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NAME: PIA_AALEVEL PURPOSE: Astrophysical Applications Menu for PIA. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA display menues and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_AALEVEL, GROUP=group KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_mapw pia_multi_aap pia_multmeas_choice pia_showstr pia_xplot INTERNAL: pia_aalevel_event COMMON BLOCKS: pia_aalevel_cmn for internal use MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Spectrophotometry case added (CG) October 1995 Multi-aperture, multi-filter, general listing & correlation structure added (CG) January 1996 Returning silently if meas.choice cancelled (CG)January 1996 Simple polarimetry case added (CG) February 1996 Bug fixed (polar ID and polarization degree not present in Show str) (CG) February 1996 Call to pia_multmeas for summary (bug fixed) March 1996 Colour correction possibility included (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Colour correction extended to medians and quartiles (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Small graphical change (CG) October 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_AAPVIEW PURPOSE: User interface to plot 1-dimensional curves of AAP data. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_AAPVIEW, aap, GROUP=group INPUTS: AAP: An AAP structure containing data handles. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The widget group leader PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: PIA_XPLOT INTERNAL: › PIA_AAPVIEW_PLOT PRO PIA_AAPVIEW_CLEANUP PRO PIA_AAPVIEW_EVENT MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_AAP_BCKSEL PURPOSE: Menu for performing median filtering and smoothing of data for obtaining flat field factors from the filtered data. It includes also the possibility of obtaining directly flat field factors from selected data regions. It returns the filtered, smoothed and/or flat-fielded data. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics + processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_AAP_BCKSEL, mnbr, mnbu, ff_mnbr INPUT: mnbr: A 2-dim data array mnbu: Uncertainties of mnbr OUTPUT: ff_mnbr: The modified array (same dims as mnbr) COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn zoom_discareas PROCEDURES USED: PIA: ff_bck ff_med_smooth pia_disp_print_file pia_xplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta November 1997 Version 6.6
NAME: PIA_ANAL_SIG PURPOSE: Graphical I/F for the analysis of several SRD/SCP measurements CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_ANAL_SIG, GROUP=GROUP INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: OUTPUTS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: phtsrd phtscp pickmeas_results PROCEDURES CALLED: PIA_LIB: anal_sig Internal: pia_anal_sig_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 Widget types changed (CG) February 1996 Bug for SCP orbit files fixed (CG) February 1996 Reading from measurement in buffer included (JAcosta) February 1997 Using new pickmeas and pickmeas_results-CB (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Change call to anal_sig, adding admn as argument (JAc) January 1998 V7.0
NAME: PIA_BASE_DRIFT PURPOSE: Widget routine for graphical establishment of baseline drift factors, as observed from long term responsivity changes. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_base_drift, tmpdata, bas_drift, pixel=pixel INPUT PARAMETERS: TMPDATA : Structure containing the SCP data to be processed OPTIONAL KEYWORD : PIXEL : indicating the detector pixel to start with OUTPUT: bas_drift: Baseline drift factors, normalized to the last point, with same dimensions as tmpdata.aver RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid phtscp temporary data structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn PIA Procedure(s): pia_disp_print_file pia_graph_extract pia_xplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) July 1997 V6.4
NAME: PIA_BCKSUBT PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Background subtraction. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA display menues and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_BCKSUBT, tmpdata, SPD=SPD, GROUP=group INPUTS: tmpdata: structure containing data (SCP or SPD level) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SPD: Data identifier (0:SCP, 1:SPD level) GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices bcksubt_cmn bcksubt_cmn0 PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: chop_levels decode_admn pia_print_srcbck pia_showstr pia_xplot pia_xsurface subtr_bckg weight_mean bcksub_calc INTERNAL: pia_bcksubt_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) February 1995 Modified (last) by: CG September 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Accomodating subtracted data into dynamical structures introduced (CG) December 1995 98 & 99 changed -> 'C' and 'I' & chopper position -> chopper step for better comprehension (CG) April 1996 Call to SAVE uses temporary header (CG) + bcksub_calc created as external routine May 1997 V6.3
NAME: PIA_BUFFIL PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Internal Buffers selection and display. This is a second level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA main program and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_BUFFIL, GROUP=group KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap phterd phtscp phtspd phtsrd pia_buffil_cmn for internal use PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispdata pia_showdata pickmeas INTERNAL: pia_buffil_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) by: CG, PM September 1995 SMD out, SMC int (SB) August 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Common pia_widget_info extension (CG) November 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_CC_DEFIN PURPOSE: Simple Menu for choosing colour correction elements CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_CC_DEFIN, CC_STR [,overpl=overpl] INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: CC_STR: a structure containing parameters for CC KEYWORD: overpl: if plot to be produced has to be overplotted (only meaningful for the calling program) METHOD: Widgets COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) May 1997 V6.3 Extension for modified BB models (CG + IH) July 1997 V6.4 Bug for modified BB model nu-2 fixed (CG) February 1998 V7.0
NAME: PIA_CIMAGE PURPOSE: PIA C-detectors IMAGE lego plotting. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA display menues and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA, tmpdata, step INPUTS: tmpdata: A structure containing data to be displayed step: The chopper step to be plotted rpid_ch: The raster point (BYTARR(2)) to be plotted RESTRICTIONS: Up to 4 chopper steps are lego-plotted METHOD: Use PIA_Xsurface for lego plotting PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: cp_disc decode_admn pia_xsurface MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified by: cg July 1995 Extension for raster point choice (CG) January 1996 Extension for raster points combination (CG) December 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_CIMAGE_SPD PURPOSE: PIA C-detectors IMAGE lego plotting for SPD /AAP level. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA display menues and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_CIMAGE_SPD, tmpdata, step, mulch, rpid_ch INPUTS: tmpdata: An SPD (or AAP) structure containing data to be displayed step: The chopper step to be plotted mulch: Chopper step number printer flag (0:no, 1:yes) rpid_ch: The raster point (BYTARR(2)) to be plotted KEYWORD: AAP: For AAP structure as input METHOD: Use PIA_Xsurface for lego plotting PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_spddisc pia_xsurface MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) November 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for raster point choice (CG) January 1996 Keyword AAP added (CG) November 1997 Extension for raster points combination (CG) December 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_CONVERT_IAAP PURPOSE: Interface to the PHTAAP common block. Let the user select an AAP measurement. PHTAAP structure of selected measurement is returned. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA March 1999
NAME: PIA_CONVOLVE PURPOSE: Convolves a map (using a gaussian) to a different resolution CATEGORY: PIA - graphics/processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_CONVOLVE, imap, imappar, imaphdr, scan=scan INPUTS: IMAP The two dimensional map of the input image IMAPPAR The map parameter structure as used in PIA IMAPHDR The header of the measurement KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The widget group leader OUTPUTS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_mapdraw phtfilter_init Astronomical Library: psf_gaussian Internal: pia_convolve_event COMMON BLOCKS: PIA_convolv_cmn internal phtfilter filter id's phtfilter_prop filter properties MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA June 1996 Convolve (astrolib) replaced by convol (IDL) because of edges problems + taking maximal dimensions for psf up to 15 (CG) October 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_CONV_DATE PURPOSE: To return the string 'date' after conversion CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_CONV_DATE, UTST, DATE INPUT PARAMETERS: UTST : Full seconds after 1989.0 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: DATE : STRING with format 'dd:mm:yyyy - hh:mm:ss' PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: date_conv MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bug fixed using now julian date conversion (CG) January 1997
NAME: PIA_CORRECTIONS PURPOSE: Widget routine for decision on which correction steps are enabled/disabled, as well as for customizing them by calls to the corresponding routines CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_CORRECTIONS KEYWORD INPUTS: ERD: Corrections for the ERD level listed for choice & customize SRD: Corrections for the SRD level listed for choice & customize SCP: Corrections for the SCP level listed for choice & customize COMMON BLOCKS: gen_choices PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: deglitch_change pia_def_darkorb pia_pairdegl pia_rodegl MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA-SAI/VILSPA) March 1998 V7.0 /Modal use according to prescribed by IDL >=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Signal linearization added (SRD+SCP level) June 1999 V7.4 PHT-S pointing correction added (CG) December 1999 V8.2
NAME: PIA_CORR_VIGN PURPOSE: Apply vignetting correction procedure to a phtscp structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: pia_corr_vign, tmpdata, tmphdr, GROUP=group INPUTS: tmpdata: A PHTscp temporary structure tmphdr: The temporary header OUTPUTS: tmpdata: The updated PHTscp temporary structure tmphdr: The updated temporary header COMMON BLOCKS: phtvignet RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a temporary PHT SCP structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: get_wheels vignet vignet_tables_read MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Tested and fixed (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Returning asap if only FCS (to avoid HDR line on vignetting) (CG) October 1997 V6.5 Avoiding divisions by 0 and fixing q3me (CG) July 1998 V7.2
NAME: PIA_CURFIT PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. Function may be any non-linear function where the partial derivatives are known or can be approximated. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: yfit = curfit(x,y,w,a,sigmaa) INPUTS: X = Row vector of independent variables. Y = Row vector of dependent variable, same length as x. W = Row vector of weights, same length as x and y. For no weighting w(i) = 1., instrumental weighting w(i) = 1./y(i), etc. More correct: If w(i) = 1/sigma^2 then SIGMAA = OK, then only in this case Chi^2 has the right meaning (CG) A = Vector of nterms length containing the initial estimate for each parameter. If A is double precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise in single prec. R = Two-dimensional array of ranges, for avoiding getaway parameters r=[3,N], with [(min,max,no_use), nterms] KEYWORD PARAMTERS: funct = string containing the name of the fitting function. Default = 'funct' flag = 0 if fit OK, 1 if no convergence found quiet = 1 to suppress printing interation information. max_its = Maximum number of iterations the function will do before giving up. Default=1000. accept = Acceptance criterion for acceptable fit. This number is equal to the relative change in the ChiSquare statistic from one iteration to the next. Default=.00001 step = Step array OUTPUTS: A = Vector of parameters containing fit. Function result = YFIT = Vector of calculated values. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Sigmaa = Vector of standard deviations for parameters A. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE. SIDE EFFECTS: The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT. For an example see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. Call to FUNCT is: FUNCT,X,A,F,PDER where: X = Vector of NPOINT independent variables, input. A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x(i)), output. PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. PDER(I,J) = Derivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. PDER should not be calculated if parameter is not supplied in call (unless you want to waste some time). RESTRICTIONS: NONE. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which compines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." Iterations are perform until the chi square changes by only 0.001% or until 1000 iterations have been performed. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. MODIFICATION HISTORY: PIA adaptation for including parameter ranges Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Modified by D.L. Windt, AT&T Bell Labs, March, 1989.
NAME: PIA_CURVEFIT PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. The function may be any non-linear function. If available, partial derivatives can be calculated by the user function, else this routine will estimate partial derivatives with a forward difference approximation. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PIA_CURVEFIT(X, Y, W, A, SIGMAA, FUNCTION_NAME = name, $ ITMAX=ITMAX, ITER=ITER, TOL=TOL, /NODERIVATIVE) INPUTS: X: A row vector of independent variables. This routine does not manipulate or use values in X, it simply passes X to the user-written function. Y: A row vector containing the dependent variable. W: A row vector of weights, the same length as Y. For no weighting, w(i) = 1.0. For instrumental weighting, w(i) = 1.0/y(i), etc. A: A vector, with as many elements as the number of terms, that contains the initial estimate for each parameter. If A is double- precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise they are performed in single precision. KEYWORDS: FUNCTION_NAME: The name of the function (actually, a procedure) to fit. If omitted, "FUNCT" is used. The procedure must be written as described under RESTRICTIONS, below. ITMAX: Maximum number of iterations. Default = 20. ITER: The actual number of iterations which were performed TOL: The convergence tolerance. The routine returns when the relative decrease in chi-squared is less than TOL in an interation. Default = 1.e-3. CHI2: The value of chi-squared on exit NODERIVATIVE: If this keyword is set then the user procedure will not be requested to provide partial derivatives. The partial derivatives will be estimated in CURVEFIT using forward differences. If analytical derivatives are available they should always be used. FLAG: 0 if fit OK, 1 if no convergence found QUIET: 1 to suppress printing interation information. OUTPUTS: Returns a vector of calculated values. A: A vector of parameters containing fit. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Sigmaa: A vector of standard deviations for the parameters in A. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT, unless the FUNCTION_NAME keyword is supplied. This function, (actually written as a procedure) must accept values of X (the independent variable), and A (the fitted function's parameter values), and return F (the function's value at X), and PDER (a 2D array of partial derivatives). For an example, see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. A call to FUNCT is entered as: FUNCT, X, A, F, PDER where: X = Variable passed into CURVEFIT. It is the job of the user-written function to interpret this variable. A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x), output. PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. PDER(I,J) = DErivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. PDER should not be calculated if the parameter is not supplied in call. If the /NODERIVATIVE keyword is set in the call to CURVEFIT then the user routine will never need to calculate PDER. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which combines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." Iterations are performed until the chi square changes by only TOL or until ITMAX iterations have been performed. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. EXAMPLE: Fit a function of the form f(x) = a * exp(b*x) + c to sample pairs contained in x and y. In this example, a=a(0), b=a(1) and c=a(2). The partials are easily computed symbolicaly: df/da = exp(b*x), df/db = a * x * exp(b*x), and df/dc = 1.0 Here is the user-written procedure to return F(x) and the partials, given x: pro gfunct, x, a, f, pder ; Function + partials bx = exp(a(1) * x) f= a(0) * bx + a(2) ;Evaluate the function if N_PARAMS() ge 4 then $ ;Return partials? pder= [[bx], [a(0) * x * bx], [replicate(1.0, N_ELEMENTS(y))]] end x=findgen(10) ;Define indep & dep variables. y=[12.0, 11.0,10.2,9.4,8.7,8.1,7.5,6.9,6.5,6.1] w=1.0/y ;Weights a=[10.0,-0.1,2.0] ;Initial guess yfit=curvefit(x,y,w,a,sigmaa,function_name='gfunct') print, 'Function parameters: ', a print, yfit end MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Does not iterate if the first guess is good. DMS, Oct, 1990. Added CALL_PROCEDURE to make the function's name a parameter. (Nov 1990) 12/14/92 - modified to reflect the changes in the 1991 edition of Bevington (eq. II-27) (jiy-suggested by CreaSo) Mark Rivers, U of Chicago, Feb. 12, 1995 - Added following keywords: ITMAX, ITER, TOL, CHI2, NODERIVATIVE These make the routine much more generally useful. - Removed Oct. 1990 modification so the routine does one iteration even if first guess is good. Required to get meaningful output for errors. - Added forward difference derivative calculations required for NODERIVATIVE keyword. - Fixed a bug: PDER was passed to user's procedure on first call, but was not defined. Thus, user's procedure might not calculate it, but the result was then used.
NAME: PIA_DECONV PURPOSE: Graphical application for map deconvolution CATEGORY: PIA - graphics/processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DECONV, imap, imappar, imaphdr, dec_imap INPUTS: IMAP The two dimensional map of the input image IMAPPAR The map parameter structure as used in PIA IMAPHDR The header of the measurement OUTPUTS: DEC_IMAP The deconvolved map PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_mapdraw pia_xsurface phtfilter_init Astronomical Library: max_entropy max_likelihood Internal: pia_deconv_event COMMON BLOCKS: phtfilter filter id's phtfilter_prop filter properties MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA May 1998 V7.2 No modal mode now (no need) (CG) No convolution of footprint before interpolation (CG) September 1998 V7.3
NAME: PIA_DECO_DEFIN PURPOSE: Simple Menu for choosing deconvolution parameters CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DECO_DEFIN, DECO_STR INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: DECO_STR: a structure containing parameters for deconvolution METHOD: Widgets COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) September 1998 V7.3
NAME: PIA_DEFAPER PURPOSE: Define aperture constants (ISO,PHT-P) and pixel sizes (PHT-C/PHT-S) and store them in a common block. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DEFAPER COMMON BLOCKS: piacmn_pow2fb To hold the aperture values MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg Feb-95 Took values from SPG procedure 'AAP_APER_DIM' (S.Guest) Modified by: cg Jul-95 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_DEFRATIO PURPOSE: Define ratio of detector response at central wavelength to the response integrated over the filter width. for PHT-P and PHT-C filters and store the values in a common block. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DEFRATIO COMMON BLOCKS: piacmn_pow2fb To hold the ratio values MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg Feb-95 ds Took values from SPG procedure 'AAP_RATIO' (S.Guest) Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_DEFWAVEL PURPOSE: Define central wavelenghts of filters for PHT-P and PHT-C and store them in a common block. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DEFWAVEL COMMON BLOCKS: piacmn_pow2fb To hold the weavelength values MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg Feb-95 Took values from SPG procedure 'AAP_CENTRAL' (S.Guest) Modified (last) by: cg Sep-95 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_def_corrcoor PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining !CORRCOOR (using corrected coord or not) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_def_corrcoor COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1997 Version 6.5
NAME: PIA_def_darkorb PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining how the orbital dark current subtraction is performed CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_def_darkorb COMMON BLOCKS: phtdarkorb PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1997 Version 6.6 Bug corrected (JAc) February 1998 Option for subtraction of dark current dependant on exposure time (only for PHT-S) added (JAc) January 1999 Keyword modal added for inclusion in modal widgets (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_def_errbars PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining !NO_ERRBARS (showing error bars or not) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_def_errbars COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1997 Version 6.5
NAME: PIA_def_ffield PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining !PIA_FFUSE (using external flat field) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_def_ffield COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) June 1997 Version 6.3 Change nomenclature (external ff to filter2filter) CG - Jul99 V7.9
NAME: PIA_def_noweight PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining !NO_WEIGHTS (using weighted means or not) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_def_noweight COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) November 1996 Version 5.x
NAME: PIA_def_plot_limits PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining !PIA_PLOT_LIMIT and !PIA_XPLOT_LIMIT CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_def_plot_limits COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1998 Version 7.0
NAME: PIA_def_resporb PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining how the orbital dependant default responsivity has to be taken CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_def_resporb COMMON BLOCKS: phtresporb PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1998 Version 7.0
NAME: PIA_DIS2AAP PURPOSE: Menu for PIA AAP Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DIS2AAP KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTAAP dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtaap pia_ds2aap_cmn (internal) pia_dsp2ch6_cmn (internal) ds2aap_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) aap2_nacc (internal) tmp2values6 (internal) aap2att (internal) dis2cust_cmn (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk get_spddisc pia_bcksubt pia_cimage_spd pia_dis2aap pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_get_step pia_load_ispd pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_print_spdval pia_showstr pia_spddisc pia_spect pia_spect_spd pia_write_ispd pia_xplot pickmeas read_irph weight_mean write_aap xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: getfiles INTERNAL: pixbut2event6 view2event6 average2chop6 average2nonch6 average2event6 median2chop6 median2nonch6 median2event6 zoom2event6 zoom2fourier6 zoom2sync6 zoom2nsync6 zoom2it6 pia_reset2view6 pia_daap2_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) September 1994 Modified (last) by: cg November 1996 Version 5.x Saving internal file upgraded + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Added possibility to save corrections in phtaap buffer (JAc) October 1997 V6.6 Chopper frequency correction (OK) added (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Discarded points taken from tmp.flag (CG) August 1998 V7.3 Main widget is destroyed when new call to pia_dis2aap (bug in former version) (CG) February 1999 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Concatenated measurements displayed OK (CG) February 1999 Saving AAP FITS files for PHT-S added (CG) February 1999 PIA_ff_med_smooth call w. /modal (CG) March 1999 Update according to bitflag system (CG) May 1999 Display of decoded flags included (JAC) June 1999 V7.4 First quartile FF included (CG) July 1999 V7.9 Avoiding crash by cancel of meas.subtr.(CG) October 1999 Including PHT-S off-centre correction (CG) October 1999 V8.1 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DIS2ERD PURPOSE: Menu for PIA ERD Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DIS2ERD KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTERD dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data RESTRICTIONS: DATA must be a valid element of PHTERD dynamical structure COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phterd phtsrd splitramp_par pia_dsp2erd_cmn (internal) pia_dsp2cho_cmn (internal) dsp2erd_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) pia_plot_over_cmn (internal) tmp2values (internal) flg2_acc (internal) erd2text (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn decode_pixf get_convwh get_pht_hk get_rodisc lin_voltages pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_dispsrd pia_load_ierd pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_plot_over pia_rodisc pia_satlev pia_showstr pia_write_ierd pia_xplot pickmeas process_erd process_pixel xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg fxpar sigma INTERNAL: pixbut2event view2event fit2ram1 fit2ram2 fit2ram3 fit2ramps average2event median2event zoom2event zoom2fourier zoom2sync zoom2nsync zoom2it pia_derd2_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) June 1994 Modified (last) by: cg November 1996 V5.x Bug fixed (wrong plot from testing fit ramps) January 1997 V6.x Full TDT Housekeeping data access added (CG) April 1997 V6.2 Graphical signal discarding added + saving internal file upgraded + ramp subdivision using CB splitramp_par & testing included + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Allowing for graph. multi de(re)-selection (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Using process_tmperd instead of process_erd, pairdeglitching added (CG) November 1997 Change the calling sequence to pia_dispsrd (JA) October 1997 V6.6 Pair deglitch testing bug fixed (CG) June 1998 V7.2 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Display of decoded pia flags included (JA) June 1999 V7.4 Extension of "pattern proc" to sawtooth (CG) + July 1999 Wrong initialisation for 2-Thr. Degl fixed (CG) V8.0 Bug in resetting view fixed (CG) August 1999 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DIS2SCP PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SCP 2nd Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_dis2scp, DATA=data, NV=nv, REDRAW=redraw, GROUP=group KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTSCP dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtscp phtspd phtvignet pia_dsp2scp_cmn (internal) pia_dsp2ch3_cmn (internal) dsp2scp_widg_cmn (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) scp2_nacc (internal) tmp2values3 (internal) scp2attext (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) dsp2scp_widg (internal) pia_widget_infoo (internal) pia_reset2control_cmn PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk get_scpdisc pia_base_drift pia_bcksubt pia_cimage pia_corr_vign pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_dispspd pia_get_step pia_load_iscp pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_print_scpval pia_respons pia_scpdisc pia_showstr pia_spect pia_write_iscp pia_xplot pickmeas process_scp weight_mean write_scp xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg fxpar INTERNAL: pixbut2event3 view2event3 average2chop3 average2nonch3 average2event3 median2chop3 median2nonch3 median2event3 zoom2event3 zoom2fourier3 zoom2sync3 zoom2nsync3 zoom2it3 pia_reset2view3 pia_dscp2_event basel2_drift pia_reset2corrcontrol3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) by: cg December 1996 Straylight and Dark Current measurement subtraction added (CG) December 1996 Version 5.5 Bug fixed (index of FCS cal interpolation) (CG) March 1997 V6.2 Saving internal file upgraded (CG) + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Added possibility to save corrections in phtsrd buffer + calling sequence to pia_dispspd (JAc) October 1997 and graphical selection capability (CG) November 1997 Orbital position dependant dark current subtraction added (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Chopper frequency correction for subtracted measurements + default response orbit dep. correction added (CG) January 1998 Average actual responsivities included (JAc) January 1998 New routine pia_resetcorrcontrol3 used to avoid redrawing the whole screen after loading new measurements (JAc) February 1998 V7.0 Flux calibration is now possible for FCS (JAc) June 1998 Jump directly to pia_dispaap when doing flux calibration (JAc) August 1998 Plotting also flags (CG) November 1998 V7.3 Modified to include direct calib of chopped PHT-S measurements (JAc - IAC) February 1999 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Update according to bitflag system (CG) May 1999 Display of decoded flags included (JAC ->CG) June 1999 Actual responsivity info added (CG) July 1999 V7.4 Background subtraction disabled for P32 (CG) July 1999 V8.0 Call to calib_choppmeas_sl includes t_on (CG) September 1999 V8.1 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DIS2SPD PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SPD 2nd Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DIS2SPD KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtspd raster_info pia_ds2spd_cmn (internal) pia_dsp2ch4_cmn (internal) ds2spd_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) spd2_nacc (internal) aar2_struc (internal) tmp2values4 (internal) spd2attext (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk get_spddisc pia_bcksubt pia_cimage_spd pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_get_step pia_load_ispd pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_print_spdval pia_showstr pia_spddisc pia_spect pia_spect_spd pia_write_ispd pia_xplot pickmeas process_spd read_irph weight_mean write_spd xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: getfiles INTERNAL: pixbut2event4 view2event4 average2chop4 average2nonch4 average2event4 median2chop4 median2nonch4 median2event4 zoom2event4 zoomfourier4 zoom2sync4 zoom2nsync4 zoom2it4 pia_reset2view4 pia_dspd2_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) September 1994 Modified (last) by: CG November 1996 Version 5.x Saving internal file upgraded + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Bug by measurement subtraction fixed (CG) June 1997 V6.4 Added possibility to save corrections in phtspd buffer (JAc) October 1997 and graphical selection capability (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Chopper frequency correction added (CG) March 1998 + 'corrections' denomination + widgets update March 1998 V7.1 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Update according to bitflag system (CG) May 1999 Display of decoded flags included (JAC) June 1999 V7.4 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. + IMAP processing included (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DIS2SRD PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SRD Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPSRD, GROUP=group, DATA=data, NV=nv, REDRAW=redraw KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTSRD dynamic structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data RESTRICTIONS: DATA must be a valid element of PHTSRD dynamic structure COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs pia_drift_inipar_cmn pia_dsp2srd_cmn (internal) pia_dsp2ch2_cmn (internal) dsp2srd_wid (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) not2_acc (internal) tmp2values2 (internal) srd2text (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn deglitch_change do_deglitch get_convwh get_pht_hk get_sigdisc pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_dispscp pia_drift_inipar pia_load_isrd pia_mann pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_showstr pia_sigdisc pia_sm pia_write_isrd pia_xplot pickmeas process_tmpsrd write_srd xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg fxpar sigma INTERNAL: pixbut2event2 view2event2 stabil2_par deglitch2_par average2chop2 average2nonch2 average2event2 median2chop2 median2nonch2 median2event2 zoom2event2 zoom2fourier2 zoom2sync2 zoom2nsync2 zoom2it2 pia_reset2view2 pia_dsrd2_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) CGabriel February 97 Call to Deglitching routines modified to include discarding flags (JA) March 97 V6.1 Graphical signal discarding added + reset interval correction added + saving internal file upgraded + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 Added button to reset RPID (JAcosta) June 1997 V6.3 Uncertainties from reset int corr added (CG) September 1997 Allowing for graph. multi de(re)-selection (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Added possibility to save corrections in phtsrd buffer + calling sequence to pia_dispscp (JAc) October 1997 Orbital position dependant dark current subtraction added (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Allowing external v. for reset int.corr (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Pixel numbering bug for aver/median fixed (CG) July 1998 V7.2 Bug in the unc. calc. after reset int. corr. fixed (CG) September 1998 Dynamic calibration for PHT-S added (CG based on JA's work) November 1998 V7.3 Linearization included (only int.version) (CG) December 1998 V7.3 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Pattern processing added (CG) May 1999 Adapted for the use of bitflags (JA + CG) May 1999 Use of process_tmpsrd with pattern option (CG) June 1999 V7.4 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DISPAAP PURPOSE: Menu for PIA AAP Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPAAP KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTAAP dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtaap pia_dispaap_cmn (internal) pia_dspch6_cmn (internal) dspaap_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) aap_nacc (internal) tmpvalues6 (internal) aapatt (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk get_spddisc pia_bcksubt pia_cimage_spd pia_dis2aap pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_get_step pia_load_iaap pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_print_spdval pia_showstr pia_spddisc pia_spect pia_spect_aar pia_write_ispd pia_xplot pickmeas read_irph weight_mean write_spd xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: getfiles INTERNAL: pixbutevent6 viewevent6 averagechop6 averagenonch6 averageevent6 medianchop6 mediannonch6 medianevent6 zoomevent6 zoomfourier6 zoomsync6 zoomnsync6 zoomit6 pia_resetview6 pia_daap_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) September 1994 Modified (last) by: cg November 1996 Version 5.x Saving internal file upgraded + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Added possibility to save corrections in phtaap buffer (JAc) October 1997 Measurements concatenation implemented (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Chopper frequency correction (OK) added (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Discarded points taken from tmp.flag (CG) August 1998 V7.3 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Concatenated measurements displayed OK (CG) February 1999 Saving AAP FITS files for PHT-S added (CG) February 1999 PIA_ff_med_smooth call w. /modal (CG) March 1999 Update according to bitflag system (CG) May 1999 Display of decoded flags included (JAC) June 1999 V7.4 First quartile FF included (CG) July 1999 V7.9 Avoiding crash by cancel of meas.subtr.(CG) October 1999 Including PHT-S off-centre correction (CG) October 1999 V8.1 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DISPCUST PURPOSE: Menu for PIA drawing customization. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA display menues and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPCUST KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy COMMON BLOCKS: dispcust_cmn (internal) PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: pia_dispcust_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for new symbols (CG) November 1995 Avoiding crashes if no selection (CG) February 1996 Choice of lines taken out (CG) May 1996 /Modal use according to IDL >=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_DISPDATA PURPOSE: PIA Data display menu selector. Calls the display menu corresponding to the data level (ftype) passing the internal measurement name (filename) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_dispdata, filename, ftype [,tmppos=tmppos] INPUTS: filename: internal name (*.admn) of the chosen measurement ftype: data level type KEYWORD PARAMETERS: tmppos: Exact position within the array of dynamical structures GROUP: The widget ID of the group leader of the widget. If this keyword is specified, the death of the group leader results in the death of PIA_disp_print_file. COMMON BLOCKS: adm phtcs phterd phtscp phtsmc phtspd phtsrd pia_dspcho_cmn (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_disperd pia_dispscp pia_dispspd pia_dispsrd pia_multmeas pia_sm pia_sm_dispsmc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) by SB October 1996 V5.x tmppos keyword added (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Calling sequence to pia_dispsrd, pia_dispscp, pia_dispspd (JAc) October 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_DISPERD PURPOSE: Menu for PIA ERD Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPERD KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTERD dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data TMPSTR: To use instead of DATA a temporary structure NEWH: To use instead of tmpstr.hdr a different header RESTRICTIONS: DATA must be a valid element of PHTERD dynamical structure COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phterd phtsrd splitramp_par pia_dsperd_cmn (internal) pia_dspcho_cmn (internal) dsperd_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) pia_plot_over_cmn (internal) tmpvalues (internal) flg_acc (internal) erdtext (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) dsperd_widg (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk get_rodisc lin_voltages pia_dis2erd pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_dispsrd pia_load_ierd pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_plot_over pia_rodisc pia_satlev pia_showstr pia_write_ierd pia_xplot pickmeas process_tmperd process_pixel xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg fxpar sigma INTERNAL: pixbutevent viewevent fitram1 fitram2 fitram3 fitramps fitrams process_pixel averageevent medianevent zoomevent zoomfourier zoomsync zoomnsync zoomit pia_resetview pia_derd_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) June 1994 Modified (last) by: cg October 1996 Full TDT Housekeeping data access added (CG) April 1997 V6.2 Graphical signal discarding added + saving internal file upgraded + ramp subdivision using CB splitramp_par & testing included + direct discrimination for measurement selection + keywords TMPSTR and NEWH added + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Allowing for graph. multi de(re)-selection (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Using process_tmperd instead of process_erd, pairdeglitching added (CG) November 1997 Change the calling sequence to pia_dispsrd (JA) October 1997 V6.6 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Display of decoded pia flags included (JA) June 1999 V7.4 Extension of "pattern proc" to sawtooth (CG) + July 1999 Wrong initialisation for 2-Thr. Degl fixed (CG) V8.0 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DISPSCP PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SCP Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPSCP KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTSRD dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data CALA: To display Cal A data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtscp phtspd phtvignet pia_dspscp_cmn (internal) pia_dspch3_cmn (internal) dspscp_widg (internal) scp_nac (internal) tmpvalues3 (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) scpattext (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) dspscp_widg (internal) pia_widget_info pia_resetcontrol_cmn PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: get_convwh get_pht_hk get_scpdisc pia_base_drift pia_bcksubt pia_cimage pia_corr_vign pia_def_resporb pia_dis2scp pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_dispspd pia_get_step pia_load_iscp pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_respons pia_scpdisc pia_showstr pia_spect pia_write_iscp pia_xplot pickmeas process_scp weight_mean write_scp xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg fxpar INTERNAL: pixbutevent3 viewevent3 averagechop3 averagenonch3 averageevent3 medianchop3 mediannonch3 medianevent3 zoomevent3 zoomfourier3 zoomsync3 zoomnsync3 zoomit3 pia_resetview3 pia_dscp_event basel_drift pia_resetcorrcontrol3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) by: cg December 1996 Version 5.4 Straylight and Dark Current measurement subtraction added (CG) December 1996 Version 5.5 Bug fixed (index of FCS cal interpolation) (CG) March 1997 V6.2 Saving internal file upgraded + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Processing with baseline drift graphical handling added (CG) July 1997 V6.4 Added possibility to save corrections in phtscp buffer + calling sequence to pia_dispspd (JAc) October 1997 and graphical selection capability (CG) November 1997 Orbital position dependant dark current subtraction added (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Chopper frequency correction for subtracted measurements + default response orbit dep. correction added (CG) January 1998 Average actual responsivities included (JAc) January 1998 New routine pia_resetcorrcontrol3 used to avoid redrawing the whole screen after loading new measurements (JAc) February 1998 V7.0 Flux calibration is now possible for FCS (JAc) June 1998 Jump directly to pia_dispaap when doing flux calibration (JAc) August 1998 Plotting also flags (CG) November 1998 V7.3 Modified to include direct calib of chopped PHT-S measurements (JAc - IAC) February 1999 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Update according to bitflag system (CG) May 1999 Display of decoded flags included (JAC) June 1999 Actual responsivity info added (CG) July 1999 V7.4 Background subtraction disabled for P32 (CG) July 1999 V8.0 Call to calib_choppmeas_sl includes t_on (CG) September 1999 V8.1 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DISPSPD PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SPD Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPSPD KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTSRD dynamical structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtspd pia_dspspd_cmn (internal) pia_dspch4_cmn (internal) dspspd_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) spd_nacc (internal) aar_struc (internal) tmpvalues4 (internal) spdattext (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) dspspd_widg (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn get_convwh get_pht_hk get_spddisc pia_bcksubt pia_cimage_spd pia_dis2spd pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_get_step pia_load_ispd pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_print_spdval pia_showstr pia_spddisc pia_spect pia_spect_spd pia_write_ispd pia_xplot pickmeas process_spd read_irph weight_mean write_spd xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: getfiles INTERNAL: pixbutevent4 viewevent4 averagechop4 averagenonch4 averageevent4 medianchop4 mediannonch4 medianevent4 zoomevent4 zoomfourier4 zoomsync4 zoomnsync4 zoomit4 pia_resetview4 pia_dspd_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) September 1994 Modified (last) by: cg November 1996 Version 5.x Saving internal file upgraded + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Added possibility to save corrections in phtspd buffer (JAc) October 1997 and graphical selection capability (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Chopper frequency correction added (CG) March 1998 + 'corrections' denomination + widgets update March 1998 V7.1 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Update according to bitflag system (CG) May 1999 Display of decoded flags included (JAC) June 1999 V7.4 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. + IMAP processing included (CG) January 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_DISPSRD PURPOSE: Menu for PIA SRD Data display. This is a fourth level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA Display Data routine and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISPSRD KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy DATA: An element of the PHTSRD dynamic structure NV: Number of Views (1 <= NV <= 4) REDRAW: To redraw same data COMMON BLOCKS: adm colour_indices phtacc phtcs phtdarkcur phtsmc phtsrd pia_drift_inipar_cmn pia_dspsrd_cmn (internal) pia_dspch2_cmn (internal) dspsrd_widg (internal) pia_dspchz_cmn (internal) not_acc (internal) tmpvalues2 (internal) dispcust_cmn (internal) srdtext (internal) pia_widget_info (internal) RESTRICTIONS: DATA must be a valid element of PHTSRD dynamic structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn deglitch_change do_deglitch get_convwh get_pht_hk pia_dis2srd pia_disp_cs pia_disp_hdr pia_dispcust pia_dispscp pia_drift_inipar pia_load_isrd pia_mann pia_multchoice pia_multmeas pia_oplot pia_pixchoice pia_plot pia_showstr pia_sigdisc pia_sm pia_write_isrd pia_xplot pickmeas process_tmpsrd write_srd xdisp_hk ASTRO LIB: avg avg fxpar sigma INTERNAL: pixbutevent2 viewevent2 stabil_par deglitch_par averagechop2 averagenonch2 averageevent2 medianchop2 mediannonch2 medianevent2 zoomevent2 zoomfourier2 zoomsync2 zoomnsync2 zoomit2 pia_resetview2 pia_dsrd_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) by JAcosta - CGabriel February 97 Call to Deglitching routines modified to include discarding flags (JA) March 97 V6.1 Graphical signal discarding added + reset interval correction added + saving internal file upgraded + direct discrimination for measurement selection + auxiliary files display added (EOH*, OLR) (CG) May 1997 Added button to reset RPID (JAcosta) June 1997 V6.3 Uncertainties from reset int corr added (CG) September 1997 Allowing for graph. multi de(re)-selection (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Added possibility to save corrections in phtsrd buffer + calling sequence to pia_dispscp (JAc) October 1997 Orbital position dependant dark current subtraction added (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Allowing external v. for reset int.corr (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Pixel numbering bug for aver/median fixed (CG) July 1998 V7.2 Bug in the unc. calc. after reset int. corr. fixed (CG) September 1998 Dynamic calibration for PHT-S added (CG based on JA's work) November 1998 V7.3 Linearization included (only int.version) (CG) December 1998 V7.3 Widget problem (INT instead of LON) fixed (CG) February 1999 Pattern processing added (CG) May 1999 Adapted for the use of bitflags (JA + CG) May 1999 Use of process_tmpsrd with pattern option (CG) June 1999 Display of decoded flags included (JAC) June 1999 V7.4 Exit including possibility of saving meas. + replacing numbers by letters in pixel ind. (CG) January 2000 Include dynamical response calibration for PHT-S in OLP style (JAcosta) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_disp_cs PURPOSE: Displays the converted Compact Status contents CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_disp_cs, measname INPUT PARAMETERS: measname: e.g. 'C102003102' OUTPUT PARAMETERS: widget COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs pia_disp_cs_cmn (internal) PROCEDURE: reads CS buffer, converts data in readable information and xdisplays detector data onto screen PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: conv_cs decode_admn read_cs pia_disp_print_file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Thorsten Reimann 10/94 Modified by: (CG) November 1996 V5.x Simplified through use of PIA_DISP_PRINT_FILE (CG) Feb.97 V6.1
NAME: PIA_DISP_EOHA PURPOSE: Read the Edited Observation History (EOHA) from FITSDIR and display/print contents for a given TDT CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISP_EOHA, tdtnr INPUTS: tdtnr: TDT number for which OLP report shall be displayed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : returns an error condition: 0 = no error 1 = could not successfully read the EOHA file PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_disp_print_file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen, MPIK/Heidelberg, Mai 1997
NAME: PIA_DISP_EOHI PURPOSE: Read the Edited Observation History (EOHI) from FITSDIR and display/print contents for a given TDT CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISP_EOHI, tdtnr INPUTS: tdtnr: TDT number for which OLP report shall be displayed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : returns an error condition: 0 = no error 1 = could not successfully read the EOHA file PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_disp_print_file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen, MPIK/Heidelberg, Mai 1997
NAME: PIA_disp_hdr PURPOSE: Displays header contents CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_disp_hdr, header, admn, level INPUT PARAMETERS: header: The header to be displayed admn: A measurement name (PIA admn convention) level: Level of processing, e.g. SRD KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP=group: Group leader COMMON BLOCKS: pia_disp_hdr_cmn (internal) PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: pia_disp_hdr_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) Dec. 94 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Free_lun instead of close - get_lun used (CG) May 1996 Print_dir bug fixed (CG) July 1996 Simplified through use of PIA_DISP_PRINT_FILE (CG) Feb.97 V6.1
NAME: PIA_DISP_ISR PURPOSE: Read the Instrument station report from FITSDIR and display/print contents CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISP_ISR, tdtnr INPUTS: tdtnr: TDT number for which IS report shall be displayed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : returns an error condition: 0 = no error 1 = could not successfully read the PISR file PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_disp_print_file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen, MPIK/Heidelberg December 1995 I. H.: Header corrected March 1997
NAME: PIA_DISP_OLR PURPOSE: Read the OLP report from FITSDIR and display/print contents CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISP_OLR, tdtnr INPUTS: tdtnr: TDT number for which OLP report shall be displayed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : returns an error condition: 0 = no error 1 = could not successfully read the POLR file PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_disp_print_file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen, MPIK/Heidelberg, March 1997
NAME: PIA_Disp_Photom PURPOSE: Displays the photometric table CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_Disp_AAP, Text, Observation INPUTS: Text: Array of text lines Observation: An observation string derived from the TDT and OBS OUTPUTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version ?.? Modified by: Huw Morris Unit number 1 replaced by /get_lun (CG) Jan 96 Free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996
NAME: PIA_Disp_Print_File PURPOSE: Display an ASCII text file using widgets and the widget manager, giving the possibility of printing it or saving it as a file CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_disp_print_file, Filename INPUTS: Filename: A scalar string that contains the filename of the file to display. The filename can include a path to that file. It is also used as the first choice for the output filename. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FONT: The name of the font to use. If omitted use the default font. GROUP: The widget ID of the group leader of the widget. If this keyword is specified, the death of the group leader results in the death of PIA_disp_print_file. HEIGHT: The number of text lines that the widget should display at one time. If this keyword is not specified, 24 lines is the default. TEXT: A string or string array to be displayed in the widget instead of the contents of a file. This keyword supercedes the FILENAME input parameter. TITLE: A string to use as the widget title rather than the file name or "PIA_disp_print_file". WIDTH: The number of characters wide the widget should be. If this keyword is not specified, 80 characters is the default. UNIQUE: If set, a special name for Xregistering is used, which can be used for avoiding multiple warnings "PIA_DISP_PRINT_FILE_UNIQUE" OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A file viewing widget is created. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_disp_print_file_cmn SIDE EFFECTS: Triggers the xMANAGER,No_BLOCK=1 if it is not already in use. PROCEDURE: Open a file and create a widget to display its contents. PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: PIA_Disp_Print_File_evt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Savename in common replaced by widget_id (CG) Christmas 1995 Free_lun instead of close - get_lun used (CG) May 1996 Savefiles now by default to PIA_SAVEDIR (CG) March 1997 V6.2 Using the system variable !PIA_PRINTDIR instead of the environment variable for SPAWN (CG) June 1997 V6.3 Editing text accepted (CG) June 1997 V6.4 optional keyword SAVENAME added (IH) August 1997 Optional keyword "unique" added (CG) January 1998 Bug for text > 1000 lines fixed (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Adding Adobe prefix to a2ps output (CG) March 1998 V7.1
NAME: PIA_DISP_STAT PURPOSE: Display information comprised in the phtdrift structure CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_DISP_STAT, admname INPUT PARAMETERS: admname: the internal measurement name KEYWORDS: DRIFT: If set, drift analysis statistics showed STAB: If set, stability analysis ("mann") statistics showed SLOPV: If set, slope variation analysis statistics showed NO_SHOWSTR: If set, NO simultaneous structure display activated RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdrift PIA Procedure(s): pia_disp_print_file pia_showstr MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA/SAI December 1996 V5.5 Parameter bug fixed (CG) January 1997 Widget access to structure added (CG) February 1997 V6.1
NAME: PIA_DX2Y PURPOSE: Calculate map Y-coordinates for given declination and given map X-coordinate values. Arrays can be used in two forms: (1) a set of X pixel values, and a scalar declination, or (2) a set of declination values, and a scalar X value. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: y = PIA_DX2Y( dec, x, trans, ra ) INPUTS: DEC: Declination value(s) in degrees. If X is an array, then DEC must be a scalar. X: Map X-coordinate value(s). If DEC is an array, then X must be a scalar. TRANS: Transformation parameters as provided by PIA_MKTRANS. OUTPUTS: Y: Map Y-coordinate value(s). OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: RA: Corresponding right ascension value(s) in degrees. CALLED ROUTINES: PIA_RD2XY RESTRICTIONS: Program will have difficulty converging for declination values near 90. The transformation structure TRANS is not compatible with the ASTR structure of ASTROLIB routines! MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D.Skaley, MPIK Mar-95 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_DY2X PURPOSE: Calculate map X-coordinates for given declination and given map Y-coordinate values. Arrays can be used in two forms: (1) a set of Y pixel values, and a scalar declination, or (2) a set of declination values, and a scalar Y value. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: x = PIA_DY2X( dec, y, trans, ra ) INPUTS: DEC: Declination value(s) in degrees. If Y is an array, then DEC must be a scalar. Y: Map Y-coordinate value(s). If DEC is an array, then Y must be a scalar. TRANS: Transformation parameters as provided by PIA_MKTRANS. OUTPUTS: X: Map X-coordinate value(s). OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: RA: Corresponding right ascension value(s) in degrees. CALLED ROUTINES: PIA_RD2XY RESTRICTIONS: Program will have difficulty converging for declination values near 90. The transformation structure TRANS is not compatible with the ASTR structure of ASTROLIB routines! PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_rd2xy MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D.Skaley, MPIK Mar-95 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_factor PURPOSE: Ask the interactive user for a factor, and pass it back to the PIA CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_factor, anythin, anythout INPUTS: anythin: A string indicating what is the calling routine looking for KEYWORD PARAMETERS: proposal: Output proposed OUTPUT: anythout: The factor chosen by the user COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_FCSPRE_STRUCT_VAL_CHOICE PURPOSE: Menu for extracting values from the PHT FCS Preselected power Files CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_FCSPRE_STRUCT_VAL_CHOICE INPUTS: STRFCSPRE The structure to be chosen from KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP=group: Group leader OUTPUTS: ACC_INDICES The structure indices corresponding to the selection COMMON BLOCKS: pia_varselected_cmn I/F to pia_select_var PROCEDURES USED: PIA Lib: pia_select_var Astro Lib: match MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) November 1995 STRTRIM used for strings (CG) February 1996
NAME: PIA_ff_backgr PURPOSE: Menu for obtaining directly flat field factors from selected data regions. It returns the flat-fielded data. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics + processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_ff_backgr, mnbr, mnbu, ff_mnbr INPUT: mnbr: A 2-dim data array mnbu: Uncertainties of mnbr OUTPUT: ff_mnbr: The modified array (same dims as mnbr) INPUT KEYWORDS: flag: Flag array (same dimension as mnbr) modal: For running widget in /modal group: Group leader of the widget (mandatory if /modal) COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn zoom_discareas PROCEDURES USED: PIA: ff_bck pia_disp_print_file pia_xplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1999
NAME: PIA_ff_med_smooth PURPOSE: Menu for performing median filtering and smoothing of data for obtaining flat field factors from the filtered data. It returns the filtered, smoothed and flat-fielded data. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics + processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_ff_med_smooth, mnbr, mnbu, ff_mnbr INPUT: mnbr: A 2-dim data array mnbu: Uncertainties of mnbr OUTPUT: ff_mnbr: The modified array (same dims as mnbr) INPUT KEYWORDS: flag: Flag array (same dimension as mnbr) modal: For running widget in /modal group: Group leader of the widget (mandatory if /modal) COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn zoom_discareas PROCEDURES USED: PIA: ff_bck ff_med_smooth pia_disp_print_file pia_ff_med_smooth_param pia_xplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1997 Version 6.5 Keywords modal and group added for running it in modal mode only if required and according to IDL >= 5.0 prescription (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Separation of median flat-fielding and background flat-fielding (CG) August 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_ff_med_smooth_param PURPOSE: Simple widget I/F for defining the parameters for median filtering and smoothing by mapping CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_ff_med_smooth_param, med_smooth_par INPUT: None OUTPUT: med_smooth_par: Structure {fw:fw,sw:sw} containing the chosen parameters COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1997 Version 6.5
NAME: PIA_FILEFILTER PURPOSE: Return a proper file filter corresponding to PIA product type CATEGORY: PIA - support CALLING SEQUENCE: filter = PIA_FILEFILTER( producttype, detectortype ) INPUTS: producttype : Type of PIA product. Valid types are: 'CS' = compact status file 'ERD' = Edited Raw Data file 'SPD' = Standard Processed Data file 'CALA' = cal-A file 'AAR' = Auto Analysis Results file '*' = any file detectortype : Subtype of file corrsponding to PHT detector. (are not for all producttypes meaningful) 'P' = P1, P2, or P3 'P1' = P1 'P2' = P2 'P3' = P3 'C' = C100 or C200 'C1' = C100 'C2' = C200 'S' = SS or SL 'SS' = SS 'SL' = SL '*' = all types OPTIONAL INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: (none) RETURN VALUE: filter : The file filter string corresponding to product type and eventually detectortype. CALLED ROUTINES: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: Not all non-product files can be excluded with the returned filter. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_FILETYPE PURPOSE: Determine the product type and the detector type of a product file from the file name. CATEGORY: PIA - support CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_FILETYPE( filename, producttype, detectortype ) INPUTS: filename : The name of the product file. May contain the directory path. OPTIONAL INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: producttype : Type of PIA product: 'CS' = compact status file 'ERD' = Edited Raw Data file 'SPD' = Standard Processed Data file 'CALA' = cal-A file 'AAR' = Auto Analysis Results file '*' = unknown file type detectortype : Detector type of file: 'P' = P1, P2, or P3 'P1' = P1 'P2' = P2 'P3' = P3 'C' = C100 or C200 'C1' = C100 'C2' = C200 'S' = SS or SL 'SS' = SS 'SL' = SL 'G' = general (for AAR) '*' = any detector or unknown CALLED ROUTINES: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_FXTFIL PURPOSE: Menu for PIA External IA Produced Data (FITS) selection and read-in. This is a second level menu in the PIA hirarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA main program and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_FXTFIL, GROUP=group INPUTS: none OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy OUTPUTS: none METHOD: Widgets PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_open_fxb pia_read_fits pia_view_txt Astronomical Library: fxbclose COMMON BLOCKS: pia_fxtfil_cmn for internal use MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_GBLDEF_INIT PURPOSE: Initialize the common block PIACMN_GBLDEF variable 'gbldef'. Definition of directories from environment variables: PIA_CALG cal-G files PIA_DATA ISO data files PIA_WORK working directory CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_GBLDEF_INIT INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: PIACMN_GBLDEF The global default definitions MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg Modified by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_GENCHO PURPOSE: Menu for general choices within an automatic PIA procedure. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_gencho INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: several variables are defined in two common blocks, which drive the automatic measurements processing PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: pia_gencho_event COMMON BLOCKS: pia_gencho_cmn for internal use gencho_cmn for returning several variables MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) January 1995 Modified(last): CG September 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Including ramps deglitching (CG) December 1995 Including drifts recognition (CG) December 1995 Initializing erdsel ... correctly (CG) May 1996 Initializing all corrections to 1 (CG) July 1996 Update including vignetting + reset interval corrections, ramps subdivision, background subtraction (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Modal defined as prescribed by IDL >= 5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Pattern analysis included for internal version (CG) March 1999 + also for external version (CG) June 1999 V7.4 Dynamic calibration included for PHT-S chopped meas.(CG) September 1999 V8.0.1
NAME: PIA_genpro_top PURPOSE: Ask the interactive user for general decisions for sequence processing CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_genpro_top, genpro_top OUTPUT: genpro_top: The structure chosen by the user: {gbegin: ,gend: ,auto_reco: } COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) June 1997 V6.4
NAME: PIA_GET_INBPOWER PURPOSE: Graphical I/F to read records from the source calibration files accomodating values into a structure returned in a common block CATEGORY: PIA - graphics-I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_GET_INBPOWER, source_id, filter_id INPUT: source_id: Name of Calibration Source to start with. filter_id: Filter name to start with. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_get_inbp_res (returning results) pia_get_inbp_cmn (internally used) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: ASTRO LIB: FXBOPEN FXBREAD FXBCLOSE INTERNAL: pia_get_inbpower_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 sed_id shown together with source_id (CG) January 1996 Bug fixed (IBP uncert. was initialized as INT !) (CG) February 1996 Filter names changed in Source files (CG) February 1996 Modal defined as prescribed for IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_GET_RPID PURPOSE: Simple Menu for choosing a RPID from a list CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_get_rpid, rpids, rpid_chosen INPUT: RPIDS [points per raster line, raster lines] (INTARR(2)) OUTPUT: RPID_CHOSEN The chosen RPID (BYTARR(2)) METHOD: Widgets COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) January 1996
NAME: PIA_GET_SREGION PURPOSE: Menu for choosing either a PHT-S pixel or a wavelength region CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_GET_SREGION, phts, sr_STR INPUT: phts: 'SS' or 'SL' for PHT-SS or PHT-SL respectively OUTPUT: SR_STR: a structure containing chosen parameters METHOD: Widgets COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) November 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_GET_STEP PURPOSE: Simple Menu for choosing a chopper step from a list CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_get_step, steps INPUTS: STEPS Number of chopper steps KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy; OUTPUTS: STEPS The step chosen METHOD: Widgets COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_GET_STRAYL PURPOSE: Graphical I/F to calculate straylight on the FCS expected from a certain source measurement (including the possibility of changing the sl level) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics-processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_GET_STRAYL, ident INPUT: ident: Name (PIA nomenclature) to start with. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_get_strayl_res (returning results) pia_get_strayl_cmn (internally used) PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) April 1996
NAME: PIA_GRAPH_EXTRACT PURPOSE: Widget routine for extraction of points graphically determined on a plot. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PRO PIA_GRAPH_EXTRACT, x, y, interp, xch, ych, error=error INPUT PARAMETERS: x: The abscissae values y: The ordinate values OPTIONAL KEYWORD : ERROR : 1 for error OUTPUT: interp: The interpolated values at the x positions xch: The x values for the graphically chosen points ych: The y values for the graphically chosen points RESTRICTIONS: At least 4 points must be chosen PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): colour_indices PIA Procedure(s): pia_write_anything MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) July 1997 V6.4
NAME: PIA_IN_BUFFER PURPOSE: Controls the filling of a temporary structure into one of the PIA dynamical structures CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_IN_BUFFER, tmp, REPLACE=replace INPUT: tmp : A temporary structure (phterd, phtsrd, ... type) OPTIONAL INPUT: REPLACE : IF set (> 0) put the structure into this position within the buffer, if set and negative starts a widget for getting the desired position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid (phterd, phtsrd, ...) temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA procedures: FILL_ERD FILL_SRD FILL_SCP FILL_SPD FILL_AAP PICKMEAS_POS MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996 Bug for AAP fixed (CG) December 1996 Bug for AAP fixed (after adding CWVL to AAP) (CG) February 1997 V6.1 Bug for SPD fixed (CG) March 1998 V7.1
NAME: PIA_LOAD_CALA PURPOSE: Write a PHT-CALA (Signal measurement from the dynamical structure CLADAT (PHTCLA type) onto a temporary structure CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_load_CALA, CLADAT, tmpcla CATEGORY: PIA - processing INPUT: CLADAT : PHTCLA like dynamical structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUT: none RESTRICTIONS: CLADAT must exist PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) December 1994 Modified(last): CG September 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_LOAD_DRIFTPAR PURPOSE: Load drift modelling parameters into structure PIA_DRIFTPAR CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_LOAD_DRIFTPAR, tmpdata, pixel, FUNCT = funct, NON_INT = non_int INPUT: tmpdata: A phtsrd like temporary structure pixel: The pixel number of the data to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FUNCT: The name of the function to be used NON_INT: When using it non-interactively less parameters are set variable RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTSRD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: pia_drift_par PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: fouks_start_par gauss_start_par gaussinv_start_par MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 Version 5.0 - Aug.96
NAME: PIA_load_IAAP PURPOSE: Write a PHT-AAP (Astrophysical Applications) measurement from the dynamical structure AAPDAT (PHTAAP type) onto a temporary structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_LOAD_IAAP, aapdat, tmpaap INPUT: aapDAT : PHTaap like dynamical structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: TMPaap : A temporary structure of aap type RESTRICTIONS: aapDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) December 1995 Central wavelength added, WMT (DIAS) Nov 1996
NAME: PIA_load_iCS PURPOSE: Write a PHT-CS (Compact Status Data) record from the dynamical structure CSDAT (PHTCS type) onto a temporary structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_load_ICS, CSDAT, tmpcs INPUT: CSDAT : PHTCS like dynamical structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: tmpcs - A temporary structure of CS type RESTRICTIONS: CSDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995
NAME: PIA_load_IERD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-ERD (Edited Raw Data) measurement from the dynamical structure ERDDAT (PHTERD type) onto a temporary structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_load_IERD, ERDDAT, tmperd INPUT: ERDDAT : PHTERD like dynamical structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: tmperd - A temporary structure of ERD type RESTRICTIONS: ERDDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) August 1994 Modified: CG September 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Array FLAG added to temp structure (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Position of PIXF changed to be = phterd (CG) September 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_load_ISCP PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SCP (Signal per chopper plateau) measurement from the dynamical structure SCPDAT (PHTSCP type) onto a temporary structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_LOAD_ISCP, scpdat, tmpscp INPUT: SCPDAT : PHTSCP like dynamical structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: TMPSCP : A temporary structure of SCP type RESTRICTIONS: SCPDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for ANDR,AVSD and ARSI (CG) January 1996
NAME: PIA_load_ISPD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SPD (Standard Processed Data) measurement from the dynamical structure SPDDAT (PHTSPD type) onto a temporary structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_LOAD_ISPD, spddat, tmpspd INPUT: SPDDAT : PHTSPD like dynamical structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: TMPSPD : A temporary structure of SPD type RESTRICTIONS: SPDDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) November 1994 Modified: CG March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Coordinates keywords in double precision - CG October 1995 Order changed (CG) September 1997 V6.5
NAME: PIA_load_ISRD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SRD (Signal Raw Data) measurement from the dynamical structure SRDDAT (PHTSRD type) onto a temporary structure CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_load_ISRD, SRDDAT, tmpsrd CATEGORY: PIA - processing INPUT: SRDDAT : PHTSRD like dynamical structure KEYWORDS: none OUTPUTS: TMPSRD : A temporary structure of SRD type RESTRICTIONS: SRDDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) September 1994 Modified(last): CG April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Effective reset time and nr of read-outs added (CG) January 1996 Forgotten DIMS keyword added (CG) June 1996
NAME: PIA_MANN PURPOSE: Menu for mann stability parameters handling. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MANN, tmpdata, pixel, GROUP=group INPUT: tmpdata: SRD level temporary structure pixel: chosen pixel for testing KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTSRD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_admn mann INTERNAL: pia_mann_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996 Interval division logic changed (CG) February 1996 Interval division (special case) bug fixed (CG) February 1996 Confidence level renamed to (1-confidence) (CG) May 1996
NAME: PIA_MAN_MEA PURPOSE: This is the "ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis" Control Panel program. It is used for the management of measurement. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs phterd phtsrd phtspd phtscp phtsmc phtcla PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_disp_hdr pia_load_ierd pia_pickfile1 pia_load_isrd pia_sm_load_ismc pia_load_iscp pia_load_ispd pia_read_ifile pia_dispdata pia_disp_cs pia_showdata pcont_valid_dir pcont_getfiles pcont_getdirs decode_cs2mea decode_filetype decode_hdr2mea decode_tdt2mea Astronomical Library: sxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Apr 1996 Modified (last) by CG-SB - Oct 96 V5.x Leaving last chosen combination as default + print contents added + display also measurement name given by the user (if any) + use explicitly chosen measurement May 1997 V6.3 Change the renaming of measurements + saving (JA) December 1997 Change call to pcont_vmeahdr (JA) January 1998 V7.0 phtaar added (CG) April 1998 V7.1 Save FITS allowed for AAP from here (CG) February 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_MAPAAP PURPOSE: Produce a map of AAP data. This routine operates on a PHTAAP structure containing one measurement. Unpacks the arrays from handles and passes them to the mapping routines. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPAAP, aap, hbright, pixselect, pixsize, rota, $ map_bright, map_uncert, map_expose, trans INPUTS: AAP The PHT structure (arrays are stored with handles) HBRIGHT Handle containing the brightness array PIXSELECT A 4 or 9 element array of logical values (0 or 1) indicating whether an array pixel should be selected for processing (not used for PHT-P). PIXSIZE The requested map pixel size [x,y] ROTA The requested rotation angle of the map KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FFIELD Flat field method (0:no, 1:central FF, 2:med.filter) MMETHOD Map method (0:full cov.,1:dist.wgt,2:trigrid,3:tr.quint) FRACTION Fraction of pixel size to be used for methods 1-3 FILTER Filter name EVENT Event ID calling this routine ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid OUTPUTS: MAP_BRIGHT The brightness map MAP_UNCERT The uncertainty map MAP_EXPOSE The exposure map TRANS Transformation structure from PIA_MKTRANS PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_mapbin pia_mapset COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg Oct 95 Version 3.5 Flat fielding option added (CG) February 1996 Pivoting added and different interpolation (JA & CG) April 1997 Putting roll as rota only for chopped meas. (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Passing parameter FRACTION in call to map binning (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Shift_x & Shift_y keywords added February 1999 Use of coded bitflag system (CG) May 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_MAPBIN PURPOSE: Bin detector brightness density values into map grid. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPBIN, detector, aperture, pixsize, gridsize, x_coord, y_coord, $ dwel, flag, bright, uncert, $ map_bright, map_uncert, map_expose INPUTS: DETECTOR 'C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' APERTURE PHT-P aperture ID. For PHT-C the value of this argument is ignored. PIXSIZE Grid pixel size of map [x,y] in arcsec GRIDSIZE Total size of grid points [nx,ny] as calculated by PIA_MAPSET X_COORD Map x-coordinates of input data as calculated by PIA_MAPSET Y_COORD Map y-coordinates of input data as calculated by PIA_MAPSET DWEL Dwell time of input data FLAG Flags array BRIGHT Brightness density values [MJy/sr] UNCERT Uncertainty of brightness density [MJy/sr] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output arguments are not correct OUTPUTS: MAP_BRIGHT Brightness density map [MJy/sr] MAP_UNCERT Uncertainty map of brightness density [MJy/sr] MAP_EXPOSE Exposure map [sec] PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_defaper COMMON BLOCKS: piacmn_pow2fb MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Modified by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Flat fielding call added (CG) February 1996 Bug with dwell time units & map exposure times fixed (CG) March 1996 Forgotten gap_factor included (CG) March 1996 Single uncertainties used as weight for the flux computation (IH + CG) June 1997 V6.3 Call to median filtering, smoothing and background flat-fielding added (CG) October 1997 V6.5 Changes for treating correctly P map data, shifts in semi-pixels corrected (CG) May 1998 Bug with overlap fixed following (CG) June 1998 V7.2 Different mapping methods implemented (CG) September 1998 Trigrid map converted to floating point (CG) January 1999 FF_med_smooth call using modal keyword (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Limit for triangulation to grid > [4,4] + calculation of map uncertainty using weighted mean derivation (CG) June 1999 V7.4 1st Quartile Normalization FField included (CG) August 1999 Separation of median filtering and bcgr. (CG) August 1999 V8.0 COMMON PIA_FF_INFO added (CG) December 1999 V8.2
NAME: PIA_MAPDEF PURPOSE: Define a default grid size of a map CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPDEF, detector, pixsize INPUTS: PAR The map obs. structure containing at least: par.DETECTOR 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'C1', 'C2', 'SS', 'SL' par.APER Aperture position (meaningful only for PHT-P) par.DPTS The raster step size in Y raster direction par.DLNS The raster step size in Z raster direction par.AOTN AOT name KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: PIXSIZE The pixel size of the resulting map grid in arcsec (0) = in spacecraft y-direction (1) = in spacecraft z-direction MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Modified by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) October 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Maps default pixsizes changed (CG) April 1996 V6.2 Change in input (using structure par) + full refinement of default map size (CG) September 1998 V7.3 Preventing from pixsize=0. for scan case (CG) February 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_MAPDRAW PURPOSE: Draw a 2-dimensional map of the sky in gnomonic coordinates CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPDRAW, map, trans, pixsize INPUTS: MAP The two dimensional map of the image to be drawn TRANS The transformation structure as provided by PIA_MKTRANS PIXSIZE Pixel size [x,y] of a map pixels in arcsec KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TITLE The widget title GROUP The widget group leader HEADLINE The headline (plot title) NO_ROT Rotation menu disabled NO_DECONV Deconvolution menu disabled OUTPUTS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_mapgrid pia_prtdef pia_source_search pia_xy2rd write_map Astronomical Library: avg radec sigma Internal: pia_mapdraw_cust_event pia_mapdraw_cust pia_mapdraw_draw pia_mapdraw_cleanup pia_mapdraw_drev pia_mapdraw_event COMMON BLOCKS: PIA_PRINT MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Modified (last) by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA November 1996 V5.x Plot profiles better handled - CG March 1997 V6.1 Continuous zooming disabled by default (CG) October 1997 V6.5 Reserving last color for white (CG) April 1998 V7.1 Message for "one-dimensional" map added (CG) May 1998 V7.1.1 Map deconvolution menu added (CG) May 1998 Profiles extracted linearly (CG) May 1998 V7.2 Headline configurable now - zooming fixed (CG) August 1998 V7.3 pia_pickfile1 replaced (CG) February 1999 V7.4 Map noise calculated "intrinsically" if not derived + aspect ratio added to customize (CG) August 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_MAPDRIFT_P32 PURPOSE: Perform a drift correction for P32 raster data. The 'simple map' method is used for the map definition. (See procedure PIA_P32SMAP.PRO for 'simple' assumptions.) CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPDRIFT_P32, detector, n_raster, dist_raster, $ time, rpid, cpos, dwel, flag, bright, $ corr, n_fit, dirft_rate INPUTS: DETECTOR 'C1' or 'C2' N_RASTER Number of spacecraft raster points (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction DIST_RASTER The distance of the raster points/lines [arcsec] (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction TIME Time values for all measurements (any units) RPID Raster point IDs rpid(0,*) = sequence number in +Y direction rpid(1,*) = sequence number in -Z direction CPOS Chopper positions [arcsec] DWEL Chopper dwell times [2^-7 seconds] FLAG Flags array BRIGHT Brightness density array [MJy/sr] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no errors 1 = error: maps were not produced OUTPUTS: CORR Brightness density array [MJy/sr] containing drift corrected values. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: N_FIT Number of fits used for calculating the drift correction. A value of 0 means that the corresponding value DRIFT_RATE is not valid. The array size is the number of detector pixels. DRIFT_RATE Drift rates [MJy/sr/sec]. The array size is the number of detector pixels. PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): ggt COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_MAPGRID PURPOSE: Draw a grid over a map in gnomonic coordinates. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPGRID, trans, area, ngrid INPUTS: TRANS Structure of transformation values AREA Image area in device coordinates: [X0,Y0,X1,Y1] TRANS.CRPIX should refer to [X0,Y0] NGRID Approximate maximum number of required grid lines OUTPUTS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_dx2y pia_dy2x pia_rd2xy pia_rx2y pia_ry2x pia_xy2rd pia_xy2rd Astronomical Library: sixty Internal: pia_mapgrid_tics (function) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995
NAME: PIA_MAPSET PURPOSE: Define parameters for mapping of raster data for given grid pixel size. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPSET, detector, pixsize, rota, rpid, cpos, ra, dec, roll, $ gridsize, x_coord, y_coord, trans INPUTS: DETECTOR 'C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' PIXSIZE Pixel size [x,y] of the resulting grid in arcsec ROTA Rotation of the map axes [x,y] relative to sky coordinates [-RA,DEC]. Rota increases counterclockwise. Supply the overall roll angle of the raster to achieve a map which is parallel to detector [y,z] axes. RPID The raster IDs of all chopper plateaux CPOS The chopper positions of all chopper plateaux RA The right ascension values of all chopper plateaux DEC The declination values of all chopper plateaux ROLL The roll angles of all chopper plateaux KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output arguments are not correct OUTPUTS: GRIDSIZE The total size [nx,ny] of the resulting grid points X_COORD The map x-coordinates of the detector pixels The array dimension is [ n_pixel, n_plat ] where n_pixel is the number of detector pixels in the array and n_plat is the number of chopper plateax in the data arrays. Y_COORD The map y-coordinates of the detector pixels The array dimension is [ n_pixel, n_plat ] OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: TRANS The transformation parameters RA, DEC -> X, Y PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_mktrans pia_rd2xy COMMON BLOCKS: (none) ASSUMPTIONS: The exact definition of the roll angle and the orientation of detector pixels is still uncertain to me! Here I make the following assumptions: (1) The detector coordinates [y,z] map directly onto the sky without having to be reflected to achieve a true image of the source. Ref.: TN 2069-81000DS/01 (2) The roll angle is the rotation angle of the detector axes [y,z] relative to the sky coordinates [-RA,DEC] and increases counterclockwise. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Provisory change. Only valid for P32 and rota=360.-avg(roll) until derivatives problem fixed (CG) March 1996 ROTA=avg(roll) ! probably after NEW definition change May 1996 No border size & gridsize adjusted for small jitter(CG) June 1996 CRVAL is the centre of the map, as given by (RA,Dec) + border size are computed from pixel size/aperture (JA) April 1997 phtapert used now (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Changes for treating correctly P map data, semi-pixels correctly treated (CG) May 1998 V7.2 Shift_x & Shift_y keywords added February 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_AAP PURPOSE: Produce a simple map of AAP data for PHT-C or for PHT-P raster data ignoring true pointing. Be sure to call this procedure not for any other data types. No checks are performed on this. This routine operates on a PHTAAP structure containing one measurement. Unpacks the arrays from handles and passes them to the mapping routine. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_AAP, aap, hbright, pixselect, $ map_bright, map_uncert, map_expose, pixsize, trans INPUTS: AAP The PHT structure (arrays are stored with handles) HBRIGHT Handle containing the brightness array PIXSELECT A 4 or 9 element array of logical values (0 or 1) indicating whether an array pixel should be selected for processing (not used for PHT-P). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid PCHOP For chopped P crude mapping OUTPUTS: MAP_BRIGHT The brightness map MAP_UNCERT The uncertainty map MAP_EXPOSE The exposure map PIXSIZE The map pixel size [x,y] TRANS Transformation structure from PIA_MKTRANS PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_mapsimple_p32 pia_mapsimple_phtp pia_mktrans Astronomical Library: fxpar COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for P chopped maps (CG) January 1995 Flat fielding added (CG) March 1996 Allowing for ffield=2 (CG) October 1997 V6.5
NAME: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_chop PURPOSE: Produce a simple map from P32 SPD data (PHT-C). The simplifications are: (1) True spacecraft pointing is ignored: It is assumed that the spacecraft raster is a perfect regular grid. (2) The spacecraft raster is assumed to coincide with multiples of 1 or 1/2 or 1/3 of the detector pixel size. In y-direction it is also assumed to coincide with the chopper amplitude. The resulting maps are produced in the frame of reference [x,y] which coincides with the spacecraft axes [Y,Z]. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_CHOP, detector, n_raster, dist_raster, $ rpid, cpos, dwel, flag, bright, uncert, $ map_bright, map_uncert, map_expose, pixsize, $ aperture=aperture INPUTS: DETECTOR 'C1' or 'C2' N_RASTER Number of spacecraft raster points (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction DIST_RASTER The distance of the raster points/lines [arcsec] (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction RPID Raster point IDs rpid(0,*) = sequence number in +Y direction rpid(1,*) = sequence number in -Z direction CPOS Chopper positions [arcsec] DWEL Chopper dwell times [2^-7 seconds] FLAG Flags array BRIGHT Brightness density array [MJy/sr] UNCERT Uncertainties array of brightness density [MJy/sr] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no errors 1 = error: maps were not produced APERTURE The aperture (wheel II) position OUTPUTS: MAP_BRIGHT Brightness map MAP_UNCERT Uncertainty map MAP_EXPOSE Exposure map PIXSIZE The pixel size of the maps in [x,y] directions PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): ggt COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA-SAI December 1995 Adapted from PIA_MAPSIMPLE_P32 by D.Skaley Points weighted with uncertainties (CG) October 1997 V6.5
NAME: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_P32 PURPOSE: Produce a simple map from P32 SPD data (PHT-C). The simplifications are: (1) True spacecraft pointing is ignored: It is assumed that the spacecraft raster is a perfect regular grid. (2) The spacecraft raster is assumed to coincide with multiples of 1 or 1/2 or 1/3 of the detector pixel size. In y-direction it is also assumed to coincide with the chopper amplitude. The resulting maps are produced in the frame of reference [x,y] which coincides with the spacecraft axes [Y,Z]. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_P32, detector, n_raster, dist_raster, $ rpid, cpos, dwel, flag, bright, uncert, $ map_bright, map_uncert, map_expose, pixsize INPUTS: DETECTOR 'C1' or 'C2' N_RASTER Number of spacecraft raster points (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction DIST_RASTER The distance of the raster points/lines [arcsec] (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction RPID Raster point IDs rpid(0,*) = sequence number in +Y direction rpid(1,*) = sequence number in -Z direction CPOS Chopper positions [arcsec] DWEL Chopper dwell times FLAG Flags array BRIGHT Brightness density array [MJy/sr] UNCERT Uncertainties array of brightness density [MJy/sr] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no errors 1 = error: maps were not produced OUTPUTS: MAP_BRIGHT Brightness map MAP_UNCERT Uncertainty map MAP_EXPOSE Exposure map PIXSIZE The pixel size of the maps in [x,y] directions PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): ggt COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Modified by: C. Gabriel, ESA/ESTEC April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Raster distance = 0 allowed (case Nx1 raster) (CG) December 1995 y-direction changed to have righthand coordinates (CG) January 1996 Flat fielding option added (CG) February 1996 Dwell time units bug fixed (CG) March 1996 Back to 45 and 90 arcsec (CG) May 1996 Call to median filtering, smoothing and background flat-fielding added (CG) October 1997 Points weighted with uncertainties (CG) October 1997 V6.5
NAME: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_PHTP PURPOSE: Produce a simple map from PHT-P SPD raster data (PHT-P). Chopper positions (other than 0) are not considered, since raster data are always taken in staring mode. For AOT P32 an individual routine exists for making a 'simple' map. The simplification is: (1) True spacecraft pointing is ignored: It is assumed that the spacecraft raster is a perfect regular grid. The resulting maps are produced in the frame of reference [x,y] which coincides with the spacecraft axes [Y,Z]. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPSIMPLE_PHTP, detector, n_raster, dist_raster, aperture, $ rpid, dwel, flag, bright, uncert, $ map_bright, map_uncert, map_expose, pixsize INPUTS: DETECTOR 'P1', 'P2' or 'P3' N_RASTER Number of spacecraft raster points (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction DIST_RASTER The distance of the raster points/lines [arcsec] (0) = Y-direction, (1) = Z-direction APERTURE Aperture ID for the PHT-P measurement RPID Raster point IDs rpid(0,*) = sequence number in +Y direction rpid(1,*) = sequence number in -Z direction DWEL Chopper dwell times [2^-7 seconds] FLAG Flags array BRIGHT Brightness density array [MJy/sr] UNCERT Uncertainties array of brightness density [MJy/sr] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no errors 1 = error: maps were not produced OUTPUTS: MAP_BRIGHT Brightness map MAP_UNCERT Uncertainty map MAP_EXPOSE Exposure map PIXSIZE The pixel size of the maps in [x,y] directions PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_defaper COMMON BLOCKS: piacmn_pow2fb MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Modified by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Y-Raster direction turned around to get right hand coordinates February 1996 Points weighted with uncertainties (CG) October 1997 V6.5
NAME: PIA_MAPW PURPOSE: Widget user interface to process maps for rastered images. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAPW INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of this widget hirarchy. OUTPUTS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn pia_aapview pia_disp_hdr pia_mapaap pia_mapdef pia_mapdraw pia_mapdrift_p32 pia_mapsimple_aap pia_mktrans pia_open_iaap Astronomical Library: fxpar Internal: pia_mapw_drift_event pia_mapw_drift pia_mapw_defmap_event pia_mapw_defmap pia_mapw_cleanup pia_mapw_event COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Modified by: C. Gabriel, ESA/SAI April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 setting colour table automatically (CG) December 1996 V5.5 Using chosen directory as default for further searches (both by FITS & internal) (CG) June 1997 V6.4 Call to median filtering, smoothing and background flat field added (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Map division and map subtraction added (CG) (also ROTA from header) November 1997 V6.6 Array rotation for explicit given raster rotation (ATTRORIE=0) computed correctly Tag APER added to structure PAR (CG) June 1998 V7.2 V7.3 Possibility for Shift in x and y added (CG) February 1999 Replacing pia_pickfile1 (CG) February 1999 Use of coded bitflag system (CG) May 1999 V7.4 Intrinsic noise calculation added for undefined map noise (CG) August 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_MAP_OPERATIONS PURPOSE: Perform math. operations with maps and extract correlations CATEGORY: PIA - graphics/processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAP_OPERATIONS, map, mappar, maphdr, par=par, dmap_type=dmap_type, $ div=div, subtr=subtr, norm_peak=norm_peak, $ subt_1quartil=subt_1quartil, corr_hist=corr_hist INPUT: (none) INPUT KEYWORDS: div: If set, maps chosen by the GUI will be divided (1/2) subtr: If set, maps chosen by the GUI will be subtracted (1-2) norm_peak: If set, normalization to the peak value prior operation subt_1quartil: If set, "background" subtraction performed " " corr_hist: A diplot correlating the positions will be produced OUTPUT: map: A resulting map from the applied operation mappar: The PIA map parameter structure corresponding to "map" maphdr: Its header dmap_type: Its type OUTPUT KEYWORDS: par: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) March 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_MAP_ROTATE PURPOSE: Rotates a PHT PIA map by a given angle CATEGORY: PIA - graphics/processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MAP_ROTATE, imap, imappar, imaphdr INPUTS: IMAP The two dimensional map of the input image IMAPPAR The map parameter structure as used in PIA IMAPHDR The header of the measurement KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The widget group leader OUTPUTS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_mapdraw pia_mktrans Internal: pia_map_rotate_event COMMON BLOCKS: PIA_map_rotate_cmn internal MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA July 1996 Modified by CG November 1996 V5.x Different interpolation alternatives built in, no pivot. (CG) April 1997 V6.2 Bug for rotated saved maps fixed (CG) February 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_MKTRANS PURPOSE: Make a transformation structure appropriate for usage with routines PIA_XY2RD and PIA_RD2XY. No checks of input parameters are made. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: trans = PIA_MKTRANS( crval, crpix, pixsize, theta ) INPUTS: CRVAL Reference sky position [ RA, DEC ] in degrees CRPIX Reference map point [ X0, Y0 ] PIXSIZE Pixel size of map [ Xsize, Ysize ] in arcsec THETA Rotation of map [x,y] axes relative to sky [-RA,DEC] coordinates at the reference point in degrees. Theta increases counterclockwise. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: TRANS Transformation structure: .CRVAL The reference sky position in degrees .CRPIX The reference map position .CD The forward transformation matrix X,Y -> RA,DEC in rad .DC The back transformation matrix RA,DEC -> X,Y in rad PROCEDURES USED: none NOTES: Note that this definition of the CD matrix is different from the ASTROLIB structure ASTR. Here the usage is: [ delta_xi ] [ CD(0,0) CD(0,1) ] [ delta_x ] | | = | | * | | [ delta_eta ] [ CD(1,0) CD(1,1) ] [ delta_y ] [ delta_x ] [ DC(0,0) DC(0,1) ] [ delta_xi ] | | = | | * | | [ delta_y ] [ DC(1,0) DC(1,1) ] [ delta_eta ] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 CRVAL and CRPIX -> double precision (CG) March 1998 Forcing cd and dc to single precision to avoid problems with maps with different formats in a declared structure (CG) May 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_MULTCHOICE PURPOSE: Simple Menu for getting one element from a list CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_multchoice, list, ELEMNAMES = elemnames INPUTS: LIST: An array of elements to choose from KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ELEMNAMES A string array containing the elements names OUTPUT: LIST: The index of the chosen element within the input LIST MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Include xsize as optional keyword (Jacosta) April 1996 Modal and group keywords added (CG) January 1998 V7.3
NAME: PIA_MULTI_AAP PURPOSE: Extract several measurements variables from phtaap accomodating them in a new structure for further processing CATEGORY: PIA I/O + processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MULTI_AAP INPUTS: index: the indices within phtaap from which the variables have to be extracted OUTPUTS: mult_aap_str: structure containing (reduced) variables COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap phtfilter phtapertures SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the phtapertures & phtfilter common blocks are initialised PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: phtfilter_init aperture_size_init pia_load_iaap weight_mean MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996 Modified (last) by CG December 1996 V5.4 Full PSF used for C100/C200 arrays January 1997 V6.0 Using phtapert now (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Hardcoding of nominal apertures (CG) February 1998 Bug in calculation for not chosen pixels fixed (CG) February 1998 V7.1 Use of coded bitflag system (CG) May 1999 V7.4 Bugs fixed for brightness calculations - using individual brightnesses instead of fluxes !! (CG) November 1999 V8.2
NAME: pia_multi_fit PURPOSE: Perform different fits in a widget environment CATEGORY: PIA - graphics (+ processing) CALLING SEQUENCE: pia_multi_fit, xin, yin ,xout=xout, yout=yout, weight=weight, a=a, $ sigmaa=sigmaa, xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, psym=psym INPUTS: Name I/O Type Description --------------------------------------------------------- xin I fltarr x data yin I fltarr y data KEYWORD PARAMETERS: xout O fltarr x data yout O fltarr y data weight I fltarr weighting a O fltarr parameter data sigmaa O flt/fltarr xrange I fltarr xrange yrange I fltarr yrange psym I integer plot-symbol OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: pia_multi_fit_cmn colour_indices multi_fit_help dfermi PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: match Internal: fit_event fct_sum proposal plus_event par_in_ev par_cur_val_ev cursor_ev par_fix peak_del sel_desen sel_box selection_ev degree_event desi resi mess mess_ev text_event cancel_event next_event new_range file_event print_view help_event exit_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) July 1995 [Adapted from a ISO-SWS (K. Seidenschwang) routine ( for its use within the PHT-IA] Oct 95 Version 3.5 Curfit used as "quiet" CG October 1995 Common pia_multi_fit_res added CG October 1995 Changed /modal type according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: pia_multi_fit_nomodal PURPOSE: Perform different fits in a widget environment (Same as pia_multi_fit, but in widget /nomodal mode) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics (+ processing) CALLING SEQUENCE: pia_multi_fit_nomodal, xin, yin ,xout=xout, yout=yout, weight=weight, $ a=a, sigmaa=sigmaa, xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, psym=psym INPUTS: Name I/O Type Description --------------------------------------------------------- xin I fltarr x data yin I fltarr y data KEYWORD PARAMETERS: xout O fltarr x data yout O fltarr y data weight I fltarr weighting a O fltarr parameter data sigmaa O flt/fltarr xrange I fltarr xrange yrange I fltarr yrange psym I integer plot-symbol OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: pia_multi_fit_nm_cmn colour_indices multi_fit_help dfermi PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: match Internal: nfit_event nfct_sum nproposal nplus_event npar_in_ev npar_cur_val_ev ncursor_ev npar_fix npeak_del nsel_desen nsel_box nselection_ev ndegree_event ndesi nresi nmess nmess_ev ntext_event ncancel_event nnext_event nnew_range nfile_event nprint_view nhelp_event nexit_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) July 1995 [Adapted from a ISO-SWS (K. Seidenschwang) routine ( for its use within the PHT-IA] Oct 95 Version 3.5 Common pia_multi_fit_res added CG October 1995
NAME: PIA_MULTMEAS PURPOSE: Simple Menu for getting one measurement from a list of measurements CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_multmeas, measlist INPUTS: measlist: The list of measurements to choose from KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUT: measlist: The index of the chosen measurement METHOD: Widgets PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified by: CG December 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_MULTMEAS_CHOICE PURPOSE: Menu for choosing several measurements from the dynamical structures phterd, phtsrd, phtscp, phtspd and phtaap CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MULTMEAS_CHOICE, level, indices INPUTS: LEVEL: the pht type level, from which to choose OUTPUTS: INDICES: The indices of the chosen measurements within the level OPT. OUTPUT: status: character flag, '0' for fail and '1' for sucess KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pickmeas pia_multmeas COMMON BLOCKS: phterd phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtaap MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996 Returning indices=0 & message if cancelled (CG) January 1996 status flag added (WMT) March 1996 Using new pickmeas and pickmeas_results-CB (CG) May 1997 V6.3
NAME: PIA_MULT_RP_CHOICE PURPOSE: Graphical I/F for choosing raster point, chopper position and mode for using the combination CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_MULT_RP_CHOP, RP_MAX, STEP_MAX, CHOP_MAX, rpc_CHOICE INPUTS: RP_MAX: A maximal value ISO raster point [byte or intarr(2)] (informative) STEP_MAX: Maximal value for chopperstep (informative) CHOP_MAX: Maximal value for chopper plateau (informative) OUTPUTS: rpc_CHOICE: The choice in a structure, see EXAMPLE EXAMPLE: Measurement with a 3x4 raster, chopped rectangular with a total of 32 chopper plateaux The corresponding call should be: PIA_MULT_RP_CHOP, [3,4], 2, 32, rp The widget ask for raster position and chopper step or absolute chopper plateau. If raster [2,3] and absolute ch-plateau 20 chosen: rp.rpid_chosen: [2B,3B] rp.chop_chosen: [0,20] In case of chopper step 2 the last would be rp.chop_chosen: [1,2] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) February 1997 V6.1
NAME: PIA_ON_LINE PURPOSE: Insert all the dynamical commons into some environment (e.g. within the general IDL environment) CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: @pia_on_line INPUT: RESTRICTIONS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phterd phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtaap MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) Jul 1996 phtaar + phtcs added (CG) Mar 1998 phtdrift + phtdyncal added (JAc) Dec 1998 V7.3
NAME: PIA_OPEN_FXB PURPOSE: Opens a binary FITS file, returns the FITS header and the dimensions of the binary table. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_OPEN_FXB, filename, unit, header, dims INPUTS: filename : The file name of the FITS file to be openend. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: unit : The unit number under which the file is opened. header : The FITS header as a string array. dims : The dimensions of the binary table in the FITS file read from the common block FXBINTABLE. It is an array of three elements with the meaning: Element# 0: NAXIS1 = Number of bytes per table row Element# 1: TFIELDS = Number of table columns Element# 2: NAXIS2 = Number of table rows FXBOPEN from ASTRON library, used to open the FITS binary file. COMMON BLOCKS: FXBINTABLE defined in ASTRON library, file FXBINTABLE.PRO SIDE EFFECTS: The FITS file must be closed by the routine FXBCLOSE, since the FXB package defines its own administration to trace FITS files which have been opened by the routine FXBOPEN. PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: fxbintable fxbopen MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg July 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_OPEN_IAAP PURPOSE: Interface to the PHTAAP common block. Let the user select an AAP measurement. PHTAAP structure of selected measurement is returned. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_OPEN_IAAP, aap INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The widgets group leader DTYPE The detector type ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: AAP does not contain valid AAP data OUTPUTS: AAP A copy of the selected PHTAAP structure (structure of handles). PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pickmeas COMMON BLOCKS: PHTAAP pickmeas_results MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg March 1995 Modified by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Several same AAP measurements case handled (CG) October 1995 Detector keyword added (CG) April 1996 Using new pickmeas and pickmeas_results-CB (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Creating a new pseudo measurement for making possible PHT-S mapping (CG) November 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_OPLOT PURPOSE: PIA OPLOT routine. It allows overplotting one point, not possible with the normal OPLOT routine CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_OPLOT, X, Y INPUTS: X: Abscisse data to be plotted. It can be a scalar Y: Ordinate data to be plotted. It can be a scalar KEYWORD PARAMETERS: XERR: X uncertainties YERR: Y uncertainties + some original plot keywords: psym, title, xtitle, ytitle, subtitle, charsize, color, symsize, xrange, yrange, xmargin, thick OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: oploterr MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 thick keyword added (CG) August 1997 Doing nothing if !NO_ERRBARS set (CG) September 1997 V6.5
NAME: PIA_PAIRDEGL PURPOSE: Menu for RO-deglitching parameters handling (Readout pair method). CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PAIRDEGL, tmpdata, pixel, GROUP=group INPUT: tmpdata: ERD level temporary structure pixel: chosen pixel for testing KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hirarchy NO_DATA: RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTERD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pairr_deglitch pia_xplot INTERNAL: pia_pairdegl_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) November 1997 V6.6 Extension for setting params without data testing (CG) January 1998 V7.0 -> In this case modal keyword can be active (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Default initialisation through pdegl_str_init (CG) July 1999 and ramps reconstruction included August 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_PICKFILE PURPOSE: This function is an extension of the for its use within the PHT-Interactive Analysis and allows the user to interactively pick files. A file selection tool with a graphical user interface is created. Files can be selected from the current directory or other directories. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PIA_PICKFILE() KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE: A string value for setting the initial value of the selection. Useful if there is a default file GET_PATH: Set to a named variable. Returns the path at the time of selection. GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls PIA_PICKFILE. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in the death of the PIA_PICKFILE widget application. READ: Set this keyword to make the title of the PIA_PICKFILE window "Select File to Read". WRITE: Set this keyword to make the title of the PIA_PICKFILE window "Select File to Write". PATH: The initial path to select files from. If this keyword is not set, the current directory is used. FILTER: A string value for filtering the files in the file list. This keyword is used to reduce the number of files to choose from. The user can modify the filter unless the FIX_FILTER keyword is set. Example filter values might be "*.pro" or "*.dat". FIX_FILTER: When this keyword is set, only files that satisfy the filter can be selected. The user has no ability to modify the filter and the filter is not shown. TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. If it is not specified, the default title is "Select File" NOCONFIRM: Return immediately upon selection of a file. The default behavior is to display the selection and then return the file when the user uses the "ok" button. MUST_EXIST: When set, only files that actually exist can be selected. MULTI: When set, several files can be selected at one time, returning a string array (Extension of OUTPUTS: PIA_PICKFILE returns a string array containing the names of the files selected. If no file is selected, PIA_PICKFILE returns a null string. COMMON BLOCKS: PICKER: COMMON block that maintains state for the widget. SIDE EFFECTS: This function initiates the xMANAGER,No_BLOCK=1 if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: This routine is known to work on Suns (OPEN LOOK), MIPS, RS/6000, DEC Ultrix, HP/700, VAX/VMS and SGI machines. Only one instance of the PIA_PICKFILE widget can be running at one time. PIA_PICKFILE does not recognize symbolic links to other files in UNIX. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget and then exit, returning the filename that was picked. PROCEDURES USED: none EXAMPLE: Create a PIA_PICKFILE widget that lets users select only files with the extensions 'pro' and 'dat'. Use the 'Select File to Read' title and store the name of the selected file in the variable F. Enter: F = PIA_PICKFILE(/READ, FILTER = '*.pro *.dat') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) March 1995 (Adapted from the original pickfile for its use within the PIA, with some capabilities extension) Modified(last): CG June 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Cancel working for multiple files (CG) May 1996 'Select all' button added for multiple files (CG) July 1996 /modal use according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3 KEYWORD OVERW added, merging with pia_pickfile1 (CG) February 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_PICKFILE1 PURPOSE: This function allows the user to interactively pick a file. A file selection tool with a graphical user interface is created. Files can be selected from the current directory or other directories. CATEGORY: Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PIA_PICKFILE1() KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE: A string value for setting the initial value of the selection. Useful if there is a default file GET_PATH: Set to a named variable. Returns the path at the time of selection. GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls PICKFILE. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in the death of the PICKFILE widget application. READ: Set this keyword to make the title of the PICKFILE window "Select File to Read". WRITE: Set this keyword to make the title of the PICKFILE window "Select File to Write". PATH: The initial path to select files from. If this keyword is not set, the current directory is used. FILTER: A string value for filtering the files in the file list. This keyword is used to reduce the number of files to choose from. The user can modify the filter unless the FIX_FILTER keyword is set. Example filter values might be "*.pro" or "*.dat". FIX_FILTER: When this keyword is set, only files that satisfy the filter can be selected. The user has no ability to modify the filter and the filter is not shown. TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. If it is not specified, the default title is "Select File" NOCONFIRM: Return immediately upon selection of a file. The default behavior is to display the selection and then return the file when the user uses the "ok" button. MUST_EXIST: When set, only files that actually exist can be selected. OUTPUTS: PICKFILE returns a string that contains the name of the file selected. If no file is selected, PICKFILE returns a null string. COMMON BLOCKS: PICKER: COMMON block that maintains state for the widget. SIDE EFFECTS: This function initiates the xMANAGER,No_BLOCK=1 if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: This routine is known to work on Suns (OPEN LOOK), MIPS, RS/6000, DEC Ultrix, HP/700, VAX/VMS and SGI machines. Only one instance of the PICKFILE widget can be running at one time. PICKFILE does not recognize symbolic links to other files in UNIX. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget and then exit, returning the filename that was picked. EXAMPLE: Create a PICKFILE widget that lets users select only files with the extensions 'pro' and 'dat'. Use the 'Select File to Read' title and store the name of the selected file in the variable F. Enter: F = PICKFILE(/READ, FILTER = '*.pro *.dat') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Adapted by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/VILSPA-SAI July 1995 from IDL's to PIA needs --> PIA_pickfile Changed by Wai-Ming Tai for getting path back and renamed into pia_pickfile1 for coexistence within package of both March 1996 /modal use according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1998 V7.3
NAME: PIA_PIXCHOICE PURPOSE: Menu for PIA drawing pixels choice. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_pixchoice INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: Modifies the variables in common block pia_pixch_cmn, used for defining the pixels to be used (e.g. for display) PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_pixchoice_event COMMON BLOCKS: pia_pixch_cmn MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 /modal acc IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Fixing widget numbers as LONG (CG) February 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_PLOT PURPOSE: PIA PLOT routine. It allows plotting one point, not possible with the normal PLOT routine CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PLOT, X, Y INPUTS: X: Abscisse data to be plotted. It can be a scalar Y: Ordinate data to be plotted. It can be a scalar KEYWORD PARAMETERS: XERR: X uncertainties YERR: Y uncertainties + some original plot keywords: psym, title, xtitle, ytitle, subtitle, charsize, color, symsize, xrange, yrange, xmargin thick keyword added OUTPUTS: none PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: oploterr COMMON BLOCKS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 thick keyword added (CG) August 1997 NODATA keyword added (JAcosta) August 1997 V6.5 Limiting output possible through !PIA_PLOT_LIMIT (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Correct color handling for reverse table (CG) November 1998 V7.3
NAME: PIA_PLOT_OVER PURPOSE: Menu for getting decision to overplot or not. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_plot_over INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: pia_plot_over_cmn PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_plot_over_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) December 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified to include status as output, COMMON block is meant to be of internal use (Jacosta) August 1998 Modal keyword according to IDL5.0 prescription (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_POW2FB !!!WARNING!!! This routine is obsolete and uses as input an AAP structure which is DIFFERENT to the phtaap structure. PURPOSE: Convert in-band power values of AAP data into flux density and brightness. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_POW2FB, aap, ERROR=error INPUTS: AAP : An AAP data structure (one measurement). Handles contain in-band power arrays. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : Returns an error condition: 0 = no error 1 = data could not be converted OUTPUTS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_defaper pia_defratio pia_defwavel pia_read_ppsf read_ppsf COMMON BLOCKS: PIACMN_POW2FB Transformation parameters power -> flux/brightness SIDE EFFECTS The AAP structure in common block is filled with flux density and brightness values. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley (MPIK/Heidelberg) March 1995 Modified(last): Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_PRINT_AAPVAL PURPOSE: Print out the values corresponding to the AAP arrays CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_Print_aapval, tmpdata INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: A PHT-AAP temporary structure OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) September 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996 Simplified through use of PIA_DISP_PRINT_FILE (CG) Feb.1997 V6.1
NAME: PIA_PRINT_SCPVAL PURPOSE: Print out the values corresponding to the SCP arrays CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_Print_scpval, tmpdata INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: A PHT-SCP temporary structure OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none COMMON BLOCKS: pia_printscp_cmn PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn pia_disp_print_file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) October 1994 Modified (last) by: CG November 1996 V5.x Simplified through use of PIA_DISP_PRINT_FILE (CG) Feb.1997 V6.1
NAME: PIA_PRINT_SPDVAL PURPOSE: Print out the values corresponding to the SPD arrays CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_Print_spdval, tmpdata INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: A PHT-SPD temporary structure OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) November 1994 Modified by: CG September 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996 Simplified through use of PIA_DISP_PRINT_FILE (CG) Feb.1997 V6.1
NAME: PIA_PRINT_SRCBCK PURPOSE: Print out the values corresponding to a SRC - BCK subtraction structure CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_Print_srcbck, value, unc INPUT PARAMETERS: value: Array (Pixel#) of SRC-BCK values unc: Uncertainties array KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of this widget hierarchy OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none COMMON BLOCKS: pia_print_srcbck_cmn PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn Internal: pia_print_srcbck_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996
NAME: PIA_PRINT_UM PURPOSE: Send the full User Manual to the printer CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PRINT_UM INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): print_um (unix script) (VMS command) COMMON BLOCKS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA July 1996 Printing now TeX - PS files (CG) June 1998 V7.2
NAME: PIA_PROC_GEN PURPOSE: Menu and procedure within the PIA to get automatically a sequence of steps to be performed, without major interaction. Data reduction from ERD up to AAP level, including calibration. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PROC_GEN INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SRD: If present, processing stopped at SRD level SCP: If present, processing stopped at SCP level FROM_SRD: If present, processing started at SRD level FROM_SCP: If present, processing started at SCP level ABS_PHT: Absolute photometry ('dark'+'straylight' recognition) SPARSE_MAP: Sparse map case PER_RPID: Reduce long measurement dividing per RPID AUTO_REC: Recognize for AOT type and reduce accordingly GROUP: The group leader of this widget hierarchy OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: If the FITS files are chosen as input, the ERD dynamic structure is expanded with all the measurements contained in those files. The dynamic structures containing the SRD, SCP, SPD and AAP levels are expanded with all the measurements to be processed. COMMON BLOCKS: phterd: ERD dynamic structure phtsrd: SRD dynamic structure phtscp: SCP dynamic structure phtspd: SPD dynamic structure phtaap: AAP dynamic structure phtresact: actual responsivities deglitch_param: parameters for deglitching procedure ibcksub_param: background subtraction parameters gen_choices: parameters for AOT/Batch procedures driving splitramp_par: ramp subdivision parameters widget_log_cmn: info window common phtpatt: pattern analysis parameters PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): deglitch_param_init lin_voltages pia_gencho pia_load_ierd pia_load_iscp pia_load_isrd pia_pickfile pia_respons pia_rodisc pia_sigdisc pickmeas process_erd process_scp process_srd read_erd respons_interpol Internal: pia_proc_gen_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) January 1995 Last Modification: P05/P25 case extended & saves also, new use of gen_choices (CG) April 1997 V6.2 Batch and per RPID modes integrated, correction for reset interval and vignetting and ramps sub-division capability added (CG) May 1997 Still some improvements to provide more info in the log screen (JAcosta) June 1997 V6.3 Using subtr_darstr_meas extension + correct treatment of RPID division + extension in responsivity choices (CG) June 1997 V6.4 Using decoded administration names & Stop at SCP if per raster point (CG) September 1997 V6.5 call to add_coordinates changed (JAc) February 1998 FCS limits check -> def.Resp. if OoL (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Problem with FCSN=-1 fixed (CG) February 1998 Def. Resp. also for interpolation if OoL (CG) March 1998 2 Threshold deglitching added (CG) March 1998 Default responsivity choice corrected for sequences with more than 2 calibration measurements (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Respons choices extended, bug for SPD FITS file header fixed (JA+CG) July 1998 V7.2 Signal linearization included (CG) Pattern processing included (CG) March 1999 V7.4 Bug fixed: header by deglitching overwritten (CG) July 1999 V7.9 Vignetting correction not performed if pattern (CG) July 1999 + logic changed for including corrections on SRD level if pattern and corrections on SCP required Extension of "pattern proc" to sawtooth (CG) July 1999 Setting RPID>[1,1] for tracking at ERD instof SRD (CG) September 1999 V8.0 Adding PHT-S pointing correction (CG) December 1999 V8.2
NAME: PIA_PRTDEF PURPOSE: Define parameters for sending an IDL plot to the printer (printer device, print command, device keywords, etc.). The parameters are stored in a common block to make them available to each routine that needs to print out something. Although the routine is part of the 'Interactive Analysis software for ISOPHOT' (PIA) it makes no use of special definitions of that software and thus can be used generally. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_PRTDEF INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The widget group leader. Destroying the group leader will also destroy the PIA_PRTDEF widget. OUTPUTS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: PIA_PRINT PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_prtinit pia_devkey_event pia_devkey pia_prtdef_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Detlef Skaley, MPIK Heidelberg October 1994 Modified (last) by CG November 1996 Initialized as no color (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Initialized as 8 bits per pixel (CG) June 1998 V7.2 Modal keyword according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_pseudo_rd PURPOSE: Ask the interactive user for a value, and pass it back to the PIA CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_pseudo_rd, anythin, anythout INPUTS: anythin: A value indicating a maximum value to be chosen OUTPUT: anythout: The structure chosen by the user: {model:0 or 1,value:value} COMMON BLOCKS: @splitramp_par PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) November 1996 Version 5.x Returning a structure for defining model May 1997 V6.3 Checking that number of read-outs per ramp or number of sub-ramps is not outside (CG) November 1999 V8.2
NAME: PIA_RD2XY PURPOSE: Transform right_ascension/declination to map x/y coordinates and optionally the derivatives. No input parameter checks are performed. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_RD2XY, r, d, trans, x, y, xr, xd, yr, yd INPUTS: R The right_ascension value(s) in degrees. May be an array. D The declination value(s) in degrees. May be an array. TRANS The transformation parameters structure: .CD forward transformation matrix .DC back transformation matrix .CRVAL reference position (ra,dec) .CRPIX reference pixel (x,y) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: X The x coordinate values in the map Y The y coordinate values in the map OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: XR The partial derivative dX/dR (R in degrees) XD The partial derivative dX/dD (D in degrees) YR The partial derivative dY/dR (R in degrees) YD The partial derivative dY/dD (D in degrees) NOTES: This routine differs from the similar ASTROLIB routine AD2XY in several ways, mainly: (1) The input parameter TRANS is expected to contain the inverse transformation matrix DC. (2) The definitions of the matrixes CD and DC are not consistent with the definition of the ASTROLIB matrix CD or its inverse. (3) CRPIX values correspond to IDL indexing scheme (starting at 0). (4) Derivatives are computed. PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Detlef Skaley, MPIK, Heidelberg March 1995 [Adapted from ASTROLIB routine AD2XY] Oct 95 Version 3.5 Derivative parameter changed after testing (CG) March 1996
NAME: PIA_READ_CS PURPOSE: Read in the binary table of a PHT CS (Compact Status) file whis has been opened already with PIA_OPEN_FXB. The CS file is in FITS binary table format. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_READ_CS, unit, table, rows INPUTS: unit : The unit number of the opened FXB file. OPTIONAL INPUTS: rows : If 'rows' is a single value, only this row is read. If 'rows' ia a 2-dimensional array, it gives the range of rows to be read. Row numbers start with 1. KEYWORDS: (none) OUTPUTS: table : Structure of binary values read from the CS file table. rows : A 2-dimensional array giving the range of rows which have been read. RESTRICTIONS: unit must have been opened with FXBOPEN COMMON BLOCKS: fxbintable from ASTRON library PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: fxbread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/ESTEC February 1994 Modified by: D. Skaley, MPIK August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_READ_ERD PURPOSE: Read in the binary table of a PHT ERD (Edited Raw Data) file whis has been opened already with PIA_OPEN_FXB. The ERD file is in FITS binary table format. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_READ_ERD, unit, erdtype, table, rows INPUTS: unit : The unit number of the opened FXB file. erdtype : The ERD type: 'C1' = C100, 'C2' = C200, 'P' = Px, 'S' = Sx OPTIONAL INPUTS: rows : If 'rows' is a single value, only this row is read. If 'rows' ia a 2-dimensional array, it gives the range of rows to be read. Row numbers start with 1. KEYWORDS: (none) OUTPUTS: table : Structure of binary values read from the ERD file table. rows : A 2-dimensional array giving the range of rows which have been read. RESTRICTIONS: unit must have been opened with FXBOPEN COMMON BLOCKS: fxbintable from ASTRON library PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: fxbread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_READ_EXT PURPOSE: This is the "ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis" Control Panel program. It is used for reading input files. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs phterd phtsrd phtspd phtscp phtsmc phtcla PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_read_fits pia_view_txt pia_load_ierd pia_pickfile1 pia_load_isrd pia_sm_load_ismc pia_load_iscp pia_load_ispd pia_read_ifile pia_prtdef pia_dispdata pia_disp_cs pia_showdata pcont_valid_dir pcont_getfiles pcont_getdirs decode_cs2mea decode_filetype decode_hdr2mea decode_tdt2mea Astronomical Library: sxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Apr 1996 Changed (last) by SB+CG Oct 1996 V5.x Preventing a crash by choosing 1 measurement in multi-mode (CG) Jun 1997 V6.4 Passing real string to filelist to avoid Linux strange appearance (CG) Aug 1999 V8.0 Taking out question on adding several meas.(CG) Dec 1999 V8.2
NAME: PIA_READ_FITS PURPOSE: Recognize several ISOPHOT FITS files and pass it over to the corresponding I/O routine CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_READ_FITS, filename [, header], [path = path] INPUTS: filename The name of the file (PATH not necessary) OPTIONAL INPUT: path: path for the filename OUTPUTS: Header SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: filename must correspond to a real PHT-FITS file METHOD: Use the name to distinguish among the different PHT FITS files COMMON BLOCKS: None PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): read_cala read_cs read_erd read_scp read_spd read_spd_sl read_srd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified(last): SB October 1996 V5.x Upgraded avoiding the search for suffix 'FITS' (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Bug for IA produced FITS files corrected (CG) October 1997 V6.5
NAME: PIA_READ_IFILE PURPOSE: Recognize one of the PIA internal files (IDL save format) and call the corresponding read procedure CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: pia_read_ifile, filename, path = path INPUTS: Filename OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the filename KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none RESTRICTIONS: suffix of filename must correspond to the PIA internal files nomenclature COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): read_icla read_ierd read_iscp read_ispd read_isrd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/ESTEC August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified (last) by CG - October 1996 V5.x Accepting any filename (CG) May 1997 V6.3
NAME: PIA_READ_PPSF PURPOSE: Read the cal-G file PPSF and store the values in a common block. PPSF contains the 'Point Spread Function' correction values. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_READ_PPSF, filename INPUTS: (none) OPTIONAL INPUTS: filename : An alternative PSF cal-G file. The default file is read if this argument is not given. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : returns an error condition: 0 = no error 1 = could not successfully read the cal-G file OUTPUTS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: The PSF values are stored in the common block COMMON BLOCKS: PIACMN_GBLDEF global defaults PIACMN_POW2FB to hold the PPSF values PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_gbldef_init read_ppsf readhdr Astronomical Library: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg February 1995 Modified by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_READ_SPD PURPOSE: Read in a ISOPHOT SPD FITS file. The data are stored in arrays which can be accessed by handles. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_READ_SPD, filename, data, ERROR=error INPUTS: filename : The full name of the SPD file to be read (may include a directory specification). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : Returns an error status: 0 = no error: file has been read 1 = error: file could not be read OUTPUTS: data : A handle with child handles containing the data. The first child handle containes the FITS header (primary+extension header combined). The sibling childs contain the data columns from the FITS binary table. COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): mergehdr readhdr Astronomical Library: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_READ_UNKN PURPOSE: Read in the table of a general FITS binary table file which has already been opened with FXBOPEN. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_READ_UNKN, unit, table, rows, columns INPUTS: unit : The unit number of the opened FXB file. OPTIONAL INPUTS: rows : If single value, the row to be read, if 2-dimensional array, the range of rows to be read. Row numbers start with 1. columns : If single value, the column to be read, If 2-dimensional array, the range of columns to be read. Column numbers start with 1. OUTPUTS: table : Handle pointing to FITS table data. First child points to array of keywords (table column names), the remaining childs point to arrays of table column values. rows : The actual range of rows which has been read in. columns : The actual range of columns which has been read in. RESTRICTIONS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: fxbintable (from ASTRO lib) PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: fxbfind fxbread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_RESPONS PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Response calculation. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics / processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_respons, tmpdata, header INPUTS: tmpdata A temporary SCP structure header The corresponding header KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy NO_WIDGET To work without widget use - [=1: avg FCS1, =2: medians FCS1] OUTPUTS: header Modified header KEYWORD OUTPUT: out_of_limits If out_of_limits check positive, is set to 1 SIDE EFFECTS: Variables in the common block for actual responsivities are changed RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a temporary PIA SCP structure, corresponding to an FCS measurement METHOD: Use of an FCS measurement and the corresponding calibration tables for the responsivity determination COMMON BLOCKS: respon_cmn local common phtcs compact status dynamical structure phtresdef default responsivities common phtresact actual responsivities common phtfcs FCS calibration tables phtillum FCS illumination matrices common phtcap capacitances common phtoptpow FCS optical power range phtacc actual selection criteria PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): conv_subs cp_disc phtcap_init read_cs read_fcsill read_fcspow read_resp Internal: pia_respons_event Astrolib: fxaddpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified(last): CG November 1996 V5.x Adapted to new cal file FCSILL - CG January 1997 V6.0 Adapted to use external flatfield factors - CG May 1997 V6.3 Fills into phtresact name and filter used (CG) July 1997 Widget appearance modified (Jacosta) July 1997 V6.4 Using FCSPOW validity limits and taking apertures from phtapert (CG + IH) January 1998 Old default responsivity deleted (CG) KEYWORD out_of_limits added February 1998 V7.0 Out_of_limits only set if "hard" limits violation (0. or 99. mW) March 1998 V7.1 Default choice is now FCS1 instead of "default response" (CG) June 1998 V7.2 Checking error from get_respons (CG) November 1998 Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_RESPONS_ABS PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Response calculation for absolute Photometry. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics / processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_respons_abs, tmpdata, header INPUTS: tmpdata A temporary SCP structure header The corresponding header KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy OUTPUTS: header Modified header KEYWORD OUTPUT: out_of_limits If out_of_limits check positive, is set to 1 SIDE EFFECTS: Variables in the common block for actual responsivities (absolute photometry case) are changed RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a temporary PIA SCP structure, corresponding to an absolute photometry measurement METHOD: Use of the FCS chopper plateaux within the absolute photometry measurement and the corresponding calibration tables for responsivity determination per chopper plateau COMMON BLOCKS: resp_abs_cmn local common respabso common with actual responsivities for abs. phot. colour_indices PIA color definitions common phtcs compact status dynamical structure phtresdef default responsivities common phtresact actual responsivities common phtfcs FCS calibration tables phtillum FCS illumination matrices common phtcap capacitances common phtoptpow FCS optical power range phtacc actual selection criteria PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): conv_subs cp_disc phtcap_init pia_oplot pia_plot read_cs read_fcsill read_fcspow read_resp Internal: viewabsres resetview_abs pia_respons_abs_event Astrolib: fxaddpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) November 1994 Modified(last): CG November 1996 V5.x Adapted to new cal file FCSILL - CG January 1997 V6.0 Adapted to use external flatfield factors - CG May 1997 V6.3 Using FCSPOW validity limits (CG) January 1998 Old default responsivity deleted (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Out_of_limits only set if "hard" limits violation (0. or 99. mW) March 1998 V7.1 Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_RESPS_STRUCT_VAL_CHOICE PURPOSE: Menu for extracting values from the PHT Responses Structures CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_RESPS_STRUCT_VAL_CHOICE INPUTS: STRRESPONS The structure to be chosen from KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP=group: Group leader OUTPUTS: ACC_INDICES The structure indices corresponding to the selection COMMON BLOCKS: pia_varselected_cmn I/F to pia_select_var PROCEDURES USED: PIA Lib: pia_select_var Astro Lib: match MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) November 1995 Bug with String lengths fixed (CG) January 1996 Bug for several absolute choices fixed (CG) February 1996
NAME: PIA_RODEGL PURPOSE: Menu for RO-deglitching parameters handling. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_RODEGL, tmpdata, pixel, GROUP=group INPUT: tmpdata: ERD level temporary structure pixel: chosen pixel for testing KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The group leader of the widget hierarchy NO_data: For no data testing RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTERD temporary structure in case the NO_DATA Keyword is not set COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_pixf acc_flag acc_volt degl_ramps pia_xplot INTERNAL: pia_rodegl_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 Modified by CG Version 5.0 August 1996 Statistical info extended (CG) January 1998 V6.6 Extension for setting params without data testing (CG) January 1998 V7.0 -> In this case modal keyword can be active (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Ramps reconstruction added as option (CG) August 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_RODISC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Read-out selection. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_RODISC INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy NNDR Number of non destructive read-outs per ramp OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: values of some variables in common phtacc are changed, which drive the different data selections COMMON BLOCKS: pia_rodisc_cmn for internal use phtacc selection variables phtselndr default selection criteria pia_rodis_out for passing back error status PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_rodisc_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) August 1994 V3.5 Modification history: pia_rodis_out added (CG) December 1996 V5.5 Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_RX2Y PURPOSE: Calculate map Y-coordinates for given right ascension and given map X-coordinate values. Arrays can be used in two forms: (1) a set of X pixel values, and a scalar right ascension, or (2) a set of right ascension values, and a scalar X value. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: y = PIA_RX2Y( ra, x, trans, dec) INPUTS: RA Right ascension value(s) in degrees. If X is an array, then RA must be a scalar. X Map X-coordinate value(s). If RA is an array, then X must be a scalar. TRANS Transformation parameters as provided by PIA_MKTRANS. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: Y Map Y-coordinate value(s). OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: DEC Corresponding declination value(s) in degrees. COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_rd2xy RESTRICTIONS: Program will have difficulty converging for declination values near 90. NOTES: The transformation structure TRANS is not compatible with the ASTR structure of ASTROLIB routines! MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK, Heidelberg March 1995 (Adapted from ASTROLIB routine CONS_RA) Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_RY2X PURPOSE: Calculate map X-coordinates for given right ascension and given map Y-coordinate values. Arrays can be used in two forms: (1) a set of Y pixel values, and a scalar right ascension, or (2) a set of right ascension values, and a scalar Y value. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: x = PIA_RY2X( ra, y, trans, dec) INPUTS: RA Right ascension value(s) in degrees. If Y is an array, then RA must be a scalar. Y Map Y-coordinate value(s). If RA is an array, then Y must be a scalar. TRANS Transformation parameters as provided by PIA_MKTRANS. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: X Map X-coordinate value(s). OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: DEC Corresponding declination value(s) in degrees. COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_rd2xy RESTRICTIONS: Program will have difficulty converging for declination values near 90. NOTES: The transformation structure TRANS is not compatible with the ASTR structure of ASTROLIB routines! MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK, Heidelberg March 1995 (Adapted from ASTROLIB routine CONS_RA) Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_SATLEV PURPOSE: Menu for PIA valid voltage levels setting. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SATLEV INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: changes the contents of the common block phtacc for data selection COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc data selection parameters pia_satlev_cmn for internal use PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_satlev_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Made much more simple (CG) April 1996 Widget bug fixed (CG) May 1996
NAME: PIA_SCPDISC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Chopper Plateau selection. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SCPDISC INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy NCHP Ramps per chopper plateau OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: Affects variables in common phtacc for selection criteria COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc data selection parameters pia_scpdsc_cmn for internal use PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_scpdisc_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified by: CG February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 XSIZE deleted from button (IDL V4 problem) (CG) January 1996 Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_SELECT_VAR PURPOSE: Menu for PIA general selection of variables. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SELECT_VAR, var, VARNAMES=varnames, GROUP=group INPUTS: VAR variable example (one for each variable) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hierarchy VARNAMES String for variable identification VARTYP Type of selection: 0 for range, 1 for exact matching OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: COMMON BLOCKS: pia_select_var_cmn for internal use pia_varselected_cmn variable ranges per index PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_select_var_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) April 1995 Modified by: CG May 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 'xxxxx' indicating non selectable fields (CG) November 1995 Modal keyword according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_sep_AAP PURPOSE: Separate a raster leg from an AAP structure writing this part as a new measurement in the dynamical structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SEP_AAP, aapdat, nleg INPUT: aapDAT : PHTaap like dynamical structure nleg: Raster leg to be taken KEYWORDS: (none) OUTPUTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: aapDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) January 1996 Raster lines number modified in header (CG) January 1996 central wavelength added (WMT) Nov 1996
NAME: PIA_sep_AAP_chop PURPOSE: Separate a chopper step from an AAP structure writing this part as a new measurement in the dynamical structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SEP_AAP_chop, aapdat, nchop INPUT: aapDAT : PHTaap like dynamical structure nchop: Chopper step to be taken KEYWORDS: (none) OUTPUTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: aapDAT must exist MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) January 1996 central wavelength added (WMT) Nov 1996
NAME: PIA_SET_PATHS PURPOSE: Menu for setting different path variables. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SET_PATHS INPUT KEYWORD: MODAL set widget in modal PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) July 1996 Keyword MODAL added (CG) June 1999 V7.4 IRAF_LOGIN and IRAF_DATA system keywords added August 1999 V8.0
NAME: PIA_SET_SYSVAR PURPOSE: Menu for changing PIA system variables. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_set_sysvar, sysvar INPUTS: sysvar: a string identifier for the system variable to be displayed and changed. Valid identifiers are: 'FITDIR': for the external FITS directory 'XDRDIR': for the general internal save directory 'CALG': for the Cal G files directory 'CALU': for the Cal U files directory 'CALSAVE': for the directory to accomodate SAVE files from cal menues (requires write permission) 'INTDIR': for the directory to accomodate general save files (requires write permission) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP : The group leader of the widget hierarchy OUTPUTS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: System variables used in PIA are changed COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_set_sysvar_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose ACOSTA (IAC) August 1995 Modified by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) August 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 XDRDIR added (CG) December 1995 Appearance changed (CG) October 1997 V6.5 Modal keyword according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_SHOWDATA PURPOSE: PIA Data Structure Show menu selector. Calls the show structure menu. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_showdata, filename, ftype INPUTS: filename: internal name (*.admn) of the chosen measurement ftype: data level type KEYWORDS USED: TMPPOS Position within the corresponding buffer GROUP The group leader of the widget hierarchy OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap AAP (Astrophysical Applications level) dynamical structure phtcla CLA (Cal A) dynamical structure phterd ERD (Edited Raw Data) dynamical structure phtscp SCP (Signal per Chopper Plateau data) dynamical structure phtsmc SMC (Serendipity Mode data) dynamical structure phtspd SPD (Standard Processed Data) dynamical structure phtsrd SRD (Signal per Ramp data) dynamical structure MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) February 1995 Modified(last): SB, WMT October 1996 change aar/aap for including central wavelength Nov 1996 V5.x Wavelengths now from buffers (CG) January 1997 V6.0 Keyword tmppos added (CG) June 1997 V6.3
NAME: PIA_showstr PURPOSE: Menu for display of structures variables CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SHOWSTR, tmpstr, GROUP=group, VALNAMES=valnames, TITLE=title INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP : The group leader of the widget hirarchy VALNAMES: String for variables identification OUTPUTS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: pia_dspchz_cmn keywords for plotting/overplotting colour_indices PIA plot color definitions PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_xplot Internal: pia_showstr_cleanup pia_showstr_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESTEC/ESA February 1995 Modified(last): CG July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 PIA_XPLOT call without GROUP (CG) November 1995 lindgen for indgen to allow for large str. (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Saving the structure capability added (CG) May 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_SIGDISC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Signal selection. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SIGDISC INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy NSIG Number of ramps per chopper plateau OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: Modifies the variables in phtacc for selection criteria COMMON BLOCKS: pia_sigdsc_cmn for internal use phtacc selection parameters PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_sigdisc_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) September 1994 Modified by: CG February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Not reseting anysig when starting (CG) December 1995 XSIZE deleted from button (IDL V4 problem) (CG) January 1996 Modal keyword according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_source_search PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively find positions and fluxes of stars in a field and to alter the parameters for searching CATEGORY: PIA - processing INPUTS: image : m x n image data trans : coordinates transformation parameters OPTIONAL INPUTS: measname: map measurement name OUTPUTS: x: vector with x-positions of stars y: vector with y-positions of stars flux: vector with estimated fluxes of stars COMMON BLOCKS: find_param PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): acknowledge find_param_init pia_disp_print_file pia_xy2rd Astronomical Library: radec Internal: PIA_source_search_Event RESTRICTIONS: none Modification History: Written by: I. Heinrichsen, MPIK, Heidelberg July 1995 Modified by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/VILSPA July 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Pixel index bug fixed (IH) October 1995
NAME: PIA_SPDDISC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Chopper Plateau selection. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SPDDISC INPUTS: none OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy NCHP Number of chopper plateaux OUTPUTS: none SIDE EFFECTS: Selection parameters in phtacc are altered COMMON BLOCKS: pia_spddsc_cmn for internal use phtacc PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 XSIZE deleted from button (IDL V4 problem) (CG) January 1996 Modal keyword according to IDL>=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_SPECPHOT PURPOSE: Widget user interface to process PHT-S on AA level. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_SPECPHOT INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of this widget hirarchy. OUTPUTS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn pia_aapview pia_disp_hdr pia_get_rpid pia_get_step pia_open_iaap sep_rp_chop Astronomical Library: fxpar Internal: pia_specphot_cleanup pia_specphot_event pia_specphot_rpchop COMMON BLOCKS: phtslwavelen MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA October 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Plot + overplot of all spectra included April 1996 F_lambda plotting added (CG) April 1996 F_lambda plot in W/m^2/um now (CG) June 1996 mnbr variable bug fixed (CG) June 1996 help added (CG) July 1996 Separation into RPID and CH.POS added (CG) July 1996 PIA_SPECPHOT_RPCHOP routine added for simplification using pia_get_rpid and pia_get_step and adding possibility of adding several RPIDs(CG) December 1997 V6.6 Use of coded bitflag system (CG) May 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_SPECT PURPOSE: Plot PHT-S-Spectra of signals (V/s) per chopper level. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_spect, tmpdata, step, mulch, rpid_ch INPUTS: tmpdata: A structure (SCP type) containing data to be displayed step: Chopper step to be plotted mulch: Print chopper step flag (0: no print, 1: print) rpid_ch: The raster position KEYWORD PARAMETERS: overplot OUTPUTS: none RESTRICTIONS: using keyword overplot requires existing plot METHOD: average all signals of a chopper step per pixel and plot (PIA_XPLOT) the results versus the pixel central wavelength COMMON BLOCKS: phtslwavlen colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): cp_disc decode_admn pia_xplot set_slwavelen weight_mean MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified(last): CG February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bug for overplotting (2-dim -> 1) fixed (CG) December 1995 Raster points choice added (CG) January 1996 Message in case of one ch plat taken out (CG) August 1996 Extension for combining RPIDs (CG) December 1997 V6.6
NAME: PIA_SPECT_AAR PURPOSE: Plot PHT-S-Spectra of flux density/surface brightness per chopper level. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_spect_aar, tmpdata, step, mulch, rpid_ch INPUTS: tmpdata: A structure (AAP type) containing data to be displayed step: Chopper step to be plotted mulch: Print chopper step flag (0: no print, 1: print) rpid_ch: The raster position KEYWORD PARAMETERS: overplot to overplot on active PIA_xplot window mjy to plot brightness surfaces instead of fluxes present in tmpdata OUTPUTS: none RESTRICTIONS: using keyword overplot requires existing plot METHOD: average all flux densities/surface brightness of a chopper step per pixel and plot (PIA_XPLOT) the results versus the pixel central wavelengths COMMON BLOCKS: phtslwavlen colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): spd_disc decode_admn pia_xplot set_slwavelen weight_mean MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) April 1996 Overplot symbol set back if = 8 (CG) May 1996 Extension for combining RPIDs (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Use of coded bitflag system (CG) May 1999 V7.4
NAME: PIA_SPECT_SPD PURPOSE: Plot PHT-S-Spectra of in-band-powers [W] (or flux density [Jy]) per chopper level. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_spect_spd, tmpdata, step, mulch, rpid_ch INPUTS: tmpdata: A structure (SPD or AAP type) containing data to be displayed step: Chopper step to be plotted mulch: Print chopper step flag (0: no print, 1: print) rpid_ch: The raster position KEYWORD PARAMETERS: overplot aap: IF AAP data as input, instead of SPD OUTPUTS: none RESTRICTIONS: using keyword overplot requires existing plot METHOD: average all in-band-power/fluxes of a chopper step per pixel and plot (PIA_XPLOT) the results versus the pixel central wavelengths COMMON BLOCKS: phtslwavlen colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): spd_disc decode_admn pia_xplot set_slwavelen weight_mean MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) November 1994 Modified(last): CG February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Raster points choice added (CG) January 1996 Overplot symbol set back if = 8 (CG) May 1996 Keyword AAP added (CG) November 1997 Extension for combining RPIDs (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Bug from typo 'uudata' fixed (CG) May 1998 V7.2
NAME: PIA_STRUCTURES_HELP PURPOSE: Print information on the dynamical PIA buffers CATEGORY: PIA - help CALLING SEQUENCE: pia_structures_help, [/phterd], [/phtsrd], ... INPUT KEYWORDS: phterd: To obtain info on phterd phtsrd: To obtain info on phtsrd phtscp: To obtain info on phtscp phtspd: To obtain info on phtspd phtaap: To obtain info on phtaap phtaar: To obtain info on phtaar PPAP: PHT-P point source photometry sub-structure PPAE: PHT-P extended source photometry sub-structure PPAS: PHT-P scan & slew photometry sub-structure PLAP: PHT-SL point source spectroscopy sub-structure PLAE: PHT-SL extended source spectroscopy sub-structure PLAS: PHT-SL Raster mode spectroscopy sub-structure PSAP: PHT-SS point source spectroscopy sub-structure PSAE: PHT-SS extended source spectroscopy sub-structure PSAS: PHT-SS Raster mode spectroscopy sub-structure PCAP: PHT-C point source photometry sub-structure PCAE: PHT-C extended source photometry sub-structure PCAS: PHT-C scan & slew photometry sub-structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phterd phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtaap phtaar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996 AAR structures added: IH (MPIK) Mai 1997 V6.3
NAME: PIA_VIEW PURPOSE: Menu for PIA FileViewer. Access different types of PHT-FITS files per filetype and detector, and display their contents. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_VIEW INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP : The group leader of the widget hirarchy OUTPUTS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: PIA_VIEW for internal use PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_filefilter pia_filetype pia_open_fxb pia_read_cs pia_read_erd pia_read_unkn pia_view_erd pia_view_txt pia_view_unkn pia_xplot read_cs read_erd Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbfind fxbread Internal: pia_view_plot_cleanup pia_view_plot_event pia_view_plot pia_view_cleanup pia_view_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_VIEW_CS PURPOSE: Write values from the binary table CS (Compact Status) FITS file to a text widget. The table values must have been read already. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_VIEW_CS, table, rows INPUTS: table : The table values of the CS file. rows : 2-dimensional array denoting the range of rows which are contained in 'table'. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAME : The name of the CS file which will be written out as an informational string. GROUP : The group leader of the widget. OUTPUTS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_view_txt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_VIEW_ERD PURPOSE: Write values from the binary table ERD (Edited Raw Data) FITS file to a text widget. The table values must have been read already. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_VIEW_ERD, erdtype, table, rows, NAME=name, GROUP=group INPUTS: erdtype : The ERD type: 'C1'=C100, 'C2'=C200, 'P'=P1,P2,P3, 'S'=S1,S2 table : The table values of the ERD file. rows : 2-dimensional array denoting the range of rows which are contained in 'table'. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAME : The name of the ERD file which will be written out as an informational string. GROUP : The group leader of the widget. OUTPUTS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_view_txt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_VIEW_TXT PURPOSE: Create a text widget and write a string array to it. To write out a table of binary values, the values must be formatted first into a string array. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_VIEW_TXT, text INPUTS: text : An array of strings which will be written to the text widget. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TITLE : The title of the widget. NAME : The name of the file from which the text/values come. GROUP : The group leader of the widget. OUTPUTS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_prtdef Internal: pia_view_txt_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_VIEW_UNKN PURPOSE: Write values from the binary table genaral binary FITS file to a text widget. The table values must have been read already. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_VIEW_UNKN, table, rows, columns INPUTS: table : The table values of the FITS binary table. rows : 2-dimensional array denoting the range of rows which are contained in 'table'. columns : 2-dimensional array denoting the range of columns which are contained in 'table'. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAME : The name of the FITS file which will be written out as an informational string. GROUP : The group leader of the widget. OUTPUTS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_view_txt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley, MPIK/Heidelberg August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_Welcome PURPOSE: Display a welcome text file using widgets without widget manager, giving the possibility of printing it. The purpose is to get an acknowledgement from the user under which conditions he might use the PIA package. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_welcome INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A file viewing widget is created. COMMON BLOCKS: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: (none) PROCEDURE: Creates a widget to display a text, giving the chance of printing it. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Re-Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1999 V7.3 Changed acknowledgement (IPAC included) December 1999 V8.2
NAME: PIA_Wellcome PURPOSE: Display a wellcome text file using widgets and the widget manager, giving the possibility of printing it. The purpose is to get an acknowledgement from the user under which conditions he might use the PIA package. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_wellcome INPUTS: (none) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A file viewing widget is created. COMMON BLOCKS: pia_wellcome_cmn (internal) SIDE EFFECTS: Triggers the xMANAGER,No_BLOCK=1 if it is not already in use. PROCEDURE: Creates a widget to display a text, giving the chance of printing it. PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: PIA_wellcome_evt MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) November 1995 Free_lun instead of close - get_lun used (CG) May 1996 No /modal now (CG) January 1999 V7.3
NAME: PIA_WRITE_ANYTHING PURPOSE: Ask the interactive user for a string, and pass it back to the PIA CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_write_anything, anythin, anythout INPUTS: anythin: A string indicating what is the calling routine looking for KEYWORD PARAMETERS: proposal: Output proposed OUTPUT: anythout: The string given by the user COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_WRITE_AUTHOR PURPOSE: Ask for a string to be quoted as "author" (needed by some output files) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_write_author, author INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUT: author: The string "author" COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_WRITE_COMMENT PURPOSE: Ask for a string array to be quoted as "comment" (needed by some output files) CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_write_comment, comment INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: instcom: A string indicating what is the comment good for OUTPUT: comment: A string (array) "comment" COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) March 1995 Modified by: CG May 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_WRITE_ICS PURPOSE: Write a PHT-CS (Compact Status Data) structure from a temporary structure CSDAT (PHTCS type) onto an IDL savefile. Ask first the interactive user if he/she wants to save the file under the "normal" name, or for a different one. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_WRITE_ICS, CSDAT INPUT: CSDAT : PHTCS temporary structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none METHOD: WIDGETS + IDL save COMMON BLOCKS: pht_wrtics_cmn for internal use PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_write_ics_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C. Gabriel December 1995 Path keyword added (Jacosta) May 1997
NAME: PIA_WRITE_IERD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-ERD (Edited Raw Data) measurement from a temporary structure ERDDAT (PHTERD type) onto an IDL savefile. Ask first the interactive user if he/she wants to save the file under the "normal" name, or for a different one. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_WRITE_IERD, ERDDAT INPUT: ERDDAT : PHTERD temporary structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none METHOD: WIDGETS + IDL save COMMON BLOCKS: pht_wrtierd_cmn for internal use PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_write_ierd_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C. Gabriel August 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_WRITE_IMAP PURPOSE: Write out the map parameter and the map to a save file from within the pia_mapdraw routine CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_INTMAP, MAP, MAPPAR INPUTS: MAP : the map array MAPPAR: the parameter par in the PIA_MAPDRAW.PRO KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: IDL save file PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): Astronomical Library: Internal: COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai Ming Tai, DIAS Feb 1996
NAME: PIA_WRITE_ISCP PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SCP (Signal per Chopper Plateau) measurement from a temporary structure SCPDAT (PHTSCP type) onto an IDL savefile. Ask first the interactive user if he/she wants to save the file under the "normal" name, or for a different one. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_WRITE_ISCP, SCPDAT [, tmphdr] INPUT: SCPDAT : PHTSCP temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: tmphdr : temporary header ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: none METHOD: WIDGETS + IDL save COMMON BLOCKS: pht_wrtierd_cmn for internal use PROCEDURES USED: Internal: pia_write_iscp_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/ESTEC October 1994 Modified by: CG February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for ANDR,AVSD and ARSI (CG) January 1996 Save directory system variable used (CG) February 1996
NAME: PIA_WRITE_ISPD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SPD (Standard Processed Data) measurement from a temporary structure SPDDAT (PHTSPD type) onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - graphics PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_WRITE_ISPD, SPDDAT INPUT: PHTISPD : PHTSPD like temporary structure OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 !INTDIR used as directory to look for
NAME: PIA_WRITE_ISRD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SRD (Signal Data) measurement from a temporary structure SRDDAT (PHTSRD type) onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - graphics PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_WRITE_ISRD, SRDDAT, TMPHDR INPUT: PHTISRD : PHTSRD like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: TMPHDR : Temporary header OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for effective reset time & nr of used readouts (CG) Jan.96 Saving in other places than !INTDIR possible (CG) May 97 V6.3
NAME: PIA_XPLOT PURPOSE: This routine provides a graphical user interface to PLOT and OPLOT routines. Overplotting is possible, also the plotting range can be changed interactively. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_XPLOT, [X,] Y [, YERR] INPUTS: Y: The ordinate data to be plotted. OPTIONAL INPUTS: X: A vector argument. If X is not specified, Y is plotted as a function of point number (starting at zero). If both arguments are provided, Y is plotted as a function of X. YERR: The uncertainties of Y. OUTPUTS: None. KEYWORDS: OVERPLOT: Set this keyword to plot over a previously performed plot. If this keyword is not set or a value of 0 is supplied a new plot window is opened. A value of -1 draws an additional Y-axis for the new ordinate data. A value of n greater than 0 uses the n-th previously drawn Y-axis for scaling the data. If n is larger than the number of existing Y-axes the last drawn Y-axis is used. FOURIER: Set this keyword to Fourier-transform the data before plotting DISC_AREA: If this keyword is set, then a selection of an area can be graphically done. The widget is in this case of type modal (to avoid problems with overplotting). The selected region is handled back via the common block DISC_AREA GROUP: The group leader of the widget. ANNOTATION: The value of type string or string array is printed to the output page. Annotation strings of succeeding calls of PIA_XPLOT will be concatenated. LEGEND: A string describing the data in a legend. YERRSTYLE: Linestyle for error bars (default=0) Graphics Keywords Accepted: CHARSIZE COLOR LINESTYLE PSYM SUBTITLE SYMSIZE THICK TITLE XCHARSIZE XSTYLE XTHICK XTITLE XTYPE YCHARSIZE YSTYLE YTHICK YTITLE YTYPE See Chapter 2, Graphics Keywords and System Variables, for the description of graphics and plotting keywords. CALLED ROUTINES: PIA_PRTDEF COMMON BLOCKS: PIA_XPLOT PIA_PRINT DISC_AREA SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): colour_indices pia_xplot_bmd PIA Procedure(s): pia_prtdef MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C Gabriel (adapted from Stefan Bogun) Modified by: Detlef Skaley Oct 95 Version 3.5 Hypertext Help added, CG October 1995 Zooming now exact working; FFT only on first 30000 points allowed (CG) December 1995 Problem with legend (when psym=10) fixed (CG) December 1995 Loop variable now of type LONG (CG) Christmas 1995 zoomfl now passed over vpar (CG) February 1996 Area selection capability added + better zooming + print values capability (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Yranges can be individually set + bug in print values (wrong order) fixed (CG) July 1997 V6.4 Allowing for selection of several areas (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Number of elements for plotting can be defined (!PIA_XPLOT_LIMIT system var.) (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Xranges can be individually set (CG) March 1998 Bug when zooming data with one point by x=0 fixed (CG) May 1998 V7.1 Problem with extension of empty space by update (IDL bug!) fixed by taking frames out (CG) July 1998 V7.2 Changing according to IDL5.0 modal keyword use (forced by IDL5.1) January 1999 V7.3 Better handling of x-y axis keywords (CG) March 1999 V7.4 Force exact range and extended range NOT exclusive by x-y axis keywords (CG) January 2000 Yerrstyle keyword added (CG) February 2000 V8.2
NAME: PIA_XPLOT.BMD PURPOSE: Definition of the bitmap PIA_XPLOT.BMD for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @pia_xplot.bmd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Stefan BOGUN (MPIA-Heidelberg) Oct 95 Version 3.5
NAME: PIA_XSURFACE PURPOSE: This routine provides a graphical interface to the SURFACE and SHADE_SURFACE commands. Different controls are provided to change the viewing angle and other plot parameters. It is an extension of the Xsurface routine provided by IDL CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_XSURFACE, Data INPUT PARAMETERS: Data: The two-dimensional array to display as a wire-mesh or shaded surface. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls XSURFACE. When this keyword is specified, the death of the caller results in the death of XSURFACE. SIDE EFFECTS: The xMANAGER,No_BLOCK=1 is initiated if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: PIA_XSURFACE does not accept any of the keywords that the IDL command SURFACE does except the LEGO keyword. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget with the xMANAGER,No_BLOCK=1 and then exit. PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): pia_xsur2face MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (adapted from Steve Richards) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Hypertext Help added, CG October 1995 Draw widget enlarged (CG) January 1996 Contours option added (CG) January 1996 Printer definition added (WMT) March 1996 No use of common blocks, thus allowing for any number of parallel pia_xsurface (CG) January 1998 V7.0
NAME: PIA_XY2RD PURPOSE: Transform map x/y coordinates to right_ascension/declination. No checks are performed. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA_XY2RD, x, y, trans, r, d INPUTS: X The x coordinate values in the map Y The y coordinate values in the map TRANS The transformation parameters structure: .CD forward transformation matrix .DC back transformation matrix .CRVAL reference position (ra,dec) .CRPIX reference pixel (x,y) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: R The right_ascension value(s) in degrees. May be an array. D The declination value(s) in degrees. May be an array. NOTES: This routine differs from the similar ASTROLIB routine XY2AD in several ways, mainly: (1) The input parameter TRANS is expected to contain the inverse transformation matrix DC. (2) The definitions of the matrixes CD and DC are not consistent with the definition of the ASTROLIB matrix CD or its inverse. (3) CRPIX values are consistent with IDL indexing (starting at 0). PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D Skaley Oct 95 Version 3.5