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Last modified: Fri Mar 24 12:48:47 2000.
NAME: PURPOSE: Jose, you should document better!! CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: ASTRO LIB: INTERNAL: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) Jan 2000 Expanding AAP output structure with DECP and RAP (CG) March 2000 V8.2
NAME: dynresp_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSRD defining the contents as a template structure PHTSRD_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SRD structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: DYNRESP_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdynresp phtdynresp_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: FILL_SRD PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTSRD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_DYNRESP, tmp [,newheader] [,REPLACE=replace] INPUT: tmp : DYNRESP like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: newheader: New header to be change into the structure KEYWORD: REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTSRD position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phtdynresp like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdynresp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (IAC - LA Laguna) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: GETFLUXDB_TIME PURPOSE: Converts a given signal [V/s] to flux [Jy], for a given time (fixed value) and pixel, by interpolating along the signal axis. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FLUX=GETFLUXDB_TIME INPUT PARAMETERS: (none) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: The file to be read PATH: The directory to find the file to be read TABLE: To read a savefile instead of cal-G file OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid PHT PSPECAL fits file METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtslchopp Astronomical Library: fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) Feb. 1999 V8.1
NAME: GET_FLUPTO PURPOSE: Get the index of flux up to where to discard, using the information contained in a structure like phtacc_ratsig CATEGORY: PIA - process - signal selection CALLING SEQUENCE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC, La Laguna) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: GET_SIGDISC PURPOSE: Get a flag array corresponding to the signals which are discarded according to the actual variables in the common block phtacc. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_SIGDISC, Tmpdata, Sig_disc [,Raststeps, Rpchopstep] INPUTS: Tmpdata: A PHT-SRD temporary structure OUTPUTS: Sig_disc: A flag array (same dimensions as phtsrd.slop) with flag=1 for all discarded signals Raststeps: An array with consecutive raster positions (as output from get_rastersteps) Rpchopstep: An array with consecutive raster-chopper combinations (as output of get_rpchopstep) KEYWORDS: ENCODE_FLAG: select if tmpdata.flag is changed with the flag encoded COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc rp_limits PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bug with last point fixed (CG) December 1995 Long variables for loops (CG) January 1996 Extension for discarding signals per raster point, output extension (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Extension for discarding portions (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Update (JA+CG) May 1999 V7.4
NAME: PHTACC PURPOSE: Define common block ACC for information about acceptance/discarding of data points. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtacc_ratsig COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (ISO-SOC, Vilspa) Jul 98 Version 7.x
NAME: PHTDYNRESP PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTDYNRESP (Dynamic response calibrated structure) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtdynresp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (ISO SOC - VILSPA) February 2000 Version 8.2
NAME: phtdynresp_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure phtdyncalib (dynamic calibration) defining the contents as a template structure phtdyncalib_type It can be used for clearing the whole structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtdynresp_init COMMON BLOCKS: phtdynresp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (ESA/ESTEC) February 2000 Version 8.2
NAME: PIA_DISPDYNRESP PURPOSE: Menu for PIA DYNRESP Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPDYNRESP KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTDYNRESP dynamic structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtdarkcur phtsmc phtdynresp pia_dispdynr_cmn (internal) pia_dspch2_cmn (internal) dspdynr_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) tmpvalues2 (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) dynrtext (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) RESTRICTIONS: DATA must be a valid element of PHTDYNRESP dynamic structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk pia_dis2dynresp pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_dispaap pia_load_idynresp pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_showstr pia_fldynrdisc pia_write_idynresp pia_xplot pickmeas dynresp2aap write_dynresp xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: fxpar sigma INTERNAL: pixbutevent_dynr viewevent_dynr reselect_area_dynr average_dynr median_dynr zoomevent_dynr zoomsync_dynr zoomnsync_dynr zoomit_dynr pia_resetview_dynr pia_ddynresp_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC - La Laguna) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_FLDYNRDISC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Signal ratio selection in dynamic calibration. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_FLDYNRDISC INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy NSIG Number of ramps per chopper plateau OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: Modifies the variables in phtacc for selection criteria COMMON BLOCKS: pia_sgratdisc_cmn for internal use phtacc_ratdisc selection parameters PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_sgratdisc_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) Coping with MODAL type acc. to IDL>5.0 (CG) February 1999 V7.3.1
NAME: PIA_LOAD_IDYNRESP PURPOSE: Write a PHT-DYNRESP (Signal per chopper plateau) measurement from the dynamic structure PHTDYNCAL (PHTDRIFT type) onto a temporary structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_LOAD_IDRIFT, driftdat, tmpdrift INPUT: DRIFTDAT : PHTDRIFT like dynamic structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: TMPDRIFT : A temporary structure of SCP type RESTRICTIONS: DRIFTDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (ESA/MPIA/IAC) February 2000 Version 8.2
NAME: PROCESS_SRDDYNR PURPOSE: Reduce PHT data from Signal per Ramp to AAP level, using the dynamic response scheme, and taken into account diverse selections or flags CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_SRDDYNR, tmpdata, dynrps, $ NO_DYNRBUFF =no_dynrbuff, HDR = hdr, TMPDYNR = phtdynrespt INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata : structure to be processed OUTPUT PARAMETERS: dynrps: position within the common block phtdynresp KEYWORDS: NO_DYNRBUFF : avoiding putting into CB phtdynresp HDR : a header to be taken instead of tmpdata.hdr TMPDYNR : returning the phtdynresp structure as temporary RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdynresp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta Bug with header keyword corrected (CG) March 00 V8.2
NAME: READ_SPECAL_CHOP PURPOSE: Read the Volts/s to Jy conversion factors and first order correction for SL chopped measurement from a FITS file into the COMMON phtslchopp. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SPECAL_CHOP INPUT PARAMETERS: (none) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: The file to be read PATH: The directory to find the file to be read TABLE: To read a savefile instead of cal-G file OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid PHT PSPECAL fits file METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtslchopp Astronomical Library: fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) Feb. 1999 V8.1
NAME: WRITE_DYNCALRESP PURPOSE: Write responsivity values depending on orbital position to a FITS file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_DYNCALRESP, DET, FLUX, WEIGHT, FLUX_MAX, FLUX_MIN, COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: filename: fits file name without the '.FITS' extension det: character string of 'C1', 'C2', 'P' RESPORB_STR: OPTIONAL INPUT: COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: PIA library: c2p_IA2pipe: changing order of C2 pixels MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta V6.6 ;