5.1 Introduction
4.5 Instrumental Profile and
5. Photometric Calibration
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Photometric Model
5.3 Dark Current Subtraction
5.3.1 Detector noise & dark current
5.3.2 Dark current correction for band 2
5.4 The Relative Spectral Response Function (RSRF)
5.4.1 RSRF measurements before launch
5.4.2 In-orbit verification of the ILT RSRF
5.4.3 Spline smoothing of residues
5.4.4 RSRF calibration sources
5.4.5 Accuracy of the RSRFs
5.4.6 Overview of the RSRF curves
5.4.7 Fabry-Pérot RSRF
5.5 Detector Response to the Internal Calibration Source
5.6 Grating Flat-fielding
5.7 Signal to Flux Conversion
5.7.1 Astronomical Calibration Sources (ACS)
5.7.2 Photometric calibration accuracy
5.8 Surface Brightness Derivation
5.9 The SWS Error Budget
5.9.1 Sources of uncertainty
5.9.2 The SWS photometric calibration error budget
5.9.3 Reproducibility
5.9.4 Overall error budget
ISO Handbook Volume V (SWS), Version 2.0.1, SAI/2000-008/Dc