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11.1 Obtaining ISOPHOT Data
We will illustrate the PHT data retrieval with an example. Suppose one
would like to obtain ISOPHOT data from the bright star Altair. Then the
following steps should be taken:
- assuming that an internet connection and web browser are available,
one should go to the ISO Data Archive (IDA) at:
Access the Archive
and start the IDA applet. The `Query Specification' screen will
be displayed. To be able to retrieve the data one should be a registered
user, and one must login during an IDA session.
- select PHT data products by de-selecting the AOTs of the other
instruments. Then type `Altair' and click on `Execute Query'.
A `Latest Results' screen will appear containing all ISOPHOT
observations related to Altair. Each AOT is accompanied by a postcard
created from the auto-analysis results. The postcard provides a first look
at the data. The postcard can be enlarged by clicking on it.
single pointing observations are displayed in the form of spectral energy
Products of mapping (including nodding) observations have the image of
only the first filter in the AOT displayed in the postcard.
- the data products can be retrieved by moving a selected AOT to the
shopping basket. Click on `Shopping Basket' to look at what
has been
selected. In order to download all PHT OLP products of a given AOT including
both Derive_SPD and Derive_AAR products, select `All' for
`Products Desired' and click on `Submit Request'.
An identification number is assigned to the request and the OLP
Version 10 data products are transfered to an anonymous ftp
area at ftp.iso.vilspa.esa.es11.1. When the
transference of files is finished the system sends an
e-mail message to the electronic address of the registered user
telling where to get the data from. To leave this screen press
- if e.g. a PHT03 multi-filter staring observation was selected
(in this case TDT 3001001) then the following files will be placed in
the anonymous ftp area:
aocs13001001.fits pcsh130.fits
apph130.fits pcsv130.fits
ccsh130.fits pisr13001001.fits
eoha130.fits polr13001001.fits
eohc130.fits pp2a13001001.fits
eohi130.fits pp2s13001001.fits
gehk13001001.fits ppap13001001.fits
gshh130.fits pper13001001.fits
iiph13001001.fits psp13001001.fits
irph13001001.fits psta13001001.fits
lcsh130.fits scsh130.fits
For first look purposes, several files are not relevant. Look in
Chapter 12 and the subsequent Chapters in this
handbook to determine which products can be expected from PHT OLP
and to determine the product contents. According to the Table given in
Section 12.2 either PPAP or PPAE are the auto
analysis products for this PHT03 observation depending whether the
observer of the initial proposal has selected `point source' (PPAP)
or `extended source' (PPAE).
Next: 11.2 First Look at
Up: 11. Getting Started with
Previous: 11. Getting Started with
ISO Handbook Volume IV (PHT), Version 2.0.1, SAI/1999-069/Dc