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Last modified: Fri Mar 24 12:48:51 2000.
NAME: CHECK_LIMITS_DFPAR PURPOSE: Check the limits of fitting parameters for drift model functions CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CHECK_LIMITS_DFPAR, par0, drift_par, flag INPUT: par0: Array containing the initial values of parameters drift_par: Structure containing the fitted parameters and their limits KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MULTI_PIX: For non-interactive use. Performing loop over different pixels. OUTPUT: flag: Array wit flags for each parameter: (0=within limits,1=outside) COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par RESTRICTIONS: The structure fit_par_str has to be defined prior to access this routine PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) November 1996 Version 5.x - Aug.96
NAME: dffunct_info PURPOSE: Initializes the common blcck DFFUNCT_INFO which contains the information for the differente fitting functions. In principle this should be the only place where specific information for each function is contained. The rest of routines used in the drifting modelling will work independently of any function. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: DFFUNCT_INFO INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): dffunct_info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta Oct 96 Version 5.x Include Fouks for Triangular and sawtooth chopp. (Jacosta) May 97
NAME: dffunct_info PURPOSE: Initializes the common blcck DFFUNCT_INFO which contains the information for the differente fitting functions. In principle this should be the only place where specific information for each function is contained. The rest of routines used in the drifting modelling will work independently of any function. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: DFFUNCT_INFO INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): dffunct_info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta Oct 96 Version 5.x
NAME: DRFT1.PRO PURPOSE: Function corresponding to the numerical differential drift model CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: fct = DRFT1(x,a) INPUT: x: independent variable a: parameter set: a(0) F ideal signal during measurement a(1) p0 ideal signal before measurement a(2) a coupling parameter OUTPUT: fct: function by time x METHOD: Numerical solution of differential equation d(fct) ------- = F * a - fct * a = v dt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: B. Schulz (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Modified by: CG August 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: DRIFT_INIT PURPOSE: Re-Initializes the structure PHTDRIFT defining the contents as a template structure PHTDRIFT_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole DRIFT structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: DRIFT_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer COMMON BLOCKS: phtdrift PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/SAI-VILSPA) Dec 1999 V8.2
NAME: DRIFT_MOD_PROC PURPOSE: Call a drift modelling routine returning the modelled signal CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DRIFT_MOD_PROC, det, time, slop, slop_unc, slop_flag, rpid, step,$ tempera, fit_par_str, newhdr, CHOPPED=chopped, MULTI_PIX= multi_pix, $ PIXCH= pixch INPUT: det: Detector name time: Array containing the signals' times slop: Slopes array slop_unc: Slopes' uncertainties array slop_flag: Slopes' flags array rpid: Raster points array step: Chopper step positions array tempera; Detector temperature array KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MULTI_PIX: For non-interactive use. Performing loop over different pixels. OUTPUT: fit_par_str: Structure containing the fitting information: mod_func: function used nparams: number of parameters used flag: output flag param: parameters array (3-dim: pixel, step, parameter) sg_param: uncertainties of param slop: fitted slopes slop_flag: flag of the fitted slopes signal: final signals time_sg: time for final signals err: uncertainties of 'signal' chisq: chi-squares of the fit COMMON BLOCKS: TEMPERATURE RESTRICTIONS: The structure fit_par_str has to be defined prior to access this routine PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: check_unc fit_function fouks_start_par get_rastersteps get_nchoppsweep gauss_start_par gaussinv_start_par pixel_det MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) June 1996 Modified by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Temperature is included as input to be used in thermal Fouks, by JAcosta(ESA/IAC) September 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96 Chi-square calculations improved (JA+CG) February 1997 Bug corrected when not enough points (JA) February 1997 V6.1 Possibility to use Fouks rectangular chopping mode for meas. performde in triangular mode (JA) December 1998
NAME: DRIFT_STD_SCP PURPOSE: Derive a SCP level structure using the drift analysis cumulated information and the standard acceptance criteria CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: drift_std_scp, driftps, scppos, ACC_ALL=acc_all INPUT: driftps: Position of the drift info within the phtdrift array scppos: Position of the scp meas. within the phtscp array KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ACC_ALL: Ignore drift analysis acceptance criteria OUTPUT: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: phtdrift phtscp RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_flag MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) February 1997 V6.1 Bug for all accepted by array detectors fixed (CG) April 1997 V6.2
NAME: FILL_DRIFT PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTDRIFT CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_DRIFT, tmp, REPLACE=replace INPUT: tmp : PHTDRIFT like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTDRIFT position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phtdrift like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdrift MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (MPIA/ESA/IAC) October 1996 Updated by CG, including SLOP variation tag February 1997 V6.1
NAME: FITPAR_STR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the drift fitting parameters for a given function CATEGORY: PIA - algorithms CALLING SEQUENCE: FITPAR_STR_INIT, tmpsrd, fitpar_str, init_error, ffunct, [,/ONLY_MEASPAR] [,/DEFAULT] [,PIXEL=pixel] INPUT: tmpsrd: A phtsrd like temporary structure ffunct: Optional parameter to specify a particular function. If not specified a default function is used depending on the detector: Fouks function for P1, P2 & SL Exponential function for P3, C100 & C200 OUTPUT: fit_par_str: Structure containing the initial parameters for fitting init_error: Initialization error (1-D array of NPIX elements) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ONLY_MEASPAR: Change only parameters related to the measurement DEFAULT: Assing values stored in common block DFFUNCT_INFO to parameters independent of measurements PIXEL: Use only the specified pixel RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTSRD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: dffunct_info pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn drift_mod_proc pia_disp_print_file pia_load_driftpar pia_xplot INTERNAL: pia_drift_mod_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC-La Laguna) September 1996 Added flag as input parameter to parfunc call (J.Acosta) October 1996 include all treatment with flag at beggining of each chopper/raster plateau. Consistency with fraction of the given measurement (J.Acosta) November 1996 Adapted to use mininmum time to discard values (JAcosta) June 1997 Version 6.1 - Oct.96
NAME: FIT_FUNCTION PURPOSE: Interface routine between measurement, signal drift parameters and fitting routine CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FIT_Function, xx, yy, yyerr, yyflag, drift_par, step=STEP, $ RASTERSTEP = rasterstep INPUT: xx: The independent variable yy: The dependant variable yyerr: Uncertainty array of yy yyflag: Flag array corresponding to yy KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Step: Chopper step (not set for non chopped measurements) WEIGHT: indicate which weighting system is used among the following possibilities: sigma = 1/sigma^2 (DEFAULT) none = 1 time = exp((t-t_zero)/512.) signal = 1/abs(signal) OUTPUT: drift_par: A PIA_drift_par likely structure, containing e.g. the fitted parameters, sigmas, etc COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA lib: pia_curfit MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 New way to estimate the weights of points for the fit. A normalization based on stdev of the difference between consecutive signals J. Acosta January 1997 Version 5.0 - Aug.96 Bug in the flag treatment for chopped meas., + change call of get_nchoppsweep - JAcosta, Aug 1997
NAME: FOUKSC_CHOP_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature independent Fouks function for rectangular chopped case and derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_CHOP_DRIFT, t, a, step, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) step: Chopper step number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Perform operation in double precision to avoid underflows (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKSC_CHOP_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the fouks model for chopped measurements CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_CHOP_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error, step=step INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation STEP: Chopper step array OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: fouks_start_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final Astrolib: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Added flag as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added time as input parameter J.Acosta October 1996 Added t_zero as input keyword (J.Acosta) October 1996 Set a dummy value for S_C(pixel) when argument of sqrt is negative (J.Acosta) January 1997 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKSC_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature independent Fouks function and derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives ERROR: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) + C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 E_j is taken normalized to Temp = 3.K Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKSC_RTCHO_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature independent Fouks function for rectangular chopped case and derivatives. It includes all chopper steps and compute the signal jump based on final values. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_RTCHO_DRIFT, t, a, step, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) step: Chopper step number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Perform operation in double precision to avoid underflows (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKSC_RTCHO_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the fouks model for rectangular chopped measurements. It includes all chopper steps and compute the signal jump based on final values. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_RTCHO_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ ERROR=error, STEP=step, SG_JUMP = sg_jump INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation STEP: Chopper step array OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: fouks_start_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final Astrolib: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (VILSPA) January 1997 Set a dummy value for S_C(pixel) when argument of sqrt is negative (J.Acosta) January 1997 Version 5.6 - Jan.97 Small changes in start parameters (JA+CG) February 1997 V6.1 Starting values for final fluxes come from all chopper plateaux corresponding to a given step. Jumps are determined in a rough way (JACOSTA) August 1997 V6.4
NAME: FOUKSC_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the fouks model CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: fouks_start_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final Astrolib: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Added flag as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added time as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added t_zero as input keyword (J.Acosta) November 1996 Set a dummy value for S_C(pixel) when argument of sqrt is negative (J.Acosta) January 1997 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKSC_STCHO_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature independent Fouks function for rectangular chopped case and derivatives. It includes all chopper steps and compute the signal jump based on final values. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_STCHO_DRIFT, t, a, step, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) step: Chopper step number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Perform operation in double precision to avoid underflows (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKSC_STCHO_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the fouks model for sawtooth chopped measurements. It includes all chopper steps and compute the signal jump based on final values. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_STCHO_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ ERROR=error, STEP=step, SG_JUMP = sg_jump INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation STEP: Chopper step array OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: fouks_start_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final Astrolib: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (VILSPA) May 1997 V6.2 Starting values for final fluxes come from all chopper plateaux corresponding to a given step. Jumps are determined in a rough way (JACOSTA) August 1997 v6.4
NAME: FOUKSC_TTCHO_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature independent Fouks function for rectangular chopped case and derivatives. It includes all chopper steps and compute the signal jump based on final values. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_TTCHO_DRIFT, t, a, step, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) step: Chopper step number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Perform operation in double precision to avoid underflows (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKSC_TTCHO_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the fouks model for triangular chopped measurements. It includes all chopper steps and compute the signal jump based on final values. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_TTCHO_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ ERROR=error, STEP=step, SG_JUMP = sg_jump INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation STEP: Chopper step array OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: fouks_start_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final Astrolib: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (VILSPA) May 1997 V6.2 Starting values for final fluxes come from all chopper plateaux corresponding to a given step. Jumps are determined in a rough way (JACOSTA) August 1997 v6.4
NAME: FOUKST_CHOP_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature dependent Fouks function and its derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKST_CHOP_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final, STEP=step INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: therm_int MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) + C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Correction of bugs and include a new way to compute integrals (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKST_CHOP_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the fouks model for chopped measurements, with temperature influence CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKST_CHOP_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error, step=step INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation STEP: Chopper step array OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: fouks_start_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final Astrolib: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Added flag as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added time as input parameter J.Acosta October 1996 Added t_zero as input keyword (J.Acosta) November 1996 Small change in initial pars (jacg) Dec 1996 Set a dummy value for S_C(pixel) when argument of sqrt is negative (J.Acosta) January 1997 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKST_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate the temperature dependent Fouks function and its derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: therm_int MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) + C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Correction of bugs and include a new way to compute integrals (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: FOUKST_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the fouks thermal model CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FOUKSC_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) time: Time array slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: fouks_start_par PROCEDURES USED: Astrolib: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) October 1996 Added flag as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added t_zero as input keyword (J.Acosta) November 1996 Set a dummy value for S_C(pixel) when argument of sqrt is negative (J.Acosta) January 1997 Version 5.1 - Oct.96
NAME: FUNCTION_2B_FITTED PURPOSE: Interface function for drift modelling functions written as procedures CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = FUNCTION_2B_FITTED(var) INPUT: var: The dependant parameters KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUT: Result: Chi-square corresponding to the distribution passed by common F_2B_FIT, function passed by common PIA_DRIFT_PAR and the variables var. COMMON BLOCKS: F_2B_FIT Containing x, y(x), w(x)=weight, r(x)=raster/chopper step PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) February 1997 Version 6.1
NAME: INVEXP_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate an offset inverse exponential function and derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: INVEXP_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) + C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: INVEXP_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the 'offset inverse exponential' drift function CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GAUSSINV_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) time: Time array slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) August 1996 Added flag as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added time as input parameter J.Acosta October 1996 Added t_zero as input keyword (J.Acosta) November 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: NUMDIF_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate an offset exponential function and derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: NUMDIF_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: B. Schulz (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) + CG August 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: NUMDIF_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the 'Numerical differ' drift function CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: NUMDIF_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Added flag as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added t_zero as input keyword (J.Acosta) November 1996 Added time as input parameter J.Acosta October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: OFFEX2_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the 'two offset exponential' drift function CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: OFFEXP_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) time: Time array slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) November 1996 added prescription to estimate lambda (J.Acosta) November 1996 Version 5.3 - Nov.96
NAME: OFFEXP2_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate an offset exponential function and derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: OFFEXP2_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) + C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) November 1996 Version 5.3 - Nov.96
NAME: OFFEXP3_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate an offset exponential function and derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: OFFEXP3_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) + C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) November 1996 Version 5.3 - Nov.96
NAME: OFFEXP3_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the 'two offset exponential' drift function CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: OFFEXP_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) time: Time array slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) November 1996 added prescription to estimate lambda (J.Acosta) November 1996 Version 5.3 - Nov.96
NAME: OFFEXP_DRIFT PURPOSE: Calculate an offset exponential function and derivatives CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: OFFEXP_DRIFT, t, a, fct, pder, error, FINAL=final INPUT: t: The independent variable a: The parameter set (variable and fixed parameters) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FINAL: For a final calculation, without looking which parameters are variable. No calculation of derivatives. OUTPUT: fct: The function values for t pder: The derivatives error: Error flag checking for the consistency of the function params. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) + C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Change the functional form to have tau=E/S_final^p Feb 1997 Using drift_par.t_ini instead of drift_par.t_zero, as definition has changed (JAcosta) June 1997 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: OFFEXP_start_par PURPOSE: Calculate start parameters for the 'offset exponential' drift function CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: OFFEXP_start_par, det, time, slop, flag, pixel, start_par, $ error=error INPUT: det: PHT detector ('P1', 'C2', ...) time: Time array slop: Signal slopes array pixel: Pixel to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation OUTPUT: start_par: The start parameters COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: s_ini_final MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) August 1996 Added flag as input parameter (J.Acosta) October 1996 Added time as input parameter J.Acosta October 1996 Added t_zero as input keyword (J.Acosta) November 1996 handling error when initialization was not succesful (J.Acosta) June 1997 Version 5.0 - Aug.96 Change parameters for C100 (JAcosta) January 1998 Version 6.6
NAME: PHTDRIFT PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTDRIFT for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtdrift MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) + J Acosta (La Laguna) Oct96 V5.x
NAME: Phtdrift_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTDRIFT defining the contents as a template structure PHTDRIFT_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole DRIFT structure, in case this should show as necessary. CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtdrift_init COMMON BLOCKS: phtdrift MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel + J. Acosta October 1996 V5.x
NAME: PIA_CURFIT PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. Function may be any non-linear function where the partial derivatives are known or can be approximated. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: yfit = curfit(x,y,w,a,sigmaa) INPUTS: X = Row vector of independent variables. Y = Row vector of dependent variable, same length as x. W = Row vector of weights, same length as x and y. For no weighting w(i) = 1., instrumental weighting w(i) = 1./y(i), etc. More correct: If w(i) = 1/sigma^2 then SIGMAA = OK, then only in this case Chi^2 has the right meaning (CG) A = Vector of nterms length containing the initial estimate for each parameter. If A is double precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise in single prec. R = Two-dimensional array of ranges, for avoiding getaway parameters r=[3,N], with [(min,max,no_use), nterms] KEYWORD PARAMTERS: funct = string containing the name of the fitting function. Default = 'funct' flag = 0 if fit OK, 1 if no convergence found quiet = 1 to suppress printing interation information. max_its = Maximum number of iterations the function will do before giving up. Default=1000. accept = Acceptance criterion for acceptable fit. This number is equal to the relative change in the ChiSquare statistic from one iteration to the next. Default=.00001 step = Step array OUTPUTS: A = Vector of parameters containing fit. Function result = YFIT = Vector of calculated values. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Sigmaa = Vector of standard deviations for parameters A. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE. SIDE EFFECTS: The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT. For an example see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. Call to FUNCT is: FUNCT,X,A,F,PDER where: X = Vector of NPOINT independent variables, input. A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x(i)), output. PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. PDER(I,J) = Derivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. PDER should not be calculated if parameter is not supplied in call (unless you want to waste some time). RESTRICTIONS: NONE. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which compines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." Iterations are perform until the chi square changes by only 0.001% or until 1000 iterations have been performed. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. MODIFICATION HISTORY: PIA adaptation for including parameter ranges Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Modified by D.L. Windt, AT&T Bell Labs, March, 1989.
NAME: PIA_DISPDRIFT PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Drift Analysis intermediate level. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPDRIFT, driftps, data_srd, scpps INPUT PARAMETERS: driftps: Position within the phtdrift dynamycal structure data_srd: Temporary SRD level structure scpps: Position within the phtscp dynamycal structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices drift_not_acc phtdrift phtscp pia_driftmod_out pia_dispdrift_cmn (internal) pia_dspchdr_cmn (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn pia_widget_info PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: drift_std_scp pia_get_step pia_get_rpid pia_drift_mod pia_xplot pia_showstr pia_disp_hdr pia_disp_cs pia_disp_isr pia_disp_stat pia_dispscp ASTRO LIB: INTERNAL: drft_showpar pixbuteventd viewevent_drft zoomevent_drft zoomsync_drft zoomnsync_drft pia_resetview_drft pia_dispdrift_event reprocess_drft MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) February 1997 V6.1 Refreshing drift info before new actions + bug with pixel change fixed + + saving capability (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Calling sequence to pia_dispscp (JAc) October 1997 V6.6 Inconsistency in common block removed (CG) April 1998 V7.1 Bug by pixel serial decrement fixed (CG) August 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_DRIFT_DEFIN PURPOSE: Simple Menu for choosing different drift handling methods CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DRIFT_DEFIN, DRIFT_DEFIN_STR INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: DRIFT_DEFIN_STR: a structure containing handling to be used METHOD: Widgets COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) December 1996 Interactive+cancel choices included (JACOSTA) January 1997
NAME: PIA_DRIFT_INIPAR PURPOSE: Menu for project signals algorithm parameters handling. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DRIFT_INIPAR, det, GROUP=group INPUT: det: The detector to be drift modelled KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTSRD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices not_acc pia_driftmod_cmn pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn drift_mod_proc pia_disp_print_file pia_load_driftpar pia_xplot INTERNAL: pia_drift_mod_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: JAcosta (IAC/VILSPA-SAI) October 1996 Version 5.1 - Oct.96 /Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) V7.3
NAME: PIA_DRIFT_MOD PURPOSE: Menu for modelling PHT signals' drifts. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DRIFT_MOD, tmpdata, pixel, sig_disc, degl_acc, degl_set INPUT: tmpdata: A phtsrd like temporary structure pixel: The pixel number of the data to be used sig_disc: Flag array corresponding to tmpdata.slop (0:OK,1:BAD) degl_acc: Flag array corresponding to deglitched points (same) degl_set: Flag indicating validity of degl_acc KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy FITRESULTS: If set, widget prepared for reprocess results (comm. through CB pia_driftmod_out) RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTSRD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices not_acc pia_driftmod_cmn pia_drift_par pia_driftmod_out PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn drift_mod_proc pia_disp_print_file pia_load_driftpar pia_xplot INTERNAL: pia_drift_mod_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Change call of drift_mod_proc, suppressing chopped keyword (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96 Extended for reprocessing results (Keyword FITRESULTS) CG - February 1997 Version 6.1
NAME: PIA_LOAD_DRIFTPAR1 PURPOSE: Load drift modelling parameters into structure PIA_DRIFTPAR CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_LOAD_DRIFTPAR1, drift_par, pixel, FUNCT = funct, NON_INT = non_int INPUT: tmpdata: A phtsrd like temporary structure pixel: The pixel number of the data to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FUNCT: The name of the function to be used NON_INT: When using it non-interactively less parameters are set variable RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTSRD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: dffunct_info PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: fouks_start_par gauss_start_par gaussinv_start_par MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: PIA_load_IDRIFT PURPOSE: Write a PHT-DRIFT (Signal per chopper plateau) measurement from the dynamical structure DRIFTDAT (PHTDRIFT type) onto a temporary structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_LOAD_IDRIFT, driftdat, tmpdrift INPUT: DRIFTDAT : PHTDRIFT like dynamical structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: TMPDRIFT : A temporary structure of SCP type RESTRICTIONS: DRIFTDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (ESA/MPIA/IAC) October 1996 Oct 96 Version 5.x
NAME: READ_IDRIFT PURPOSE: READ a PHTIDRIFT (Interactive Signal per Chopper Plateau) file into the dynamical structure PHTDRIFT CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_IDRIFT, NAME, IPOS, [PATH = PATH] INPUT: NAME : DRIFT-savefile name OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTIDRIFT file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtdrift MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (ESA/MPIA/IAC) October 1996 Oct 96 Version 5.x
NAME: SAVE_DRIFT_STR PURPOSE: Save a given drift fit parameter set into a structure per pixel drift parameter fit CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SAVE_DRIFT_STR, INPUT: drift_par: Structure containing the last fit parameters KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PIXEL: The pixel number of the data to be used ABS_TSTEP: The absolute chopper/raster position FF_ERROR: Error of the fitting function (third and leftmost bits) LPAR_ERROR: Fitting parameters out of limits (second bit) OUTPUT: SIDE EFFECT: fit_par_str: Structure containing the fitting information. It should be defined before input. COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) September 1996 Inclusion of new flag code December 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: SET_DRIFTPAR_SRD PURPOSE: Call a drift modelling routine returning the modelled signal CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SET_DRIFTPAR_SRD, fitpar_srd, drift_par, pix, abs_tstep INPUT: fitpar_srd: Initial values coming from a particular measurement abs_tstep: Absolute chopper/raster position for which the output parameters will be derived pix: Pixel number for which initial params. are required, if not specified it will take 1 (eg. 1-pix detectors) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DEFAULT: It returns a dummy structure based on the common block DFFUNCT_INFO. The keyword DET has to be set simultaneously. DET: It must be used in combination with the keyword DEFAULT to specify a detector. It is mandatory when /DEFAULT is set. FFUNCT: The name of the drift modelling function. If not used the function which is default for the detector specified. OUTPUT: drift_par: Structure containing the fitting information: p_label: Label of parameters a_var: flag for variation [0:fixed, 1:free] ffunc: function used minp_ext: Minimum number of points used for fit fract_left: fraction of measurement not used p_field: parameter to be fitted s_field: error of fitted parameters p_range: limits of variation for fitting params. t_zero: Initial time of meas. If chopped keyword is set then it contains two values temp_zero: Initial temp. of meas. If chopped keyword is set then it contains two values flag: output fit flag chisq: chi-squares of the fit chisqt: limiting chi-square to accept the fit COMMON BLOCKS: dffunct_info RESTRICTIONS: The structure fitpar_srd has to be defined prior to access this routine PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) October 1996 keyword long_sTR included and order of input parameters January 1997 Added keywords DEFAULT, FFUNCT and DET June 1997 Bug correction (JAcosta) June 1997 Version 5.x - Oct.96
NAME: S_ini_final PURPOSE: Estimate initial and final value for a stream of signals CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: S_ini_final, time, slop, flag, s_ini, s_final, ERROR=error, T_ZERO=t_zero, DETECTOR = detector INPUT: slop: Signal slopes array (it can be 2-dimensional) flag; Flag signal array (it can be 2-dimensional, same dims as slop) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Results of computation INI_EXTPOL: extrapolate to obtain initial value FIN_EXTPOL: extrapolate to obtain final value OUTPUT: s_ini: Initial signal s_final: Final signal DerS_ini: estimate of derivative at t_zero COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) October 1996 Version 5.2 - Oct.96
NAME: WRITE_IDRIT PURPOSE: Write a PHTDRIFT (Signal Drift Data) measurement from the dynamical structure PHTDRIFT onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_IDRIFT, PHTDRIFT_INDEX, PATH = path, FNAME = fname INPUT: PHTDRIFT_INDEX : Index of the measurement within PHTDRIFT OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PHTDRIFT(PHTDRIFT_INDEX) must exist PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdrift MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta Oct 96 Version 5.x