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Last modified: Fri Mar 24 12:48:39 2000.
NAME: DECODE_FLAG PURPOSE: Decode a flag, coded bitswise CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: decode_flag, flag, nflag, code INPUT: flag Coded flag array (1- or 2-dimensional) nflag Number of elements coded KEYWORDS: (none) OUTPUTS: code A (2- or 3-dim) array of [nflags,flag-dim] containing 0 or 1 for the coded nflags MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (IDC/IAC) March 1999 V7.4
NAME: decode_piaflag PURPOSE: Decode a PIA coded flag, returning a flag array corresponding to the given element in the given processing level (ERD, SRD, ...). It can be called with a bidimensional array. CATEGORY: PIA - flag system CALLING SEQUENCE: DECODE_PIAFLAG, dtype, lex_flag, codeflag, unitflag $ [,DET = det] [,/ALLPIX] INPUT PARAMETERS: codeflag: Flag using the coding of PIA (Normal case: tmpdata.flag) dtype: Data type [ERD,SRD,SCP,SPD,AAP] lex_flag: Name of the flag to decode OUTPUT PARAMETERS: unitflag: Flag array corresponding to lex_flag (0 or 1) PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): piaflag_info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta Feb 98 Version 7.x Updated by JA+CG May 99 Adding initialization (CG) May 99 Simplified code (JA+CG) June 99 V7.4 DYNR included (JA) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: encode_piaflag PURPOSE: Encode a coded flag from a reduced flag, which depends on the data type, (ERD, SRD, ...). It can be called with a bidimensional array. CATEGORY: PIA - flag system CALLING SEQUENCE: ENCODE_PIAFLAG, dtype, lex_flag, codeflag, newflag, unitflag, [,/RESET] $ [,DET = det] [,/ALLPIX] INPUT PARAMETERS: unitflag: Flag from any processing system dtype: Data type [ERD,SRD,SCP,SPD,AAP] lex_flag: Name of the flag to encode codeflag: Previous absolute flag value OUTPUT PARAMETERS: newflag: New absolute Flag value KEYWORD INPUT: RESET: setting lex_flag to 0 in newflag (unitflag irrelevant) DET: detector used ALLPIX: update also flags corresponding to open+resistor pixels PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): piaflag_info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta Feb 98 Version 7.x Update by CG+JA May 1999 Logic changed (CG) June 1999 V7.4 DYNR included (JA) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: get_validflag PURPOSE: Get a reduced flag from a coded flag, which depends on the data type, (ERD, SRD, ...). It can be called with a bidimensional array. CATEGORY: PIA - flag CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_VALIDFLAG, codeflag, dtype, redflag [,INDSEVERE=indsevere], $ [,DET = det] [,/ALLPIX] INPUT PARAMETERS: codeflag: Flag using the coding of PIA dtype: Data type [ERD,SRD,SCP,SPD,AAP] OUTPUT PARAMETERS: redflag: flag set to 1 when a point is discarded and 0 otherwise. PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): piaflag_info KEYWORDS: DET: detector ALLPIX: set for all pixels, including resistor and open pixels INDSEVERE: index of flags which are to be rejected MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta Feb 98 Version 7.x Updated by JA + CG - May 99 Using boolean algebra (CG) - Jul 99 V8.0
NAME: piaflag_info PURPOSE: Initializes the common block PIAFLAG_INFO which contains the information for the different flag coding used in PIA at different processing levels. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PIAFLAG_INFO INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): piaflag_info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta Feb 97 Version 7.x Update (JA+CG) May 99 IMAP flag included in SPD level (CG) Mar 99
NAME: set_indsevere PURPOSE: CATEGORY: PIA - flag CALLING SEQUENCE: res = SET_INDSEVERE(datatype, ind_lexical [,/REPLACE] [,/UPDATE] $ [,/DELETE]) INPUT PARAMETERS: datatype: Data type [ERD,SRD,SCP,SPD,AAP] ind_lexical: Array with the lexicals containing severe flags OUTPUT PARAMETERS: res: index of flags which are considered severe ind_lexical: If keywords REPLACE or UPDATE are absent it contains the lexical of the default severe flag . KEYWORDS: REPLACE: will PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): piaflag_info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (ISO Soc, VILSPA) March 1998 V7.2 Updated by JA+CG in La Laguna May 1999 V7.4