In particular, target name resolution via NED and SIMBAD has been available since the release of the first version of IDA in December 1998. From the list of observations on the IDA interface, users can access the corresponding articles on the ADS WWW mirror at Strasbourg, France. On the other hand, links are provided by ADS to the ISO postcard server for the observations on which a given article is based.
From the ISO postcard, by a simple click, the user can open a browser window to the IRAS archive WWW page located at IPAC, USA that contains the IRAS data covering the region of the sky of the selected ISO observation.
Direct links to the ISO data are also provided, using mechanisms developed to be compatible with the Virtual Observatories. At the time of writing, a subset of ISO observation specific information and data are accessible from the VizieR catalogue browser based at CDS, Strasbourg, France, the NASA HEASARC archive and from ADS. ISO observations are also accessible from the InfraRed Science Archive (IRSA), located at IPAC via a tool showing ISO observations field-of-views, overlayed onto IRAS images.
All these interfaces are being ported to the new Virtual Observatory standards (Simple Image Access Protocol, VOTable, etc...) for the IDA to be fully part of it.