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New PGA entry

For a beam switching observation the new PGA pages look like the following examples. Please note that it is now split into three concatenated AOTs. There is one AOT for the OFF source (CAM01), ON source (CAM03) and back to the OFF source position (CAM01). Some observers also choose to reverse the ON and OFF positions within the CAM03 observation. This approach works without any increase in the observing time, provided the OFF position was far enough from the ON to avoid having the target in the field of view using the 6" pfov. However, please note that for versions of the pipeline prior to version (5.0) the CMOS map will have the coordinates entered as "target" in PGA (the off source pointing) and will have the fluxes multiplied by -1.
The CAM01 on offset position PGA entry look like:


Number of measurements:  1
                         Extra-SW   ADC-gain       +-----+-----+  N.stab.
                             |        |            |     |     |     |
  Beam  PFOV  Filter  Lambd  |  |  Opertns. Cal.  Drk.  Cln.   |  N.exps.
  SW-l   3    SW6         0  N    2.1 2  ObDk           19           1        4

This AOT is concatenated to the CAM03 on target position.


Number of reference fields: 1            Epoch: 1950

   Right Asc.      Declination     l(II)        b(II)
  17h 19m 42.3s   26d 41' 16.1"  49.25459 d  30.97340 d
  17h 19m 35.0s   26d 43' 00.0"  49.27748 d  31.00784 d

Number of measurements:  2
                                 ADC-gain       +-----+-----+   N.stab.   N.cyc.
                                   |            |     |     |      |          |
  Beam  PFOV  Filter  Lambd  |  Opertns. Cal.  Drk.  Cln.    | N.exps.  |
  SW-l   3    SW6     0.000  6     2  Ob                           50   20    2
  LW-s   3    LW4     0.000  2     2  ObDk            29           50   18    2

This AOT is concatenated to the CAM01 on offset position.


Number of measurements:  1
                         Extra-SW   ADC-gain       +-----+-----+  N.stab.
                             |        |            |     |     |     |
  Beam  PFOV  Filter  Lambd  |  |  Opertns. Cal.  Drk.  Cln.   |  N.exps.
  LW-l   3    LW4         0  N    2.1 2  ObDk           20           1        4

Addendum of the ISOCAM Observer's Manual - V1.0
Mon Aug 5 15:50:39 MET DST 1996