4.1 Processing Overview
3.3 History of AOT
4. Data Processing
4.1 Processing Overview
4.2 Quality Check of the Data
4.3 Derive-SPD Processing Steps
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2 Construction of ramps and discarding unusable readouts
4.3.3 Conversion of readouts to voltages
4.3.4 Flag saturated ramps
4.3.5 First level deglitching
4.3.6 Extraction of ramp slopes and conversion to photocurrent
4.3.7 Illuminator processing
4.4 Auto-Analysis Processing Steps
4.4.1 Absolute responsivity correction and responsivity drift correction
4.4.2 Dark current/background straylight subtraction
4.4.3 Grating scan wavelength calibration
4.4.4 Grating spectral responsivity calibration
4.4.5 Spectral bandwidth correction
4.4.6 Fabry-Pérot scan wavelength calibration
4.4.7 Fabry-Pérot throughput correction
4.4.8 Velocity correction to wavelength
4.4.9 Write LSNR data product (only in OLP versions earlier than 8)
4.4.10 Calculation of uncertainties
4.5 Processing of the Parallel and Serendipity Modes
4.5.1 Dark current subtraction and drift removal
ISO Handbook Volume III (LWS), Version 2.1, SAI/1999-057/Dc