Description Parameter: Section 4.6.2, 5.2.6 Processing Level: SPD and AAR Usage in processing: Section 7.6 for SPD usage and Section 8.6 for AAR usage File Type: Binary Fits Table Number of Records: 128 File Names: PSPECAL
For each pixel in the PHT-SS and PHT-SL array the corresponding central wavelengths and spectral response are listed. The spectral response is given in units of [V/s/Jy] for point sources and in [V/s/(MJy/sr)] for extended sources. These numbers provide a direct conversion from a pixel signal to a point source flux (in [Jy]) or a surface brightness (in [MJy/sr]) on the sky. The conversion assumes (1) a constant responsivity for the PHT-S arrays with time and orbital position and (2) no positional dependence of the source with respect to the centre of the aperture.
For PHT-S chopped observations two correction coefficients
are included for each pixel. These coefficients provide
a fist order correction to the average spectral response function for chopped
The records are filled as follows: data of PHT-SS pixels 1-64 are stored in records 1-64, PHT-SL pixels 1-64 are stored in records 65-128.
Binary FITS table with record length 56 bytes. The record fields are:
Field Offset Number Type Description PSPELAMB 0 1 R*4 Wavelength in m (increasing) PSPELUNC 4 1 R*4 Uncertainty PSPESRFP 8 1 R*4 Point source srf[(V/s)/Jy] PSPESRUP 12 1 R*4 Uncertainty PSPESRFE 16 1 R*4 Extended source srf
[(V/s)/(MJy/sr)] PSPESRUE 20 1 R*4 Uncertainty PSPECRFP 24 1 R*4 Average chopped point source srf [(V/sec)/Jy] PSPECRUP 28 1 R*4 Uncertainty PSPECRFE 32 1 R*4 Average chopped extended source srf [(V/s)/Jy] PSPECRUE 36 1 R*4 Uncertainty PSPECCC0 40 1 R*4
, see Equation 7.61 PSPECUC0 44 1 R*4 Uncertainty PSPECCC1 48 1 R*4
, see Equation 7.61 PSPECUC1 52 1 R*4 Uncertainty
srf=spectral response function