSD, Noordwijk The Infrared Counterpart of Grs 1915+105 Observations of the Quiescent Source
Winkler C. ESA SSD, Noordwijk TOO: The Infrared Counterpart of Grs 1915+105 Observations of Outbursts
Wolstencroft R. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh Chemistry and Mass-Loss History of a Luminous Carbon Star: IRAS 15194-5115
Wooden D. NASA/AMES Research Center, CA Iron-Group Spectroscopy of SN 1987a
Wouterloot J. I. Physikalisches Institut, University of Koeln Narrow-Line CO Emission From a Molecular Cloud with Star Formation
Wozniak H. Geneva Observatory - Sauverny High Resolution Imaging of (Circum-)Nuclear Starburst Galaxies
Wright C. Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik - Garching Mid and Far-Infrared Polarimetry of Young Stellar Objects
Wright C. Max-Planck Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik - Garching Formation of Molecular Ice Mantles On Interstellar Dust Grains And the Nature of the Grain Surfaces.
Wright G. United Kingdom Infrared Telescope, ROE - Edinburgh Dust Absorption Features in Active Galaxies
Xu C. MPIK, Heidelberg Mapping IR Enhancements in Closely Interacting Spiral-Spiral Pairs
Xu C. MPIK, Heidelberg Mapping Intergalactic Dust Emission Compact Groups with Diffuse X-Ray Emission
Xu C. MPIK, Heidelberg Mapping the Radio/FIR Ratio Within Five Virgo Galaxies to Study Disk-ICM Interaction
Yamamura I. Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo Spectroscopic Observations of High-Velocity Flow of Evolved Objects
Yates J. School of Chemistry, University of Bristol Observations of FIR Water Masers in Star-Forming Regions.
Young E. University of Arizona, Tucson Spectral Energy Distributions in NGC 2264:
A Study of Disk Frequency in a Young Cluster
Yun M. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena Star Formation in Young IR Luminous Galaxies
Zavagno A. Observatoire de Marseille and IFSI-CNR - Frascati Dust Distribution in Galactic HII Regions
Zhang C. Space Telescope Science Institute Spectroscopy of Dusty Planetary Nebulae
Zijlstra A. European Southern Observatory Spectroscopy of Planetary Nebulae in the LMC
Zimmermann T. I. Physikalisches Institut Universitaet Zu Koeln Molecular-Neutral-Ionized Gas Interfaces in L1457 Line Observations of OI (63 Micron) and CII (158 Micron)
Zinnecker H. Astron. Inst. Univ. Wuerzburg Are X-Ray Selected Very Young Weak-Line T Tauri Stars Born Naked?
Zinnecker H. Astron. Inst. Univ. Wuerzburg Brown Dwarfs: A Search for Cool Infrared Companions Around Nearby Old White Dwarfs
Zinnecker H. Astron. Inst. Univ. Wuerzburg Remnant Dusty Disks in Lindroos Post T Tauri Stars
Zuckerman B. UCLA - Los Angeles Luminosity Class III Stars With Excess Far-IR Emission