Project : SOHO - CDS Name : CHECK_TAPE_DRV Purpose : Associates tape drive numbers with device files. *Unix only* Explanation : This is an internal routine to the CDS/SERTS Unix tape handling utilities. It converts tape drive numbers to actual device names, and checks to make sure that the device file is open. **Unix only** Use : CHECK_TAPE_DRV, UNIT, LOGICAL_DRIVE, DRIVE, LUN Inputs : UNIT = Tape unit number. Tape drives are selected via the UNIX environment variables "MT1", "MT2", etc. The desired tape drive is thus specified by numbers, as in VMS. Must be from 0 to 9. Opt. Inputs : None. Outputs : LOGICAL_DRIVE = Name of environment variable pointing to tape drive device file, e.g. "MT0". DRIVE = Name of device file, e.g. '/dev/nrst0'. LUN = Logical unit number used for reads and writes. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : None. Common : CHCK_TAPE_DRVS contains array TAPE_LUN, containing logical unit numbers for each tape device, and TAPE_OPEN, which tells whether each device is open or not. Restrictions: The environment variable "MTn", where n corresponds to the variable UNIT, must be defined. E.g., setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Requires IDL v3.0 or later. Side effects: If the device file is not yet open, then the tape is rewound, and a file unit is opened to it. Category : Utilities, I/O, Tape. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, Apr 1991. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, April 1991. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Added keyword /NOSTDIO to OPEN statement. Incorporated into CDS library. Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 22 December 1993. Added spawn to "mt rewind". Version : Version 2, 22 December 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : DISMOUNT Purpose : Emulates the VMS DISMOUNT function in Unix. Explanation : Emulates the VMS DISMOUNT function in the Unix environment. Although this is not a standard IDL function, it is available as a separate LINKIMAGE routine for VMS. The main purpose of this procedure is to close the file unit open on the tape device, and optionally to unload the tape. Errors can result if the tape is unloaded manually rather than using this routine. **Unix only** Use : DISMOUNT, UNIT Inputs : UNIT = Tape unit number. Tape drives are selected via the UNIX environment variables "MT1", "MT2", etc. The desired tape drive is thus specified by numbers, as in VMS. Must be from 0 to 9. Opt. Inputs : None. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : NOUNLOAD = If set, then the tape is simply rewound, not taken off line. Calls : CHECK_TAPE_DRV Common : CHCK_TAPE_DRVS contains array TAPE_LUN, containing logical unit numbers for each tape device, and TAPE_OPEN, which tells whether each device is open or not. Restrictions: The environment variable "MTn", where n corresponds to the variable UNIT, must be defined. E.g., setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Requires IDL v3.0 or later. Side effects: The device file is opened. Category : Utilities, I/O, Tape. Prev. Hist. : None. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Version : Version 1, 21 December 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
NAME: FITSLIST PURPOSE: Procedure will read FITS files from a tape on the specified tape unit. The headers are placed in file NAME, with the default extension of .LIS. Headers are also displayed at the terminal. CALLING SEQUENCE: FITSLIST FITSLIST,UPDATE_SWITCH OPTIONAL INPUT: UPDATE_SWITCH - If passed and nonzero, then an existing file is opened, and output is appended to the end of this file. Also, the FITS tape is not rewound prior to starting the read. This is useful if the tape contains spurious EOF marks. OUTPUT: None. SIDE EFFECTS: File NAME or NAME.LIS is created, or if UPDATE_SWITCH is nonzero then additional information is appended to the file. Headers are displayed at terminal as well as written to file. RESTRICTIONS: Tape must be mounted before calling FITSLIST. FITSLIST uses the VMS IDL tape positioning command, but will also run on Unix machines by using procedures which call IOCTL and which emulate the VMS IDL tape I/O functions (e.g TAPRD) PROMPTS: Program will prompt for (1) NAME of output listing file (2) tape unit number PROCEDURES CALLED: FITSTAPE HISTORY: William Thompson, 15-May-1986, based on FITSREAD. William Thompson, 09-Feb-1990, added file numbers.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
NAME: FITSRD PURPOSE: Interactive procedure to read FITS tape files into SDAS/FITS disk files. FOR VMS IDL ONLY. CALLING SEQUNCE: FITSRD ;Prompt for all parameters FITSRD,[UNIT,LIST,KEYWORD,TAPENAME,FNAMES] OPTIONAL INPUTS: Interactive users will normally just type FITSRD and be prompted for all parameters. However, parameters can be passed directly to FITSRD UNIT - tape unit number, scalar LIST - vector containing list of file numbers to read KEYWORD - scalar string giving a FITS keyword which will be extracted from the headers on tape and used for file names. Set KEYWORD = '', if such a keyword is not to be used. TAPENAME - scalar string giving a name for the tape. Filenames will be constructed by concatenating TAPENAME with the file number. TAPENAME is used only if KEYWORD = '' FNAME - vector string giving a file name for each file number given in LIST. FNAME is used only if both KEYWORD = '' and TAPENAME = ''. Spaces are trimmed from names in FNAME. SIDE NOTES: FITSRD will always rewind the tape before processing. Images are NOT converted using BSCALE and BZERO factors in the header. SIDE EFFECTS: For each tape file SDAS/FITS disk files will be created with names: name.HHH and name.HHD FITS extension (e.g. tables) files will have names: name_x.HHH and name_x.HHD where x runs from 1 to the number of extensions. EXAMPLES: FITSRD ;FITSRD will prompt for parameters FITSRD,1,INDGEN(5)+1,'IMAGE' ;Read first 5 files on unit 1 ;Filenames taken from IMAGE keyword FITSRD,1,[2,4],'','',['GALAXY',' STAR'] ;Read files 2 and 4 on unit 1 ;Create filenames GALAXY and STAR FITSRD,1,[2,4] ;Read files 2 and 4, prompt for filenames MODIFICATION HISTORY: version 2 by D. Lindler Nov 1986 added FITS extension and long block tape capability.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
NAME: FITSREAD PURPOSE: Procedure to read a FITS file from a tape on the specified tape unit. The header is placed in.HHH and the data is placed in the file .HHD. This procedure is called by FITSRD which is the interactive procedure for normal use. FOR VMS IDL ONLY CALLING SEQUENCE: fitsread, unit, name, [ keyword ] INPUTS: unit - tape unit number name - file name (without an extension) OPTIONAL INPUT: keyword - (optional) if supplied and not equal to the null string then the file name will be taken from the value of the header keyword specified OUTPUT: name - name of file if input keyword parameter is supplied SIDE EFFECTS: files name.hhh and name.hhd are created NOTES: The procedure FITSRD is normally used to read a FITS tape. FITSREAD is a procedure call internal to FITSRD. HISTORY: version 2 by D. Lindler NOV, 1986 added keyword input added fits extension input capability Converted to IDL Version 2. M. Greason, STX, June 1990. Fixed check for 'END ' keyword W. Landsman August 1991
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
NAME: FITSTAPE PURPOSE: Function to perform FITS tape I/O. Called by FITSREAD. FOR VMS IDL ONLY! CALLING SEQUENCE: status = fitstape( command, unit, bitpix, data ) INPUTS: command - string command from the following choices 'init' - initialization (must be first call to fitstape) 'read' - get next 2880 byte data buffer 'eof' - check for end of tape file 'write'- write 2880 byte data buffer 'woef' - empty buffer and write end-of-file unit - tape unit number bitpix - bits/per data element (used to control byte swapping) (required for 'read' and 'write') (for 'init' command this parameter gives the blocking factor, number of 2880 byte records per tape record. if not supplied 1 is assumed) data - 2880 byte data array if 'write' command OUTPUTS: data - 2880 byte data array if 'read' command status is returned as the function value with the following meanings. 'init' = 1 'read' = !err returned by taprd 'write' = 1 'eof' = 1 if at end of file 0 if not at end of file 'weof' = 1 COMMON BLOCKS QFITSTAPE HISTORY Version 1 D. Lindler Nov 1986 Converted to IDL Version 2. M. Greason, STX, June 1990. Recognize BITPIX = -32 and BITPIX = -64 W. Landsman April 1992
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
NAME: FITSWRITE PURPOSE: Procedure will write an internal SDAS file to a FITS tape on the specified tape unit. Called by FITSWRT CALLING SEQUENCE: FITSWRITE, UNIT, FILE, [ KEYWORD ] INPUTS: file - internal FITS file name without extension (extension is assumed to be .HHH and .HHD) unit - IDL tape unit number OPTIONAL INPUT: keyword - keyword to place file name into. if not supplied or equals '' then the file name is not put into the header before writing it to tape. SIDE EFFECT: A FITS file is written to tape. PROCEDURE CALLS: remchar, sxhread, sxpar, fdecomp, sxaddpar, fitstape HISTORY: version 3 D. Lindler Nov. 1986 version 4 W. Landsman Oct. 1988 (Changed st*.pro calls to sx*.pro) converted to IDL Version 2. M. Greason, STX, June 1990.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
NAME: FITSWRT PURPOSE: Interactive procedure to write internal SDAS file(s) to a FITS tape CALLING SEQUENCE: FITSWRT INTERACTIVE INPUT: User will be prompted for the following (1) tape unit number (2) blocking factor (1 - 10) = # of 2880 byte records per block (3) Name of a FITS keyword to put file names into. This will simplify subsequent reading of the FITS tape, since individual filenames will not have to be specified. If you don't want to put the file names into the FITS header, then just hit [RETURN]. (4) Whether FITS extension files (e.g FITS tables) should be auto- matically searched for. If so, these should be of the form name_extnumber (5) file names - these may either be specified individually, or a tapename may be specified, and all files in the form tapenamewill be written to tape. SIDE EFFECTS: Tape is not rewound before files are written. Tape should be positioned with REWIND or SKIPF before calling FITSWRT. If you want to append new FITS files to a tape, then call TINIT (tape init) to position tape between final double EOF. PROCEDURE CALLS: fitstape, getfiles, gettok, fitswrite HISTORY: version 3 D. Lindler Nov 86
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : FXTAPEREAD Purpose : Interactive procedure to copy FITS files from tape onto disk. Explanation : Interactive procedure to copy FITS files from tape onto disk. Data is left in FITS format, and not converted to SDAS. *FOR VMS IDL ONLY* Use : FXTAPEREAD ;Prompt for all parameters FXTAPEREAD,UNIT,LIST,KEYWORD,TAPENAME,FNAMES FXTAPEREAD,1,INDGEN(5)+1,'IMAGE' ;Read the first 5 files on unit 1. The filenames are ;taken from the IMAGE keyword. FXTAPEREAD,1,[2,4],'','',['GALAXY','STAR'] ;Read files 2 and 4 on unit 1. Create files named ;GALAXY and STAR. FXTAPEREAD,1,[2,4] ;Read files 2 and 4, and prompt for filenames. Inputs : None required. Opt. Inputs : Interactive users will normally just type FXTAPEREAD and be prompted for all parameters. However, the following parameters can be passed directly to FXTAPEREAD UNIT = Tape unit number (scalar). LIST = Vector containing list of file numbers to read. KEYWORD = Scalar string giving a FITS keyword which will be extracted from the headers on tape and used for file names. Set KEYWORD to the null string '', if such a keyword is not to be used. TAPENAME = Scalar string giving a name for the tape. Filenames will be constructed by concatenating TAPENAME with the file number. TAPENAME is used only if KEYWORD is passed as the null string ''. FNAME = Vector string giving a file name for each file number given in LIST. FNAME is used only if both KEYWORD = '' and TAPENAME = ''. Spaces are trimmed from names in FNAME. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : FITSTAPE, GETFILES, FXTPIO_READ Common : None. Restrictions: None. Side effects: FXTAPEREAD will always rewind the tape before processing. The FITS file is copied over record by record with no conversion, until the end-of-file marker is reached. No testing is done of the validity of the FITS file. Images are NOT converted using BSCALE and BZERO factors in the header. For each tape file a FITS disk file will be created with the name ".FITS". Category : Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, March 1992, from FITSRD by D. Lindler. William Thompson, May 1992, fixed TPOS bug when reading multiple files. William Thompson, Jan. 1993, changed for renamed FXTPIO_READ. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, March 1992. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 April 1993. Incorporated into CDS library. Version : Version 1, 12 April 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : FXTAPEWRITE Purpose : Interactive procedure to copy disk FITS files to tape. Explanation : Asks the user a series of questions to walk him or her through copying a number of FITS files from disk to tape. Use : FXTAPEWRITE Inputs : User will be prompted for the following: (1) Tape unit number. (2) Blocking factor (1-10) = # of 2880 byte records per block. (3) Name of a FITS keyword to put file names into. This will simplify subsequent reading of the FITS tape, since individual filenames will not have to be specified. If you don't want to put the file names into the FITS header, then just hit [RETURN]. (4) File names - these may either be specified individually, or a tapename may be specified, and all files in the form "tapename.FITS" will be written to tape. Opt. Inputs : None. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : FITSTAPE, GETFILES, FXTPIO_WRITE Common : None. Restrictions: Currently only supported under VMS. Side effects: Tape is not rewound before files are written. Tape should be positioned with REWIND or SKIPF before calling FXTAPEWRITE. If you want to append new FITS files to a tape, then call TINIT (tape init) to position tape between final double EOF. Category : Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, March 1992, from FITSWRT by D. Lindler. William Thompson, May 1992, removed call to TINIT. William Thompson, Jan. 1993, changed for renamed FXTPIO_WRITE. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, March 1992. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 April 1993. Incorporated into CDS library. Version : Version 1, 12 April 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : FXTPIO_READ Purpose : Copies FITS files from tape to disk -- internal routine. Explanation : Procedure to copy a FITS file from a tape on the specified tape unit to the disk file.FITS. Data is left in FITS format, and not converted to SDAS. *FOR VMS IDL ONLY* The procedure FXTAPEREAD is normally used to read a FITS tape. FXTPIO_READ is a procedure call internal to FXTAPEREAD. Use : FXTPIO_READ,UNIT,NAME FXTPIO_READ,UNIT,NAME,KEYWORD Inputs : UNIT = Tape unit number. NAME = File name (without an extension). Opt. Inputs : KEYWORD = If supplied and not equal to the null string then the file name will be taken from the value of the header keyword specified. Outputs : NAME = Name of file if input keyword parameter is supplied. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : REMCHAR, FITSTAPE, FXPAR Common : None. Restrictions: This routine is currently only supported under VMS. Side effects: The FITS file is copied to a disk file called .FITS. The FITS file is copied over record by record with no conversion, until the end-of-file marker is reached. No testing is done of the validity of the FITS file. Images are NOT converted using BSCALE and BZERO factors in the header. Category : Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, March 1992, from FITSREAD by D. Lindler, M. Greason, and W. Landsman. W. Thompson, May 1992, changed open statement to force 2880 byte fixed length records (VMS). The software here does not depend on this file configuration, but other FITS readers might. William Thompson, Jan. 1993, renamed to be compatible with DOS file naming limitations. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, March 1992. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 April 1993. Incorporated into CDS library. Version : Version 1, 12 April 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : FXTPIO_WRITE Purpose : Copy FITS files from disk to tape -- internal routine. Explanation : Procedure will copy a disk FITS file to the specified tape unit, at the current tape position. Used for true disk FITS files, not SDAS/Geis files. Called by FXTAPEWRITE. Use : FXTPIO_WRITE,UNIT,FILE FXTPIO_WRITE,UNIT,FILE,KEYWORD Inputs : UNIT = IDL tape unit number. FILE = Disk FITS file name, with extension. Opt. Inputs : KEYWORD = Keyword to place file name into. If not supplied or equal to the null string '' then the file name is not put into the header before writing it to tape. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : REMCHAR, FXHREAD, FXPAR, FDECOMP, FXADDPAR, FITSTAPE Common : None. Restrictions: This routine is currently only supported under VMS. Side effects: None. Category : Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, March 1992, from FITSWRITE by D. Lindler, W. Landsman, and M. Greason. William Thompson, Jan. 1993, renamed to be compatible with DOS file naming limitations. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, March 1992. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 April 1993. Incorporated into CDS library. Version : Version 1, 12 April 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : REWIND Purpose : Emulates the VMS REWIND function in Unix. Explanation : Emulates the VMS REWIND function in the Unix environment. **Unix only** Use : REWIND, UNIT Inputs : UNIT = Tape unit number. Tape drives are selected via the UNIX environment variables "MT1", "MT2", etc. The desired tape drive is thus specified by numbers, as in VMS. Must be from 0 to 9. Opt. Inputs : None. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : CHECK_TAPE_DRV Common : None. Restrictions: The environment variable "MTn", where n corresponds to the variable UNIT, must be defined. E.g., setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Requires IDL v3.0 or later. Side effects: The device file is opened. Category : Utilities, I/O, Tape. Prev. Hist. : VERSION 1, R. W. Thompson 11/30/89 William Thompson, Apr 1991, rewrote to better emulate VMS version. Written : R. W. Thompson, GSFC/IUE, 30 November 1989. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Rewrote to use IOCTL. Version : Version 1, 21 December 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : SKIPF Purpose : Emulates the VMS SKIPF function on UNIX machines. Explanation : Emulates the VMS SKIPF function on UNIX machines. Use : SKIPF, UNIT, NSKIP SKIPF, UNIT, NSKIP, RECORDS Inputs : UNIT = Tape unit number. Tape drives are selected via the UNIX environment variables "MT1", "MT2", etc. The desired tape drive is thus specified by numbers, as in VMS. Must be from 0 to 9. NSKIP = Number of files or records to skip. Opt. Inputs : RECORDS = If present, then records are skipped instead of files. Outputs : None. However, !ERR is set to ABS(NSKIP) Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : CHECK_TAPE_DRV Common : None. Restrictions: This routine may not act exactly the same as the VMS equivalent, particularly in regards to the behavior of the !ERR system variable. The environment variable "MTn", where n corresponds to the variable UNIT, must be defined. E.g., setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Requires IDL v3.0 or later. Side effects: The device file is opened. !ERR is set to ABS(NSKIP). Category : Utilities, I/O, Tape. Prev. Hist. : VERSION 1, R. W. Thompson 12/4/89 William Thompson, Apr 1991, rewrote to better emulate VMS version. Written : R. W. Thompson, GSFC/IUE, 4 December 1989. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Rewrote to use IOCTL. Version : Version 1, 21 December 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : TAPRD Purpose : Emulates VMS TAPRD procedure on UNIX machines. Explanation : Emulates VMS TAPRD procedure on UNIX machines. However, the actions of this routine may differ from the VMS equivalent in nonstandard situations. *** Unix only *** Use : TAPRD, ARRAY, UNIT [, BYTE_REVERSE ] Inputs : ARRAY = Variable into which the data should be read. The datatype and number of values to attempt to read is based on this array. UNIT = Specifies the magnetic tape unit. Not to be confused with logical unit numbers. In UNIX, the number refers to one of the environment variables MT0, MT1, etc., which translate into a physical device name, e.g. setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Opt. Inputs : BYTE_REVERSE = If present, then even and odd bytes are swapped. Outputs : The output is read into ARRAY. Also, !ERR is set to the number of bytes actually read. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : CHECK_TAPE_DRV Common : None. Restrictions: This routine may not have all the abilities of the VMS equivalent, particularly in regards to the !ERR system variable. The environment variable "MTn", where n corresponds to the variable UNIT, must be defined. E.g., setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Requires IDL v3.0 or later. Side effects: The device file is opened. Category : Utilities, I/O, Tape. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, GSFC, June 1991. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, June 1991. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Rewrote to use READU with TRANSFER_COUNT keyword. Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 22 December 1993. Added check of ARRAY variable. Version : Version 2, 22 December 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : TAPWRT Purpose : Emulates VMS TAPWRT procedure on UNIX machines. Explanation : Emulates VMS TAPWRT procedure on UNIX machines. *** Unix only *** Use : TAPWRT, ARRAY, UNIT [, BYTE_REVERSE ] Inputs : ARRAY = Variable into which the data should be read. UNIT = Specifies the magnetic tape unit. Not to be confused with logical unit numbers. In UNIX, the number refers to one of the environment variables MT0, MT1, etc., which translate into a physical device name, e.g. setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Opt. Inputs : BYTE_REVERSE = If present, then even and odd bytes are swapped. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : CHECK_TAPE_DRV Common : None. Restrictions: The environment variable "MTn", where n corresponds to the variable UNIT, must be defined. E.g., setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Requires IDL v3.0 or later. Side effects: The device file is opened. Category : Utilities, I/O, Tape. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, GSFC, June 1991. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, June 1991. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Rewrote to use WRITEU. Version : Version 1, 21 December 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
NAME: TINIT PURPOSE: To position a tape for append a new file by placing it between the final double EOF marks. (VMS only) CALLING SEQUENCE: TINIT, UNIT PARAMETERS: UNIT - Integer scalar giving tape drive unit number SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: !ERR PROCEDURE: The SKIPF procedure is used to skip files until a double end of file (EOF) is encountered. The tape is then positioned between the 2 EOF marks. TINIT will also display the number of files skipped. MODIFICATION HISTORY: W.B. Landsman March 1990 Adapted from IUE RDAF
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : WEOF Purpose : Emulates the VMS WEOF routine on UNIX machines. Explanation : Emulates the VMS WEOF routine on UNIX machines. *** Unix only *** Use : WEOF, UNIT Inputs : UNIT = Tape unit number. Tape drives are selected via the UNIX environment variables "MT1", "MT2", etc. The desired tape drive is thus specified by numbers, as in VMS. Must be from 0 to 9. Opt. Inputs : None. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : None. Calls : CHECK_TAPE_DRV Common : None. Restrictions: The environment variable "MTn", where n corresponds to the variable UNIT, must be defined. E.g., setenv MT0 /dev/nrst0 Requires IDL v3.0 or later. Side effects: The device file is opened. Category : Utilities, I/O, Tape. Prev. Hist. : VERSION 1, R. W. Thompson 11/30/89 William Thompson, Apr 1991, rewrote to better emulate VMS version. Written : R. W. Thompson, GSFC/IUE, 30 November 1989. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 December 1993. Rewrote to use IOCTL. Version : Version 1, 21 December 1993.
(See /usr/local/idl/lib/zastron/tape_io/