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14.5 CRE Linearisation Corrections

Description Parameter:	Section 4.3.2
Processing Level:	SPD 
Usage in processing:	Section 7.2.8
File Type:		FITS Image
Units:			V

The linearisation of ramps is performed by adding a correction voltage to each readout voltage. The value of the correction depends on the the value of the readout voltage itself, the detector used, and the readout clock frequency. The correction tables are provided by FITS images for the P, C100, and C200 detectors, respectively.

The index is determined in axis1 which corresponds to the CRE output voltage. For the given detector (or pixel) and readout clock frequency, the voltage correction and uncertainty are provided through axis4.

All products have:
TYPE = R*4

14.5.1 Product PPCRELIN: linearisations for P1, P2, and P3

AXIS	Length	Description
1	121	CRE Output Voltages. The voltages are binned in steps of 0.02 V
		in the voltage range $-$1.2 V to +1.2 V 
2	3	PHT-P detectors: P1, P2, P3
3	3	readout clock frequency 1, 4, 8 kHz
4	2	Correction voltage and uncertainty in V

14.5.2 Product PC1CRELIN: linearisations for C100

Same as PPCRELIN, but for AXIS 2:
Length = 9, Description = C100 pixels

14.5.3 Product PC2CRELIN: linearisations for C200

Same as PPCRELIN, but for AXIS 2:
Length = 4, Description = C200 pixels.

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ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc