Next: 8. Caveats
Up: 7. ISOCAM Auto-Analysis
Previous: 7.3 High-Level Scientific Data
7.4 Browse Products
From the standard pipeline a number of files are also generated to
provide users with:
- Survey Products:
These products are the equivalent of the automatic analysis
system, giving the image from the CMOS file when it exists and
CMAP otherwise. In IDA they can be viewed directly with
the Survey Product Display Tool (SPDT). Although these products
contain fully reduced data, it must be emphasized that the
processing is done in a standard and automatic way which does not
involve any scientific judgement.
- Icons and Postcards
Icons and postcards facilitate a quick-look to scan the data for
particular purposes and identify which data need to be
retrieved. For ISOCAM, the postcard is the image in GIF format of
the survey product projected in
(RA, DEC) coordinates. It contains a grey-scale coded wedge to
indicate flux levels. The icon is a small version of the
CMAP/CMOS image shown in detector coordinates. For the CAM
spectral observations (CAM04) the mean image of all wavelengths
is displayed; the spectrum shown is that of the innermost
pixels. Up to four multi-filter or multi-pfov measurements (for a
given observation) are shown inside the corresponding icon.
Next: 8. Caveats
Up: 7. ISOCAM Auto-Analysis
Previous: 7.3 High-Level Scientific Data
ISO Handbook Volume II (CAM), Version 2.0, SAI/1999-057/Dc