7.1 Introduction
6.7 Post-Helium Flux Calibration
7. Standard Product Generation
7.1 Introduction
7.2 From ERD to SPD
7.2.1 Reading the ERD
7.2.2 Determination of the data range
7.2.3 Subtraction of the `midbit' values
7.2.4 Selection of valid samples
7.2.5 Correction of the integration ramp for the RC time constant
7.2.6 Correction for the reset pulse effects
7.2.7 Removal of electrical cross-talk
7.2.8 Glitch detection
7.2.9 Extraction of the photo-currents and their uncertainties
7.2.10 Conversion to voltages
7.2.11 Assigning wavelengths
7.2.12 Writing the data
7.3 From SPD to AAR
7.3.1 Reading data from the SPD
7.3.2 Transient correction
7.3.3 Subtraction of dark currents
7.3.4 Responsivity calibration
7.3.5 Flux calibration
7.3.6 Velocity correction
7.3.7 Output table files
7.4 Error Propagation in the SWS Pipeline
7.4.1 Basic formalism
7.4.2 Slope error
7.4.3 Offset error
7.4.4 Gain error
7.5 SWS Pipeline Software
7.5.1 Implementation of the errors
7.5.2 Decoding of error tags in the AAR
ISO Handbook Volume V (SWS), Version 2.0.1, SAI/2000-008/Dc