The accuracy of the photometric calibration is determined by a number of factors:
All these factors together lead to a photometric repeatability for LWS grating mode spectra of 10% between scans on the same detector (this is mainly due to the effect of responsivity changes), and 30% between adjacent detectors (mainly due to dark background removal problems for faint point sources and to the source extent for extended sources).
To check the photometric calibration and the relative response calibration several sources were used during PV phase and during the routine calibration observations. Table 5.6 gives the sources used for different calibration purposes.
Source | Type | Observation |
Absolute Flux Calibration and Relative Response Function | ||
Uranus | planet | End to end grating scans (extended range) |
Absolute Flux Calibration: checking and monitoring | ||
Uranus | planet | FG position On and Off source and full scan |
Neptune | planet | FG position On and Off source and full scan |
Ceres | asteroid | FG position On and Off source |
Pallas | asteroid | FG position On and Off source |
Vesta | asteroid | FG position On and Off source |
Arcturus | star | FG position On and Off source and full scan |
Aldebaran | star | FG position On and Off source and full scan |
![]() |
star | FG position On and Off source |
S106 | HII region | FG and full scan |
G298.288![]() |
HII region | FG and full scan |
NGC 6543 | PN | full grating scan |
NGC 7027 | PN | full grating scan |
Fabry-Pérot `throughput correction'
(transmission ![]() |
Mars | planet | Fabry-Pérot scans with fixed grating (mixed mode) |
Sidher et al. 2000, [39] used ten LWS full grating scan
observations (L01) of Mars to demonstrate that the observed 3%
rotational modulation of the FIR disk-averaged brightness temperature
can be detected with the LWS and that it
compares very favourably with the predictions of the
thermophysical model developed by Rudy et al. 1987, [37].
Figure 5.5
shows the observed and predicted modulation in each detector (except SW1
which is excluded
because it suffers from memory effects) as
well as a detector-averaged modulation. All these observations were
processed as 1/4 s integration ramps by discarding the second-half
of each
1/2 s ramp (see Section 5.8)
in order to eliminate the non-linear behaviour seen in some
LWS detectors for high fluxes.
The absolute photometric accuracy evidenced by this figure is better than
10% for most detectors (observations and model differ by up to
in LW1 probably due to some residual non-linear effects). But what this
figure shows primarily is that the LWS photometry is very stable,
to a few % level,
and that LWS can be used to detect variations as low as 3%.
Mars is a very bright source (25000 Jy at 100
m) so the uncertainties
due to dark current or background subtraction are minimal. For faint
sources, such a high level of stability might be hidden due to dark
current uncertainties.
![]() |
An extensive study comparing LWS and IRAS fluxes over a wide range of flux values has been performed by Chan et al. 2001, [6]. A summary of the study is given here highlighting the results concerning the photometric comparison between IRAS and LWS.
The objects used for the comparison were selected among all LWS observations on the basis of the following criteria:
The LWS spectra were first corrected for the presence of near-infrared
leak features
when needed (see Section 6.7 for the description of the
feature and the correction).
A `cirrus correction' was applied to take out the contribution of the
background flux due to the interstellar medium emission at the source
Two different corrections were applied: either the IRAS flux was corrected
using the CIRR2 value given in the IRAS PSC,
or the LWS flux was corrected based on the IRAS CIRR3 value.
![]() |
Figure 5.6 shows the distribution of IRAS
fluxes versus LWS fluxes at 100m.
Each type group
is plotted with a different symbol, and one can check that there is no
difference between the groups.
Figure 5.7 shows the same results, but this time the
ratios of LWS to IRAS flux densities are presented.
First one should note that there is a reasonably good agreement between IRAS and ISO flux values (within 30%), in spite of the relatively large uncertainties associated with the needed correction factors.
However, the plots do evidence systematic effects that deserves more attention: in average ISO fluxes are 12.5% higher than IRAS fluxes and the differences seem to increase with increasing flux.
Therefore, to further investigate this behaviour, the flux comparison has
been extended to the 60m band and has been broadened by including
other sources: on one hand, 23 sources used
for cross-calibration between
SWS and LWS in the context of the ISO cross-calibration
(García-Lario 2001, [18])
and on the other hand, 155 galaxies observed with LWS,
the fluxes of which were measured and compared to IRAS fluxes by
Brauher & Lord 2001, [3].
At 60
m, the LWS observations do not cover the whole IRAS band.
In the cross-calibration sample only sources that were observed also with
SWS were used in order to reconstruct the ISO flux at 60
m; for the
extragalactic sample a small correction was applied in order to
compensate for the fraction of the spectral energy distribution not covered
by LWS. Complete details are given in García-Lario 2001, [18]
and Brauher & Lord 2001, [3].
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Figure 5.8 and 5.9 show the
ISO versus IRAS fluxes for the three samples.
It is clear on these plots that there is a systematic difference
between ISO and IRAS fluxes for bright sources.
For faint sources, IRAS and ISO fluxes agree within
a few % in average, with a high dispersion due
to uncertainties in the dark current.
However for brighter sources, ISO fluxes are systematically higher
than IRAS fluxes, and the difference increases with flux level, from about
15% difference around 100 Jy, to a level of
about 20% for sources up to 400 Jy, and 30-50% for sources brighter than
400 Jy.
The reason for this behaviour is not understood.
It is not due to inaccurate dark current subtraction since this would affect
the faintest sources unlike what we observe here. On the other hand it
does not seem to be due to cirrus background contamination, since no trend
is observed with the IRAS CIRR2 parameter value.
A possible cause could be some non-linear effects in the IR detectors.
However, the problem could be associated with IRAS and not with ISO.
Indeed, Figure IV.A.4.2 of the IRAS Explanatory Supplement,
([20]) does evidence detector non-linearity behaviour
and Section VI.B.4.d quotes errors of respectively 30% and 70%
at 60 and 100m for sources above 100 Jy.
Further investigation is needed to decide if the systematic difference is imputable to IRAS or LWS calibration inaccuracies.
For the Fabry-Pérot mode, the photometric accuracy was determined by comparing the integrated line fluxes observed with the FP with the fluxes observed with the grating or line fluxes published in the literature. The sources and lines are given in Table 5.7. It was found that for strong lines accuracy is typically better than 30%. For faint lines however, the FP fluxes can be off by almost a factor two. This is mainly due to the removal of the dark current which is known to be problematic for low signal levels (see also Section and 5.4).
Source | Type | Lines |
NGC 6543 | PN | 57.3, 88.4 ![]() |
NGC 7027 | PN | 51.8, 63.2, 145.5, 157.7 ![]() |
NGC 6357I | HII region | 51.8, 57.3, 63.2, 88.4, 145.5, 157.7 ![]() |
M 82 | Galaxy | 63.2, 88.4, 121.9, 157.7 ![]() |