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Kieron Leech

Welcome to the first post-launch issue of ISO INFO, the newsletter published at irregular intervals to keep the astronomical community informed of the progress of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO ), the latest astronomical mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). Inside are the latest ISO details, ISO 's first light images, and an invitation for ISO discretionary time observations of the Hubble Deep Field.

A Press Conference is being organised for 14 February in order to announce the results from the Performance Verification Phase of ISO to the world's press. Presentations by the instrument Principal Investigators will be made at the ISO Control Centre in Villafranca. Live TV coverage will enable audiences at other ESA sites to join in. In addition to results presented at this conference, the next issue of ISO INFO will contain instrument in-orbit performance details.

Kieron Leech
ISO Science Team
Mon Feb 26 15:56:27 MET 1996