List of Subgroups
- ASTRO - Astronomy utility procedures
- ASTROM - Procedures that utilize the astrometry
in a FITS header
- DAOPHOT - Procedures that emulate an early
version of DAOPHOT PSF-fitting photometry
- DATABASE - IDL database routines as used
by the UIT and HRS science teams
- DISK_IO - Procedures to access different
disk formats including those used by AIPS, IRAF, and stand-alone DAOPHOT
- FITS - Procedures that access a FITS tape or
a disk FITS file
- FITS_3DTABLE - Procedures that access
a 3D binary modified FITS table on disk
- FITS_TABLE - Procedures that access an
ASCII modified FITS tables on disk
- FITS_BINTABLE - Procedures for reading
and writing (disk) FITS binary table extensions
- IMAGE - Procedures useful for image processing
- MATH - Procedures for math and statistics (often
from "Numerical Recipes")
- MISC - Miscellaneous IDL procedures not directly
related to astronomy
- PLOT - Procedures for making or controling
- SDAS - Procedures for accessing files created
by STSDAS (modified disk FITS)
- SDAS_TABLE - Procedures for accessing
tables files created by STSDAS
- STRUCTURE - Procedures for accessing IDL
- TV - Procedures for manipulating the image display
- TAPE_IO - Procedures to emulate in Unix
the intrinsic tape routines available in the VMS version of IDL.
- JHUAPL - Routines from JHU library that are
used by other procedures in the Astronomy library, or that are strongly
related to Astronomy