NAME: AIPSDIR PURPOSE: Print a listing of AIPS image files on a VAX directory CALLING SEQUENCE: aipsdir, [ usernum, dir ] OPTIONAL INPUTS: usernum - an AIPS user number, integer scalar. AIPDIR will only display images belonging to this user. If not supplied or set = -1, then AIPSDIR displays all images on the directory. dir - string giving name of the directory containing the AIPS catalog. If not supplied, then the default AIPS directory (currently CHAMP$USER5:[AIPS.DATA]) is used NOTES: Finding the VAX directory that contains your AIPS images appears to be as much of an art as a science. Users on non-LASP systems will have to modify line 1 of this program giving the default AIPS directory. SIDE EFFECTS: AIPSDIR display the user number, slot number, date image was catalogued, image name, and VAX directory name. METHOD: The catalog directory ('CA') files are opened, and interpreted as per GOING AIPS (15-APR-1987), p. 5-3 REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman March, 1986
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME AIPSNAME PURPOSE: Returns the VAX filename of a specified AIPS sequence number, for a given user number. Needed because AIPS tries to hide the VAX file name, which is what the IDL procedure AIPSRD needs to read an image. CALLING SEQUENCE: filename = aipsname( userno, [ seqno, directory ] ) INPUTS: userno - AIPS user number, integer scalar seqno - sequence or slot number of image in the user's catalog. If not supplied, AIPSNAME will display all images in the users catalog, and prompt for a choice. directory - string giving disk and directory name to search for the image. If not supplied, AIPSNAME uses the default AIPS directory (currently CHAMP$USER5:[AIPS.DATA]) OUTPUT: STRING giving full VAX file name of the catalog header ('CB' file) of the desired image. EXAMPLE: User number 11 wants the VAX filename of the image with a slot number of 1 in his catalog. FILENAME= AIPSNAME(11,1) NOTES: AIPSNAME currently assumes an AIPS format version of 'B', i.e. for images written in the 15-JAN-1987 AIPS version. Users may need to change the first line of this program for other AIPS data formats. The default AIPS directory also needs to be changed on other systems. AIPSNAME does not check that the filename really exists; it merely creates a VAX filename from a user number and slot number, as per GOING AIPS (15-APR-1987), p. 5-3. REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman March 6, 1989
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME AIPSRD PURPOSE: Read an AIP disk image (MAP) file into an IDL image and header arrays Use AIPSDIR or AIPSNAME to determine the VAX filename of the desired AIPS image. CALLLING SEQUENCE: AIPSRD, im, hdr, [ filename ] OPTIONAL INPUT: FILENAME - String giving the complete VAX file name (including extension) of the AIPS image header file. The first two characters of the file name should be 'CB' and the last two should be '01'. If a directory is not supplied then AIPSRD uses a default directory (currently 'CHAMP$USER5:[AIPS.DATA]') OUTPUTS: IM - image array with size and dimensions as specified in the AIPS catalog header HDR - FITS type header array created from values in the AIPS catalog header. HDR will NOT include any HISTORY keywords. REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman March 7, 1989
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: DST_INFO PURPOSE: To read in the next section of the header in a DAOPHOT image file. CALLING SEQUENCE: PRO DST_INFO, PT, IPT, LPT, BHDR, IHDR, LHDR, FHDR,NAME, VALUE, DIMS, STYPE, TYPE PARAMETERS: From what I can gather the PT variables are positions in the HDR variables which hold the header data. The `B' prefix (BPT, BHDR), indicates the variables are in BYTE type, and `I', `L', `F' indicate INTEGER, LONG, and FLOATING respectively. pt + 9 size of object name (1 - 15) pt + 10 - 24 string of object name pt + 25 type of object pt + 26 - 40 string of type pt + 61... value(s) of byte object (+4 for each) pt + 64... string for char object ipt + 31... value(s) of short or int object (+2 for each) lpt + 1 size of object description (data added at end) lpt + 2 pointer back to start of structure (4 byte groups) always less than or equal to 0 lpt + 12 pointer to start of next object (4 byte groups) lpt + 13 number data values in this object lpt + 16... value(s) of long, int, or float object or size of string for char object The NAME parameter is the name of the header field and VALUE is its value. NOTES: See notes for READ_DST procedure. PROCEDURE: This procedure dissects the header information passed to it in the HDR parameters. Most of it is done by black magic. REVISION HISTORY: 03 AUG 87 Written by Michael E. Van Steenberg 17 OCT 89 toyed with by Joel Parker (cleaned and added comment & prolog) 25 MAY 90 Strtrim added to make it work in IDL version 2. Should be still compatible with IDL version 1. Robert S. Hill
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: IRAFRD PURPOSE: Read an IRAF (OIF) file and read into an IDL image and header arrays. Program will prompt for the file name if not supplied. CALLING SEQUENCE: IRAFRD, im, hdr, filename, [SILENT = , VMSIMG = ] OPTIONAL INPUT: FILENAME - Character string giving the name of the IRAF image header. If omitted, then program will prompt for the file name. IRAFRD always assumes the header file has an extension '.imh'. IRAFRD will automatically locate the ".pix" file containing the data by parsing the contents of the .imh file. (If the parse is unsuccesful, then IRAFRD looks in the same directory as the .imh file.) OUTPUTS: IM - array containing image data HDR - string array containing header. Basic information in the IRAF header is converted to a FITS style header OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: VMSIMG - UNIX keyword included to indicate that the file originated on a VAX. If VMSIMG ne 0, then byteordering appropriate to a vms image will be performed. SILENT - If this keyword is present, the size of the image will not be printed. SIDE EFFECTS: IF FILENAME is not supplied, then the program will check that the image and header variable do not already contain data. RESTRICTIONS: (1) Image size and history sections of the IRAF header are copied into the FITS header HDR. Other information (e.g. astrometry) might not be included unless it is also in the history section (2) IRAFRD ignores the node name when deciphering the name of the IRAF ".pix" file. (3) Certain FITS keywords ( DATATYPE, IRAFNAME) may appear more than once in the output name PROCEDURE: IRAFRD obtains dimensions and type of image from the IRAF header. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman, STX January 1989 Converted to IDL Version 2. M. Greason, STX, June 1990 Updated for DecStation compatibility W. Landsman March 1992 Don't leave an open LUN W. Landsman July 1993
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: IRAFWRT PURPOSE: Write IDL data in IRAF (OIF) format (.imh and .pix files). Does the reverse of IRAFRD. CALLING SEQUENCE: IRAFWRT, image, hdr, filename, [ PIXDIR = ] INPUTS: image - array containing data hdr - The corresponding FITS header. Use MKHDR to create a minimal FITS header if one does not already exist. filename - Scalar string giving the name of the file to be written Should not include the extension name, which will be supplied by IRAFWRT. OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: PIXDIR - scalar string specifying the directory into which to write the IRAF pixel (.pix) file. The default is to write the pixel file to the same directory as the header (.imh) file SIDE EFFECTS: Image array and FITS header are written to IRAF pixel file 'filename'.pix and header file 'filename'.imh EXAMPLE: Write an empty 50 x 50 array of all zeros to an IRAF file named 'EMPTY' IDL> im = intarr( 50, 50) ;Create empty array IDL> mkhdr, hdr, im ;Create a minimal FITS header IDL> irafwrt, im, hdr, 'empty' ;Write to a IRAF file named 'empty' PROCEDURE: IRAFWRT gets information about the data - image dimensions, size, datatype, maximum and minimum pixel values - and writes it into the binary part of the header. The ASCII part of the header is directly copied after deleting records with certain keywords A pixel file is created, with a header in the first 1024 bytes RESTRICTIONS: (1) The files are not created by IRAFWRT are not identical to those created by the IRAF routine rfits. However, the files created by IRAFWRT appear to be compatible with all the IRAF routines tested so far. (2) IRAFWRT has been tested on a limited number of data types (3) IRAFWRT has not been tested on a DecStation. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written K. Venkatakrishna, STX February 1992 VMS compatibility W. Landsman April 1992 Work with headers without DATE-OBS or ORIGIN August 1992
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: MID_RD_DISDSC PURPOSE: Get a MIDAS directory descriptor from a MIDAS BDF. Note: PORTABLE MIDAS. CALLING SEQUENCE: MID_RD_DIRDSC,IMAGE,DSCNAME,DSCVALUE INPUTS: IMAGE = Filename or Logical Unit Number. * If a filename is given, the file will be opened and closed using a local LUN. The filename is that of the MIDAS image, without extension (.BDF will is assumed) or version number (latest version is assumed). * If a LUN is given, the file associated with that LUN will be used. DSCNAME = Name of the Descriptor wanted. OUTPUTS: DSCVALUE = Value of the directory descriptor wanted. ALGORITHM: 0) Check inputs and set error handling. 1) Open file for access using the access method indicated by the type of the input parameter IMAGE. 2) Find the descriptor by name (string type). 3) Decode the 30 byte descriptor block. 4) Use #3 to find descriptor data area. 5) Convert descriptor data as indicated by descriptor block information. 6) Terminate file access as is proper for the type of parameter IMAGE. RESTRICTIONS: 1) There must be only one FCB and it must be in VBN 1. 2) The LDBs must begin in VBN 2. 3) All descriptors must be in the first LDB. 4) Note: .bdf and .tbl extensions assumed lower case. AUTHORS: SAV - Stephen A. Voels, USM/DAN MODIFICATION HISTORY: FEB 1989 SAV Initial programming. MAY 1989 FM Change of name of routine; some minor alterations. AUG 1990 FM Updates for Portable MIDAS (noted as comments below). FEB 1991 FM Conversion to V. 2 of IDL, Unix.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: MID_RD_IMAGE PURPOSE: Get a pixel matrix and some support information from a MIDAS file. CALLING SEQUENCE: MID_RD_IMAGE,IMAGE,DATA,NAXIS,NPIX INPUTS: IMAGE = Filename or Logical Unit Number. * If a filename is given, the file will be opened and closed using a local LUN. The filename is that of the MIDAS image, without extension (.BDF will is assumed) or version number (latest version is assumed). * If a LUN is given, the file associated with that LUN will be used. OUTPUTS: NAXIS = Number of dimensions in MIDAS image. I*4 values. NPIX = Array containing the dimensions. I*4 values. DATA = Array containing the MIDAS image. Dimensions are defined by NAXIS and NPIX. R*4 values. ALGORITHM: 0) Check inputs and set error handling. 1) Open file for access using the access method indicated by the type of the input parameter IMAGE. 2) Get the descriptors of the IMAGE. a) NAXIS set the output parameter NAXIS to this value. b) NPIX set the output parameter NPIX to this value. 3) Locate the pixel data start block 4) Load pixel data into output parameter DATA 5) Terminate file access as is proper for the type of parameter IMAGE. RESTRICTIONS: 1) There must be only one FCB and it must be in VBN 1. 2) The LDBs must begin in VBN 2. 3) All descriptors must be in the first LDB. 4) Currently only works for real data, does not check to see if this is true or not. 5) Midas file extensions (.bdf, .tbl) assumed lower case. AUTHORS: FM - F. Murtagh, ST-ECF SAV - Stephen A. Voels, USM/DAN MODIFICATION HISTORY: OCT 1988 FM Initial programing and decoding of MIDAS files. FEB 1989 SAV Name and calling sequence change. General reprograming for effeciency and modularity. Additional parameter checking. MAY 1989 FM Minor change for case of 1-d images. FEB 1991 FM Conversion to V. 2 IDL, Unix.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: MID_RD_TABLE PURPOSE: Open and read data from a MIDAS table. CALLING SEQUENCE: MID_RD_TABLE,table,ncol,nrow,data INPUTS: Table = file name of MIDAS table or Logical Unit Number. * If a filename is given, the file will be opened and closed using a local LUN. An extension -- not to be supplied -- of .TBL is assumed. No version number is allowed: the most recent version is used. * If an LUN is given, the file associated with that LUN will be used. OUTPUTS: Ncol = number of columns in the input MIDAS table. Long integer (I*4). Nrow = number of rows in the MIDAS table. Long integer (I*4). Data = table data. Floating (R*4). Data is of dimensions nrow*ncol. The select column in the MIDAS table is disregarded. ALGORITHM: We first consider the File Control Block of the MIDAS table file to determine the start of descriptor information and the start of the data. Next we consider the Descriptor Directory Entry for `tblcontr' (the number of columns and rows allocated; followed by the number of columns and rows in the actual table). Finally we read the data values. RESTRICTIONS: Real data handled only. Midas table SELECTION mechanism is ignored. Also ignored are missing values. Midas file extensions (.tbl) assumed lower case. AUTHORS: FM - Fionn Murtagh, ST-ECF, Munich. MODIFICATION HISTORY: OCT 1988 FM Initial programming. MAY 1989 FM Name change, debugging, etc. FEB 1991 FM Conversion to V.2 IDL, Unix.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: MID_UP_IMAGE PURPOSE: Get a pixel matrix and some support information from a MIDAS file. Allow updating of data, using DATA. CALLING SEQUENCE: MID_UP_IMAGE,IMAGE,DATA,NAXIS,NPIX INPUTS: IMAGE = Filename or Logical Unit Number. * If a filename is given, the file will be opened and closed using a local LUN. The filename is that of the MIDAS image, without extension (.BDF will is assumed) or version number (latest version is assumed). * If a LUN is given, the file associated with that LUN will be used. OUTPUTS: NAXIS = Number of dimensions in MIDAS image. I*4 values. NPIX = Array containing the dimensions of the data to be written into the MIDAS image. Must be compatible with (i.e. smaller than or equal to the corresponding dimensions of) the latter. I*4 values. DATA = Array to be written into the MIDAS image. Dimensions are defined by NAXIS and NPIX. R*4 values. ALGORITHM: 0) Check inputs and set error handling. 1) Open file for access using the access method indicated by the type of the input parameter IMAGE. 2) Get the descriptors of the IMAGE. a) NAXIS set the output parameter NAXIS to this value. b) NPIX set the output parameter NPIX to this value. 3) Locate the pixel data start block 4) Load pixel data into output parameter DATA 5) Check consistency of dimensions of data array to be written, and image dimensions; then write data array into image. 6) Terminate file access as is proper for the type of parameter IMAGE. RESTRICTIONS: 1) There must be only one FCB and it must be in VBN 1. 2) The LDBs must begin in VBN 2. 3) All descriptors must be in the first LDB. 4) Currently only works for real data, does not check to see if this is true or not. 5) Midas extensions (.bdf, .tbl) assumed lower case. AUTHORS: FM - F. Murtagh, ST-ECF SAV - Stephen A. Voels, USM/DAN MODIFICATION HISTORY: MAY 1989 FM Initial programming. FEB 1991 FM Conversion to v.2 IDL, Unix.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: MID_UP_TABLE PURPOSE: Open and update data from a MIDAS table. CALLING SEQUENCE: MID_UP_TABLE,table,ncol,nrow,data INPUTS: Table = file name of MIDAS table or Logical Unit Number. * If a filename is given, the file will be opened and closed using a local LUN. An extension -- not to be supplied -- of .TBL is assumed. No version number is allowed: the most recent version is used. * If an LUN is given, the file associated with that LUN will be used. Ncol = number of columns in the array to be written into the MIDAS table. Long integer (I*4). Must be less than or equal to the number of columns in the MIDAS table. "Ncol" and "nrow" are checked for consistency only. Nrow = number of rows in the array to be written into the MIDAS table. Long integer (I*4). Must be less than or equal to the number of rows in the MIDAS table. "Ncol" and "nrow" are checked for consistency only. Data = array of data to be written into the MIDAS table. Floating (R*4). Data is of dimensions nrow*ncol. The select column in the MIDAS table is disregarded. RESTRICTIONS: Dimensions of the array to be written into the MIDAS table must be less than or equal to the corresponding dimensions of the latter. Note that in the case of smaller dimensions, only part of the given MIDAS table in altered (i.e. the 'upper left hand corner'). No changes in the MIDAS table descriptors are carried out. No changes in the MIDAS table 'select' are carried out. Real data handled only. Midas extensions (.tbl) in lower case. OUTPUTS: None. ALGORITHM: We first consider the File Control Block of the MIDAS table file to determine the start of descriptor information and the start of the data. Next we consider the Descriptor Directory Entry for `tblcontr' (the number of columns and rows allocated; followed by the number of columns and rows in the actual table). We check consistency between input array dimensions and the dimensions of the MIDAS table into which the array is to be written. Finally we carry out the writing of the data values. EXAMPLE: Given two MIDAS tables, PSF.TBL and PSF2.TBL, of the same dimensions; we wish to overwrite PSF2 with the contents of PSF. MID_RD_TABLE,'PSF',NC,NR,DAT DATTR = TRANSPOSE(DAT) MID_UP_TABLE,'PSF2',NC,NR,DATTR AUTHORS: FM - Fionn Murtagh, ST-ECF, Munich. MODIFICATION HISTORY: OCT 1988 FM Initial programming and decoding of MIDAS files. MAY 1989 FM Name of routine changed; allowance made for LUN instead of table name; bug fixes. FEB 1991 FM Conversion to V. 2, IDL, Unix.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/
NAME: READ_DST PURPOSE: To read a DTA image file (default extension = .DST) of the format used by DAOPHOT (CalTech data structure) from disk into an IDL array. CALLING SEQUENCE: IMAGE = READ_DST(FILENAME) INPUT PARAMETER: FILENAME - The name of a DTA image file residing on disk. FILENAME should be pre-checked for validity. OUTPUT PARAMETER: IMAGE - 2-dimensional image array EXAMPLES: PIC = READ_DST("M51_B.DST") Reads the DTA file "M51_B.DST" off the disk and loads the image into the variable PIC. A default extension of .DST is assumed COMMON BLOCKS: DTA DTA - The DTA common block contains all the header info, and may be accessed by another procedure. SUBROUTINES CALLED: DST_INFO SIDE EFFECTS: Damn slow! NOTES: This function was written in classic "hit-and-miss" fashion. We were not positively clear on the true general format of DAOPHOT image files so we played with a few files, trying to decipher the headers, and kept re-writing it until it worked on our files. There is a distinct possibility that your image files contain something that ours don't, and so, has not been taken into account. If you find such a case and success- fully fix it, please let me know (HYADES::PARKER). Unfortunately the author did not comment the code, and the variables are not too clear. Not tested on Unix machines PROCEDURE: The DAOPHOT file is opened and the header information is read in one record at a time. The record is deciphered by the DST_INFO procedure. The header data are stored in the DTA common block, and the final image array is returned by the function. REVISION HISTORY: 03 AUG 87 written by Michael E. Van Steenberg 17 OCT 89 toyed with by Joel Parker (cleaned and added comments & prolog) W. Landsman August 1991 Unix compatibility
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/disk_io/