synopsis: (1) statistical uncertainty increase due to decrease in effective integration time, (2) systematic uncertainty decrease due to removal of highly unstable signals.
limitations and applicability:
The correction is only applied to chopped observations, PHT32 is also
excluded. The signal redundancy per chopper plateau is minimized, often
to 2 signals per chopper plateau or less.
For chopped measurements in general, the plateaux show upward transients
for the on-source signals and downward transients for the off-source
signals. To minimize influences by the initial jump, the first half of
all signals on a chopper plateau is discarded.
purpose correction:
Better definition plateau signal. The same method is used in the derivation
of the correction factors for signal losses in chopped mode.
uncertainty/noise introduced:
The effective integration time is decreased by 50%, thereby
increasing the statistical uncertainty by .
auxillary data:
Deglitch parameters.