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Last modified: Fri Mar 24 12:48:08 2000.
NAME: AAP_DISC PURPOSE: Return a flag array with flag=2 for all the chopper plateaux discarded using the bitflag system CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: AAP_DISC, Tmpdata, Flagarr INPUTS: Tmpdata: PHTAAP type temporary structure OUTPUTS: Flagarr: Flag array of dimensions (# pixels, # chopper plateaux) # pixels does not include resistor and open pixel PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel - ESA-SAI Changed according to bitflag system (CG) V7.4
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NAME: aap_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTAAP defining the contents as a template structure PHTAAP_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole AAP structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: AAP_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtaap phtaap_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996 Keyword index for clearing set of records added (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: AAR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTAAR defining the contents as a template structure PHTAAR_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole AAR structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: AAR_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer COMMON BLOCKS: phtaar PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Keyword index for clearing set of records added (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: ACC_FLG PURPOSE: To return an array of flagged read-outs taking into account the diverse acceptance criteria for read-outs, reflected in the status word CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: ACC_FLG, DR, Status INPUTS: DR : Array containing the destructive readout word Dim : Actual measurement length NNDR : Number of non-destructive read-outs Admn : Internal measurement name OTF : On target flag OUTPUTS: Status : A flag array: 0=accepted, 1=not accepted COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc phtselndr PROCEDURE: Using the status word, create a flag array conform to the acceptance criteria PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: READ_SELNDR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 allowing for gen criteria and 1st NDR deselected (CG) May 1996
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NAME: ACC_VOLT PURPOSE: To return a bad flag array taking into account voltage limits (a minimum and a maximum accepted, e.g. saturation voltage) according to the CB PHTACC CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: ACC_VOLT, ICONP, VFlag, DR INPUTS: IConp : Read-out voltages array STFlag : Status Flag before call DR : Array indicating Destructive Readouts OUTPUTS: STFlag : Flag array (Input Vflag + 1:out of voltage limits) VFlag : Flag array (1= out of voltage limits) COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc PROCEDURE: Using the CB PHTACC, flag the values which are not conform to the minimum and maximum voltages In case that a value is above the allowed maximum voltage, all values up to the end of the ramp are flagged as bad MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Modified by CG - (last: Nov. 96) V5.x An additional output (VFLAG) containing pure voltage flag, to be consistent with FLAG code (PIA >7.3) JAcosta (May 1999) V7.4
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NAME: ACKNOWLEDGE PURPOSE: This procedure opens a widget and waits for the user to close it. It is a standard solution to theboxes that are so useful in UIs. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: ACKNOWLEDGE INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TEXT: The text to display TLB: Top level base to orient to ACK_STRING: String to display on the acknowledge button POSITION: String to give placement guide OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: ACKNOWLEDGE_EVENT EXAMPLE: ACKNOWLEDGE, TEXT='Warning: Try again', TLB=widg1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written By: Huw Morris (adapted from Mark Buckley) Oct 95 Version 3.5 /Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) V7.3
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NAME: ADDCOMM2HDR PURPOSE: Procedure to add comment line(s) to FITS header CALLING SEQUENCE addcomm2hdr, comment, header INPUTS: comment - string or string array containing comment line(s) to add to the header header - string array containing the FITS header OUTPUTS: header - unpdated header EXAMPLES: addcomm2hdr, 'I DID THIS', header comm = strarr(3) comm(0) = 'comment line number 1' comm(1) = 'the next comment line' comm(2) = 'the last comment line' addcomm2hdr, comm, header Modified from the astronomical library for the ISOPHT FITS header, WMT, Feb 1996
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NAME: ADDPAR2HDR PURPOSE: Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array. CALLING SEQUENCE: addpar2hdr, Header, Name, Value, [ Comment, Location, BEFORE =, AFTER = , FORMAT= ] INPUTS: Header = String array containing FITS header. The length of each element must be 80 characters. If not defined, then ADDPAR2HDR will create an empty FITS header array. Name = Name of parameter. If Name is already in the header the value and possibly comment fields are modified. Otherwise a new record is added to the header. If name = 'HISTORY' then the value will be added to the record without replacement. In this case the comment parameter is ignored. Value = Value for parameter. The value expression must be of the correct type, e.g. integer, floating or string. String values of 'T' or 'F' are considered logical values. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: Comment = String field. The '/' is added by this routine. Added starting in position 31. If not supplied, or set equal to '', then the previous comment field is retained (when found) Location = Keyword string name. The parameter will be placed before the location of this keyword. This parameter is identical to the BEFORE keyword and is kept only for consistency with earlier versions of SXADDPAR. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BEFORE = Keyword string name. The parameter will be placed before the location of this keyword. For example, if BEFORE='HISTORY' then the parameter will be placed before the first history location. This applies only when adding a new keyword; keywords already in the header are kept in the same position. AFTER = Same as BEFORE, but the parameter will be placed after the location of this keyword. This keyword takes precedence over BEFORE. FORMAT = Specifies FORTRAN-like format for parameter, e.g. "F7.3". A scalar string should be used. For complex numbers the format should be defined so that it can be applied separately to the real and imaginary parts. OUTPUTS: Header = updated FITS header array. RESTRICTIONS: Warning -- Parameters and names are not checked against valid FITS parameter names, values and types. MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, RSI, July, 1983. D. Lindler Oct. 86 Added longer string value capability Converted to NEWIDL D. Lindler April 90 Added Format keyword, J. Isensee, July, 1990 Added keywords BEFORE and AFTER. K. Venkatakrishna, May '92 Pad string values to at least 8 characters W. Landsman April 94 Mod by W M Tai for the ISOPHT fits file Feb 1996
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NAME: ADD_COORDINATES PURPOSE: Assign the coordinates data into the SPD, using routine get_coordinates CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: add_coordinates, tmpdata INPUT: tmpdata : phtspd type real structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): PIA Procedure(s): get_coordinates MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996 Bug for non-existing file fixed (CG) February 1996 Bug for large RPID numbers(BYTE*BYTE)fixed (CG) May 1996 Using new read_irph call (corrected coord) (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Keyword INFO added (JAc) February 1998 V7.0 pcont_getfiles called with NOSORT (CG) February 1998 V7.1 Modified to call directly get_coordinates (JAcosta) July 1998
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NAME: ADM PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block PHTERD for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @adm CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: ADM_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the structure ADM defining the contents as a template structure ADM_TYPE for accomodating IA administration data. It can be used also for clearing the whole ADM structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - Initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: ADM_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: adm SIDE EFFECTS: Initialises the values held within the adm common block PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel and Wai-Ming Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified: PHTSMD, PHTISMD taken out (SB) August 1996
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NAME: AMOEBA PURPOSE: Multidimensional minimization of a function FUNC(X), where X is an N-dimensional vector, using the downhill simplex method of Nelder and Mead, 1965, Computer Journal, Vol 7, pp 308-313. This routine is based on the AMOEBA routine, Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing (Second Edition), Page 411, and is used by permission. CATEGORY: Function minimization/maximization. Simplex method. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AMOEBA(Ftol, ....) INPUTS: FTOL: the fractional tolerance to be achieved in the function value. e.g. the fractional decrease in the function value in the terminating step. This should never be less than the machine's single or double precision. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FUNCTION_NAME: a string containing the name of the function to be minimized. If omitted, the function FUNC is minimized. This function must accept an Ndim vector as its only parameter and return a scalar single or double precision floating point value as its result. FUNCTION_VALUE: (output) on exit, an Ndim+1 element vector containing the function values at the simplex points. The first element contains the function minimum. NCALLS: (output) the of times the function was evaluated. NMAX: the maximum number of function evaluations allowed before terminating. Default = 5000. P0: Initial starting point, an Ndim element vector. The starting point must be specified using either the keyword SIMPLEX, or P0 and SCALE. P0 may be either single or double precision floating. For example, in a 3-dimensional problem, if the initial guess is the point [0,0,0], and it is known that the function's minimum value occurs in the interval: -10 < X(0) < 10, -100 < X(1) < 100, -200 < X(2) < 200, specify: P0=[0,0,0], SCALE=[10, 100, 200]. SCALE: a scalar or Ndim element vector contaiing the problem's characteristic length scale for each dimension. SCALE is used with P0 to form an initial (Ndim+1) point simplex. If all dimensions have the same scale, specify a scalar. SIMPLEX: (output and/or optional input) On input, if P0 and SCALE are not set, SIMPLEX contains the Ndim+1 vertices, each of Ndim elements, of starting simplex, in either single or double precision floating point, in an (Ndim, Ndim+1) array. On output, SIMPLEX contains the simplex, of dimensions (Ndim, Ndim+1), enclosing the function minimum. The first point, Simplex(*,0), corresponds to the function's minimum. OUTPUTS: Result: If the minimum is found, an Ndim vector, corresponding to the Function's minimum value is returned. If a function minimum within the given tolerance, is NOT found in the given number of evaluations, a scalar value of -1 is returned. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. PROCEDURE: This procedure implements the Simplex method, described in Numerical Recipes, Section 10.4. See also the POWELL procedure. Advantages: requires only function evaluations, not derivatives, may be more reliable than the POWELL method. Disadvantages: not as efficient as Powell's method, and usually requires more function evaluations. Results are performed in the mode (single or double precision) returned by the user-supplied function. The mode of the inputs P0, SCALE, or SIMPLEX, should match that returned by the function. The mode of the input vector supplied to the user-written function, is determined by P0, SCALE, or SIMPLEX. EXAMPLE: Use Amoeba to find the slope and intercept of a straight line fitting a given set of points minimizing the maximum error: The function to be minimized returns the maximum error, given p(0) = intercept, and p(1) = slope: FUNCTION FUNC, p COMMON FUNC_XY, x, y RETURN, MAX(ABS(y - (p(0) + p(1) * x))) END Put the data points into a common block so they are accessible to the function: COMMON FUNC_XY, x, y Define the data points: x = findgen(17)*5 y = [ 12.0, 24.3, 39.6, 51.0, 66.5, 78.4, 92.7, 107.8, 120.0, $ 135.5, 147.5, 161.0, 175.4, 187.4, 202.5, 215.4, 229.9] Call the function. Fractional tolerance = 1 part in 10^5, Initial guess = [0,0], and the minimum should be found within a distance of 100 of that point: r = AMOEBA(1.0e-5, SCALE=1.0e2, P0 = [0, 0], FUNCTION_VALUE=fval) Check for convergence: if n_elements(r) eq 1 then message,'AMOEBA failed to converge' Print results. print, 'Intercept, Slope:', r, 'Function value (max error): ', fval(0) Intercept, Slope: 11.4100 2.72800 Function value: 1.33000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, May, 1996. Written.
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NAME: ANAL_FPGC PURPOSE: Analyse a Focal Plane Geometry Calibration File and and compare it to theoretical raster. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: ANAL_FPGC, Infile, ERROR=error INPUTS: Infile: name of FPGC file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: Returns error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid OUTPUTS: Text: print-out contents of FPGC file PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: read_fpgc PIA LIB: pia_xplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified by: I. Heinrichsen Rotation angle, coordinate Oct. 95 display corrected IH Change axes label invert theoretical coordinates Nov. 95
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NAME: ANAL_SIG PURPOSE: Analyse several SRD/SCP measurements CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: ANAL_SIG, ind, orbstr INPUTS: Ind: index array containing indexes for extraction from SRD structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TYPE type of PIA structure to be analysed (SRD of SCP), default=SRD ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid OUTPUTS: ADMN administration name TIME array with absolute times for SIGNAL and NOISE SIGNAL array of signals (SLOP, AVER) per detector for all selected measurements from ind NOISE array of uncertainties per detector (SLUN, AVUN) for all selected measuremenst from ind FLAGS array of flags per detector (FLAG) for all selected measuremenst from ind ST_TIME Absolute start time (STRING) COMMON BLOCKS: phtsrd phtscp PROCEDURES CALLED: RESTRICTIONS Due to the nature of the timing information for PHT the absolute start time of the contained measuremnets are not as accurate as as the relative times within a measurement MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen December 1995 Bug fixed (CG) (phtsrd instead phtscp) January 1996 time and other arrays now of same dims (CG) February 1996 Bug for 1 pixel & 1 signal fixed (CG) February 1996 Change call of date_conv to unit2juldate + adding admn as output (JAc) January 1998
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NAME: APERTURE_INFO PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block APERTURE_INFO for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @aperture_info This file stores data about the phot apertures APERTURE_INFO contains the following variables: N_Filt : Number of filters (PHT-P, PHT-C) N_Aper : Number of apertures for PHT-P P_WaveL : Centre wavelengths for PHT-P (array) C_WaveL : Centre wavelengths for PHT-C (array) P_Ratio : Relative detector response at the central wavelength C_Ratio : Relative detector response at the central wavelength Point_Spread : Point Spread Function for PHT-P, PHT-C CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: APERTURE_INFO_INIT PURPOSE: This procedure initialises the Aperture_Info common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: APERTURE_INFO_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: aperture_info phtppsf SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the aperture info common block are initialised here MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: APERTURE_SIZE_INIT PURPOSE: This procedure initialises the phtapertures common block CALLING SEQUENCE: APERTURE_SIZE_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: phtapertures SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the phtapertures common block are initialised PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified by: CG - Measured diameters and omegas in. December 1996 CG - Now reading data from POMEGA.FITS file January 1997 V6.0
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NAME: APPEND_RP PURPOSE: Merge pseudo measurements per RPID into an SCP unique measurement CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: APPEND_RP, indices, scpps INPUT PARAMETERS: indices: all the positions of the pseudo meas. within the SCP buffer OUTPUT PARAMETERS: scpps: the position of the merged measurement within the SCP buffer RESTRICTIONS: SIDE EFFECTS: METHOD: The different arrays corresponding to the SCP variables within the given measurements are merged together and sorted accordingly to the variable SCP.TIME PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) 1996 Revised and hdr written September 1997 V6.5
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NAME: BCKSUB_CALC PURPOSE: Menu for PIA Background subtraction. This is a display dependant level menu in the PIA hierarchy. This routine should only be called by the PIA display menues and should not be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: BCKSUB_CALC, signal, unc, flag, aver, sigma INPUTS: signal: array containing the signals (SCP or SPD level) unc: array containing the uncertainty of signals (SCP or SPD level) flag: array containing the validity flag of signals (SCP or SPD level) OUTPUTS: aver: average of signals sigma: sigma of signals PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: weight_mean MODIFICATION HISTORY: Extracted from PIA_BCKSUBT, because is called as a separate routine, eg pia_proc_gen (JAcosta) April 1997 Keyword MEDIAN added, as a different way to project signals (JAcosta) August 1997
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NAME: C2P_IA2PIPE PURPOSE: Change the pixel order from IA (telemetry) order into pipeline SPD order CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: C2P_IA2PIPE, Iaarr, Piparr INPUTS: Iaarr : [4,x] array as C200 IA (telemetry) convention OUTPUTS: Piparr : [4,x] array as C200 pipeline convention PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extended up to 5 dimensional arrays (CG) V6.3
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NAME: C2P_PIPE2IA PURPOSE: Change the pixel order from pipeline SPD order into IA (telemetry) order CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: C2P_PIPE2IA, Piparr, Iaarr INPUTS: Piparr : [4,x] array as C200 pipeline convention OUTPUTS: Iaarr : [4,x] array as C200 IA (telemetry) convention PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extended up to 5 dimensional arrays (CG) V6.3
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NAME: CALC_APER PURPOSE: This procedure calculates the image co-ordinates of each readout CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CALC_APER, SunInst, Pixel, Point, Line, Chop, X, Y INPUTS: SubInst: PHT Subinstrument - 'C1', 'C2', 'P', 'S' Pixel: Pixel number - Only for PHT-C (anything otherwise) Point: Raster Point - Only for raster scans (anything otherwise) Line: Raster Line - Only for raster scans (anything otherwise) Chop: Array of chopper positions OUTPUTS: X: x co-ordinate of aperture centre Y: y co-ordinate of aperture centre COMMON BLOCKS: raster_info PROCEDURES CALLED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CALC_STEP PURPOSE: This procedure calculates the step number within the chopper cycle of each readout CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CALC_STEP, Step_No INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: Step_No: Array of step numbers (from 0 to Steps-1) COMMON BLOCKS: chop_info RESTRICTIONS: Assumes measurement started correctly and the chop_info common block is initialised PROCEDURE: This procedure calculates the time spent on each plateau, and from that, the time spent on each plateau in the cycle. The modulus of the measurement with the cycle time thus gives the point in the cycle of a particular measurement. PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CAL_INIT PURPOSE: To initialize all the parameters from Calibration G files CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: CAL_INIT INPUTS: (none) OUTPUTS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURE: Calibration G files are used eventually together with parameters which are direcly written into this routine and do not change frequently. PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: darkcur_init die_trans_init phtcap_init phtfilter_prop_init read_chopcor read_crelin read_darkorb read_fcsill read_fcspow read_flatfield read_fluxconv read_omega read_pcpsf read_resp read_rlin read_specal MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA June 1999 V7.4
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NAME: CHANGE_TMPHDR PURPOSE: Replaces in a temporary PHT PIA structure the element hdr CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: change_tmphdr, tmpdata, type, newhdr, tmpout INPUTS: tmpdata: The (ERD,SRD,SCP,SPD) temporary structure type: Reduction level (ERD, SRD, ...) newhdr: The header for replacing tmpdata.hdr OUTPUTS: tmpout: The new structure with the updated header SIDE EFFECTS: PROCEDURES USED: INTERNAL: PIA_LIB: fill_erd, fill_srd, fill_scp, fill_spd, fill_aap pia_load_ierd, pia_load_isrd, pia_load_iscp, pia_load_ispd, pia_load_iaap, pia_load_idynresp, dynresp_init, fill_dynresp, dyncal_clear COMMON BLOCKS: pia_on_line all internal buffers MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) January 1997 V6.3 Types dyncal added (JAcosta-VILSPA) October 1998 Type DYNR added (JAcosta-IAC) February 2000 V8.2
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NAME: CHANGE_ZPLOT_PARAM PURPOSE: Change sequentially the Zplot parameters for overplotting, psym and color CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CHANGE_ZPLOT_PARAM INPUT: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices pia_dspchz_cmn PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) February 1996 Change to predefined colors (CG) August 1999 V8.0
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NAME: CHECK_CHOP PURPOSE: Correct chopper position by signals which have bad flagged chopper information CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CHECK_CHOP, CHOP, CFLAG, NCHANGED INPUT PARAMETERS: chop: The chopper positions of the ramps (SRD level) cflag: The corresponding chopper flags OUTPUT: nchanged: the number of changed elements in input/output "chop" array RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: Chopper bad flagged signals get the chopper position of the immediately following signal, if its information is reliable (normal reason for bad flag is given by problems with the update in the readout chopper information) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) September 1997 V6.5
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NAME: CHECK_STEP PURPOSE: Function to check the chopper steps vs chopper positions CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: result = CHECK_STEP(chop, step, time, mode, cflag) INPUT PARAMETERS: chop: The chopper positions of the ramps (SRD level) step: The step positions of the ramps time: The times of the ramps mode: Structure containing: cste(nr of steps), cmod(chopper mode),cinc(increment) camp(amplitude), fcs(nr of active FCS) cflag: Chopper position flag (same dimension as chop) KEYWORD INPUT: admn: The admn name for more precise message in case of suspected time dropout OUTPUT: result: the step mode calculated according to the chopper positions RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) June 1997 V6.4 Use exact expected positions for each mode as mask - Do not use bad flagged positions (CG+JA) September 1997 V6.5 Avoiding hundreds of reassigning messages (CG) June 1998 V7.2
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NAME: CHECK_UNC PURPOSE: Checks an uncertainty array returning it setting positive values for uncertainties equal 0. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: check_unc, values, unc INPUT: values: Values array unc: Uncertainties array (same dimension as values) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Verbose: For printing information Abs_min: Absolute minimum accepted for a distribution OUTPUT: (none) SIDE EFFECTS: Change the unc values, which were 0. by entry MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) + C. Gabriel(ESA/SAI) September 1996 Version 5.0 - Sept.96 Abs_min Keyword added (CG) December 1997 V6.6 Assign stdev/SQRT(NPTS) as uncertainty in case all unc are zero (JAc) August 1998
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NAME: CHOP_FRCORR_FCT PURPOSE: Return the correction factors and uncertainties corresponding to a given detector and chopper dwelltime, for the correction of signal losses due to chopping CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: res = CHOP_FRCORR_FCT(det, dwelltime) INPUT PARAMETERS: DET: String for detector used (eg. 'P1', 'C1' or 'C100') DWELLTIME: Time spent on each chopper plateau (integer in sec.) OUTPUT: Returns a float array RES(npixel,2) with RES(npixel,0)=Corr.factor for det pixels RES(npixel,1)=Uncertainty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA/VILSPA-SAI January 1998 Version 7.0
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NAME: CHOP_FREQ_CORR PURPOSE: Perform the correction for signal losses in a chopped measurement to the subtracted values CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CHOP_FREQ_CORR, tmpdata INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: Background subtracted measurement OUTPUT PARAMETERS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta / C. Gabriel January 1998 Version 7.0 Problem with AAP case solved + systematic unc. not propagated but into hdr (CG) March 1998 Bug correction dealing with the header (Jac) April 1998 V7.1
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NAME: CHOP_INFO PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block CHOP_INFO for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @chop_info This file stores data from a single measurement about the chopper. CHOP_INFO contains the following variables: Mode : The chopper mode SubMode: The chopper submode Steps: The number of chopper steps Plat: The number of chopper plateaux Increment: The chopper increment Dest_Read: The number of destructive read-outs Int_Time: The integration time Chop_Amp: The chopper amplitude Start_Time: The start time of the measurement Current_Time: Array of times for each readout within the measurement Trans_Time_Meas: Chopper transition time for a measurement Trans_Time_Cal: Chopper transition time for a calibration Data_Red: Data Reduction CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CHOP_INFO_INIT PURPOSE: This procedure reads the ERD and CS structures in order to initialises the chop_info common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: CHOP_INFO_INIT, Name INPUTS: Name: ERD admname as in the PHTERD structure OPTIONAL INPUTS Verbose: If set, print the parameters as they are read in. phterdt: temporary phterd structure cst: temporary phtcs structure csunit: Position of the corresponding Compact Status record OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: adm phtcs phterd chop_info SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the chop_info common block are initialised PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: read_cs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Trying to cope with disturbed CS values (CG) December 1995
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NAME: CHOP_INFO_INIT_SPD PURPOSE: This routine reads the SPD and CS to initialise the chop_info common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: CHOP_INFO_INIT_SPD, Name INPUTS: Name: SPD admname as in the PHTSPD structure OPTIONAL INPUTS: Verbose: If set, print the parameters as they are read in. phtspdt: temporary phtspd structure csunit: Position of the corresponding Compact Status record OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: adm phtcs phtspd chop_info PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: read_cs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (adopted from CHOP_INFO_INIT) Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CHOP_LEVELS PURPOSE: This procedure returns averages and medians of chopper plateaux per chopper level CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CHOP_LEVELS, Tmpdata, Chplevl INPUTS: Tmpdata: A structure containing data (SCP or SPD or AAP level) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ISPD: (0:SCP; 1:SPD level; 2: AAP level) OUTPUTS: Chplevl: Structure containing name: measurement name level: 'SCP' or 'SPD' or 'AAP' aver: array (pixel #, step #) of averages avun: array (pixel #, step #) of averages' uncertainties medi: array (pixel #, step #) of medians m1qu: array (pixel #, step #) of first quartiles m3qu: array (pixel #, step #) of third quartiles flag: flag array (pixel #, step #) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: cp_disc spd_disc weight_mean MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified to include subtraction at AAP level J.Acosta (June 1999)
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NAME: CHOP_PARAM PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block CHOP_INFO for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @chop_param This common block contains the Chopper Position Conversion Parameters: A : Coefficients for the B : line approximation C : Parameters for initial conversion P : of TMDATA word to a voltage Q R Ang_Dev : Line deviation tables DU_DC Norm_Ang : Correction tables DU_ACD DU_ACI DCF1 : Parameters for FCS DCF2 OF1 OF2 ACF1 CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CHOP_PARAM_INIT PURPOSE: This proceude initialises the chop_param common block with the TM constants CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: CHOP_PARAM_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS chop_param SIDE EFFECTS: Alters the values defined in the chop_param common block PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CHOP_POS PURPOSE: This procedure calculates the chopper postion from the telemetry data. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CHOP_POS, Conv_Chop, Step_No, FCS_No INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: Conv_Chop: Converted Chopper Position (Float Array) For calibration measurements, -180: FCS 1 0: COFOV 180: FCS 2 Step_No: Step number within the chopper cycle (Int Array) From 1 - Plat FCS_No: Which calibration source is being pointed at (Int array) -1: error 0: not a calibration measurement 1: FCS 1 2: FCS 2 COMMON BLOCKS: chop_info chop_param PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: calc_step MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: cla_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTCLA defining the contents as a template structure PHTCLA_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole CLA structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: CLA_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtcla phtcla_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai (DIAS) May 1996 modified for releasing the handle (WMT) May 1996
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NAME: COL_INDICES PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block COL_INDICES for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @col_indices This file stores the RGB indices of various colours, allowing them to be referred to by name CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CONV_ANALOG PURPOSE: This procedure converts the analog part of an array hkdat of an existing GEHK?.FITS into an string array hkout containing the converted analog data CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CONV_ANALOG, Idb, Idb_f_bounds, Hkdat, Hkout INPUTS: Idb :database array Idb_f_bounds:boundaries of STS and ANA block in the idb Hkdat :array containing the fits data OUTPUTS: Hkout :array, in which to store the converted data RESTRICTIONS: The part of this program dealing with action routines isn't written yet PROCEDURE: Extract the relevant data for analog parameters from the input arrays and give it to the conv_curve function PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: conv_curve MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CONV_CRE PURPOSE: This function converts the CRE Digitized Numbers DNs (as from the telemetry) returning the Output Voltages (in Volts) using the informations already gained from the CRE Conversion Tables CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CONV_CRE(Rawdata, Det, Ordr, Csun) INPUTS: Rawdata : Array containing the Digitized Numbers from the CRE Det : Detector Identifier (two characters string) Ordr : Measurement Order Number within 1 detector subsystem in the Compact Status Csun : Compact Status Unit OUTPUTS: Returns an array containing the CRE Voltages COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs phtdietrans PROCEDURE: Use the common PHTDIETRANS to compute the conversion together with the selected Gain and Offset obtained from the CS PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 U_off bug fixed - CG February 1997 V6.1
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NAME: CONV_CS PURPOSE: This procedure converts extended housekeeping data from rawvalues to physical values. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CONV_CS, File, Convcs INPUTS: File: PHTCS_TYPE Array containing rawvalues OUTPUTS: Convcs: PHTCS_TYPE Array containing converted value PROCEDURE: Convert numbers to text strings with the help of conversion arrays, interpreting the rawvalue as an array index. Convert all others with the formulas described in the 'Converting Algorithms For Telemetry Data' PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 New table values for change wheels (according to TR-PHT-0000 MP/25 from November 27, 1995) + Meas.time=LONG INT (CG) January 1996
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NAME: CONV_CURVE PURPOSE: This function converts idb element number i of the analog part into an string array hkout containing the converted analog data CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CONV_CURVE, Idb, C_tab, Hkdat, I INPUTS: Idb :database array I :idb element number (must be in ANA part) Hkdat :array containing the fits data C_tab :conversion tables for element i first part considers x-values, second part y OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: Add two one byte words to one two byte word, look for the bits dtermined by length and offset in the idb with the idb and function. Search for the two neighbours in the x part of the conversion table and find the right value by linear interpolation. PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CONV_HK PURPOSE: This procedure converts the housekeeping part of an GEHK?.FITS file into an string array hkout containing the converted data. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CONV_HK, Tdtnum, Idb, Hkout, Hkdat, Timestep, Idb_ar_table, $ Idb_ar_image INPUTS: Tdtnum :TDT number corresponging to the housekeeping file Idb :database array OUTPUTS: Hkout :strarr(hk,x) containing converted data for each hk-parameter and each measurement Hkdat :array containing the fits data Idb=starr(18,hk) containing the 18 values of interest for each hk-parameter from the idb_def table 0:de_number 1:de_name 2:de_type 3:subcom_flag 4:modeflag 5:monitor 6:max_slots 7:decomp 8:conv 9:limsel 10:limit 11:memver 12:qlagen 13:extr_source 14:extr_ar 15:location 16:offset 17:length 18: handle with corresponding data Timestep(x) containing the time for each measurement Idb_ar_table and Idb_ar_image with informations about action routines PROCEDURE: Read in fits data, find boundaries of analog part and status part and convert both parts in different subroutines PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: get_boundaries conv_status conv_analog MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CONV_PROCDATE PURPOSE: Convert a date from Sun systime() format into IDL !stime string format CATEGORY: PIA - miscellaneous CALLING SEQUENCE: CONV_PROCDATE, procdate, date INPUT: procdate Date in sun systime format OUTPUT: date Date in IDL !stime format PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996
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NAME: CONV_STATUS PURPOSE: This procedure converts the status part of an array hkdat of an existing GEHK?.FITS into an string array hkout containing the converted status data CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CONV_STATUS, Idb, Idb_f_bounds, Hkdat, Hkout INPUTS: Idb :database array Idb_f_bounds:boundaries of STS and ANA block in the idb Hkdat :array containing the fits data OUTPUTS: Hkout :array, in which to store the converted data RESTRICTIONS: The part of this program dealing with action routines isn't written yet PROCEDURE: Extract the relevant data for status parameters from the input arrays and give it to the int_to_text function PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: int_to_text MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CONV_SUBS PURPOSE: Convert the PHT subsystem number into the detector identifier string CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CONV_SUBS(Subs) INPUTS: Subs : Subsystem number OUTPUTS: Returns a 2-character string as PHT detector identifier PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CORR_RESET_INT PURPOSE: Apply the reset interval correction to an array CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CORR_RESET_INT, IN_SIG, DET, INTT, DRED, OUT_SIG, CORR INPUT: IN_SIG: signal input array DET: detector (eg 'C1', 'C100', 'P1') INTT: reset interval - INTEGER (PHT nomenclature: t_int=1/2^(INTT-7)) DRED: data reduction factor - INTEGER OUTPUT: OUT_SIG: corrected signal array CORR: structure (corr.a0, corr.a1) containing the used parameters KEYWORD: UNCERT: error on in_sig by input - two elements array of syst.unc. by output (from a0 and a1) RESTRICTIONS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtintt_corr MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) May 1997 V6.3 Returning also uncertainties (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Allowing for larger data red as in table (CG) December 1997 V6.6 UNCERT changed in output (CG) March 1998 Returning dummy corr structure if PHT-S April 1988 V7.1 Bug for case of uncert=0 by entry fixed (CG) May 1998 V7.2
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NAME: CP_DISC PURPOSE: Return a flag array with flag=2 for all the chopper plateaux discarded using the bitflag system CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CP_DISC, Tmpdata, Flagarr INPUTS: Tmpdata: PHTSCP type temporary structure OUTPUTS: Flagarr: Flag array of dimensions (# pixels, # chopper plateaux) # pixels does not include resistor and open pixel COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc PROCEDURE: Use the SCP discard criteria within PHTACC to flag all chopper plateaux to be deselected PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel - ESA-SAI Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified by CG - Sept. 96 Version 5.0 - Sept. 96 Changed according to bitflag system (CG) V7.4
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NAME: CP_DISCL PURPOSE: Return a flag array with flag=2 for all the chopper plateaux discarded using the bitflag system CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: CP_DISCL, Tmpdata, Flagarr INPUTS: Tmpdata: PHTSCP type temporary structure OUTPUTS: Flagarr: Flag array of dimensions (# pixels, # chopper plateaux) # pixels does not include resistor and open pixel COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc PROCEDURE: Use the SCP discard criteria within PHTACC to flag all chopper plateaux to be deselected PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Changed according to bitflag system (CG) V7.4
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NAME: CS_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTCS defining the contents as a template structure PHTCS_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole CS structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: CS_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs SIDE EFFECTS: Values in the phtcs common block are initialised PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: phtcs_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: CURFIT PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. Function may be any non-linear function where the partial derivatives are known or can be approximated. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: yfit = curfit(x,y,w,a,sigmaa) INPUTS: X = Row vector of independent variables. Y = Row vector of dependent variable, same length as x. W = Row vector of weights, same length as x and y. For no weighting w(i) = 1., instrumental weighting w(i) = 1./y(i), etc. A = Vector of nterms length containing the initial estimate for each parameter. If A is double precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise in single prec. KEYWORD PARAMTERS: funct = string containing the name of the fitting function. Default = 'funct' quiet = 1 to suppress printing interation information. max_its = Maximum number of iterations the function will do before giving up. Default=1000. accept = Acceptance criterion for acceptable fit. This number is equal to the relative change in the ChiSquare statistic from one iteration to the next. Default=.00001 OUTPUTS: A = Vector of parameters containing fit. Function result = YFIT = Vector of calculated values. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Sigmaa = Vector of standard deviations for parameters A. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE. SIDE EFFECTS: The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT. For an example see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. Call to FUNCT is: FUNCT,X,A,F,PDER where: X = Vector of NPOINT independent variables, input. A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x(i)), output. PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. PDER(I,J) = Derivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. PDER should not be calculated if parameter is not supplied in call (unless you want to waste some time). RESTRICTIONS: NONE. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which compines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." Iterations are perform until the chi square changes by only 0.001% or until 1000 iterations have been performed. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Modified by D.L. Windt, AT&T Bell Labs, March, 1989.
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NAME: CURVEFIT PURPOSE: Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. The function may be any non-linear function where the partial derivatives are known or can be approximated. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CURVEFIT(X, Y, W, A, SIGMAA, FUNCTION_NAME = name) INPUTS: X: A row vector of independent variables. Y: A row vector of dependent variable, the same length as x. W: A row vector of weights, the same length as x and y. For no weighting, w(i) = 1.0. For instrumental weighting, w(i) = 1.0/y(i), etc. A: A vector, with as many elements as the number of terms, that contains the initial estimate for each parameter. If A is double- precision, calculations are performed in double precision, otherwise they are performed in single precision. KEYWORDS: FUNCTION_NAME: The name of the function (actually, a procedure) to fit. If omitted, "FUNCT" is used. The procedure must be written as described under RESTRICTIONS, below. OUTPUTS: Returns a vector of calculated values. A: A vector of parameters containing fit. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Sigmaa: A vector of standard deviations for the parameters in A. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNCT, unless the FUNCTION_NAME keyword is supplied. This function, (actually written as a procedure) must accept values of X (the independent variable), and A (the fitted function's parameter values), and return F (the function's value at X), and PDER (a 2D array of partial derivatives). For an example, see FUNCT in the IDL User's Libaray. A call to FUNCT is entered as: FUNCT, X, A, F, PDER where: X = Vector of NPOINT independent variables, input. A = Vector of NTERMS function parameters, input. F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x(i)), output. PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of funct. PDER(I,J) = DErivative of function at ith point with respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. PDER should not be calculated if the parameter is not supplied in call. PROCEDURE: Copied from "CURFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which combines the best features of the gradient search with the method of linearizing the fitting function." Iterations are performed until the chi square changes by only 0.1% or until 20 iterations have been performed. The initial guess of the parameter values should be as close to the actual values as possible or the solution may not converge. EXAMPLE: pro gfunct, x, a, f, pder f=a(0)*exp(a(1)*x)+a(2) pder=findgen(10, 3) end pro fit_curve x=float(indgen(10)) y=[12.0, 11.0,10.2,9.4,8.7,8.1,7.5,6.9,6.5,6.1] w=1.0/y a=[10.0,-0.1,2.0] yfit=curvefit(x,y,w,a,sigmaa,function_name='gfunct') print, yfit end MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982. Does not iterate if the first guess is good. DMS, Oct, 1990. Added CALL_PROCEDURE to make the function's name a parameter. (Nov 1990) 12/14/92 - modified to reflect the changes in the 1991 edition of Bevington (eq. II-27) (jiy-suggested by CreaSo)
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NAME: DARKCUR PURPOSE: This routine subtracts the darkcurrent given in the signal array. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DARKCUR, Input_signal, Detector_name, Output_signal INPUTS: Input_signal: A 2-dim array. The first dim is the number of pixels The pixel dim is {1, 1, 1, 9, 4, 64} for detector {P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, SL} Second dim is the number of signals Detector_name: One of these strings -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, SL OUTPUTS: Output_signal: Same dim as the input signal with the darkcurrent correction COMMON BLOCKS: phtdarkcur RESTRICTIONS: The input detector string must be in upper case, or you get nothing! PROCEDURE: Use FXPAR to extract the keyword info PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: DARKCUR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the DARK CURRENT COMMON BLOCK CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: DARKCUR_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: phtdarkcur SIDE EFFECTS: The values in the phtdarkcur common blockare initialised PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: fxhread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai Modified by: C. Gabriel added optional filename and change the openr to use /block esp for vms (WMT) March 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5 free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996
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NAME: DARKCUR_ORB PURPOSE: Performs dark current subtraction on a measurement at SRD or SCP levels. CATEGORY: PIA - algorithms CALLING SEQUENCE: DARKCUR_ORB, tmpdata, DARK = dark, SCP = scp, NEWHEADER = newheader INPUTS KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DARK: The dark current value subtracted SCP: If selected tmpdata is expected to be a SCP temporary structure; if not it will be SRD NEWHEADER: Header of the measurement where info will be added. PRO_RASTER: Perform subtraction per raster point (overrides PRO_MEAS and PRO_AOT) PRO_MEAS: Perform subtraction per whole measurement (overrides PRO_AOT) PRO_AOT: Perform subtraction per AOT (default choice) COMMON BLOCKS: phtdarkorb MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Jose ACOSTA (IAC/PIDT) and Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) January 1998 Bug correction for rasters (JAc) February 1998 V7.0 No use of syst. unc. but -> header (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Bug for extreme ITK cases fixed (CG) May 1998 V7.2 Included Exposure Time dependency for SL dark current and better handling of KEYWORDS PRO_* (JAc) August 1998
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NAME: DARKCUR_STR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the DARK CURRENT Structures CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: DARKCUR_STR_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Two more tags are included: ADMN and RESP .- J. Acosta March 1996 Tags Proc_date, TRESET added (JAcosta) October 1997 V6.5
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NAME: DARKCUR_TIME PURPOSE: Performs dark current subtraction on a measurement at SRD or SCP levels. CATEGORY: PIA - algorithms CALLING SEQUENCE: DARKCUR_ORB, tmpdata, DARK = dark, SCP = scp, NEWHEADER = newheader INPUTS KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DARK: The dark current value subtracted SCP: If selected tmpdata is expected to be a SCP temporary structure; if not it will be SRD NEWHEADER: Header of the measurement where info will be added. PRO_RASTER: Perform subtraction per raster point PRO_MEAS: Same per whole measurement COMMON BLOCKS: phtdarkorb MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Jose ACOSTA (IAC/PIDT) August 1998 V7.2
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NAME: DECODE_ADMN PURPOSE: This procedure decodes the PHT-IA administration name returning a string. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DECODE_ADMN, Admn, Decstr INPUTS: Admn : An administration name as in pht###.admn OUTPUTS: Decstr: A string containing the decoded explanation KEYWORDS: Decstr_sh: A short version of the string PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Decoding also S for subtracted in admn Decoding also _LEG for raster leg Decoding also _CSTEP for chopper step Decoding also _y_z for Raster point separation case Keyword DECSTR_SH added (CG) July 1997 V6.4 Extension for measurements' concatenations (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Adding concatenation info (CG) July 1998 V7.2
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NAME: DECODE_CS2MEA PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for converting the compact information to the measurement information. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: DECODE_CS2MEA, meaname, string INPUT: meaname: the measurement name OUTPUT: string: the decoded string COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 String bug fixed (pstafile) (CG) July 1996 Avoiding crash in case of record not found (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Confusing message avoided (CG) September 1999 V8.1
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NAME: DECODE_FILETYPE PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for converting the file name to a more informatve information. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: DECODE_FILETYPE, FILENAME, OUTPUT-STRING INPUT: filename: the filename for decoding OUTPUT: output-string: the decoded string COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: DECODE_HDR2MEA PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for converting the fits header to a more infromative information. It decodes the AOT name, the Object name and the ATTTYPE name ( pointing, tracking or raster). CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: DECODE_HDR2MEA, HEADER, OUTPUT-STRING, PIA_NAME INPUT: header: the FITS header for decoding OUTPUT: output-string: the decoded string pia_name: name assigned by PIA, it can be modified by users. COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Measname added (CG) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: DECODE_PIXF PURPOSE: Thie procedure extracts the information in the word --PIXF CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DECODE_PIXF, Pixf INPUTS: Pixf - A word in the ERD files containing information in 5 bits ERD PIXF is defined in the following manner (see IDPD): 1 bit - chopper on position (most significant bit) 1 bit - chopper sign 1 bit - readout status 1 bit - on-target flag 1 bit - automatic data reduction flag 10 bits - spare ;;;;;; don't ask me why? 1 bit - suspected data corruption flag (least significant bit) OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: Suspect: Suspicious 0:no 1:yes -1:bad Chopon: Chopper on-position 0:no 1:yes -1:bad Chops: Chopper sign 0:- 1:+ -1:bad Rdstat: Read-out status 0:NDR 1:DR -1:bad Otf: On-target flag 0:no 1:yes -1:bad Autdr: Auto data reduction 0:no 1:yes -1:bad PROCEDURES USED: None METHOD: Swap first to get all bits together and count nicely afterwards MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: DECODE_TDT2MEA PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for converting the tdt measurement information a more infromative measurement information. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: DECODE_TDT2MEA, MEANAME, OUTPUT-STRING INPUT: MEANAME: the TDT measurement for decoding OUTPUT: output-string: the decoded string COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Special info added (CG) July 1996 Concatenated info added (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Change for new concatenation nomenclature (CG) July 1998 V7.2
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NAME: DEC_ADMN PURPOSE: Function to decode the PHT-IA administration name returning a string. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: decstr = DEC_ADMN(Admn, decstr_sh=decstr_sh) INPUTS: Admn : An administration name as in pht###.admn OUTPUTS: Decstr: A string containing the decoded explanation KEYWORDS: Decstr_sh: A short version of the string PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/SAI) September 1997 V6.5 Returning same string if no correspondence with expectations (CG) October 1997 V6.6 Adding concatenation info (CG) July 1998 V7.2
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NAME: DEFAULT_RESPONSE PURPOSE: Calculate the expected default responsivity according to the orbital position CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: res = DEFAULT_RESPONSE(tmpdata) INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: temp structure corresponding to SRD or SCP level OUTPUT PARAMETERS: res: array of responsivities corresponding to each element in tmpdata.tkey KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NEWHEADER: a changed header of the measurement PRO_AOT: if set, central AOT position is taken for orbital position. Default is per measurement MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1998 Version 7.0 Bug for Resp pro AOT caused by dimensions fixed (CG) September 1999 V8.1
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NAME: DEG2GNO PURPOSE: DEG2GNO converts RA and DEC given in degrees into pixel indices I_RA and I_DEC in a gnonomic projection, assuming a projection center [RA0, DEC0]. Optionally, you can choose I_RA and I_DEC returned as floats. Pixel [0,0] is assumed to be in the lower left corner. CATEGORY: Astronomy. CALLING SEQUENCE: DEG2GNO, RA, DEC, RA0, DEC0, SCALE, N_RA, N_DEC, I_RA, I_DEC $ [, FLOAT = FLOAT ] INPUTS: RA: Float scalar or array; specifying the right ascension(s) [degrees]. DEC: Float scalar or array; specifying the declination(s) [degrees]. RA0: Float scalar; specifying the projection center's right acsension [degrees]. DEC0: Float scalar; specifying the projection center's declination [degrees]. SCALE: Float scalar; specifying the number of pixels per degree. [degrees^-1]. N_RA: Int scalar; specifying the number of pixels in RA-direction. N_DEC: Int scalar; specifying the number of pixels in DEC-direction. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: FLOAT: If specified, I_RA and I_DEC are returned as floats. OUTPUTS: I_RA: Int scalar or array; containing the index/indices of the specified position(s) in RA-direction. I_DEC: Int scalar or array; containing the index/indices of the specified position(s) in DEC-direction. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: created by: Stefan Bogun MPIA Heidelberg March, 1995
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NAME: DEGLITCH PURPOSE: This procedure flags 'bad' ramps - those that are a specified distance away from their neighbours. The ramps should be part of the same chopper position. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DEGLITCH, Slope, Error, Accept INPUTS: Slope: Array of ramp slopes within one chopper position Error: Error associated with each slope OUTPUTS: Accept: Array of flags corresponding to each slope 0: Accept 1: Not Accept COMMON BLOCKS: deglitch_param PROCEDURE: Take a local distribution and flag all points a certain number of standard deviations from the median. Advance the local distribution. Reject all points that have been flagged a set number of times. PROCEDURES USED None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris (adapted from Steve Guest's Fortran) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Use for calculating the standard deviation all but the most away point (CG) December 1995 Problem derived from last change fixed December 1995 Change taken away to have exactly same algorithm as OLP Feb 97 V6.1
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NAME: DEGLITCH2 PURPOSE: Look for positive jumps in a ramp of a measurement returning the ramp with jumps removed CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DEGLITCH2, xin, yin, ydegl, FSIG=FSIG, ITER=ITER, MINP=MINP INPUTS: xin : Array containing an x axis (e.g. time, position, etc) Yin : Array containing a ramp of read-outs KEYWORDS: FSIG : Sigmas' threshold for determining a jump ITER : Number of iterations MINP : Minimum of points for applying the algorithm OUTPUTS: Ydegl : Array containing the corrected y COMMON BLOCKS: degl_string RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 (based partially on a routine by J.Acosta, IAC) Modified (last) by CG: Normalization fixed (CG) February 1997 Version 6.1 Position within ramp info added to degltext (CG) Januuary 1998 V6.6
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NAME: DEGLITCH_ALL PURPOSE: This routine takes an array of ramps, and flags those which appear to be glitches in the data. Chopper plateaux are taken into account. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DEGLITCH_ALL, Slope, Step, RPID, Error, Sgdisc, Accept, [/SLICE_CHOPP], $ [,/NOSLICE_RASTER] INPUTS: Slope: Array of ramp slopes Step: Array of chopper steps (1-n) RPID: 2 BYTE-array of Raster Points ID Error: Error associated with each ramp SGDISC: Acceptance flag array (0=acc, all others discarded) OUTPUTS: Accept: Array of flags corresponding to each slope 0: Accept 1: Not Accept KEYWORDS: slice_chopp: if set then perform deglitch on individual chopper plateau. By default all chopper plateaus of the same step are used. RESTRICTIONS: The input arrays must be of the same dimension PROCEDURE: The ramps are separated into chopper/raster steps, then each step is deglitched separately using only the accepted points. PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: deglitch MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by JA November 96 V5.4 File header changes (CG) February 1998 V7.0
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NAME: DEGLITCH_BASIC PURPOSE: Look for positive jumps in a ramp of a measurement returning the ramp with jumps removed CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DEGLITCH_BASIC, xin, yin, ydegl, FSIG=FSIG, ITER=ITER, MINP=MINP INPUTS: xin : Array containing an x axis (e.g. time, position, etc) Yin : Array containing a ramp of read-outs KEYWORDS: FSIG : Sigmas' threshold for determining a jump ITER : Number of iterations MINP : Minimum of points for applying the algorithm OUTPUTS: Ydegl : Array containing the corrected y COMMON BLOCKS: degl_string RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Original routine "" Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 (based partially on a routine by J.Acosta, IAC) Modified (last) by CG: Normalization fixed (CG) February 1997 Version 6.1 Position within ramp info added to degltext (CG) Januuary 1998 V6.6 Renamed to deglitch_basic after simplification by Jose Acosta (IAC) May 1999 V7.4 Preventing for a case with all differences equal (CG) July 1999 V8.0
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NAME: DEGLITCH_CHANGE PURPOSE: Event handler for Deglitch_Change CATEGORY: PIA - graphics MODIFICATION HISTORY Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Deglitching taking into account RPID! (CG) June 1996 Discarded signals are not considered for deglitching, added input another argument (JA) March 1997 No upper limit for local distribution (CG) June 1997 V6.3 Shows in red former discarded points, in blue new ones (CG) January 1998 V6.6 Use of /modal as prescribed for IDL >=5.0 (CG) January 1999 V7.3
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NAME: DEGLITCH_CHANGE PURPOSE: Allows the user to interactively alter the deglitching parameters CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: DEGLITCH_CHANGE, Time, Slope, Chopstep, RPID, Error, Sgdisc, Accept INPUTS: Time : Array of input times (corresponding to slope) Slope : Array of input slopes Chopstep: Corresponding array of chopper steps RPID : Corresponding array (2 BYTE-Arr) of Raster Points ID Error : Corresponding array of slope errors Sgdisc : Corresponding array with discarded signals OUTPUTS: Accept : Array of the status of each slope: 0 - Accept 1 - Reject COMMON BLOCKS: deglitch_param SIDE EFFECTS: Values in the deglitch_param common block are altered. PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Acknowledge pia_plot pia_xplot INTERNAL: deglitch_change_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Accept & quit implemented (CG) December 1995 Time = input parameter -> time x-axis (CG) January 1996
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NAME: DEGLITCH_PARAM PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block DEGLITCH_PARAM for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @deglitch_param This file stores the parameters for the deglitching routine: Min_Deglitch: Minimum number of slopes required to perform the filtering algorithm Max_Error: Maximum error before a point is flagged Max_Iter: Maximum number of iterations to perform Num_Bad: Number of times a pixel has to be flagged before it is rejected Num_Local: Number of slopes in the local distribution Num_Sigma: Number of sigmas from the median a slope must be to be flagged. Num_Step: Number of points to step Per_Chop: Set for deglitch per chopper plateaux Degl_Clip: If not equal 0, maximum/minimum clipping is used for determining sigma CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Extended by CG November 1996 V5.x
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NAME: DEGLITCH_PARAM_INIT PURPOSE: Initialise the deglitch_param common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE DEGLITCH_PARAM_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: deglitch_param SIDE EFFECTS: The values of the deglitch_param common block are initialised PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by CG November 1996 V5.x Max/Min clipping set as default (CG) Aug. 1999 V8.0
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NAME: DEGL_RAMPS PURPOSE: Deglitch ramps of a measurement returning the corrected ramps CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DEGL_RAMPS, XALL, YALL, ERD_DISC, RAMPEND, DEGLFLAG, DEGLINFO INPUTS: Xall : Array containing the independent variable [t] (same size) Yall : Array containing values of read-outs from a measurement [V] Erd_disc: Array containing flags (0=to be used, 1=not to be used) Rampend : Array containing the end of integration ramps (before ramp splitting) Tint : On chip integration time applied in the measurement OUTPUTS: Degflag : Array containing flags (0=undisturbed signal, 5=glitch) RESTRICTIONS: Yall, Xall, ERD_DISC must have the same number of elements PROCEDURES USED: PIA source: deglitch_basic COMMON BLOCKS: degl_ramps_cmn MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 Modifications by I.Heinrichsen (MPIK) and CG Version 5.0 August 1996 Flag coding included and use of rampend (JAcosta) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: DEGL_RAMPS_INIT PURPOSE: Deglitch ramps common initializer CATEGORY: PIA - initializing CALLING SEQUENCE: DEGL_RAMPS_INIT INPUTS: (none) OUTPUTS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: degl_ramps_cmn MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996
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NAME: DELCHR PURPOSE: Delete all occurrences of a character from a text string. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: new = delchr(old, char) INPUTS: old = original text string. in char = character to delete. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: new = resulting string. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner. 5 Jul, 1988. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. RES 11 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. R. Sterner, 27 Jan, 1993 --- dropped reference to array. Copyright (C) 1988, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
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NAME: DER_SCPHDR PURPOSE: Derive a SCP Header file, adding to the SRD header (SRDHDR) keywords indicating signal selection criteriae for SCP derivation. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DER_SCPHDR, Srdhdr, Scphdr INPUTS: Srdhdr : SRD-header OUTPUTS: Scphdr : SCP-header COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Modified by: Wai-Ming Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5 Comment changed to indicate SCP level (CG) March 1996
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NAME: DER_SHDR PURPOSE: Derive a SRD Header file, adding to the ERD header (ERDHDR) keywords indicating read-out selection criteriae for SRD derivation. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DER_SHDR, Erdhdr, Srdhdr INPUTS: Erdhdr : ERD-header Ndeg : Degree of the polynomial used to perform ramp fitting OUTPUTS: Srdhdr : SRD-header COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Modification history: ERD keywords taken out (CG) - December 1996 V5.5 Ramp subdivision info added (CG) March 1997 V6.2 Bug for first NDR acc fixed (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Bug on type caused by new comment lines in ERD original files fixed (CG) September 1999 V8.0
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NAME: DER_SPDHDR PURPOSE: Derive a SPD Header file, adding to the SCP header (SCPHDR) keywords indicating signal selection criteriae for SPD derivation. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DER_SPDHDR, Scphdr, Spdhdr INPUTS: Scphdr : SCP-header KEYWORD PARAMETERS: USRMSG : Set this for a user message OUTPUTS: Spdhdr : SPD-header COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Comment changed indicating SPD level (CG) March 1996
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NAME: DET_CALFILE PURPOSE: Determines which Calibration File has to be used according to the measurement time CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: det_calfile, orig_name, meas_time, tmp_name, error=error INPUT PARAMETERS: orig_name: The original calibration filename without extension meas_time: The measurement time for which calibration numbers are needed OUTPUT PARAMETERS: tmp_name: The actual calibration file to be used RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: date_conv fxbopen fxbread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA-SAI September 96
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NAME: DIE_TRANS_INIT PURPOSE: To put the relevant parameters for CRE conversion into the common block phtdietrans CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: DIE_TRANS_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: phtdietrans PROCEDURE: The calibration G files PDIE1TRANS and PDIE2TRANS are used together with the compact status to put 4 of the 5 parameters needed for the CRE conversion into the common PHTDIETRANS. This way simplifies applying different numbers for converting, then just the common has to be changed. PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: fxbopen fxbread fxbclose boost_array MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: DO_CORR_RESETINT PURPOSE: Perform the reset interval correction for a measurement, at SRD or SCP level. CATEGORY: Signal corrections CALLING SEQUENCE: DO_CORR_RESETINT, tmpdata, newheader, SCP= scp, INFO= info INPUTS: tmpdata: Temporary data structure at SRD or SCP level KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SCP: If set then the measurement is INFO: A text containing info about the success or not of the correction COMMON BLOCKS: RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid element of PHTSRD/PHTSCP temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: give_cs corr_reset_int ASTRO LIB: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (ISO Soc) November 1997 V6.6 Systematic unc. not propagated but into hdr (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Writing [-1.,-1.] for undefined uncertainties (CG) and avoiding division by 0. July 1998 V7.2 Changed according to bitflag system (CG) V7.4
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NAME: DO_DEGLITCH PURPOSE: Apply deglitching procedure to a phtsrd structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: DO_DEGLITCH, Tmpdata, Tmphdr, sig_disc, Degl_acc [,/ENCODE_FLAG] $ [,GROUP=group] INPUTS: Tmpdata: A PHTsrd temporary structure Sig_disc: Array with discarding flags Tmphdr: The temporary header OUTPUTS: Tmphdr: The updated temporary header Degl_acc: A 2-dim index array of deglitched signals COMMON BLOCKS: deglitch_param RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a temporary PHT SRD structure PROCEDURES CALLED: PIA LIB: deglitch_param_init deglitch_all Astrolib: FXADDPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Not initializing the deglitch_param common if already existent (CG) December 1995 Call to deglitch_all including RPID Sig_disc array included as input to avoid discarded signals (JA) March 1997 Use of FXADDPAR (CG) July 1997 V6.4 tmpdata.flag is not modified, degl. flag is in degl_acc (JA) February 1998 V7.1
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NAME: ERD_INIT PURPOSE: Re-Initializes the structure PHTERD defining the contents as a template structure PHTERD_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole ERD structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: ERD_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer COMMON BLOCKS: phterd PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel use erd_first_handle and erd_last_handle (WMT) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Keyword index for clearing set of records added (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: EXTR_NUM PURPOSE: Extract numerical part from string. The function facilitates if float or exponential numbers are hidden within names and the exact position is not known. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: EXTR_NUM(string) INPUT: string: (string) any string KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUT: function: (string) containing the first contiguous numerical expression, icluding + and - signs and characters 'E' and 'D' in both, upper- and lowercase. COMMON BLOCKS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: IS_NUM() EXAMPLE: IDL> print, extr_num('P_3.29') 3.29 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Bernhard Schulz 21/03/97 first version BS
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NAME: FCSPOW_STR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the structures corresponding to the FCS Power Tables CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: FCSPOW_STR_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Structure changed CG October 1995 Structure extension CG December 1995 Structure extension (TDTNR & PSF_COR) JAcosta (June 1996)
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NAME: FCSPRE_STR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the structures corresponding to the FCS Pre-reduced Signal Table CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: FCSPRE_STR_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Carlos Gabriel October 1995 TDTnr now a string (CG) June 1996
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NAME: FCS_BUFFER_VIEW PURPOSE: View the FCS POWER data array which is either a CALG array or just a data array similar to the CALG array format. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: FCS_BUFFER_VIEW, Buffer, Detector, First_column, Fcsa, Trsa, Filters, PREFIX=PREFIX INPUTS: Buffer : A 45 x (detectors filters) x 2 x 2 array of float Detector: character string of 'P1', 'P2', 'P3, 'C100' and 'C200' First_Column: FCS Power table, float array of 45 elements Fcsa : an integer value of either 0 or 1 Trsa : an integer value of either 0 or 1 Filters : a string array of filters' name OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: Prefix: a character string for the display window title prefix PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Min Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: FCS_POW_CONV PURPOSE: Function to convert fcs powers to physical units (mW) CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FCS_POW_CONV, Raw_fcs INPUTS: Raw_fcs : The raw fcs power value as extracted from telemetry OUTPUT: Returns the FCS power converted to physical units (mW) PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: FFMAP PURPOSE: Compute flat fielding parameters of C100, C200 maps CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FFMAP, gridsize, ndist, x_coord, y_coord, dwel_xpd, bright, uncert, $ flag, ff, ERROR=ERROR, p_map_expose=p_map_expose INPUTS: GRIDSIZE The map gridsize [FLTARR(2)] NDIST Distance of map pixel centre to detector pixel centre in units of map pixel dimensions [FLTARR(2)] X_COORD Map x-coordinates of input data as calculated by PIA_MAPSET [FLTARR(npixels,n)] Y_COORD Map y-coordinates of input data as calculated by PIA_MAPSET DWEL_XPD Dwell time over detector area [FLTARR(npixels,n)] BRIGHT Brightness density array [FLTARR(npixels,n)] UNCERT Brightnes density uncertainty array [FLTARR(npixels,n)] FLAG Flag array [FLTARR(npixels,n)] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output arguments are not correct OUTPUTS: FF The flat field correction factors normalized to the average of used pixels MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA-SAI March 1996 Modified by CG V5.x - November 96
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NAME: FFMAP_SIMPLE PURPOSE: Compute flat fielding parameters of C100, C200 maps assuming perfect P32-AOT performance (no use of astronomical coordinates) CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FFMAP_SIMPLE, dim, y_low, z_low, cover, dwel, ratio, $ bright, uncert, flag, ff, ERROR=ERROR INPUTS: DIM The map gridsize [FLTARR(2)] Y_LOW First map pixel (in Y-direction) covered by detector pixel [FLTARR(npixels,n)] Z_LOW First map pixel (in Z-direction) covered by detector pixel [FLTARR(npixels,n)] COVER Number of grid points covered by one detector pixel DWEL Dwell time [FLTARR(npixels,n)] RATIO Ratio of map pixel over detector pixel area BRIGHT Brightness density array [FLTARR(npixels,n)] UNCERT Brightnes density uncertainty array [FLTARR(npixels,n)] FLAG Flag array [FLTARR(npixels,n)] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output arguments are not correct OUTPUTS: FF The flat field correction factors normalized to the average of the pixels used MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA-SAI March 1996 Modified by CG (last: November 1996) V5.x
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NAME: FF_BCK PURPOSE: Flat fielding using a map background given by flagged points. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: ff_BCK, mnbr, ff_bright, FLAG=flag, FF=ff, error=error INPUT: mnbr: the original brightness array OUTPUT: ff_bright: the flatfielded array INPUT KEYWORDS: FLAG: the array (same size as mnbr) with 1 for selected points OUTPUT KEYWORDS: FF: the calculated flat field factors ERROR: 0=OK, 1=failed COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1997 Version 6.5
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NAME: FF_MED_SMOOTH PURPOSE: Median filtering and smoothing routine for map background. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: ff_med_smooth, mnbr, ff_bright, FLAG=flag, FF=ff, $ MED_WIDTH=MED_WIDTH, SMOOTH_WIDTH=SMOOTH_WIDTH, NO_FF=NO_FF COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) September 1997 Version 6.5
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NAME: FILL_AAP PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTAAP CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_AAP, tmp, newheader, REPLACE=replace INPUT: tmp : AAP like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: newheader: Modified header REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTAAP position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phtaap like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtaap MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996 central wavelength added (WMT) Nov 1996 Newheader as optional input (JAcosta) Apr 1997 Check for "old" aap type and corresponding new computing of CWVL (CG) Oct 97 V6.5
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NAME: FILL_ERD PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTERD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_ERD, tmp [,newheader] [,REPLACE=replace] INPUT: tmp : ERD like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: newheader: New header to be change into the structure KEYWORD: REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTERD position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phterd like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phterd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996 newheader optional input added (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Keyword FLAG added to the structure (CG) Nov 1997 V6.6
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NAME: FILL_SCP PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTSCP CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_SCP, tmp, newheader, REPLACE=replace INPUT: tmp : SCP like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTSCP position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phtscp like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996 Modified by: J. Acosta September 96 V5.0 (Sept.96)
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NAME: FILL_SPD PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTSPD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_SPD, tmp [,newheader] [,REPLACE=replace] INPUT: tmp : SPD like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: newheader: New header to be change into the structure KEYWORD: REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTSPD position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phtspd like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtspd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996
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NAME: FILL_SRD PURPOSE: FILLS a temporary structure into the dynamical structure PHTSRD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: FILL_SRD, tmp [,newheader] [,REPLACE=replace] INPUT: tmp : SRD like temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: newheader: New header to be change into the structure KEYWORD: REPLACE : IF set (different to 0) put structure into this PHTSRD position RESTRICTIONS: tmp must be a valid phtsrd like temporary structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtsrd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996 Modified by: J. Acosta September 96 V5.0 (Sept.96)
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NAME: FILT_NO PURPOSE: Determine filter sequence number. This number is defined first by the sequence of the detector subsystem in the order: P1, P2, P3, C100, C200, and second by the sequence of rising nominal central wavelengths of the filters used. The numbers are assigned only for practically used filterpositions, e.g. backup filters etc. are left out. The filter name can be any string that has been used so far to unambiguous distinguish the filter. The 90micron backup filter is not recognised and will be taken as 90micron standard filter. The first character must be either 'P' or 'C', regardless of case! CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FILT_NO(filter) INPUT: filter: (string) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUT: function: (integer) filter number as described above COMMON BLOCKS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: EXTR_NUM EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Bernhard Schulz 25/10/96 first version B. Schulz 19/01/99 bugfix in 2. num. part B. Schulz
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NAME: FIND_PARAM PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block FIND_PARAM for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @find_param This file stores the parameters for the deglitching routine: CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichson Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: FIND_PARAM_INIT PURPOSE: Initialise the find_param common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: FIND_PARAM_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: find param PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: ? Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: FIT_FUNCTION PURPOSE: Interface routine between measurement, signal drift parameters and fitting routine CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FIT_Function, xx, yy, yyerr, yyflag, drift_par, step=STEP, $ RASTERSTEP = rasterstep INPUT: xx: The independent variable yy: The dependant variable yyerr: Uncertainty array of yy yyflag: Flag array corresponding to yy KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Step: Chopper step (not set for non chopped measurements) WEIGHT: indicate which weighting system is used among the following possibilities: sigma = 1/sigma^2 (DEFAULT) none = 1 time = exp((t-t_zero)/512.) signal = 1/abs(signal) OUTPUT: drift_par: A PIA_drift_par likely structure, containing e.g. the fitted parameters, sigmas, etc COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA lib: pia_curfit MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) August 1996 New way to estimate the weights of points for the fit. A normalization based on stdev of the difference between consecutive signals J. Acosta January 1997 Version 5.0 - Aug.96 Bug in the flag treatment for chopped meas., + change call of get_nchoppsweep - JAcosta, Aug 1997
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NAME: FIT_RAMPS PURPOSE: Fit a polynomial to the voltage ramps of a measurement returning the slopes, their uncertainties and the fitted lines. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FIT_RAMPS, Xall, Yall, Ndeg, Rampend, Ylin, Yslop, Yslopr, $ Yflag, Ytime, Yresi, Ynros INPUTS: Yall : Array containing values of read-outs from a measurement [V] Xall : Array containing the independent variable [t] (same size) Ndeg : Polynomial degree OUTPUTS: Ylin : Array containing the fitted lines Yslop : Array of found slopes Yslopr : Array of uncertainties in slopes Yflag : Array of flags (0:ok; 1:2 read-outs used; 2:bad) Ytime : Slopes times Yresi : Array with effective reset intervals used Ynros : Array with effective number of read-outs used RESTRICTIONS: Yall, Xall, Dr and Tint must have the same number of elements PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Modified (last) by CG: October 1996 V5.x Flagging with 1 pseudo_ramps with less than !subd_ramp/2. to avoid problems with too small uncertainties Bug fixed: start time of pseudo-ramp was shifted one read-out (CG) V6.3 Bug fixed: double use of indices (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Use of glitched flagged elements (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Upgrade (larger efficiency) by Jose Acosta (IAC) using bitflag system May 1999 Data reduction info added (CG) May 1999 Mask bug by all points valid fixed (CG) June 1999 V7.4
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NAME: FIX_TKEY PURPOSE: Fix the PHT instrument time key eliminating the effects caused by the virus (probably der_ERD) affecting the key every 2 seconds CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FIX_TKEY, Tkey, Tkeyfix INPUTS: Tkey : Original tkey OUTPUTS: Tkeyfix : Fixed tkey PROCEDURES CALLED: ASTRO LIB: nint MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: FLUX PURPOSE: Converts input Power to Flux Density or Surface Brightness CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FLUX, Power, Detector, Filter, Aperture, Type, Out INPUTS: Power : Doubleprecision array of Power in W Detector : Subsystem - 'P', 'C1', 'C2', 'SS', 'SL' Filter : Filter number } as Aperture : Aperture or pixel number } follows: PHT-P : Filter number (1-14), aperture number (1-14) PHT-C1: Filter number (1-8), pixel number (1-9) PHT-C2: Filter number (9-14), pixel number (1-4) PHT-SS:, Pixel number (1-64) PHT-SL: , Pixel number (1-64) Type: Conversion type 0: Power -> Flux Density 1: Power -> Surface Brightness OUTPUTS: Out: Doubleprecision array, units depending on the conversion type COMMON BLOCKS: aperture_info pht_s phtapertures phtppsf RESTRICTIONS: For PHT-P, C, the aperture_info common block must be initialised first For PHT-S, the pht-s common block must be initialised first PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: flux_PC flux_S aperture_info_init aperture_size_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 According to new flux_s routine (CG) April 1996 phtapertures not further use (CG) February 1998 V7.0
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NAME: Flux_PC PURPOSE: Converts input Power into Flux Density or Surface Brightness for PHT-P and PHT-C CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FLUX_PC, Power, Detector, Filter, Aperture, Type, Out INPUTS: Power : Doubleprecision two-dim array of Power [pixel,npoints] (in W) Detector : 'P', 'C1', 'C2' Filter : Filter number Aperture : PHT-P aperture, or PHT-C pixel number Type: Conversion type 0: Power -> Flux Density 1: Power -> Surface Brightness OUTPUTS: Out: Doubleprecision 2dim-array (as Power), units depending on the conversion type COMMON BLOCKS: phtppsf phtw2jy RESTRICTIONS: The aperture common block must be initialised first PROCEDURES USED: None Modification History: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version 3.5 Derivation changed, calibration numbers taken from phtw2jy common containing the C1 factors, telescope_area multiplication taken out for Jy -> MJy/sr (CG) March 1996 C100/C200 are not PSF corrected pixelwise now (CG) January 1997 V6.0 Common aperture_info deleted, psf info by phtppsf, filter and apert./pixel dependant omega used for surface brightness calculation (CG) January 1998 V7.0
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NAME: Flux_S PURPOSE: Extracts the flux and surface brightness for PHT-S CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FLUX_S, Power, Detector, Type, Out INPUTS: Power: Doubleprecision array of input Power in W Detector: Either 'SS' or 'SL' Type: Conversion type 0: Power -> Flux Density 1: Power -> Surface Brightness OUTPUTS: Out: Doubleprecision array of either Flux Density F_nu in Jy or F_lambda in W/m^2/micron COMMON BLOCKS: pht_s PROCEDURES_USED: pht_s_init MODIFICATION_HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version 3.5 Changed for new derivation: use of W2jy_s and W2Mjy_s (CG) March 1996 Bug for rasters fixed, input pixel taken out (CG) April 1996
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NAME: FPGC_MANAGER PURPOSE: Menu for FPGC file selection and analysis. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: FPGC_MANAGER INPUTS: none OUTPUTS: none PROCEDURES CALLED: PIA LIB: anal_fpgc pia_disp_print_table MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: FPG_CROSS PURPOSE: Analyse Focal Plane Geometry Cross Scans CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: FPG_CROSS, Iscpfile, Fpgcfile, Centre INPUTS: Iscpfile: name of ISCP product file, containing cross scan data Fpgcfile: name of Focal Plane Geometry Calibration File, related to cross scan KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SCAN Defines whether to use Y or Z coordinate from FPGC file 'Y': use Y coordinate 'Z': use Z coordinate if not specified default is use Y coordinate INTER Decides, whether s/w shall run in: 'Y' = interactive mode 'N' = automatic mode defualt is 'N' PIXEL decide which PHT-S pixel shall be analysed default=1 ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid OUTPUTS: Centre: coordinate of scan centre, in FPGC coordinates COMMON BLOCKS: phtscp PROCEDURES CALLED: PIA LIB: read_fpgc read_ispd pia_xplot multi_fit MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Call to pia_multi_fit using weights and flags (CG) October 1995
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Project : SOHO - CDS Name : FXBINTABLE Purpose : Common block FXBINTABLE used by "FXB" routines. Explanation : This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block FXBINTABLE for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @fxbintable FXBINTABLE contains the following arrays: LUN = An array of logical unit numbers of currently (or previously) opened binary table files. STATE = Array containing the state of the FITS files associated with the logical unit numbers, where 0=closed, 1=open for read, and 2=open for write. HEAD = FITS binary table headers. MHEADER = Array containing the positions of the first data byte of the header for each file referenced by array LUN. NHEADER = Array containing the positions of the first data byte after the header for each file referenced by array LUN. NAXIS1 = Values of NAXIS1 from the binary table headers. NAXIS2 = Values of NAXIS2 from the binary table headers. TFIELDS = Values of TFIELDS from the binary table headers. HEAP = The start of the first byte of the heap area for variable length arrays. DHEAP = The start of the first byte of the next variable length array, if writing. BYTOFF = Byte offset from the beginning of the row for each column in the binary table headers. TTYPE = Values of TTYPE for each column in the binary table headers. FORMAT = Character code formats of the various columns. IDLTYPE = IDL type code for each column in the binary table headers. N_ELEM = Number of elements for each column in the binary table headers. TSCAL = Scale factors for the individual columns. TZERO = Zero offsets for the individual columns. MAXVAL = For variable length arrays, contains the maximum number of elements for each column in the binary table headers. N_DIMS = Number of dimensions, and array of dimensions for each column of type string in the binary table headers. Category : Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. Prev. Hist. : William Thompson, Feb 1992. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, February 1992. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 April 1993. Incorporated into CDS library. Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 July 1993. Added DHEAP variable to fix bug with variable length arrays. Version : Version 2, 21 July 1993.
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NAME: GENCHO PURPOSE: Definition of the common block GENCHO for inclusion into other routines. By defining The common block GENCHO contains different flags for driving automatic processing. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @gencho COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: gen_(several parameters driving the processing) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE Superseded by gen_choices OBSOLETE
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NAME: GEN_AAP PURPOSE: Fills in DECP and RAP fields of PHTIAAP structure which contains the central RA and DEC position for every point in the AAP, including chopper deflections and detector pixel offsets. This makes the data more transparent and mapping easier. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GEN_AAP, phtiaap INPUTS: PHTIAAP The AAP structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: PHTIAAP The AAP structure with correct DECP and RAP COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): Astronomical Library: FXPAR FUNCTIONS USED: pixel_det (function) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Min Hur, IPAC/Caltech Jan 2000 Bug for staring case fixed (CG) Mar 2000 V8.2
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NAME: GEN_CHOICES PURPOSE: Definition of the common GEN_CHOICES for inclusion into other routines. By defining The common block GEN_CHOICES contains values for driving automatic processing. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @gen_choices COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: gen_(several structures / parameters driving the processing) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/VILSPA-SAI) April 1997 Extension: gen_process (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: GEN_CHOICES_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the COMMON block GEN_CHOICE used for automatic / batch processing. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @gen_choices_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) April 1997 V6.2 Extensions: reset interval & vignetting corrections + rpid->0b + gen_process ->drft,splitrp (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3 Resp choices now for single and double options (CG) July 1997 V6.4 Pair deglitching (ERD), chopper frequency dependance and selection for correction menues added (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Siglin added (CG) January 1999 V7.3 Pattern added (CG) March 1999 Siglin on SCP added (CG) June 1999 V7.4 Change default ERD deglitch to 2-Thr. (CG) July 1999 V8.0 PHT-S chopped dynamic calibration added (CG) September 1999 V8.1 PHT-S pointing correction added (CG) December 1999 V8.2
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NAME: GEN_PAP PURPOSE: Creates a PHTIAAP 2000 structure using the PHTIAAP of last millenium. Contains empty arrays for the central RA and DEC position for every point in the AAP, including chopper deflections and detector pixel offsets. This makes the data more transparent and mapping easier. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GEN_PAP, phtiaap, phtipap INPUTS: PHTIAAP The old AAP structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: PHTIPAP The resulting PHTIPAP = AAP2000 COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): Astronomical Library: FXPAR FUNCTIONS USED: pixel_det (function) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Min Hur, IPAC/Caltech Jan 2000
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NAME: GETSAVE PURPOSE: Initialises the phtaap common block with values in the tmparr structure. CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: GETSAVE INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_mktrans pia_xy2rd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: ? Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: GET_ACCVOLT PURPOSE: Get a flag array corresponding to the read-outs which are discarded due to saturation CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_ACCVOLT, Tmpdata, volt_disc INPUTS: Tmpdata: A PHT-ERD temporary structure OUTPUTS: volt_disc: A flag array (same dimensions as phterd.conp) with flag=1 for all discarded signals KEYWORDS: ENCODE_FLAG: when select tmpdata.flag is changed accordingly to flag encodding COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc phtselndr PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_BOUNDARIES PURPOSE: Check an idb array for the boundaries of the ANA and STS part CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_BOUNDARIES, Idb, Idb_f_bounds INPUTS: Idb :database array OUTPUTS: Idb_f_bound: 0: begin status 1: end status 2: begin analog 3: end analog PROCEDURE: Idb has to be sorted, first coming all the status and then the analog data. get_boundaries searches only for the first ANA entry PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: GET_CC.PRO PURPOSE: Provide colour correction factor depending on filter and spectral type for a black-body spectrum of a given temperature or a power-law spectrum. Linear interpolation of CC table is performed for a given temperature. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_CC, filter, type, parameter, cc_val INPUTS: filter : string containing filter name as defined in COMMON block phtfilter type : 'bb' for Black-body 'power' for Power-law 'mbbnu1' for modified BB with emissivity proportinal nu^1 'mbbnu2' for modified BB with emissivity proportinal nu^2 parameter: Temperature; if type='bb', 'mbbnu1' or 'mbbnu2' Power-law index; if type='power' OUTPUTS: cc_val : colour correction factor KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR : returns an error condition: 0 = no error 1 = could not successfully read the necessary table ASCII : if set read ASCII file, otherwise read FITS file PROCEDURES USED: Internal: read_ccbb MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen, MPIK/Heidelberg, Mai 1997 V6.3 IH, changed format of cc_bb.txt added modified BBs V6.4 IH, read FITS files added V6.6 Different names for CALG (without _ and numbers) added (CG) Apr 98 V7.1 Using also -1. as invalid temperature (CG) Dec. 99 V8.2
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NAME: GET_CHOPSTEPS PURPOSE: Get a step array corresponding to the different chopper positions CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_CHOPSTEPS, Cpos, Step INPUTS: Cpos: An array containing different chopper positions OUTPUTS: Step: An array (same dimensions as cpos) with position steps PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: GET_CONVWH PURPOSE: Get the converted wheels positions, chopper mode and amplitude corresponding to tmpdata from the Compact Status structure. CATEGORY PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_CONVWH, Measname, Wheels, Chmod, Champ INPUTS: Measname: A PHT measurement name (admn) OUTPUTS: Wheels: A 3 string array containing the converted wheel positions Chmod: The chopper mode Champ: The chopper amplitude COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs RESTRICTIONS: Measname must correspond to an ISOPHOT measurement. The corresponding Compact Status informations must be contained whether in a FITS file or in the phtcs dynamical structure PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: conv_cs read_cs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel - ESA-SAI Oct 95 Version 3.5 Version 5.0
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NAME: GET_COORDINATES PURPOSE: Read a PHT IRPH file filling the coordinates data into the SPD temporary structure given as input CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: get_coordinates, admn, rpid, ra, dec, roll INPUT: admn : Identification of a valid measurement (12 character string). rpid : Raster point Id for the same measurement (BYTARR[2,npts]) OUTPUT: ra : Right Ascension (FLTARR[npts]) dec: Declination (FLTARR[npts]) roll: Roll Angle (FLTARR[npts]) PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtcs PIA Procedure(s): read_irph read_cs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (ISO-Soc/VILSPA) July 1998 V7.x Some text added (CG) March 1999 V7.4 Reading internal PIA IRPH files added (for simulations) September 1999 V8.1
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NAME: GET_DARKCSTR PURPOSE: Returns the dark current structure corresponding to detector CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_DARKCSTR, Det, Darkcstr INPUTS: Det: Detector name. One of: P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, SL OUTPUTS: Darkcstr: the corresponding dark current structure PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Check if the calsave file exists, if not then returns a dummy structure (JAcosta) October 1997
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NAME: GET_DARKCUR PURPOSE: Returns the dark current array corresponding to the detector. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_DARKCUR, Det, Darkcurr INPUTS: Det: Detector name. One of -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, SL OUTPUTS: Darkcurr: the corresponding dark current array COMMON BLOCKS: phtdarkcur PROCEDURE: Use FXPAR to extract the keyword info. PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: GET_FCSPRE_STR PURPOSE: Returns the FCS Pre-reduced Signal Table corresponding to the detector CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_FCSPRE_STR, Det, Fcsprestr INPUTS: Det: Detector name. One of -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2 OUTPUTS: Fcsprestr: the corresponding fcs Pre-Reduced Signal Table PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel October 1995
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NAME: GET_FCSPSTR PURPOSE: Returns the FCS power structure corresponding to the detector CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_FCSPSTR, Det, Fcspstr INPUTS: Det: Detector name. One of -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2 OUTPUTS: Fcspstr: the corresponding fcs power structure PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Typ changed CG October 1995
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NAME: GET_HEADLINE PURPOSE: Define a headline out of a PIA map parameter structure CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: res = GET_HEADLINE(par, n, mm=mm, title=title) INPUTS: par : PIA map parameter structure n : type of map (0:surf.bright., 1:unc., 2:exposure, -1:unknown) OUTPUT KEYWORDS: MM : map method string (eg. "Distance Weighting") TITLE : Default title according to type and datatype of map MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_INBPOWER PURPOSE: Returns the In-band power corresponding to a Source on a given filter, as quoted in the calibration file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_INBPOW, FILENAME, SOURCE_ID, FILTER_ID, INBPOWER INPUT: filename: The file to be searched source_id: Name of the source filter_id: Official filter identifier OUTPUT: inbpower: The in-band power expected PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA-SAI) November 1995
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NAME: GET_NCHOPPSWEEP PURPOSE: Given a sequence of chopper positions will produce an array containing the index where any chopper sweep occurs. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_NCHOPPSWEEP, step, nchopp, ind_sweep, chopstep INPUT PARAMETERS: STEP: OUTPUT: SWEEP_STEP: jump of chopper units CHOPSTEP:sequential index of step: 1111-2222-1111 ...--> 1111-2222-3333 RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): PIA Procedure(s): Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta July 1996 V5.x Change one output argument, chopstep is now sequential change of steps. JAcosta Aug. 1997 Bug corrected using nr_ref JAcosta Nov. 1997 Bug for > 32760 chopper plateaus fixed (CG) Jun. 1998 V7.2
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NAME: GET_OMEGA PURPOSE: This function returns omega values und uncertainties from phtomega CALLING SEQUENCE: res = GET_OMEGA(detector, aperture/pixel, filter) INPUTS: detector: one element out of 'P*', 'C1', 'C2' aperture/pixel: aperture(0-13) for 'P', pixel for C100/C200 (can be array of numbers) filter: 0-13 for P, 0-7 for C100, 0-4 for C200 (can be array of numbers) OUTPUTS: Returns res = FLTARR(aper/pixel, filter, 2) for chosen aper/pixel(s) and filter(s) with res(*,*,0) = values res(*,*,1) = uncertainties RESTRICTIONS: COMMON BLOCKS: phtomega PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) Jan 98 V7.0
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NAME: GET_PHT_HK PURPOSE: This routine needs an specific measurement-name as an input. It then loads the corresponding PSTA and GEHK fits files and extracts the specific data for this measurement. All values, including the time, are converted to strings or to physical values. The converted time is in seconds with t=0s at the start of the PSTA . Output is stored in the phthk common block. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_PHT_HK, Meas_name, Phtcs_redu INPUTS: Meas_name : Name of measurement KEYWORDS: FULL_TDT: IF set, full TDT info is extracted rather than the one corresponding to the measurement OUTPUTS: Phtcs_redu: Structure with the reduced and converted ext. hk COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs phthk PROCEDURE: Use the uk-time for extracting, then convert to seconds. Use conv_hk and conv_cs to convert the rawvalues. PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: read_idb_def read_cs read_phthk conv_hk conv_cs ASTRO LIB: fxbclose fxbopen sxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bug with CS name (fxbopen) fixed (CG) Nov 95
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NAME: GET_RAMPEND PURPOSE: determines the limits of all ramps at ERD level, using DR and taking into account possible telemetry drops. It also works when ramp subdivision is selected. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_RAMPEND, Xall, Dr, Tint, Rampflag, Rampend, Dimsrd, SUB_RAMP =sub_ramp INPUTS: Xall : Array containing the independent variable [t] (same size) Ndeg : Polynomial degree Dr : Read-out status (0 = NDR, 1 = DR) Tint : On chip integration time applied in the measurement OUTPUTS: Rampflag: Array containing a flag specifying the actual end of a ramp. Rampend : Array containing the index where ramps end. Dimsrd : Dimension of SRD KEYWORD INPUT: SUB_RAMP: Specifies the number of sub-ramps DATRED: Data reduction factor RESTRICTIONS: Xall, Dr and Tint must have the same number of elements PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta May 1999 Data reduction keyword added (CG) May 1999 Rampends in the right sequence if time drop and tolerance larger cause of chopper pl. (CG) May 1999 V7.4 Check for avoiding rampends twice (CG) July 1999 V8.0
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NAME: GET_RAMPSPLIT PURPOSE: Given an index containing the end of ramps (ERD level) provides a new index containing the end of subramps after ramp splitting, using an specified number of valid readouts. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: newrampend = get_rampsplit(rampend, NDR_subramp) INPUT PARAMETERS: rampend : Index containing the end of complete ramps NDR_subramp : Number of readouts for each subramp OUTPUT PARAMETERS: newrampend : Index containing the end of subramps KEYWORD INPUT RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: COMMON BLOCKS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (IAC) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_RASTERSTEPS PURPOSE: Get a step array corresponding to the different raster positions CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_RASTERSTEPS, Rpid, Step[, TIME=time, flag] INPUTS: Rpid: A Raster Point ID array (BYTEARR(2,*)) OUTPUTS: Step: An array (same dimensions as RPID(0,*) with position steps KEYWORD INPUT: Time: A time array (same dimensions as RPID(0,*)) necessary for calculating the flag in_rast: Set if in_rast_pos should be calculated OPTIONAL OUTPUT: Flag: An array (same dim as time) flagging with 2 all the elements of every raster point within the first 2 seconds after begin in_rast_pos: An array of positions within the raster point. PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Modified by CG (last: September 1996) Version 5.0 In_rast_pos as output added (CG) October 1997 V6.5 Bug by introducing bitflag system fixed (CG) August 1999 V8.0+
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NAME: GET_RESPONS PURPOSE: Responsivity calculation. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_respons, tmpdata, header INPUTS: tmpdata A temporary SCP structure header The corresponding header KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP The group leader of the widget hirarchy NO_WIDGET To work without widget use - [=1: avg FCS1, =2: medians FCS1] OUTPUTS: header Modified header KEYWORD OUTPUT: out_of_limits If out_of_limits check positive, is set to 1 err_resp If no responsivity can be calculated, return with 1 SIDE EFFECTS: Variables in the common block for actual responsivities are changed RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a temporary PIA SCP structure, corresponding to an FCS measurement METHOD: Use of an FCS measurement and the corresponding calibration tables for the responsivity determination COMMON BLOCKS: respon_cmn local common phtcs compact status dynamical structure phtresdef default responsivities common phtresact actual responsivities common phtfcs FCS calibration tables phtillum FCS illumination matrices common phtcap capacitances common phtoptpow FCS optical power range phtacc actual selection criteria PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): conv_subs cp_disc phtcap_init read_cs read_fcsill read_fcspow read_resp Internal: pia_respons_event Astrolib: fxaddpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (ESA/VILSPA) June 1998 V7.2 ERR_RESP keyword added (CG) November 1998 V7.3 Filter to Filter for P added (CG) July 1999 V7.9
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NAME: GET_RESPSTR PURPOSE: Returns the responsivity structure corresponding to detector from the save file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_RESPSTR, Det, Respstr INPUTS: Det: Detector name. One of -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, SL OUTPUTS: Respstr: The corresponding responsivity structure PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Modified by: Wai-Ming Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: GET_RODISC PURPOSE: Get a flag array corresponding to the read-outs which are discarded according to the actual variables in PHTACC CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_RODISC, Tmpdata, Ro_disc INPUTS: Tmpdata: A PHT-ERD temporary structure OUTPUTS: Ro_disc: A flag array (same dimensions as phterd.conp) with flag=1 for all discarded signals KEYWORDS: ENCODE_FLAG: select if tmpdata.flag is changed with the flag encoded COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc phtselndr PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Last ramp bug fixed (CG) December 1995 allowing for gen criteria and 1st NDR deselected (CG) May 1996 Changed according to bitflag system (CG) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_RPCHOPSTEP PURPOSE: Get the indices of raster position / chopper plateau combination. CATEGORY: PIA - algorithms CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_RPCHOPstep, rastersteps, step, rpchopstep, in_plat_pos INPUT: rastersteps: array with raster indices step: array with chopper step position OUTPUT: rpchopstep: array (same length as input) with consecutive raster-chopper combination. in_plat_pos: array (same length as input) with position within raster-chopper plateau RESTRICTIONS: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: get_nchoppsweep INTERNAL: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC-La Laguna) +cg December 1996 in_plat_pos now normal output (CG) January 1997 Avoiding INDGEN in long loops + loops long initialized (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Bug by raster jump fixed (CG) August 1999 V8.0+
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NAME: GET_RPCHOP_SRD PURPOSE: Get the indexes of a given raster position and chopper plateau. If keyword chopped is set then gives the next chopper plateau CATEGORY: PIA - algorithms CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_RPCHOP_SRD, raststeps, step, irast, istep, indrstchopp [, indrstchopp2] [,/CHOPPED] INPUT: tmpdata: A phtsrd like temporary structure pixel: The pixel number of the data to be used KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CHOPPED: If two contiguous chopper plateau are required RESTRICTIONS: TMPDATA must be a valid PHTSRD temporary structure COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: get_nchoppsweep INTERNAL: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC-La Laguna) September 1996 Bug corrected (J.Acosta) October 1996 Version 5.x - Oct.96
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NAME: GET_SCPDISC PURPOSE: Get a flag array corresponding to the chopper plateaus which are discarded according to the actual variables in the common block phtacc. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_SCPDISC, Tmpdata, Scp-disc INPUTS: Tmpdata: A PHT-SCP temporary structure OUTPUTS: Scp_disc: A flag array (same dimensions as phtscp.aver) with flag=1 for all discarded signals COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc KEYWORD INPUT: Encode_flag: Put info on bitflag system PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bad flagged if tmpdata.FLAG > 1 (CG) January 1996 Bug for individual selection fixed (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Bitflag system change (CG) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_SIGDISC PURPOSE: Get a flag array corresponding to the signals which are discarded according to the actual variables in the common block phtacc. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_SIGDISC, Tmpdata, Sig_disc [,Raststeps, Rpchopstep] INPUTS: Tmpdata: A PHT-SRD temporary structure OUTPUTS: Sig_disc: A flag array (same dimensions as phtsrd.slop) with flag=1 for all discarded signals Raststeps: An array with consecutive raster positions (as output from get_rastersteps) Rpchopstep: An array with consecutive raster-chopper combinations (as output of get_rpchopstep) KEYWORDS: ENCODE_FLAG: select if tmpdata.flag is changed with the flag encoded COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc rp_limits PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bug with last point fixed (CG) December 1995 Long variables for loops (CG) January 1996 Extension for discarding signals per raster point, output extension (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Extension for discarding portions (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Update (JA+CG) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_SPDDISC PURPOSE: Get a flag array corresponding to the chopper plateaux which are discarded according to the actual variables in the common block phtacc. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_SPDDISC, Tmpdata, Spd_disc INPUTS: Tmpdata: A PHT-SPD or PHT-AAP temporary structure OUTPUTS: Spd_disc: A flag array (same dimensions as tmpdata.flag) with flag=1 for all discarded signals COMMON BLOCKS: phtacc KEYWORD INPUT: Encode_flag: Put info on bitflag system PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bad flagged if tmpdata.FLAG > 1 (CG) January 1996 Bug for individual selection fixed (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Extended for being used by AAP also (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Bitflag system change (CG) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_SYSDATE PURPOSE: Return the current date in YYYY-MM-DD format. This is the format required by the DATE keywords in a FITS header (Y2K compliant) CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_SYSDATE, sysdate INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: sysdate = A ten character scalar string specifying the year followed by the current month (1-12) and the current day (eg "1999-03-27") EXAMPLE: Add the current date to the DATE keyword in a FITS header,h IDL> GET_SYSDATE, sysdate IDL> addpar2hdr, h, 'DATE', sysdate REVISION HISTORY: Written by WMT/DIAS Feb 1996 Y2K Compliance (CG) Jun 1999 V7.4
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NAME: GET_WHEELS PURPOSE: Get the wheels positions corresponding to tmpdata from the Compact Status structure. Get also measurement time, number of destructive read-outs per chopper cycle and integration time on the capacitor. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_WHEELS, Measname, Wheels, Meast, Dr, Intt INPUTS: Measname: A PHT measurement name (admn) OUTPUTS: Wheels: A 3 array containing the wheel positions (absolute order) Meast: Measurement time Dr: Number of destructive read-outs Intt: Integration time COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: read_cs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: GGT PURPOSE: This function calculates largest common divisor of two numbers. CATEGORY: General Mathematics CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GGT(N,M) INPUTS: N, M: Two numbers of which the LCD is required OUTPUTS: RESULT: The largest common divisor of N and M. PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley Oct 95 Version 3.5 Avoiding endless loop (CG) December 1995
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NAME: GIVE_CS PURPOSE: Bring back CS data from phtcs and determine corresponding record to tmpdata CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: GIVE_CS, tmpdata, cst, record, [conv_cst,] error=error INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: A valid PHT IA measurement structure (ERD, SRD, ...) OUTPUT: cst: unconverted compact status structure (as under phtcs.handle) record: record corresponding to tmpdata within the CS structure conv_cst: converted compact status structure OUTPUT KEYWORDS: error: 1 if output invalid RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid PHT IA real or dynamical structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtcs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) May 1997 V6.3 Conv_cst added as optional output (CG) July 1997 V6.4 Reading CSfile if not in buffer (CG) June 1999 V7.4 Avoiding crash if CS file had to be read (CG) August 1999 V8.0
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NAME: GLUE_AAP PURPOSE: Concatenate two measurements on AAP level, accomodating the new produced pseudo-measurement into the phtaap buffer CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: GLUE_AAP, aap1, aap2, aapps, mednorm=mednorm, error=error INPUTS: aap1 The first temporary AAP structure aap2 The second temporary AAP structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MEDNORM An array (same dimension as detector pixels in the AAP structures) containing normalization values ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output arguments are not correct OUTPUTS: AAPPS The position within the AAP buffer of the concatenated pseudo-measurement PROCEDURES USED: (none) COMMON BLOCKS: (none) ASSUMPTIONS: AAP1 and AAP2 are aap temporary structures corresponding to the same detector MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-VILSPA SAI) December 1997 V6.6 Including concatenation information on header, & avoiding long measurement names (CG) July 1998 V7.2
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NAME: GNO2DEG PURPOSE: GNO2DEG converts pixel indices I_RA and I_DEC in a gnonomic projection into RA and DEC in degrees assuming a projection center [RA0, DEC0]. Pixel [0,0] is assumed to be in the lower left corner. CATEGORY: Astronomy. CALLING SEQUENCE: GNO2DEG, I_RA, I_DEC, RA0, DEC0, SCALE, N_RA, N_DEC, RA, DEC INPUTS: I_RA: Int/Flt scalar or array; specifying the index/indices of the specified position(s) in RA-direction. I_DEC: Int/Flt scalar or array; specifying the index/indices of the specified position(s) in DEC-direction. RA0: Float scalar; specifying the projection center's right acsension [degrees]. DEC0: Float scalar; specifying the projection center's declination [degrees]. SCALE: Float scalar; specifying the number of pixels per degree. [degrees^-1]. N_RA: Int scalar; specifying the number of pixels in RA-direction. N_DEC: Int scalar; specifying the number of pixels in DEC-direction. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: None. OUTPUTS: RA: Float scalar or array; containing the right ascension(s) [degrees]. DEC: Float scalar or array; containing the declination(s) [degrees]. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: created by: Stefan Bogun MPIA Heidelberg March, 1995
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NAME: GS_LIN PURPOSE: Evaluate the sum of a Gaussian and a 1st-order polynomial and optionally return the value of its partial derivatives. Normally, this function is used by CURVEFIT to fit the sum of a line and a varying background to actual data. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and surface fitting. CALLING SEQUENCE: GS_LIN, X, A, F [, Pder] INPUTS: X: The values of the independent variable. A: The parameters of the equation described in PROCEDURE below. OUTPUTS: F: The value of the function at each X(i). OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Pder: An array of the size (N_ELEMENTS(X),5) that contains the partial derivatives. Pder(i,j) represents the derivative at the i'th point with respect to j'th parameter. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: F = A(0)*EXP(-Z^2/2) + A(3) + A(4)*X Z = (X-A(1))/A(2) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Merluzzi September 1995
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NAME: GS_LIN PURPOSE: Evaluate the sum of a Gaussian and a 1st-order polynomial and optionally return the value of its partial derivatives. Normally, this function is used by CURVEFIT to fit the sum of a line and a varying background to actual data. CATEGORY: E2 - Curve and surface fitting. CALLING SEQUENCE: GS_LIN, X, A, F [, Pder] INPUTS: X: The values of the independent variable. A: The parameters of the equation described in PROCEDURE below. OUTPUTS: F: The value of the function at each X(i). OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Pder: An array of the size (N_ELEMENTS(X),5) that contains the partial derivatives. Pder(i,j) represents the derivative at the i'th point with respect to j'th parameter. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: F = A(0)*EXP(-Z^2/2) + A(3) + A(4)*X Z = (X-A(1))/A(2) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by P. Merluzzi September 1995
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NAME: IA_START PURPOSE: To initialize the Interactive Analysis with the relevant parameters from Calibration G files or elsewhere, which do not change at all or just do it infrequently CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: IA_START INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: adm adm_init colour_indices phtaap phtcla phtcs phtdarkcur phtdietrans phterd phtfilter_prop phtiiph phtscp phtsm phtsmc gencho_sm phtspd phtsrd PROCEDURE: Calibration G files are used eventually together with parameters which are direcly written into this routine and do not change frequently. PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: darkcur_init darkcur_str_init die_trans_init fcspow_str_init phtcap_init phtfilter_prop_init respons_str_init scp_init set_colours smc_init spd_init srd_init write_acc phtaap_init (batch file) phtcla_init (batch file) phtcs_init (batch file) phterd_init (batch file) phtiiph_init (batch file) phtscp_init (batch file) phtsm_init (batch file) phtsmc_init (batch file) gencho_sm_init (batch file) phtspd_init (batch file) phtsrd_init (batch file) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA October 1995 Modified (last) by CG January 1997 V5.5.1 Initialisation of PIA_BUFINFO added to avoid problems (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Initialisation of "zoom" variables (CG) October 1997 V6.5 Initialisation of signal fractions discard (CG) and inclusion of cal.menues init (JA) January 1998 V7.0 Initialisation of dynamic calibration CBs (CG) November 1998 V7.3
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NAME: ibcksub_PARAM PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block DEGLITCH_PARAM for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @ibcksub_param This file stores the parameters for the background routine: CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta April 1998 V7.1
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NAME: IBCKSUB_PARAM_INIT PURPOSE: Initialise the ibcksub_param common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE IBCKSUB_PARAM_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: ibcksub_params SIDE EFFECTS: The values of the ibcksub_params common block are initialised PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jacosta April 1998 V7.1
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NAME: ID2WHEELS PURPOSE: Returns the wheels corresponding to filter and aperture id's CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: id2wheels, det, filt_id, aper_id, wheels, lambda, area INPUT: det: Detector name filt_id: Official filter identifier - (string) aper_id: Official aperture identifier - (string) wheels: 3-array containing the wheel positions OUTPUT: wheels: 3-array containing the wheel positions OPTIONAL OUTPUT: lambda: Central Wavelength area: Aperture area (in mm^2) COMMON BLOCKS: phtapertures: Apertures and their sizes phtfilter: Filters' IDs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA-SAI) November 1995 Bug with C filters fixed (CG) December 1995 STRTRIM used for filters ID (CG) February 1996 phtapert used now (CG) February 1998 V7.0
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NAME: INTERPOL_FPGC PURPOSE: Interpolate Focal Plane Geometry Calibration File coordinates form x,y raster coordinates A linear interpolation between the two FPGC coordinates above and below the given raster coordinates is performed. CALLING SEQUENCE: interpol_fpgc, infile, x, y, scy, scz, ERROR=error INPUT: infile: name of FPGC file x: raster x-coordinate as from PIA y: raster y-coordinate as from PIA OUTPUT: scy: FPGC coordinate interpolated to correspond to raster x coordinate scy: FPGC coordinate interpolated to correspond to raster x coordinate OPTIONAL INPUT: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid PROCEDURES USED: read_fpgc CALLED ROUTINES: read_fpgc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by I. Heinrichsen Jul. 1995
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NAME: INT_TO_TEXT PURPOSE: To convert idb element number i of the status part into an string array hkout containing the converted status data CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = INT_TO_TEXT, Idb, Conv_table, Hkdat, I INPUTS: Idb :database array I :idb element number (must be in STS part) Hkdat :array containing the fits data Conv_table :conversion table for element i OUTPUTS: Returns a string array containing the converted status data PROCEDURE: Add two one byte words to one two byte word, look for the bits dtermined by length and offset in the idb with the idb and function. Look for corresponding value in conv_table. PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: ISNUMBER PURPOSE: Determine if a text string is a valid number. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: i = isnumber(txt, [x]) INPUTS: txt = text string to test. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: x = optionaly returned numeric value if valid. out i = test flag: out 0: not a number. 1: txt is a long integer. 2: txt is a float. -1: first word of txt is a long integer. -2: first word of txt is a float. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner. 15 Oct, 1986. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. R. Sterner, 12 Mar, 1990 --- upgraded. Richard Garrett, 14 June, 1992 --- fixed bug in returned float value. Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
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NAME: IS_FILE_EXIST PURPOSE: This is part of the pia support routines. It is used for checking if a file exist CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: IS_FILE_EXIST, FILE INPUT: FILE: filename to check OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Sept 1996 Not official bug-fixing for VMS (CG) Jul 1998
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NAME: IS_NUM PURPOSE: Function to determine if character is numerical returns 1 if numerical returns -1 if not CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: IS_NUM(string) INPUT: string: (string) any single character string KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUT: function: (integer) as defined above COMMON BLOCKS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Bernhard Schulz 21/03/97 first version BS
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NAME: LINEAR_COR PURPOSE: Corrects the non-linearities of the integration ramps CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: LINEAR_COR, Subinst, In_volt, Pixel, Freq, Out_Volt, Error INPUTS: SubInst: Phot subinstrument identifier string: C1:PHT-C100 C2:PHT-C200 P:PHT-P S:PHT-S In_Volt: Input voltages array corresponding to the pixel Pixel: Pixel number to correct for, in the same order as the SPD. (For PHT-P, corresponds to the different detectors: 0: P1 1: P2 2:P3) Freq: The frequency of the measurement: 0: 1KHz 1: 4KHz 2: 8KHz OUTPUTS: Out_Volt: Array of corrected voltages per pixel/detector Error: Array of associated uncertainties COMMON BLOCKS: phtcrelin PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: read_crelin MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bug on error interpolation fixed (CG) April 1996
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NAME: LIN_VOLTAGES PURPOSE: Apply voltage linearization onto a phterd structure CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: LIN_VOLTAGES, Tmperd, Tmphdr, Silent=silent INPUTS: Tmperd: A temporary PHTERD structure Tmphdr: The header to be modified OUTPUTS: Tmperd: The temporary structure after voltage linearization Tmphdr: The modified header INPUT KEYWORD: Silent: Avoid window messages if set COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs PROCEDURES CALLED: PIA LIB: linear_cor read_cs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA-SAI) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Keyword silent added (CG) July 1996
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PROCEDURE: MAKESYM PURPOSE: Call USERSYM to create one of the below plot symbols. CALLING SEQUENCE: Makesym, SYMBOL INPUTS: SYMBOL - number indicating which symbol you want. If not within the range of available symbols, nothing is done. 9 - Circle 10 - Filled Circle 11 - Filled Diamond 12 - Filled Triangle 13 - Filled Square 14 - 5-point star 15 - Filled 5-point star 16 - Pentagon 17 - Filled pentagon 18 - Hexagon 19 - Filled Hexagon OUTPUTS: None. USERSYM is called, which sets the default user plot symbol. Restrictions: Does not account for the histogram plotting style. History: Joel D. Offenberg, Hughes STX, 21 Jan 1993 Added symbols 14-19. JDO, March 1994
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NAME: MANN PURPOSE: Perform Trend-test by Mann CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: mann, y, alpha, test INPUTS: y: array of data to be tested for trend (time sequence) alpha: certainty level for test KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Ctest Test statistics parameter for Y, for use with Kendall statistics Cstar Criticality parameter for C, alpha Ualpha Quantile for confidence level alpha ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid optimize If set and number of elements > 128, reduction by taking averages of neighbour elements OUTPUTS: tu: true, if upward trend confirmed with alpha confidence false, otherwise td: true, if downward trend confirmed with alpha confidence false, otherwise PROCEDURES CALLED INTERNAL: sign hast RESTRICTIONS The number of elements of the tested array must be grater than 10 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen (MPIK) Nov. 95 Limit of at least 10 points relaxed to 7 (CG) January 1996
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NAME: MapAAP2Drizzle PURPOSE: Make Drizzle Script for IRAF from ISOPHOT / PIA / IAAP - Map Data VERSION: Jan. 20, 1999 CATEGORY: ISOPHOT, Image Analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: MapAAP2Drizzle, FileName_or_FileList INPUTS: FileName_or_FileList : Name of IAAP DiskFileName (CharacterString !) or List of IAAP Disk filenames (CharacterArray !) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ScriptName : (List of)Diskfilename(s) for IRAF Script(s) ImageName : Name of IRAF image (= map) to be created by script IRAFCommandName : Name of file with IRAF commands Identifier : Identifier keyword of map Scale : Ratio of final to original image pixel size MapPixelSize : final image pixel size (map pixel size) in arcsec PositAngle : Astron. Position Angle of Y-axis of final image (degrees ccw, = 0 means RA / Dec coordinate system) DrizzleFraction : Scalefactor for Drizzle's drop size relative to the detector pixel size MapRACenter, MapDECCenter : predefined RA / DEC of map center OutImageExtend : increase no of pixels of OutputImage NPixX : size of final map in X direction NPixY : size of final map in Y direction FillValue : predefined value for empty pixels in the output map IgnorePixel : ISOPHOT pixel indeces to be ignored for mapping Parallel : no of parallel stripes (2, 4, 8, 16, etc...) for hierarchical processing of non-overlapping stripes scripts of the same level can be run in parallel DetectorFlatField : multiplicative (!) flatfield correction factors for each detector pixel; to be applied to the detector fluxes/surf.brightnesses AAPGlobalFlatField : multiplicative (!) global flatfield correction factors for each AAP file; /AddScaleToName : File/Script names contain image scale /SurfaceBrightness : result is in surf. brightness instead of fluxes /Flux : result is in units of flux (Default !) /Meanvalues, /Medianvalues : use the Means or the Medians from PIA AAP structure /SingleAAP : each input IAAP files gets its own script file /EveryPixel : one script and map for each detector pixel /SimpleProjection : output image is made using simple RA/DEC projection /GnomonicProjection: output image is made using gnomonic RA/DEC projection (Default!) /Spacecraftcoords : align map along ISO spacecraft Y-Z system /IgnoreRollAngle : pixel rollangle not used for mapping /OutputFrameShifts : Shifts are computed in output frame /FITS : IRAF scripts automagically write FITS files /EXECUTE : immediately start IRAF map making from within IDL /DEBUG : make some debuging output OUTPUTS: none; IRAF Script(s) is/are written to disk file(s) EXAMPLES: MapAAP2Drizzle , ['C20144301205pai.IAAP'] , Scale=0.222222, /GNOMONIC MapAAP2Drizzle , ['C10144301206paiflt.IAAP'] , /GNOMONIC, MapPixelSize=10., /EXEC, /FITS NOTES: Requires IRAF V 2.11 and STSDAS 2.0.1 Load all of the following from IRAFs before startup : stsdas toolbox imgtools analysis dither MODIFICATION HISTORY: (C) M. Stickel 1997-1999 MPIA / IDC 1997-1999 6. August 97 : intial Version 17. August 97 : final image NOT aligned along RA / DEC ; usage of RollAngle and external Position Angle in drizzle 10. October 97 : usage of PIA Mean / Median fluxes surface brightnesses 13. October 97 : Single mode : for each datafile a scriptfile 17. October 97 : Parallel mode : non-overlapping regions drizzled in parallel (basic idea suggested by Sibylle Peschke) 16. November 97 : Process results of ParallelMode also in Parallel 28. November 97 : A complete map for each pixel 29. November 97 : FlatField Correction factors for each pixel 2. December 97 : Calling Sequence put into header of script(s) 7. December 97 : external definition of MapCenter coordinates 02. February 98 : ask IRAF to write out FITS files 11. March 98 : use average Rollangle for Image in Y/Z system 09. Sept. 98 : artificial increase of output image size 03. Nov. 98 : now standalone, no more PIA necessary if changes in pixel/aperture size are necessary, see subroutine 'MakePixelCoord' 03. Nov. 98 : adapted to STSDAS DRIZZLE Version 1.2 (February 1998) 16. Nov. 98 : ignore selected pixels for map making 25. Nov. 98 : user defined map size 07. Dec. 98 : add image scale to names of script/image file 17. Dec. 98 : add projection header keywords 21. Dec. 98 : add identifier parameter / keyword to header 02. Jan. 99 : gnomonic projection now default,ignore rollangle, user-defined map pixel size [arcsec] ; global aap rescaling fixed; general clean-up 18. Jan. 99 : direct IRAF start 20. Jan. 99 : fillvalue added 27. May 99 : wfits command with *.imh to avoid error (CG) 28. May 99 : keywords changed for using discrimination (CG) THIS SOFTWARE COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY !!
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NAME: MERGEHDR PURPOSE: Merge the primary header and the extended header, note that the NAXIS line in the primary header is taken out. the hdr could be either a byte array or string array CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: MERGE_HDR, P_hdr, E_Hdr, H INPUTS: P_hdr: primary header in byte array or string array E_hdr: extended header in byte array or string array OUTPUTS: H: merged header, NAXIS line and the END line in the primary header is taken out. Also taken out are the trailing blank lines in the raw byte array. PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified (last) by CG Version 5.x - November 96
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NAME: mkripid PURPOSE: Generate RPID values for SCP internal file, add attitude keywords and correct chopper position CATEGORY: PIA - support CALLING SEQUENCE: mkrpid, file, npoints, nlines, dpts, dlns, rota, nmeas, ngap, $ addchop, pixel=pixel, inverse=inverse INPUTS: file: name of PIA internal SCP file npoints: number of raster points nlines: number of raster lines dpts: distance between raster points (arcsec) dlns: distance between raster points (arcsec) rota: rotaion angle of raster w.r.t to north nmeas: number of data points per valid measurement cycle on a raster point ngap: number of data points in gap between raster points addchop: shift chopper position (arcsec) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: pixel: pixel number inverse: indicates whether raster is asumed in standard or revese direction OUTPUTS: routine read "file" and changes it according to specifiedd parameters PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: fxaddpar EXAMPLE: Add the raster point id into the file P10001700501.ISRD with the raster parameters for a 9x9 raster with 30arcsec separation. There is a sequence of 300 valid data points and 100 gap points for every raster point/ slew combination. The chopper is not corrected. mkrpid, "P10001700501.ISRD", 9, 9, 30, 30, 45, 300, 100, 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Detlef Skalay (MPIK) Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: mk_att_keys PURPOSE:› add attitude keywords to the file headers CATEGORY: PIA - support CALLING SEQUENCE: MK_ATT_KEYS, level, tdtnr, npts, nlns, dpts, dlns, rota INPUTS: level: PIA product level tdtnr: TDT number of product to be changed npts: Number of points of raster map nlns: Number of lines in raster map dpts: Distance (arcsec) between raster points dlns: Distance (arcsec) between raster lines rota: Rotational angle of raster map w.r.t. north direction OUTPUTS: The routine changes the related product file, defined by the TDT and product type, on which it is applied on disk COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap phterd phtscp phtspd phtsrd PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_multmeas ASTRO LIB: fxaddpar EXAMPLE: To add the missing attitude keywords into the srd product of TDT 04300301. a 9x9 map with 30arcsec separationa and a rotation w.r.t to north of 45 deg is asumed. mk_att_keys, srd, 04300301, 9, 9, 30, 30, 45 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: NWRDS PURPOSE: Return the number of words in the given text string. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: n = nwrds(txt) INPUTS: txt = text string to examine. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: DELIMITER = d. Set delimiter character (def = space). OUTPUTS: n = number of words found. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: See also getwrd. MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 7 Feb, 1985. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES 4 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
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NAME: Pair_deglitch PURPOSE: Flag glitched points within a measurement according to the two thresholds deglitching algorithm. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: pair_deglitch, tmpdata, med_width, thresh1, thresh2, niter, $ erd_disc, pixel, pdegl_flag INPUT: tmpdata: A temporary ERD type structure med_width: Width to be used for median filtering included in the baseline correction thresh1: Threshold for primary glitch recognition thresh2: Threshold for recognition of glitch tails niter: Number of iterations for primary glitch recognition erd_disc: Flag array corresponding to tmpdata.conp(pixel,*) (readout voltages corresponding to one pixel) with 0's (accepted points) and 1's(discarded points). pixel: Pixel to be analysed OUTPUT: pdegl_flag: Array (as erd_disc) with glitch recognized positions set to 5. RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid temporary PHT-ERD type structure PROCEDURES CALLED: Astronomical Library: avg sigma PIA Libraries: decode_pixf get_rastersteps get_rpchopstep median_bb (thanks to JAP) SIDE EFFECTS: Initializes the variable degltext in Common degl_string and fills it with statistical info. MODIFICATION HISTORY Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) November 1997 V7.0 Avoiding raster/chopper combinations with too few points (CG) March 1998 V7.1 Using pre-discarded points correctly (CG) June 1998 V7.2 Preventing for no valid points case (CG) August 1998 V7.3 Algorithm modified, a smoothed voltage differences subtracted from the original differences + simplified finding of secondary glitches JAcosta May 1999 End condition corrected (CG) CG May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: PCONT_CHANGE_PATH PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for changing the path when the user click on the Select File From in the pia_control or pia_read_ext. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_CHANGE_PATH, WIDGET_HANDLE_ID, PAR, SEL_INDEX INPUT: WIDGET_HANDLE_ID: the handle structure for the control panel PAR: the parameter for the control panel SEL_INDEX: the selection index for the files, where 0 = pipeline fits 1 = pia fits 2 = internal idl save file OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pcont_valid_dir pcont_getdirs pcont_getfiles Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Extension with PFITDIR (CG) October 1997 V6.5
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NAME: PCONT_CLEARMFILE PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for clearing the filelist in the multiple file list box. Mainly used after reading the files. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_CLEARMFILE, ID, PAR, MFILELIST INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handler in the pia_control or the pia_read_ext. PAR: parameter MFILELIST: multiple file list OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_CLRBUF PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for clearing the measurement buffer CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_CLRBUF, ID, MEA_PAR, MEALIST INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle, mainly for pia_control pia_man_mea MEA_PAR: the measurement parameter MEALIST: the measurement list OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: yes_no erd_init srd_init smc_init scp_init spd_init cla_init cs_init Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Modified (last) by CG October 1996 V5.x Choice on meas to be deleted included (CG) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: PCONT_FILTER PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for handling the file filter event in the pia_control and pia_read_ext. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_FILTER, ID, FILTER INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle FILTER: the file filter OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pcont_getfiles Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_GETDIRS PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for getting the subdirectory. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_GETDIRS INPUT: OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_GETFILES PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for getting the files with a given file filter. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_GETFILES, FILTER INPUT: FILTER: the file filter OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 KEYWORD Sort added (CG) February 1998 V7.1
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NAME: PCONT_MREMOVE PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for removing the file in the multiple file list in pia_control and pia_read_ext. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_FILTER, ID, PAR, MFILELIST INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle PAR: the parameter MFILELIST: the multiple file list OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_MSGLINE PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for printing the message on the message line. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_MSGLINE, MSG, HMSGLINE INPUT: MSG: the message to print HMSGLINE: the widget handle for the message line OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_READFILE PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for handling the read file event. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_READFILE, ID, STYPE, FILENAME, PATH INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle STYPE: the selection type, (ie pipeline, pia fits or internal) FILENAME: the filename to read PATH: the path containing the file OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_read_fits pia_read_ifile Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_REFRESH PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for refreshing the content of the data type and the file selection box. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_REFRESH, ID, SEL_PAR, PAR, SELECTION = SELECTION, UPDATE = UPDATE INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle SEL_PAR: the selection parameter PAR: the parameter OUTPUT: OPTIONAL INPUT: SELECTION: the selection index for the pipeline, pia fits or internal idl save file. A string type! UPDATE: to indicate this is just an update when user click on the file type box or the detectors box COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pcont_getfiles pcont_getdirs Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_SAVEFITS PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for saving the measurement to the fits file CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_SAVEFITS, ID, DATATYPE, MLIST_INDEX, MEALIST INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle DATATYPE: the data type MLIST_INDEX: the index of the selected measurement MEALIST: the measurement list OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtsmc PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_load_isrd pia_load_iscp pia_load_ispd pia_sm_load_ismc write_srd write_scp write_spd write_smc write_srd pia_pickfile pcont_msgline Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Modified by Stefan Bogun (MPIA) August 1996 V5.x pia_pickfile1 replaced (CG) February 1999 V7.4
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NAME: PCONT_SAVEINT PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for saving the measurement to the internal IDL save file. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_SAVEINT, ID, DATATYPE, MEA_INDEX, MEALIST INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle DATATYPE: the data type MEA_INDEX: the index of the selected measurement MEALIST: the measurement list OUTPUT: KEYWORDS: NO_BUFCONT: set if call not coming from buffer control TMPDATA: the structure to be saved if not using buffer control COMMON BLOCKS: phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtsmc phterd phtcs PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_load_ierd pia_load_isrd pia_load_iscp pia_load_ismc pia_load_ispd pia_load_ics pia_load_idrift pia_load_idynresp pia_write_ics pia_pickfile pcont_msgline Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Save phtaap added (CG) June 1996 SMD out, SMC int (SB) August 1996 Message added to SCP level, keyword NO_BUFCONT added + saving for drift structure (CG) May 1997 V6.3 pia_pickfile1 replaced (CG) February 1999 V7.4 Saving phtdynresp included (JAcosta) February 2000 V8.2
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NAME: PCONT_SUBDIR PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for handling the subdirectories event CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_SUBDIR, ID, PAR, EVENT INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle PAR: parameter EVENT: the caller event OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pcont_valid_dir Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Extension with PFITDIR (CG) October 1997 V6.5
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NAME: PCONT_UPDATEMEA PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for updating the measurement list CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_UPDATEMEA, DATATYPE, DET, ID, MEA_PAR, MEALIST INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle DATATYPE: the datatype DET: the detectors MEA_PAR: the measurement parameter MEALIST: the measurement list OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: phterd phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtsmc phtcla PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: decode_tdt2mea decode_hdr2mea decode_cs2mea Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Modified by Stefan Bogun (MPIA) August 1996 V5.x
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NAME: PCONT_VALID_DIR PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for checking if a directory is valid CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_VALID_DIR, DIR INPUT: DIR: directory path OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996
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NAME: PCONT_VIEWHDR PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for viewing the external fits header CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_VIEWHDR, SELECTION, ID, FILETYPE, FILENAME, GROUP=GROUP INPUT: ID: the structure for the widget handle SELECTION: the selection for pipeline, pia fits or internal FILETYPE: the file type FILENAME: the filename OPTIONAL INPUT: GROUP: the event group OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtsmc phterd phtcla PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_view_txt pcont_msgline Astronomical Library: fxhread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 Modified by Stefan Bogun (MPIA) August 1996 V5.x
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NAME: PCONT_VMEAHDR PURPOSE: This is part of the pia_control panel support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia_control, pia_read_ext and pia_man_mea in mind. It is used for viewing the measurement's fits header CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: PCONT_VMEAHDR, THEMEA, DET, GROUP=GROUP INPUT: THEMEA: index of the measurement in the relevant structure DET: the detector type KEYWORDS: GROUP: the event group NAMING: the name provided by the user GET: get the name provided by the user OUTPUT: COMMON BLOCKS: phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtsmc phterd phtcla PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: pia_disp_hdr Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 SMD out, SMC int (SB) August 1996 Display chosen measurement fixed (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Keyword GET added to obtain current name (JA) December 1997 V6.6 Input argument is now the index in the array not the admn anymore (JA) January 1998
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NAME: PHOTOM_INIT PURPOSE: This routine takes the required values from the phtaap common block and builds them into a text array. CATEGORY: PIA - Processing INPUTS: Meas: An array of indices corresponding to measurements within the phtaap common block KEYWORD: Colcor: colour correction to be applied - Colcor must be structure as defined by PIA_cc_defin OUTPUTS: Text: The text array Fname: A string containing the _last_ observation TDT/Meas number in a format suitable for a filename COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap PROCEDURES USED: None RESTRICTIONS: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris Oct 95 Version ?.? Modified by: Huw Morris Jan 96 Filters and apertures replaced by corresponding strings (CG) Jan.96 Polarizer replaced by corresponding string (CG) February 1996 Minor problems with output format fixed (Jacosta) April 1997 Colour correction (KEYWORD colcor) included (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Format changed (avoid problems w. neg. fluxes) (CG) July 1997 V6.4 PHTAPERT taken now (CG) February 1998 V7.0 Displaying apertures in arcsec's (CG) January 2000 V8.2
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NAME: PHTAAP PURPOSE: Define the PIA Auto Analysis Product (AAP) common block. CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtaap CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) phtaap_desc added (WMT) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: phtaap_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTAAP defining the contents as a template structure PHTAAP_TYPE. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PHTAAP_INIT COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) March 1995 phtaap_desc added (WMT) May 1996 aap_first_handle, aap_last_handle added May 1996 Central wavelength added (WMT) Nov 1996 DECP and RAP added by M. Hur (IPAC/Caltech) Jan 2000 V8.2
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NAME: PHTAAR PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTAAR (Auto Analysis Results) for inclusion into other routines. CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtaar CATEGORY: PIA - common block COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: PPAP_TYPE: PHT-P point source photometry structure PPAE_TYPE: PHT-P extended source photometry structure PPAS_TYPE: PHT-P scan & slew photometry structure PLAP_TYPE: PHT-SL point source spectroscopy structure PLAE_TYPE: PHT-SL extended source spectroscopy structure PLAS_TYPE: PHT-SL Raster mode spectroscopy structure PSAP_TYPE: PHT-SS point source spectroscopy structure PSAE_TYPE: PHT-SS extended source spectroscopy structure PSAS_TYPE: PHT-SS Raster mode spectroscopy structure PCAP_TYPE: PHT-C point source photometry structure PCAE_TYPE: PHT-C extended source photometry structure PCAS_TYPE: PHT-C scan & slew photometry structure MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Apr 1996 FITS_... and *_DESC added (WMT) May 1996
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NAME: PHTAAR_INIT PURPOSE: Definition of the PHTAAR structure for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtaar_init PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Apr, 1996 Bug for PSAS and PLAS fixed (CG) Apr, 1998 V7.1 Modifications for changed OLP9 products (CG) Mar. 2000 V8.2
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NAME: PHTAAR_INIT PURPOSE: Definition of the PHTAAR structure for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtaar_init PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Apr, 1996 Bug for PSAS and PLAS fixed (CG) Apr, 1998 V7.1
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NAME: PHTACC PURPOSE: Define common block ACC for information about acceptance/discarding of data points. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtacc COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: NSELNDR : 1 if general NDR selection criteria used, 0 if not DRNACC : 0 if DR to be accepted, 1 if not NDR1NAC : 0 if first NDR to be accepted, 1 if not NDRNACC : Array of NDRs (relative position within ramp) to be neglected MINR : First Ramp (absolute position within meas) to be accepted MAXR : Last Ramp (absolute position) to be accepted ANYR : Array of read-outs (absolute position) to be neglected MINVOLT : Minimum voltage to be accepted MAXVOLT : Maximum voltage to be accepted SIGTNACC: Structure: {chop_meas:FLT,star_meas:FLT} indicating fraction of chopper plateau discarded for chopped and staring or raster measurements SIG1ACC : 0 if first Signal/Chopper Plateaux to be accepted, 1 if not SIGNACC : Array of Signals (relative position within chopper plateaux) to be neglected MINSIG : First Signal (absolute position) to be accepted MAXSIG : Last Signal (absolute position) to be accepted ANYSIG : Array of Signals (absolute position) to be neglected SCPNACC : Array of contiguous Chopper Plateaux to be neglected MINCP : First Chopper Plateau to be used MAXCP : Last Chopper Plateau to be used ANYCP : Array of individual (non-contiguous) Ch.Pl. to be neglected SPDNACC : Array of cont. Chopper Plateaux (SPD level) to be neglected MINSCP : First Chopper Plateau to be used (SPD level) MAXSCP : Last Chopper Plateau to be used (SPD level) ANYSCP : Array of individual (non-contiguous) Ch.Pl. to be neglected MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTAPERT PURPOSE: Definition of the common block APERTURE_SIZE for inclusion into other routines. This common block stores data about the phot aperture and pixels sizes and areas (mm, mm**2) and their shapes. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtapert COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS P_DIAMY : PHT-P Diameter(mm) of aperture in Y, fltarr(14,2), fltarr(aperture, value/uncertainty) P_DIAMZ : PHT-P Diameter(mm) of aperture in Z, fltarr(14,2), fltarr(aperture, value/uncertainty) P_AREA: PHT-P Area(mm**2) of aperture, fltarr(14,2), fltarr(aperture, value/uncertainty) P_Shape : PHT-P aperture shapes C1_DIAMY : PHT-C100 Diameter(mm) of pixel in Y, fltarr(2), fltarr(value/uncertainty) C1_DIAMZ : PHT-C100 Diameter(mm) of pixel in Z, fltarr(2), fltarr(value/uncertainty) C1_AREA: PHT-C100 Area(mm**2) of pixel, fltarr(2), fltarr(aperture, value/uncertainty) C2_DIAMY : PHT-C200 Diameter(mm) of pixel in Y, fltarr(2), fltarr(value/uncertainty) C2_DIAMZ : PHT-C200 Diameter(mm) of pixel in Z, fltarr(2), fltarr(value/uncertainty) C2_AREA: PHT-C200 Area(mm**2) of pixel, fltarr(2), fltarr(aperture, value/uncertainty) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Jan 98 Version 1.0 V7.0
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NAME: PHTAPERTURES PURPOSE: Definition of the common block APERTURE_SIZE for inclusion into other routines. This common block stores data about the phot aperture diameters (mm, arcsec, steradians) and shapes. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtapertures COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS P_MM : PHT-P aperture dimensions in mm P_AS : PHT-P aperture dimensions in arcseconds P_SR : PHT-P aperture dimensions in steradians P_Shape : PHT-P aperture shapes C1_MM : PHT-C100 (square) pixel size in mm C1_AS : PHT-C100 (square) pixel size in arcseconds C1_SR : PHT-C100 (square) pixel size in steradians C2_MM : PHT-C200 (square) pixel size in mm C2_AS : PHT-C200 (square) pixel size in arcseconds C2_SR : PHT-C200 (square) pixel size in steradians MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris (DRAL), February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTBCKDEF PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block PHTBCKDEF for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. It contains, also, the values of the default backgrond which can be considered in order to perform the point source extraction. This file is included into routines that need this common block and the value default background with the single line (left justified) @phtbckdef This file contains the following variables: EXP_H_X : The default expected value of h_x as defined in PIA_SM_PSEX EXP_H_Y : The default expected value of h_y as defined in PIA_SM_PSEX EXP_H_C : The default expected value of h_c as defined in PIA_SM_PSEX DEF_SIGMA_H_X: The standard variation of h_x as defined in PIA_SM_PSEX DEF_SIGMA_H_Y: The standard variation of h_y as defined in PIA_SM_PSEX DEF_SIGMA_H_C: The standard variation of h_c as defined in PIA_SM_PSEX FACTOR = The factor which indicates haw many times the quantities H should be greater than the EXP_H MODIFICATION HISTORY: Paola Merluzzi August 1995
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NAME: PHTCAP PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTCAP for inclusion into other routines. By defining The common block PHTCAP contains information about the CRE integration capacitances. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtcap COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: P1CAP : The P1 detector capacitance P2CAP : The P2 detector capacitance P3CAP : The P3 detector capacitance C1CAP : The C100 capacitance C2CAP : The C200 capacitance SLCAP : The SL capacitance SSCAP : The SS capacitance MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified (last) by: cg April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: Phtcap_init PURPOSE: Initializes the common block PHTCAP CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PHTCAP_INIT COMMON BLOCKS: phtcap MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/ESTEC) October 1994 Modified (last) by: cg April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 November 95 (new values acc to cal U) November 1995
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NAME: PHTCHOPCOR PURPOSE: Define the common block CHOPCOR, containing the correction factors for chopped measurements. CHOPCORR_STR = {chop_dsg, inchop_time, p1chopcor p2chopcor, $ p3chopcor, c1chopcor, c2chopcor, slchopcor} CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtchopcor OUTPUT PARAMETERS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta NOVEMBER 1997 Version 6.6
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NAME: PHTCLA PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTCLA (PHT CAL-A data) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtcla MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/ESTEC) cla_first_handle, cla_last_handle added (WMT) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: Phtcla_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTCLA defining the contents as a template structure PHTCLA_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole CLA structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtcla_init COMMON BLOCKS: phtcla MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) by: cg September 1995 cla_first_handle and cla_last_handle added (WMT) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTCRELIN PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTCRELIN for inclusion into other routines. The common block PHTCRELIN contains the CRE linerization correction for the PHT detectors. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtcrelin COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: PC1CRELIN : The C100 linearisation corrections PC2CRELIN : The C200 linearisation corrections PPCRELIN : The P1, P2, P3 linearisation corrections MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTCS PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTCS (Compact Status) for inclusion into other routines. CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtcs CATEGORY: PIA - common block COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: CSUNIT = Index of the units in the block PSTAUNIT = String corresponding to the 8 numbers identifying the PHT CS (e.g. '12345604' for PSTA12345604.FITS) PSTADIMS = Actual dimension of the keywords corresponding to the CSUNIT All Compact Status Keywords CSGPXXXX as PSTAXXXX All other Compact Status Keywords as in the archive MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, Dec 1993 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTCS_GET_REC PURPOSE: Extract a compact status (cs) record using the PHTCS structure CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: phtcs_get_rec COMMON BLOCKS: phtcs RESTRICTIONS: This file should be used after reading the startup file for various common blocks: @phtcs_init PROCEDURE: PHTCS contains the following field definitions: UNIT = String corresponding to the 6 numbers identifying the PHT CS (e.g. '123456' for PSTA123456.FITS) DIMS = Actual dimension of the keywords corresponding to the CSUNIT All Compact Status Keywords CSGPXXXX as PSTAXXXX All other Compact Status Keywords as in the archive MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS), July 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTCS_INIT PURPOSE: Definition of the PHTCS structure for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtcs_init PROCEDURE: PHTCS contains the following field definitions: UNIT = String corresponding to the 6 numbers identifying the PHT CS (e.g. '123456' for PSTA123456.FITS) DIMS = Actual dimension of the keywords corresponding to the CSUNIT All Compact Status Keywords CSGPXXXX as PSTAXXXX All other Compact Status Keywords as in the archive MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) Dec 1993 Modified by: wmt July 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Dummy structure deleted (CG) November 1995
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NAME: PHTDARKORB PURPOSE: Define the common block DARKORB, containing the PHT dark currents. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtdarkorb MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta NOVEMBER 1997 Version 6.6 Extension for DARKPROAOT (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Extension for SLDARKTIME+DARKTDEP (JAc) August 1998 V7.2
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NAME: PHTDIETRANS PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTDIETRANS (Digital Interface Electronics (DIE) transfer function for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtdietrans COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: PHTDIETRANS contains the following arrays (2 * 3 dimensions, corresponding to the DIE Units 1 or 2, and to the three possible selected gains in the order 1, 8 and 40) : PDIEFIX = Fixed Offsets PDIEUOF = Offsets Dependent on signal gain PDIEGN1 = Signal Gains PDIEGN2 = Offset Gains MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC) Jan 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTDYNCAL PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTDYNCAL (Dynamical calibration structure) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtdyncalib MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (ISO SOC - VILSPA) May 1998 dyncalib_first_handle, dyncalib_last_handle and phtdyncalib_desc added Version 7.1
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NAME: PHTERD PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTERD (Edited Raw Data) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phterd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) erd_first_handle, erd_last_handle added (WMT) May 1996 PHTERD_DESC added (WMt) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: Phterd_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTERD defining the contents as a template structure PHTERD_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole ERD structure, in case this should show as necessary. CALLING SEQUENCE: @phterd_init COMMON BLOCKS: phterd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel January 1994 Modified last by: CG, Wai-Ming Tai September 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 PHTERD descriptor fixed - CG February 1997
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NAME: PHTFCS PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTFCS (Fine Calibration Source power tables) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtfcs COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: P1FCSPOW : The P1 FCS power table P2FCSPOW : The P2 FCS power table P3FCSPOW : The P3 FCS power table C1FCSPOW : The C100 FCS power table C2FCSPOW : The C200 FCS power table MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Common extended with with validity limits (CG) January 1998 V7.0
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NAME: PHTFFIELD PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTFFIELD (External Flat Field Factors) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtffield COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores the external flat field factors PHTFFIELD contains the following variables: C1FLATF : The C100 Flatfield factors C1FLATU : Uncertainties of C1FLATF C2FLATF : The C200 Flatfield factors C2FLATU : Uncertainties of C2FLATF MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: PHTFILTER PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTFILTER (PHT filter mnemonics) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtfilter COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This common block contains string arrays for all PHT filters P1FILTERS ; P1 P2FILTERS ; P2 P3FILTERS ; P3 C1FILTERS ; C100 C2FILTERS ; C200 Modification History: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTFILTER_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the PHTFILTER (PHT filter mnemonics) common block. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PHTFILTER_INIT COMMON BLOCKS: phtfilter MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Blanks removed from C100 filter IDs (CG) February 1996
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NAME: PHTFILTER_PROP PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTFILTER_PROP for inclusion into routines. The common block PHTFILTER_PROP contains the main filter properties. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtfilter_prop COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: filtprop: Structure containing central wavelengths and airy disks per detector (filtprop.p1airyd, filtprop.p1cwl = arrays per filter arranged according to PHTFILTER) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/VILSPA-SAI) June 1996 Ingolf Heinrichsen Split routine into init and common Jan 1997
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NAME: PHTFILTER_PROP_INIT PURPOSE: Initialization of the common block FILTPROP for inclusion into routines. The reference wavelengths are read from the PFLUXCONV.FITS calibration file. The airy disk diameters are hard-coded The common block is defined in PHTFILTER_PROP and contains the main filter properties. CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: phtfilter_prop_init COMMON BLOCKS: phtfilter_prop SIDE EFFECTS: The values in the FILTPROP common block are initialised COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: filtprop: Structure containing central wavelengths and airy disks per detector (filtprop.p1airyd, filtprop.p1cwl = arrays per filter arranged according to PHTFILTER) PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: fxhread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Jan 1997 (Split init and common definition)
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NAME: PHTFPSF PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTFPSF (Single pixel fpsf factors) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtfpsf COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores the single pixel fpsf factors PHTFPSF contains the following variables: phtfpsf: Structure containing cpsf: central fpsf values lpsf: lateral fpsf [f(46)-C100, f(92)-C200] dpsf: diagonal fpsf [f(46SQRT2)-C100, f(92SQRT2)-C200] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/VILSPA June 1999 V7.4
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Name: PHTfpsf_init Purpose: Initialises the phtfpsf common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PHTFPSF COMMON BLOCKS: phtfpsf MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) June 1999 V7.4
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NAME: PHTFTOF PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTFTOF (External Filter to filter Factors) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtftof COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores the external filter to filter factors PHTFTOF contains the following variables: PPFTOF : The P1, P2, P3 filter to filter corrections and uncertainties MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/VILSPA April 1999 V7.4
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NAME: phthk PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTHK (PHT house Keeping) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phthk COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: PHTCS contains the following arrays: hkout :converted hk data, reduced to specific measurement with get_pht_hk idb :database array,idb(1,i)contains the name of the hk with index i in hkout. For more information see the conv_hk program hkdat :pht data from the GEHK file timestep:timestep, after use of get_pht_hk reduced and converted hdr_idb :header of the idb-table MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch, October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTILLUM PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTILLUM (Fine Clibration Soure Illumination matrices) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtillum COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores the FCS illumination matrices PHTILLUM contains the following variables: C1ILCOR : The C100 FCS illumination matrices C1ILLUN : Uncertainties of C1ILCOR C2ILCOR : The C200 FCS illumination matrices C2ILLUN : Uncertainties of C2ILCOR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC November 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTINTT_CORR_INIT PURPOSE: Initialise a common block containing the reset interval correction factors CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: PHTINTT_CORR_INIT [,ERROR=error] INPUT: (none) KEYWORD: DATA: 'FITS' or none for FITS files, 'ASCII' for 'cresint.txt' ERROR : 0 if OK, 1 if source file not found RESTRICTIONS: FITS files with official names (eg 'PP1RESETI') or 'cresint.txt' must reside in the !CALG directory, otherwise program ends with error=1 PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtintt_corr MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) May 1997 V6.3 new column added (dS/dA0) (CG) and reading from FITS file September 1997 V6.5
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NAME: PHTOMEGA PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTOMEGA for inclusion into other routines. This common block stores data about the phot solid angles of pixels and aperture, as well as their apparent sizes on the sky and relative off-sets. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtomega COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS C100-detector: C1OFFY: fltarr(9,7,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Offset(") in y relative to centre of array C1OFFZ: fltarr(9,7,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Offset(") in z relative to centre of array C1SIZEY: fltarr(9,7,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Aperture dimension y ("); C1SIZEZ: fltarr(9,7,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Aperture dimension z ("); C1OM: fltarr(9,7,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Omega (sr) C200-detector: C2OFFY: fltarr(4,5,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Offset(") in y relative to centre of array C2OFFZ: fltarr(4,5,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Offset(") in z relative to centre of array C2SIZEY: fltarr(4,5,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Aperture dimension y ("); C2SIZEZ: fltarr(4,5,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Aperture dimension z ("); C2OM: fltarr(4,5,2), fltarr(pixel,filter,value/uncertainty) Omega (sr) P-detectors: PSIZEY: fltarr(14,14,2), fltarr(aperture, filter, value/uncertainty) Aperture diameter (") in Y' PSIZEZ: fltarr(14,14,2), fltarr(aperture, filter, value/uncertainty) Aperture diameter (") in Z' POM: fltarr(14,14,2), fltarr(aperture, filter, value/uncertainty) Omega (sr) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Jan 98 Version 1.0 V7.0
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NAME: PHTOPTPOW PURPOSE: Definition and initialization of the common block PHTOPTPOW (Fine Calibration Source illumo=ination power levels) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtoptpow COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores the optical power data as used for the production of the PHT FCS power tables PHTOPTPOW contains the following variables: LONGPOW : The opt power values corresponding to the P detectors SHORTPOW : The opt power values corresponding to the C detectors COMMON BLOCKS: optpow MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC October 1994 Modified (last) by: CG April 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTPOLAR PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTPOLAR (polarizer mnemonics) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtpolar COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This common block contains string arrays for all PHT POLARIZERS PHTPOLAR Modification History: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) February 1996
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NAME: PHTPPSF PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTPPSF Point Spread Function Factors) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtppsf COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores data about the phot apertures PHTPPSF : Flt Array(16,14) - Point Spread Function for PHT-P (0-13,0-13) FIL-APER PHT-C PSF_ARRAY (14 ,0-13) -FIL PHT-C PSF_PIXEL (15 ,0-13) -FIL MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) March 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5 No change in the CB but in its definition (16,14) instead of (15,14) V7.4 Jun 1999
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NAME: PHTRESACT PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTRESACT (Actual Detector Responsivities and Uncertainties) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtresact COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores data corresponding to (calculated) PHT responses PHTRESACT contains the following variables: P1RESPACT : The P1 detector response P1RESPUNC : Uncertainty of P1RESPACT P2RESPACT : The P2 detector response P2RESPUNC : Uncertainty of P2RESPACT P3RESPACT : The P3 detector response P3RESPUNC : Uncertainty of P3RESPACT C1RESPACT : Array: The C100 9 pixel responses C1RESPUNC : Uncertainties of C1RESPACT C2RESPACT : Array: The C200 4 pixel responses C2RESPUNC : Uncertainties of C2RESPACT SLRESPACT : Array: The S 128 pixel responses SLRESPUNC : Uncertainties of SLRESPACT MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extended with origin measurements names and filters (CG) Jul 97 V6.4
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NAME: PHTRESDEF PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTRESDEF (Default Detector Responsivities) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtresdef COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores data from a PHT response file PHTRESP contains the following variables: P1RESP : The P1 detector response P2RESP : The P2 detector response P3RESP : The P3 detector response C1RESP : Array: The C100 9 pixel responses C2RESP : Array: The C200 4 pixel responses SLRESP : Array: The S 128 pixel responses P1RESU : Uncertainty of P1RESP P2RESU : Uncertainty of P2RESP P3RESU : Uncertainty of P3RESP C1RESU : Uncertainties of C1RESP C2RESU : Uncertainties of C2RESP SLRESU : Uncertainties of SLRESP MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC October 1994 Modified (last) by: CG November 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTRESPORB PURPOSE: Define the common block RESPORB, containing the PHT default responsivities. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtresporb MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA-VILSPA/SAI) January 1998 V7.0
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NAME: PHTSCP PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTSCP (Signals per Chopper Plateau) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) scp_first_handle, scp_last_handle and phtscp_desc added (WMT) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PhtScp_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSCP (Signals per Chopper Plateau) defining the contents as a template structure PHTSCP_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SCP structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtscp_init COMMON BLOCKS: phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) September 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for ANDR,AVSD and ARSI (CG) January 1996
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NAME: PHTSELNDR PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTSELNDR (Non-destructive Read-out Selection) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtselndr COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: PHTSELNDR contains the following variables: PP1SNDR: Array of NDRs skipped by P1 integration ramps per Tint PP2SNDR: Array of NDRs skipped by P2 integration ramps per Tint PP3SNDR: Array of NDRs skipped by P3 integration ramps per Tint PC1SNDR: Array of NDRs skipped by C1 integration ramps per Tint PC2SNDR: Array of NDRs skipped by C2 integration ramps per Tint PSSSNDR: Array of NDRs skipped by SS integration ramps per Tint PSSSNDR: Array of NDRs skipped by SL integration ramps per Tint MODIFICATION HISTORY: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTSLWAVLEN PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTSLWAVLEN (PHT-S Wavelength Calibration) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtslwavlen COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This file stores the wavelengths of the ISOPHT SS and SL detectors PHTSLWAVLEN contains the following variables: SLWAVELEN : The SS and SL wavelenghts MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL, ESA/ESTEC October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTSPD PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTSPD (Standard Processed Data) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtspd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: Phtspd_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSPD (Standard Processed Data) defining the contents as a template structure PHTSPD_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SPD structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization COMMON BLOCKS: phtspd CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtspd_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Mdodified (last) by: CG October 1994 spd_first_handle, spd_last_handle added (WMT) May 1996 phtspd_desc added (WMT) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTSRD PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTSRD (Signal Data) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtsrd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) srd_first_handle, srd_last_handle, phtsrd_desc added (WMT) May 1996 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PhtSrd_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSRD (Signal Data) defining the contents as a template structure PHTSRD_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SRD structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtsrd_init COMMON BLOCKS: phtsrd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC) July 1994 Modified (last) by CG September 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension: effective reset time and read-outs used (CG) January 1996
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NAME: PHTVIGNET PURPOSE: Definition of the common block VIGNET_TABLES (Chopper amplitude dependent vignetting tables) for inclusion into other routines. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtvignet COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: This common block holds the tables for the chopper-amplitude-dependant vignetting. PP1Vign ; P1 PP2Vign ; P2 PP3Vign ; P3 PC1Vign ; C100 PC2Vign ; C200 There is no vignetting done for PHT-S MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris (DRAL) October 1994 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PHTW2JY PURPOSE: Definition of the common block PHTW2JY for inclusion into routines. The common block PHTW2JY contains the conversion factors needed for flux density and brightnes density extractions from in-band powers. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @phtw2jy COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: W2JY_P: Conversion factors (W->Jy) for P1, P2, P3 (per filter) W2JY_C: Conversion factors (W->Jy) for C100, C200 (per filter) V2JY_S: Conversion factors for PHT-S (Amperes->Jy) (per PHT-S pixel) (this are the calibrated factors) containing the A to Jy calibration. W2JY_S: Conversion factors for PHT-S (W->Jy) W2MJY_S: Conversion factors for PHT-S (W->MJy/sr) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/VILSPA-SAI) March 1996 Changed (last) by CG - common extended for v2my January 1997 V6.0
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NAME: PHTW2JY_INIT PURPOSE: Initialize the common block PHTW2JY for inclusion into routines. The common block PHTW2JY contains the conversion factors needed for flux density and brightnes density extractions from in-band powers. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: phtw2jy_init COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: W2JY_P: Conversion factors (W->Jy) for P1, P2, P3 (per filter) W2JY_C: Conversion factors (W->Jy) for C100, C200 (per filter) V2JY_S: Conversion factors for PHT-S (Amperes->Jy) (per PHT-S pixel) (this are the calibrated factors) containing the A to Jy calibration. W2JY_S: Conversion factors for PHT-S (W->Jy) W2MJY_S: Conversion factors for PHT-S (W->MJy/sr) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/VILSPA-SAI) April 1996 Bug for PHT-S extended sources fixed by new calibration files fixed (CG) March 1997
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NAME: PHT_S PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block PHT_S for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @pht_s This file stores data about PHT-S detector responses PHT_S contains the following variables: S_PSF : Point spread function (array) S_WaveL : Centre wavelengths for each pixel (array) S_Ratio : Relative detector response at the central wavelength (array) S_Trans : Transmission of the beam path (array) DLambdaSS : Spectral bandwidth for PHT-SS DLambdaSL : Spectral bandwidth for PHT-SL Area : Primary mirror area in m^2 S_SR : Solid angle of the aperture in steradians CATEGORY: PIA - common block MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Huw Morris (DRAL), February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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Name: PHT_S_Init Purpose: Initialises the pht_s common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: PHT_S_INIT COMMON BLOCKS: pht_s MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Huw Morris (DRAL), February 1995 Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PIA PURPOSE: This is the "ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis" main program to be called to start an Interactive Analysis session. Menues lead you through the capabilities of the tool. No other routines should be called directly from the command line. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: PIA COMMON BLOCKS: colour_indices phterd PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: cs_init erd_init pia_aalevel pia_buffil pia_cal_crelin pia_cal_darkcur pia_cal_dietran pia_cal_fcsill pia_cal_fcspow pia_cal_fpgc pia_cal_ndrsel pia_cal_ppsf pia_cal_respons pia_cal_swavl pia_cal_vignet pia_cal_colour_correction pia_extfil pia_fxtfil pia_intfil pia_prtdef pia_set_sysvar pia_view scp_init set_colours spd_init srd_init INTERNAL: pia_event MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley (MPIK) August 94 Modified (last) by: CG September 1997 Responsivity check added in calibration JAc November 1997 New (orb.pos.dep.) cal. menues added (CG) February 1998 Delete buffers only after question (CG) December 1999 Map simulator button added (CG) March 2000 V8.2
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NAME: PIACMN_GBLDEF PURPOSE: Definition of common block PIACMN_GLBDEF for global default values. CATEGORY: PIA - common blocks CALLING SEQUENCE: @PIACMN_GBLDEF VARIABLES: gbldef structure of: calgdir : Directory for cal-G files datadir : Directory for ISO data files workdir : Working directory fitsext : FITS file extension (usually .FITS) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PIACMN_POW2FB PURPOSE: Definition of common block PIACMN_POW2FB holds constants for the transformation from power to flux/brightness. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @PIACMN_POW2FB VARIABLES: ppsf A 15 x 14 float array of PSF values. aper_m Aperture values in m / m^2 aper_r Aperture values in rad / sr p_wavel Central wavelengths of PHT-P filters [m] c_wavel Central wavelengths of PHT-C filters [m] p_ratio Response ratio of PHT-P filters [1/m] c_ratio Response ratio of PHT-C filters [1/m] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D Skaley Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: PIA_ON_LINE PURPOSE: Insert all the dynamical commons into some environment (e.g. within the general IDL environment) CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: @pia_on_line INPUT: RESTRICTIONS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phterd phtsrd phtscp phtspd phtaap MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) Jul 1996 phtaar + phtcs added (CG) Mar 1998 phtdrift + phtdyncal added (JAc) Dec 1998 V7.3
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NAME: PICKMEAS PURPOSE: This function allows the user to interactively pick a measurement from the PIA internal buffers. A file selection tool with a simple graphical user interface is created. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PICKMEAS() KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls PICKFILE. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in the death of the PICKFILE widget application. FTYPE: The structure type to be searched. TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. If it is not specified, the default title is "Select Measurement" NOCONFIRM: Return immediately upon selection of a file. The default behavior is to display the selection and then return the file when the user uses the "ok" button. MULTI: When set, several strings can be selected POSI: Position of every selected element COMMENTS: To be printed as text info within widget OUTPUTS: PICKMEAS returns a string that contains the name of the selected measurement. If no one is selected, PICKMEAS returns a null string. COMMON BLOCKS: PICKMEAS: COMMON block that maintains state for the widget. SIDE EFFECTS: This function initiates the XMANAGER if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: Only one instance of the PICKMEAS widget can be running at one time. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget and then exit, returning the measurement name that was picked. EXAMPLE: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtaap phtcla phterd phtscp phtsmc phtspd phtsrd PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modified by J. Acosta to include new buffer type (OTHER) - Jan. 96 Modified by J. Acosta to select within a set of indices - Mar. 96 Keyword added to print a text info (JA) Jan. 98 V7.0 /Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) V7.3
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NAME: PICKMEAS_pos PURPOSE: This function allows the user to interactively pick (a) measurement position(s) from the PIA internal buffers. A file selection tool with a simple graphical user interface is created. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PICKMEAS_pos() KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls PICKFILE. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in the death of the PICKFILE widget application. FTYPE: The structure type to be searched. TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. If it is not specified, the default title is "Select Measurement" NOCONFIRM: Return immediately upon selection of a file. The default behavior is to display the selection and then return the file when the user uses the "ok" button. MULTI: When set, several positions can be selected OUTPUTS: PICKMEAS returns the position of the selected measurement within the common block. If no one is selected, PICKMEAS returns a zero. COMMON BLOCKS: PICKMEAS: COMMON block that maintains state for the widget. SIDE EFFECTS: This function initiates the XMANAGER if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: Only one instance of the PICKMEAS widget can be running at one time. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget and then exit, returning the measurement name that was picked. EXAMPLE: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtaap phtcla phterd phtscp phtsmc phtsmd phtspd phtsrd PIA Procedure(s): decode_admn MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/SAI) July 1996 Modified by CG October 1996 V5.x /Modal use according to IDL >= 5.0 (CG) V7.3
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NAME: PIXEL_DET PURPOSE: Returns the number of pixels according to the detector, with the keyword ALLPX include resistor and open pixels CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: npix = PIXEL_DET(det, [/ALLPX]) INPUT PARAMETERS: det : name of the detector, a two character string [P1,P2,P3,C1,C2,SL] KEYWORDS: ALLPX: Including all pixels, resistor + open MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta Modified (last) by JA February 1997 V6.1 Added keywords IS_SPD and IS_AAP Jacosta May 1998 V7.1
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PROCEDURE: PLOTDATE PURPOSE: This procedure puts the user name, calling program and system time and date in the corner of a plot. CALLING SEQUENCE: plotdate, Prog, [Charsize=, Charthick=,/device,/data, /normal] OPTIONAL INPUTS: PROG -- Character string containing the name of the calling program (Default = 'INTERACTIVE') KEYWORD INPUTS: SIZE -- Specify the character size. (Default = 0.35) X, Y -- Location to put the string. (Default is lower right corner, depedning on the current device size). DEVICE -- If present and non-zero, X and Y are in DEVICE coordinates. Ignored if X, Y are not both specified. (Default = 1) DATA -- If present and non-zero, X and Y are in DATA coordinates. Ignored if X, Y are not both specified. (Default = 0) NORMAL -- If present and non-zero, X and Y are NORMALIZED coordinates. Ignored if X, Y are not both specified. NOTE: Only one of [DEVICE, DATA, NORMAL] should be specified. For more information regarding these parameters, check documentation of XYOUTS. PROCEDURES USED: REVISION HISTORY Written by: unknown Modified from RCB::[BOHLIN.IDL]PLOTDATE.PRO Oct 95 Version
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NAME: PROCESS_PIXEL PURPOSE: Fit voltage ramps of chosen pixel data, taken into account diverse selections or flags plotting the resulting ramps slopes with uncertainties CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_PIXEL, TMPDATA, IPIX, NDEG INPUT PARAMETERS: TMPDATA : Temporary ERD data structure IPIX : Pixel to be fitted NDEG : Degree of the polynomial to be fitted KEYWORD: DIV_RAMP: For ramps subdivision OUTPUT PARAMETERS: TIME : Array containing slopes times SLOP : Array containing slopes SLOPER : Array containing slopes uncertainties SLFLAG : Array containing slopes flags (0:OK, 1:only two points used, 2: bad) RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtacc splitramp_par PIA Procedure(s): acc_flg acc_volt decode_pixf fit_ramps MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Call to fit_ramps changed (CG) March 1996 Keyword DIV_RAMP added (CG) May 1997 V6.3 Extended for using tmpdata.flag (CG) November 1997 V6.6 Use of bitflag system + new more efficient data reduction routines (JAcosta) May 1999 Data reduction info added (CG) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: PROCESS_SCP PURPOSE: Convert PHT data from Signal per Chopper Plateau (SCP) to In-Band-Power per Chopper Plateau (SPD), using default or actual responses to do flux calibration. It accomodates the data into the structure PHTSPD. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_SCP, SCPDATA, HDR, RESP, SPDPS, SPDSTR, NO_SPD = NO_SPD, RESPINT=RESPINT INPUT PARAMETERS: SCPDATA : Structure containing the SCP data to be processed SCPHDR : (Updated) Header element corresponding to SCPDATA RESP : Responsivity choice flag - 0=default, 1=calculated, 2=absolute photometry, 3=interpolation OPTIONAL KEYWORD : NO_SPD : No structure added to the dynamical structure phtspd RESPINT : Structure to be used for time interpolation (must be set for RESP=3) SPRF : Spectral response function (for PHT-S) to be used OPTIONAL OUTPUT: SPDPS : Position of the produced SPD data within the PHTSPD structure (can be used to check if SPD data has been produced) SPDSTR : Temporary data structure (SPD level) RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtcap phtcs phtresact phtresdef phtscp phtspd PIA Procedure(s): cp_disc der_spdhdr get_wheels phtcap_init pia_respons_abs read_resp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) Changed (last) by CG October 1996 V5.x External Flatfield correction + avoid writing twice Resp in hdr by PHT-S and back into SCPHDR (CG) April 1997 V6.3 Baseline drift correction included & quoting responsivity origin in HDR (CG) July 1997 V6.4 Default responsivity used orbit dependent (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Writing in hdr actual or default respons & no use of syst.unc. by def. resp. (CG) March 1998 V7.1 FCS measurements can be flux calibrated, except for absolute photometry mode (JA) June 1998 Using double precision for avoiding underflow (CG) Feb. 1999 V7.4 Filter to Filter for P added (CG) July 1999 V7.9
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NAME: PROCESS_SPD PURPOSE: Convert PHT data from In-Band-Power per Chopper Plateau (SPD) to photometric flux tables (AAP). It accomodates the data into the dynamical structure PHTAAP, returning also the data as a temporary structure. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_SPD, SPDDATA, tmpaap, aapps INPUT PARAMETERS: SPDDATA : Structure containing the SPD data to be processed OPTIONAL INPUT: SPDHDR : (Updated) Header element corresponding to SPDDATA OPTIONAL OUTPUT: TMPAAP : A temporary AAP structure AAPPS : Position of the produced AAP data within the PHTAAP structure (can be used to check if AAP data has been produced) RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtaap PIA Procedure(s): flux MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Only "good" points entering the AAP structure (CG) October 1995 Changed call to flux to avoid warning (CG) March 1996 Automatic coordinates setting if not present (CG) May 1996 Avoiding division by 0. (CG) June 1996 Bug fixed (median brightness from avg. power) (CG) June 1996 changed for the aap central wavelength (WMT) Nov 1996 Accept also points with FLAG=1 (CG) Dec 1997 V6.6 Changing AAP hdr: new type and PIA version (CG) March 1998 Flag system included (JAc) March 1998 but commented until in use (CG) May 1998 V7.1 Bug introduced in 7.1 for PHT-S fixed (CG) May 1998 V7.1.1 Staring meas. with 1 pixel deselected was wrong treated in flag value. Fixed now. (CG) December 1998 V7.3 Changes according to use of bitflag system (CG) May 1999 V7.4 Deriving "new" AAP structure with RAP and DECP (CG) March 2000 V8.2
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NAME: PROCESS_SRD PURPOSE: Reduce PHT data from Signal per Ramp to Signal per Chopper Plateu, taken into account diverse selections or flags, and put averages, medians, uncertainties, etc. per chopper plateau into the structure phtscp In case of a staring measurement (1 chopper plateaux), data is reduced to signal per raster position. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_SRD, FILES, HDR, SCPPS, DRIFTCORR = driftcorr INPUT PARAMETERS: FILES : Array containing the names (phtsrd.admn) of the buffers to be processed KEYWORDS: DRIFTCORR: If set, drift analysis performed OPTIONAL INPUT: HDR : HDR string array - can be used for passing updated header OPTIONAL OUTPUT: SCPPS : Array containing the positions of the produced SCP data within the PHTSCP structure RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtacc phtscp phtsrd PIA Procedure(s): der_scphdr get_rastersteps mann Astronomical Library: avg sigma MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Drift stability analysis incorporated (CG) December 1995 Long integer for loop variable (for more than 32756 signals!) Jan.96 Drift stability analysis changed: at least 8 points required if not stable -> take last points (generally 8 but depending on flag) and calculate average and slope change Extension: eff.reset time, of readouts & distribution standard deviation (CG) January 1996 Bug fixed: if only partial stable mean was taken instead of weighted mean (CG) January 1996 Changeable parameters (common pht_mann_stab) instead of fix parameters for stability analysis (CG) January 1996
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NAME: PROCESS_TMPERD PURPOSE: Fit voltage ramps of chosen measurements, taken into account diverse selections or flags and put the resulting ramps slopes, uncertainties, etc. into the structure phtsrd CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_TMPERD, TMPERD, NDEG, HDR, SRDPS, ERDPS [,DIV_RAMP=div_ramp] INPUT PARAMETERS: TMPERD : Temporary Structure (ERD level) to be processed NDEG : Degree of the polynomial to be fitted INPUT KEYWORDS: div_ramp: A factor for subdividing ramps when processing OPTIONAL INPUT: HDR : String Array containing the file (updated) header OPTIONAL OUTPUT: SRDPS : Array containing the positions of the produced SRD data within the PHTSRD structure ERDPS : Array containing the positions of the input data within the PHTERD structure RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phterd phtsrd PIA Procedure(s): acc_flg acc_volt check_chop decode_pixf der_shdr fit_ramps red_ramps rpid_check MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JAcosta and CG based on existing process_erd Nov. 1997 V6.6 Check for rpid=[0b,0b] added (CG) Feb.98 V7.0 Bug for checking unc. for extrem long loops fixed (CG) Jun.98 V7.2 Upgrade (larger efficiency) by Jose Acosta (IAC) using bitflag system May 1999 Data reduction info added (CG) May 1999 V7.4 Bug for splitting into 2 fixed (CG) August 1999 V8.0+ Call to red_ramps including DR input (CG) November 1999 V8.2
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NAME: PROCESS_TMPSRD PURPOSE: Reduce PHT data from Signal per Ramp to Signal per Chopper Plateu, taken into account diverse selections or flags, and put averages, medians, uncertainties, etc. per chopper plateau into the structure phtscp. It uses a temporary structure instead of the dynamical structure as process_srd CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROCESS_TMPSRD, FILES, HDR, SCPPS, driftcorr=driftcorr INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata : structure to be processed KEYWORDS: DRIFTCORR: If set, drift analysis performed DRIFTMOD: If set, drift modelling performed SLOP_VAR: IF set, slopes variation analysis performed DRIFTPAR_STR: For returning the structure with drift modelling results OPTIONAL INPUT: HDR : a header to be taken instead of tmpdata.hdr OPTIONAL OUTPUT: SCPPS : Array containing the positions of the produced SCP data within the PHTSCP structure RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtacc phtscp phtdrift PIA Procedure(s): der_scphdr get_rastersteps get_rpchopstep meas_mann slop_var Astronomical Library: avg sigma MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA/SAI Modified (last) by JA + CG February 1997 V6.1 Bug for last point manually discarded fixed (CG) March 1997 Call to fitpar_str_init using CMODE (JA+CG) November 1997 V6.6 Pattern calibration added (CG) June 1999 + changed to bitflag system Recognition of nodding case added (CG) June 1999 V7.4 Nodding case also for 3xM raster (CG) July 1999 + fix for P32 September 1999 V8.0 Bug fixed: STEP variable in nodding case (CG) November 1999 V8.1 Bug fixed: 3x1 P32 case /= nodding (CG) February 2000 V8.2
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NAME: PROC_INT_RESP PURPOSE: Interpolate two FCS measurements for using the interpolated responsivity for a series of measurements to be power calibrated CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: PROC_INT_RESP, FCS1, FCS2, measlist INPUT PARAMETERS: FCS1 : index within phtscp of first FCS measurement to be used FCS2 : index within phtscp of second FCS measurement to be used OPTIONAL INPUT : measlist: index list of measurements to be power calibrated within phtscp PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtscp PIA Procedure(s): respons_interpol pia_load_iscp process_scp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-SAI) July 1996
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NAME: RAMP_2T_DEGLITCH PURPOSE: Routine for managing the application of the 2 threshold deglitching processing to a measurement, collecting statistics and updating the measurement's header CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: ramp_2t_deglitch, tmpdata, erd_disc, newheader, degl_acc INPUT PARAMETERS: TMPDATA : Temporary Structure ERD ERD_DISC : Flag array (0 = OK, 1 = bad flag) NEWHEADER : Header to be updated OUTPUT PARAMETERS: TMPDATA : Updated temporary Structure ERD (If encode_flag=1) NEWHEADER : Updated header DEGL_ACC : Glitches flag array (1=glitch flagged) KEYWORD INPUT ENCODE_FLAG : If set, update tmpdata.flag with bitcoded flag RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: PIA_internal: decode_admn pair_deglitch pdegl_str_init pixel_det COMMON BLOCKS: pdegl_str degl_summary degl_string MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA-VILSPA/SAI) January 1998 V7.0 Bug for 2 last PHT-S pixels fixed (CG) February 1998 V7.1 Updated for use of bitflag system (CG+JA) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: RAMP_DEGLITCH PURPOSE: Send a measurement to be ramp deglitched, perform statistics, write into the header CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: RAMP_DEGLITCH, tmpdata, header, silent=silent INPUT: tmpdata: A real PHT-ERD structure, modified by this process INPUT KEYWORDS: silent: Preventing from producing window messages OPTIONAL INPUT: header: The header to be modified. If not present, tmpdata.hdr is taken PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtacc degl_ramps_cmn degl_summary degl_string MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996 Modification history: Updated using FXADDPAR - (CG) December 1996 Version 5.5 Comment extended for low nr of readouts (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Limited to detector pixels, text expanded (CG) January 1998 V6.6 Upgraded with rampend info, use of bitflag system and text output (JAcosta + CG) May 1999 Data reduction info added (CG) May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: RASTER_INFO PURPOSE: This is not an IDL routine as such, but contains the definition of the common block RASTER_INFO for inclusion into other routines. By defining the common block in one place, the problem of conflicting definitions is avoided. This file is included into routines that need this common block with the single line (left justified) @raster_info This file stores data about raster scans RASTER_INFO contains the following variables: Att_Type: P(oint), (R)aster or (T)racking NPoints: Number of raster points NLines: Number of raster lines SPoints: Seperation of raster points SLines: Seperation of raster lines Ins_RA: RA of centre of field of view Ins_DEC: DEC of centre of field of view Roll: Roll angle Orient: Raster orientation MRaster: Misalignment of raster scanning MPixel: Misalignment of PHT-C pixels MChop: Misaligment of chopper throw CATEGORY: PIA - common block PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Huw Morris, October 1994
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NAME: READHDR PURPOSE: Read in a FITS header (primary or extended). The internal file pointer must be positioned at the beginning of the header which shall be read in. For the primary header this is the beginning of the file, for the extended header this is the position of the next FITS record (2880 bytes) just after the primary header. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READHDR, lun, header INPUTS: lun : The logical unit number of the FITS file, which has been opened already. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NOEND : Set this keyword to strip the 'END' card (the last non-blank card) from the header. ERROR : Returns and error code: 0 = no error 1 = an error occured when reading the file OUTPUTS: header : The header (primary or extended, depending on the initial position of the file pointer). SIDE EFFECTS: The FITS file remains open, the file pointer points to the beginning of the next FITS record after the header. PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: D. Skaley Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_AAR PURPOSE: Read a PHT-AAR (Auto Analysis Result) file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_AAR, NAME, HEADER, BUFFER [, PATH = PATH ] [, TYPE = TYPE ] INPUT: NAME : Name of AAR FITS file to be read OPT. INPUT KEYWORD: PATH : optional path for the file OPT. OUTPUTS: HEADER : String array containing the FITS binary table extension header BUFFER : The data itself (real structure) OPT. OUTPUT KEYWORD: TYPE : The type of the file read as quoted in phtaar RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid PHT AAR FITS file Except PHT Photometric Image PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtcs phtaar Astronomical Library: sxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Apr, 1996 Central Wavelengths added to C and P buffers (CG) January 1997 PPAS, PCAS read error corrected (IH) May 1997 V6.3 Type keyword added (CG) Apr 1998 AAR types changed, preventing reading AAR < V9.0 (CG) Mar 2000 V8.2
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NAME: READ_ALLPERIGEE PURPOSE: Read times from all perigee passage from a file created from Mission Planning PSFs CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ALLPERIGEE INPUT: rev: Revolution number date: Date in the format "16-DEC-1995 7:19:14.00". Is is compatible with tag unit as read from PIA data structures. OUTPUT: orbpos: Orbital position in units of 2.4hrs KEYWORDS: update: it will update file !F_ALLPERIGEE.DAT using read_allpsf COMMON BLOCKS: all_perigee PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: readcol INTERNAL: read_allpsf unit2juldate MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (PIDT - MPIA) December 1997 Added extrapolation (JAc) February 1998
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NAME: READ_ALLPSF PURPOSE: Scan the directory containing all PSFs CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: read_allpsf [,outfile] [,PSF_DIR =psf_dir] [,/VERBOSE] INPUT: OUTPUT: outfile: name of file to write the date of perigee passage. If not specified then !F_ALLPERIGEE is used KEYWORDS: verbose: some information is giving about the files reading PSF_DIR: repository directory containing Planned Skeleton Files (PSF) PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: INTERNAL: read_psf_perigee MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (PIDT - MPIA) December 1997
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NAME: READ_ASC_FCSPOW PURPOSE: Read a PHT FCSPOW uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ASC_FCSPOW, FCSPOW, DET, BUFFER, INPUTFILE = INPUTFILE INPUT: OUTPUT: FCSPOW: character string of '1' or '2' DET: character string of 'C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2' and 'P3' BUFFER: float array for the FCSPOW table OPTIONAL INPUT: INPUTFILE: string type for the input uplink file, default is either one of the following: p_fc1_c1.txt, p_fc1_c2.txt, p_fc2_c1.txt, p_fc2_c2.txt, p_fc1_p1.txt, p_fc1_p2.txt, p_fc1_p3.txt, p_fc2_p1.txt, p_fc2_p2.txt, p_fc2_p3.txt PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_ASC_PDETECT PURPOSE: Read a PHT PDETECT uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ASC_PDETECT, BUFFER, INPUTFILE = INPUTFILE INPUT: buffer: float array for the all the P and C detectors idark is buffer(0,*) nepread is buffer(1,*) respons is buffer(2,*) eta is buffer(3,*) The array are organised as: index detector type 0 P1 1 P2 2 P3 3 C1 4 C2 5 SS 6 SL OUTPUT: OPTIONAL INPUT: INPUTFILE: string type for the input uplink file, default is p_pdetect.txt OPTIONAL INPUT: PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_ASC_PFILTR PURPOSE: Read a PHT PFILTR uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ASC_PFILTR, BUFFER, INPUTFILE = INPUTFILE INPUT: OUTPUT: BUFFER: a floating array of 11 X 14, where OPTIONAL INPUT: INPUTFILE: string type for the input uplink file, default is p_pfiltr.txt PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_ASC_PSSSL PURPOSE: Read a PHT PSSSL uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ASC_PSSSL, BUFFER, INPUTFILE = INPUTFILE INPUT: OUTPUT: BUFFER: a floating array of 4 X 128, where the 1st column is fpsf the 2nd column is Lc the 3rd column is the total transmission the 4th column is the relative system response OPTIONAL INPUT: INPUTFILE: string type for the input uplink file, default is p_ss_sl.txt PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_CALA PURPOSE: Read a PHT CAL-A Data file filling the data into the IDL common PHTCLA. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_CALA, NAME, [HDR], [ILUNR] INPUT: NAME : Name of PHT-CAL-A FITS file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OPT. OUTPUTS: HDR : String array containing the FITS binary table extension header ILUNR : Array containing the indices of the measurements in the PHTSPD structure RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid PHT-CAL-A FITS file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm fxbintable phtcla phtcs PIA Procedure(s): mergehdr phtcs_get_rec read_cs Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbintable fxbopen fxbread fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA/SAI Modified (last) by CG December 1996 V5.4
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NAME: READ_CHOPCOR PURPOSE: Read the chopper correction factors from calg-G files and store into the COMMON phtchopcor CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_CHOPCOR INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): @phtchopcor Astronomical Library: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta January 1998 Version 7.0
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NAME: READ_CRELIN PURPOSE: Read the default PHT CRE linearisations from a FITS file into the COMMON phtcrelin CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_CRELIN INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtcrelin Astronomical Library: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_CS PURPOSE: Read a PHT Compact Status file filling the data into the IDL common PHTCS. The file has to be a FITS file Note that the PHTCS is organised as an array of structure which is defined as: PHTCS(i) : unit : strings dim : interger handle : handle point the collection of array CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_CS, NAME, [HDR], [ILUN] INPUT: NAME : Name of CS FITS file to be read KEYWORD: PATH : path for the file STATUS : return 0 if reading is okay, otherwise 1 on error OUTPUT: OPT. OUTPUTS: HDR : String array containing the FITS binary table extension header ILUN : Unit index in the common RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid PHT CS FITS file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): fxbintable phtcs PIA Procedure(s): mergehdr Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbintable fxbopen fxbread fxhread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Modified by: W M Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extended for Serendipity Mode CS files optional path added (WMT) March 1996 FREE_LUN included! (CG) June 1996 STATUS as keyword (CG) January 1997 V6.0
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NAME: READ_DARKORB PURPOSE: Read the dark current depending on orbital position from calg-G files into the COMMON phtdarkorb CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_DARKORB INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): @phtdarkorb PIA library: c2p_pipe2ia: changing order of C2 pixels Astronomical Library: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta November 1997 darkprorp and darkprom initialisation added (CG) December 1997 Version 6.6 Time behaviour for SL included -> SLDARKTIME (JAc) August 1998
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NAME: READ_ERD PURPOSE: Read a PHT-ERD (Edited Raw Data) file accomodating the data in structure PHTERD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ERD, UNIT, NAME, [HDR], [ILUNR], [PATH = PATH] INPUT: NAME : Name of ERD FITS file to be read OPT. INPUT: PATH : optional path for the file OPT. OUTPUTS: HDR : String array containing the FITS binary table extension header ILUNR : Array containing the indices of the measurements in the PHTERD structure RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid PHT ERD FITS file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm chop_info chop_info chop_param chop_param fxbintable phtcs phterd PIA Procedure(s): chop_info_init chop_param_init chop_pos conv_cre conv_subs fcs_pow_conv mergehdr pia_conv_date read_cs tmeas_conv Astronomical Library: fxbintable fxpar match MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA-SAI Modified (last) by CG October 1996 V5.x Change for detecting corrupted parts of the ERD files (CG) Oct 97 V6.5 Keyword FLAG added to ERD dynamical structure (CG) Nov 97 V6.6
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NAME: READ_FCSILL PURPOSE: Read the FCS illumination matrices from the FITS files into the COMMON phtillum CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_FCSILL[,FILENAME] INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: An alternative file (or array of files) to be read, see restrictions ! OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid (or an array of valid) PHT FCSILL fits file(s) AND first character must be a P 2nd and 3rd characters must indicate the detector ('C1' for C100, 'P1' for P1, etc) METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtillum Astronomical Library: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA/VILSPA-SAI Modified by CG Nov 96 Version 5.x Change for C200 pixels SPD pipeline convention New calibration version: primary FITS with a 4-dim table instead of binary table. V6.0
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NAME: READ_FCSPOW PURPOSE: Read the FCS power tables from the FITS files into the COMMON phtfcspow CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_FCSPOW[,FILENAME] INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: An alternative file (or array of files) to be read, see restrictions ! OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid (or an array of valid) PHT FCSPOW fits file(s) located on the !CALG directory AND 2nd and 3rd characters must indicate the detector ('C1' for C100, 'P1' for P1, etc) METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtfcs Astronomical Library: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Reading also tables validity limits from hdr & putting them into @phtfcs V7.0
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NAME: READ_FITS_HEADER PURPOSE: This is part of the pia support routines. And therefore is designed entirely with the pia in mind. It is used for reading the external fits header, it would trim out the primary endline if the extended header exist and join the primary header and the extended header together. CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_FITS_HEADER, FILENAME, HEADER, STATUS INPUT: FILENAME: the fits filename OUTPUT: HEADER: the returned fits header STATUS: the status, -1 is returned if there is error else return 0 COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: Astronomical Library: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) March 1996 mod to pass the current file pointer, WMT(DIAS) Jan 1997
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NAME: READ_FLATFIELD PURPOSE: Read the Flat Field Factors from the FITS files into the COMMON phtffield CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_FLATFIELD[,FILENAME] INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: An alternative file (or array of files) to be read, see restrictions ! OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE KEYWORDS: C1FF: Flat field array for C100 data - Full = FLTARR(9,7,2) except if FILTER set (s. FILTER) C2FF: Flat field array for C200 data - Full = FLTARR(4,5,2) except if FILTER set (s. FILTER) PFF: Filter to filter corr array for P data - Full = FLTARR(14,2) except if FILTER set (s. FILTER) FILTER: If set and corresponding to the nomenclature of C100/C200 filters (eg 'C1_50', 'C2_200') then C1FF/C2FF only for this filter (eg FLTARR(9,2) for C100) RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid (or an array of valid) PHT Flatfield (Filter to filter) fits file(s) AND first character must be a P 2nd and 3rd characters must indicate the detector ('PC1' for C100, 'PC2' for C200, 'PPF' for P) METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtillum Astronomical Library: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA/VILSPA-SAI May 1997 V6.3 Extended for filter to filter file PPFTOF April 1999 V7.4
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NAME: READ_FLUXCONV PURPOSE: Read the Watts to Jy conversion factors from a FITS file into the COMMON phtw2jy CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_FLUXCONV INPUT PARAMETERS: (none) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: The file to be read OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid PHT PFLUXCONV fits file METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtw2jy Astronomical Library: fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) April 1996 Free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996
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NAME: Read_footpr PURPOSE: Read the calibration files P#FOOTPR CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: Read_footpr, det, fpr, fp_hdr INPUT: DET: Detector ('P2', 'C100', 'C1' ...) OUTPUT: FPR: The footprint data cube corresponding to DET FP_HDR: The header of the footprint FITS file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR: 0 if OK, 1 if failed COMMON BLOCKS: (none) PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: is_file_exist ASTRO LIB: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA) July 1998 V7.2
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NAME: READ_FPGC PURPOSE: Read an Focal Plane Geometry Calibration File and analyse contents CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUT: infile: name of FPGC file OPTIONAL INPUT: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_FPGC PURPOSE: Read an Focal Plane Geometry Calibration File CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: read_fpgc, infile, npts, nlin, dst_pts, dst_lin, rota, $ rline, rcolumn, ycoor, zcoor, $ TEXTOUT=text, ERROR=error INPUT: infile: name of FPGC file OPTIONAL INPUT: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TEXTOUT String array containing the vital contents of the FGPC file ERROR Returns an error status: 0 = no error 1 = error: output is not valid OUTPUT: npts Number of raster points nlin Number of raster lines dst_pts Distance between raster points [arcsec] dst_lin Distance between raster legs [arcsec] rota Rotation of raster pattern around raster centre in degrees [0.0 .. 360.0] rline[npts*nlin] Raster point id: line number rcolumn[npts*nlin] Raster point id: column number ycoor[npts*nlin] Relative Y-coordinate [arcsec] w.r.t. nominal direction of the raster centre zcoor[npts*nlin] Relative Z-coordinate [arcsec] w.r.t. nominal direction of the raster centre PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: I. Heinrichsen Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_IAAP PURPOSE: READ a PHTIAAP (Interactive Astronomical Application Data measurement) file into the dynamical structure PHTAAP CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_IAAP, NAME [, IPOS] [, PATH = PATH] [, ADMN = ADMN] INPUT: NAME : IAAP-savefile name OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: PATH : path for the file OPTIONAL OUTPUT: IPOS : index within phtaap array OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD: ADMN : administration name (phtaap.admn) RESTRICTIONS: NAME must correspond to a valid PHTIAAP file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtaap MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/SAI) June 1996 central wavelength added (WMT) Nov 1996 IPOS added as output argument (JAcosta) April 1997 Keyword admn added & filename in HDR (CG) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: READ_ICLA PURPOSE: READ a PHTICLA (Interactive Calibration A measurement) file into the dynamical structure PHTCLA CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ICLA, NAME, PATH = PATH INPUT: NAME : CaL A-savefile name OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD: ADMN : administration name RESTRICTIONS: NAME must correspond to a valid PHTICLA file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtcla MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 optional path added (WMT) March 1996 Keyword admn added & filename in HDR (CG) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: READ_ICS PURPOSE: READ a PHTICS (Interactive Compact Status Data) file into the dynamical structure PHTCS CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ICS, NAME, PATH = PATH INPUT: NAME : CS-savefile name OPT. INPUT: PATH : path for the file RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTICS file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtcs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 optional path added (WMT) March 1996
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NAME: read_idb_def PURPOSE: Read data from pht_fm.idb_def data base CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: read_idb_def,header,idb,idb_ar_table,idb_ar_image INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUT PARAMETERS: idb :database array idb_ar_table and idb_ar_image with informations about action routines header :header of idb_def file RESTRICTIONS: NONE METHOD: Store data used for all kinds of idb entries in the first 17 elements of the idb array, element number 18 contains an pointer on a struct of 5 pointers on the 5 posible entries: index status analog1 analog2 analog3 A zero means, that no data of this type is used for this entry PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: boost_array Other Procedure(s): pht_fm.idb_def MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996
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NAME: READ_IERD PURPOSE: READ a PHTIERD (Interactive Edited Raw Data measurement) file into the dynamical structure PHTERD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_IERD, NAME [,PATH = PATH] [, ADMN = ADMN] INPUT: NAME : ERD-savefile name OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OUTPUT KEYWORD: ADMN : administration name (phterd.admn) RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTIERD file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phterd PIA Procedure(s): read_erd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 optional path added (WMT) March 1996 Keyword admn added & filename in HDR (CG) May 1997 V6.3
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Name: Read_IRPH Purpose: Reads an IRPH attitude file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O Calling Sequence: READ_IRPH, fname, Dec, RA, Roll, UTC, Rpid, RPQ, HDR, CDEC, CRA, CROLL, CORQ, OTFT Input: FName: Name of an IRPH file Output: Dec : Uncorrected Raster Point declination RA : Uncorrected Raster point right ascension Roll: Uncorrected Raster Pont reference roll angle UTC : Expected UTC of start of pointing RPId: Raster Point ID RPQ : Raster Point quaternion Hdr : FITS header information CDEC: Corrected raster-point reference declination CRA : Corrected raster-point reference right ascension CROLL: Corrected raster-point reference roll angle CORQ: Raster-point correction quaternion OTFT: On-target flag threshold CRA Restrictions: None Procedures Called: Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbopen fxbread fxpar Modification History Written by: Huw Morris Modification: New IRPH structure OLP version 6.1 (IH) Aug. 97 Warning added for old filetype (CG) September 1997 V6.5 Finding of old filetype changed to cope with larger files (CG) January 1998 V7.0
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NAME: READ_ISCP PURPOSE: READ a PHTISCP (Interactive Signal per Chopper Plateau) file into the dynamical structure PHTSCP CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ISCP, NAME [, IPOS] [, PATH = PATH] [, ADMN = ADMN] INPUT: NAME : SCP-savefile name OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OPTIONAL OUTPUT: IPOS : index within phtscp array OUTPUT KEYWORD: ADMN : administration name (phtscp.admn) RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTISCP file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Structure extension: ARSI, ANDR and AVSD add optional path (WMT) March 1996 IPOS added as output argument (JAcosta) April 1997 Keyword admn added & filename in HDR (CG) May 1997 Simplified way of asigning name and saving (JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: READ_ISPD PURPOSE: READ a PHTISPD (Interactive Standard Processed Data measurement) file into the dynamical structure PHTSPD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ISPD, NAME [, IPOS] [, PATH = PATH] [, ADMN = ADMN] INPUT: NAME : ISPD-savefile name OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OPTIONAL OUTPUT: IPOS : index within phtspd array OUTPUT KEYWORD: ADMN : administration name (phtscp.admn) RESTRICTIONS: NAME must correspond to a valid PHTISPD file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtspd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 RA, DEC bug fixed + missed keywords (CG) December 1995 optional path added (WMT) March 1996 Keyword admn added & filename in HDR (CG) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: READ_ISRD PURPOSE: READ a PHTISRD (Interactive Signal Data measurement) file into the dynamical structure PHTSRD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_ISRD, NAME [,IPOS] [, PATH = PATH] [, ADMN = ADMN] INPUT: NAME : SRD-savefile name OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OUTPUT KEYWORD: ADMN : administration name (phtsrd.admn) RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTISRD file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtsrd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/ESTEC-SAI) Oct 95 Version 3.5 Structure extension: RESI + NROS (CG) January 1996 optional path added (WMT) March 1996 Added ipos to identify the number in PHTSRD buffer (J.Acosta) October 1996 Add uncertainties if equal 0 (CG) April 1997 V6.2 Keyword admn added & filename in HDR (CG) May 1997 Simplified way of asigning name and saving (JA) May 1997 V6.3 Loop for uncertainty assignment to LONG corrected (V6.5) September 1997
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NAME: READ_MAP PURPOSE: Read a PHT-AAR (Auto Analysis Result) file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_MAP, NAME, HEADER, BUFFER, [ PATH = PATH ] INPUT: NAME : Name of AAR FITS file to be read OPT. INPUT: PATH : optional path for the file OPT. OUTPUTS: HEADER : String array containing the FITS binary table extension header RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid PHT AAR FITS file Except PHT Photometric Image PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtcs phtaar Astronomical Library: sxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) Apr, 1996
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NAME: READ_OMEGA PURPOSE: This procedure initialises the phtomega and the phtapert common block CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_OMEGA INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: An alternative file (or array of files) to be read, see restrictions ! OUTPUTS: None RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid (or an array of valid) PPOMEGA, PC1OMEGA or PC2OMEGA fits file(s) located on the !CALG directory COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the phtapert and phtomega common block are initialised PROCEDURES USED: read_ppomega read_pc1omega read_pc2omega MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Jan 98 Version 1.0 V7.0
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NAME: READ_PC1OMEGA PURPOSE: This procedure initialises the phtomega and the phtapert common block from the PC1OMEGA.FITS CAL-G file CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_PC1OMEGA INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the phtapert and phtomega common block are initialised with the PHT-C100 information. PROCEDURES USED: fxbopen, fxbread, fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Jan 98 Version 1.0 V7.0 Free_lun unit after 1st open call (CG) Jul 99 V8.0
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NAME: READ_PC2OMEGA PURPOSE: This procedure initialises the phtomega and the phtapert common block from the PC2OMEGA.FITS CAL-G file CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_PC2OMEGA INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the phtapert and phtomega common block are initialised with the PHT-C200 information. PROCEDURES USED: fxbopen, fxbread, fxpar C2P_PIPE2IA MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Jan 98 Version 1.0 V7.0 Free_lun unit after 1st open call (CG) Jul 99 V8.0
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Name: READ_PCPSF Purpose: Reads the PPPSF and the PCPSF FITS file into the common phtppsf CATEGORY: PIA - I/O PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtppsf Astronomical Library: fxbopen fxbread fxread History: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) June 1999 V7.4
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NAME: read_phthk PURPOSE: Read data from GEHK?.FITS file in arrays hkdat and timestep CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: read_phthk, tdtnum,hkdat,timestep,header INPUT PARAMETERS: tdtnum : tdt number of fits file (as a string, e.g. '00310203' OUTPUT PARAMETERS: hkdat :array containing the fits data timestep(x) :time for each measurement header :header of fits file RESTRICTIONS: NONE METHOD: fxbread idl procedure, MERGEHDR PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): mergehdr Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbopen fxbread fxhread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_PPOMEGA PURPOSE: This procedure initialises the phtomega and the phtapert common block from the PPOMEGA.FITS CAL-G file CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_PPOMEGA INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The variables in the phtapert and phtomega common block are initialised with the PHT-P information. PROCEDURES USED: fxbopen, fxbread, fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ingolf Heinrichsen Jan 98 Version 1.0 V7.0 Free_lun unit after 1st open call (CG) Jul 99 V8.0
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Name: READ_PPSF Purpose: Reads the PPSF FITS file into the common phtppsf CATEGORY: PIA - I/O PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtppsf Astronomical Library: fxread History: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL Oct 95 Version 3.5 Superseded by read_pcpsf - just call to it avoid changing all the calls. V7.4
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NAME: READ_PSF_PERIGEE PURPOSE: Read a PSF file returning the perigee pass time CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: read_asc_orbit, psffile, perigee_time INPUT: psffile: A PSF ascii type file OUTPUT: perigee_time: The time quoted in psffile as perigee time (in 'date_conv' floating format) COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: date_conv MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC/ESA) September 1996
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NAME: READ_RESP PURPOSE: Read the default PHT responsivities from a FITS file into the COMMON phtresdef CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_RESP INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: The file to be read OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid PHT responsivity fits file METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtresdef Astronomical Library: fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 assign uncertainty to responsivity until a value can be read from FITS file J. Acosta (Jun-96) Changed to pipeline SPD C200 pixel order - CG December 1996 V5.5
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NAME: READ_RESPORB PURPOSE: Read the responsivity depending on orbital position from calg-G files into the COMMON phtresporb CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_RESPORB INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE KEYWORDS: filename: Array of filenames to be used as input. If not set, the default is: [PPRESP_02,PC1RESP_02,PC2RESP_02], FITS files residing on !FITDIR. RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): @phtresporb PIA library: c2p_pipe2ia: changing order of C2 pixels Astronomical Library: fxread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1998 V7.0 Bug for case of NO keyword filename fixed (CG) April 1998 V7.1
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NAME: READ_RLIN_TABLE PURPOSE: Read an ASCII table as designed for the signal linearization CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_RLIN_TABLE, TABLE, SIG_IN, SIG_OUT, LIMITS INPUT PARAMETERS: table: filename of the table KEYWORDS: (none) OUTPUT: sig_in : Array containing signals as observed sig_out : Array (same dims as sig_in) containing corrected signals after detector response linearization limits : 2-elements array containing lower und upper validity bounds PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: readcol MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA-VILSPA/SAI Dec.98
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NAME: READ_SCP PURPOSE: READ a PHTSCP (Interactive Signal per Chopper Plateau) fits file into the dynamical structure PHTSCP CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SCP, NAME INPUT: NAME : SCP-fitsfile name OPT. INPUT: PATH : path for the file RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTSCP fits file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtscp PIA Procedure(s): mergehdr Astronomical Library: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W M Tai (adapted from C Gabriel in optional path added add three new fields to the phtscpt, (arsi, andr and avsd) change rpid to byte array (WMT) Mar 96 Oct 95 Version 3.5 mod to use (WMT) Jan 97
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NAME: READ_SELNDR PURPOSE: Read the Pipeline non-destructive read-outs selection criteria from a FITS file into COMMON phtselndr CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SELNDR[,FILENAME] INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: An alternative file to be read, see restrictions ! OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid PHT SELNDR fits file(s) located on the !FITDIR directory METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtselndr Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbopen fxbread MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: READ_SPD PURPOSE: Read a PHT-SPD (Standard Processed Data) file accomodating the data structure PHTSPD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SPD, NAME, [HDR], [ILUNR], [PATH = PATH] INPUT: NAME : Name of PHT-SPD FITS file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OPT. OUTPUTS: HDR : String array containing the FITS binary table extension header ILUNR : Array containing the indices of the measurements in the PHTSPD structure RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid PHT-SPD FITS file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm fxbintable phtcs phtspd PIA Procedure(s): c2p_pipe2ia mergehdr phtcs_get_rec read_cs Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbintable fxbopen fxbread fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA-SAI Modified by Wai-Ming Tai (DIAS) and CG September 1996 V.5.0 - Sept. 96 Problem with different nomenclature for SPD files from pipeline fixed (CG) September 1997 V6.5
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NAME: READ_SPD_SL PURPOSE: Read a PHT-SPD (Standard Processed Data) file corresponding to PHT-SS or PHT-SL accomodating the data into the structure PHTSPD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SPD_SL, NAME, [HDR], [ILUNR], [PATH = PATH] INPUT: NAME : Name of PHT-SPD FITS file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : path for the file OPT. OUTPUTS: HDR : String array containing the FITS binary table extension header ILUNR : Array containing the indices of the measurements in the PHTSPD structure RESTRICTIONS: File must be a valid PHT-SPD FITS file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm fxbintable phtcs phtspd PIA Procedure(s): c2p_pipe2ia mergehdr phtcs_get_rec read_cs Astronomical Library: fxbclose fxbintable fxbopen fxbread fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 optional path added (WMT) March 1996 abort reading if cs file not found March 1996 Free_lun instead of close (CG) May 1996 change to accomodate the ss/sl spd to scp Sept 1996 structure, we have to merge the sl and ss files together in the scp structure Extension to IA produced files (CG) Oct 1997 V6.5
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NAME: READ_SPECAL PURPOSE: Read the Volts/s to Jy conversion factors from a FITS file into the COMMON phtw2jy CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SPECAL INPUT PARAMETERS: (none) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: The file to be read OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid PHT PSPECAL fits file METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtw2jy Astronomical Library: fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) April 1996 Last change by CG - New calfile January 1997 keyword ATABLE added to read an ASCII table (JAcosta) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: READ_SPECAL_CHOP PURPOSE: Read the Volts/s to Jy conversion factors and first order correction for SL chopped measurement from a FITS file into the COMMON phtslchopp. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SPECAL_CHOP INPUT PARAMETERS: (none) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILENAME: The file to be read PATH: The directory to find the file to be read TABLE: To read a savefile instead of cal-G file OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: FILENAME must be a valid PHT PSPECAL fits file METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtslchopp Astronomical Library: fxhread fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta (IAC) Feb. 1999 V7.3 Upgrade (CG) Jul. 1999 V7.9
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NAME: READ_SRD PURPOSE: READ a PHTSRD (Interactive Signal Data measurement) fits file into the dynamical structure PHTSRD CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_SRD, NAME INPUT: NAME : SRD-fitsfile name OPT. INPUT: PATH : path for the file RESTRICTIONS: NAME must be a valid PHTSRD fits file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtsrd PIA Procedure(s): mergehdr read_isrd Astronomical Library: fxpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W M Tai (adapted from C Gabriel in Modified (last) by CG November 1996 V5.x Bug fixed (long headers) - CG January 1997 V6.x
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NAME: REBUILD_RAMPS PURPOSE: reconstruct a ramp which is affected by glitches. It looks for the median of unaffected readout differences and use that to reconstruct the readout jumps. It works only for an individual ramp. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: newramp = REBUILD_RAMPS (time, ramp, indok, indreb) INPUTS: time : Vector containing the independent variable [t] (same size) ramp : Vector containing the individual readouts indok : Index containing the good readouts indreb : Index containing the readouts to rebuild OUTPUTS: newramp : Array containing the repaired readouts KEYWORD INPUT: RESTRICTIONS: time, ramp and redflag must have the same number of elements PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: RED_RAMPS PURPOSE: Reduce several variables from read-out level to signal level. Return chopper pos., temp., FCS values, time key and raster point per ramp using the flag status for taking just the selected read-outs CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: red_ramps, tmperd, st, chincr, rampend, otf, dr, $ ychop, ystep, yfcsn, ytemp, yfcs1, yfcs2, ytkey, yrpid, ycflg INPUT PARAMETERS: TMPERD : Temporary Structure ERD ST : Flag status (0 = OK, 1 = bad flag) CHINCR : Chopper increment RAMPEND : Ramp end status array (1=end) OTF : Flag-array for On Target Flag (ERD level) DR : Destructive Read-out Flag (ERD level) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: YCHOP : Array - medians of chopper position / ramp YSTEP : Array - medians of chopper step / ramp YFCSN : Array - medians of chopper fcsn value / ramp YTEMP : Array - interpolated temperatures / ramp YFCS1 : Array - medians of FCS1 el. power / ramp YFCS2 : Array - medians of FCS2 el. power / ramp YTKEY : Array - initial instr. Time Key / ramp YRPID : Array - medians of raster position / ramp YCFLG : Array - flags for chopper position YOTF : Array - flags for On Target Flag RESTRICTIONS: DR and ST must have the same number of elements as variables in TMPERD METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Astronomical Library: avg boost_array MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Modified by CG - PIA V5.x October 1996 Bug for very strange configuration (subdivision + 1 element/ramps accepted) fixed (CG) July 1997 V6.4 Signal chopper positions defined using all read-outs + check for consistency and corresponding flags (CG) September 1997 Change for 1 read-out in ramp (CG) February 1998 V7.1 Upgraded using ramp end info (JAcosta) May 1999 Bug for ramp with no valid reads fixed (CG) May 1999 OTF input, YOTF output added Bug for RPID value when no valid reads fixed (CG) August 1999 V8.0 DR input added for fixing bug (OTF flag) in case of two read-outs ramps (CG) November 1999 V8.2
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NAME: REPLACE_FCSPRE_STR PURPOSE: Replace Pre-reduced Signals current structure corresponding to det CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CATEGORY: CALLED SEQUENCE: REPLACE_FCSPRE_STR, DETECTOR_NAME, newfcspre_str INPUTS: DETECTOR_NAME: ONE OF THESE STRINGS -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2 newfcspre_str: the corresponding new Pre-reduced signals structure OPTIONAL INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NONE PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN BY: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) February 1996
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NAME: RESPCHK_STR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the Responsivity check Structures CATEGORY: PIA - initialisation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESPCHK_STR_INIT INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURES USED: None MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta May 97 Version 6.4
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NAME: RESPONS_INTERPOL PURPOSE: Interpolates two PHT-Fcs measurements, writing as actual responsivity the weighted average of both (after user's choice) into the common block phtrespact CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: RESPONS_INTERPOL, fcs1, fcs2, resps[,NO_WIDGET=no_widget] INPUT: fcs1: index within PHTSCP of the first fcs measurement fcs2: index within PHTSCP of the second fcs measurement KEYWORD: no_widget: PIA_respons call with /no_widget outlim : Set to 1 if OUT_of_limits of at least one of both fcs set OUTPUT: resps: A structure containing resp1: responsivity calculated with the fcs1 measurement respun1: resp1 uncertainty time1: measurement's date (taken from fcs1.unit) orig1n: admn name 1st FCS orig1f: filter 1st FCS orig1m: method used 1st FCS resp2: responsivity calculated with the fcs2 measurement respun2: resp2 uncertainty time2: measurement's date (taken from fcs2.unit) orig2n: admn name 2nd FCS orig2f: filter 2nd FCS orig2m: method used 2nd FCS RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtresact phtscp PIA Procedure(s): pia_load_iscp pia_respons weight_mean MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Passing back responses and uncertainties (CG) February 1996 pia_respons call changed (CG) July 1996 Keyword NO_widget added (CG) June 1997 V6.3 Output keyword outlim added (CG) February 1998 V7.1 Extension of resps for info inclusion (CG) July 99 V7.4
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NAME: RESPONS_STR_INIT PURPOSE: Initializes the Responsivity Structures CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: RESPONS_STR_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL Modified by: Wai-Ming Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5 New structure definition (CG) November 1995 Structure extension (CG) December 1995 Structure extension (JAcosta) April 1996
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NAME: RLIN_PROC PURPOSE: Apply the signal linearization to an SRD/SCP PHT measurement CATEGORY: PIA - Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: RLIN_PROC, TMP, NEWHDR=NEWHDR, SRD=SRD, SIG_COR=SIG_COR INPUT PARAMETERS: tmp: temporary SRD or SCP structure (it get updated) (**) KEYWORDS: SRD: to be set if measurement of SRD level OPT.INPUT KEYWORDS: newhdr: measurement header (it get updated) OPT.OUTPUT KEYWORDS: sig_cor: the corrected signals after linearization KEYWORDS: INFO getting the messages instead of the console OUTPUT: sig_in : Array containing signals as observed sig_out : Array (same dims as sig_in) containing corrected signals after detector response linearization limits : 2-elements array containing lower und upper validity bounds PROCEDURES USED: (**) NOTE: all affected variables are changed accordingly, eg. slun in the SRD case, and avun, medi, q1me, q3me in the SCP case. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA-VILSPA/SAI Dec.98 INFO keyword added (CG) Jun.99 Other variables changed (slun ...) CG Jun.99 V7.4 rlin_tables under !CALG (CG) Jul 99 V7.9 Bug in uncertainty removed (CG) Jul 99 Call to rlin_fct including det as keyword (CG) Jul 99 V8.0
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NAME: ROUTINE_NAME PURPOSE: Include help text for pia_multi_fit CATEGORY: PIA - support Used with kind permission of the SWS IDT. Imported into PIA from SWS interactive analysis routine library. #> multi_fit_help.dc1 Identifier Purpose Including help text for Synopsis multi_fit_help, help_ident Arguments Name I/O Type Description ----------------------------------------------------- help_ident I string help ident Returns --- Description --- Comment Currently in german Example --- Category CAS Filename Author K.Seidenschwang Version 1.0 History 1.0 03-apr-1995 --> KS first draft #<
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NAME: SCP2AAP_SL PURPOSE: Convert from tmpscp structure to AAP, using a given calibration CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: scp2aap_SL, tmpscp, flux_str, aapps, NEWHDR = newhdr, $ INFO = info INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpscp: a valid scp structure (only PHT-S) flux_str: structure containing the calibrated signals. It has the following tags: flux_str={flave:FLTARR(128),flunc:FLTARR(128), $ flmed:FLTARR(128),flq1:FLTARR(128), $ flq3:FLTARR(128),flflag:FLTARR(128)} OUTPUT PARAMETERS: aapps: index of PHTAAP structure array KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFO: a string array containing info about processing NEWHDR: an updated header which will go into AAP structure COMMON BLOCKS: phtaap PROCEDURES USED: PIA LIB: ASTRO LIB: INTERNAL: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J.Acosta (ISO-SOC/VILSPA) Feb 1999 V7.3 Flag changed - taking it from SCP structure (CG) Feb 1999 V7.4 Header keyword PRA_CDYN added (CG) Sept. 1999 V8.1
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NAME: scp_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSCP defining the contents as a template structure PHTSCP_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SCP structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: SCP_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Free handles added (CG) January 1996 use scp_fist_handle and scp_last_handle (WMT) May 1996 Keyword index for clearing set of records added (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: SEP_RP PURPOSE: Separate an ERD measurement into pieces per RPID CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SEP_RP, tmperd INPUT PARAMETERS: tmperd : temporary (real) ERD structure OUTPUT PARAMETERS: (none) RESTRICTIONS: tmperd must be a temporary real structure SIDE EFFECTS: phterd buffer increase by (rasterpoints * rasterlines) measurements METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phterd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA - SAI) 1996 Bug for last raster point fixed (CG) June 1997 V6.4 Change accordingly to new keyword in ERD structure phterd.flag (CG) February 1998 V7.1 Bug fixed: temperature 2-dim for SL (CG) August 1999 V8.0
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NAME: SEP_RP_CHOP PURPOSE: Separate an array per raster point and chopper position computing the corresponding weighted means und uncertainties CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SEP_RP_CHOP, flux, flunc, rpid, step, flout, flounc, flpos INPUTS: flux: a 2 dimensional array (eg mnpw(9,1200) flunc: the corresponding uncertainty array rpid: the raster point id array (eg rpid(2,1200)) step: the chopper step array (PIA convention!) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (none) OUTPUTS: flout: the "flux" array averaged per raster point and chopper pos. flounc: the corresponding uncertainty array flpos: a string array with one entry per rpid/chpos combination PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): weight_mean COMMON BLOCKS: (none) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel, ESA/VILSPA July 1996
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NAME: set_colours PURPOSE: Loads the color tables for the CEB plotting CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: set_colours INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: NONE METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): colour_indices MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: S. R. Williams Oct 95 Version 3.5 White copied to position 10 (CG) February 1996 Loading the b-w table first (CG) July 1996 Loading the individual colors in the last 12 positions and inserting rainbow in first 116 May 1999 V7.4
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NAME: SET_ORBPOS PURPOSE: Given a revolution and date compute the orbital position CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: orbpos = set_orbpos(rev, date) INPUT: rev: Revolution number date: Date in the format "16-DEC-1995 7:19:14.00". Is is compatible with tag unit as read from PIA data structures. OUTPUT: orbpos: Orbital position in units of 2.4hrs PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: juldate INTERNAL: read_allperigee unit2juldate MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (PIDT - MPIA) December 1997
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NAME: set_slwavelen PURPOSE: Fill the array slwavelen (in PHTSLWAVLEN) containing the SS and SL wavelengths CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: set_slwavelen INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: NONE METHOD: Call to READ_SPECAL (read PSPECAL.FITS) PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtslwavlen PIA Procedure(s): read_specal MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL Oct 95 Version 3.5 Now just as intermediate call to READ_SPECAL (CG) April 1996
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NAME: SGCHOPCOR PURPOSE: Perform the correction for signal losses in a chopped measurement. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SGCHOPCORR, tmpdata INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: Background subtracted measurement OUTPUT PARAMETERS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta NOVEMBER 1997 Version 6.6
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Name: Sky_Coords Purpose: Maps image co-ordinates onto equatorial co-ordinates CATEGORY: PIA - processing Input: xa: x image co-ordinate ya: y image co-ordinate Output: RA: RA of co-ordinate Dec: Dec of co-ordinate Roll_Ang: Roll Angle RA_Unc: Uncertainty in the RA Dec_Unc: Uncertainty in the Dec Roll_Unc: Uncertainty in the roll Restrictions: Assumes the raster_info common block has been initialised Procedures Called: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): Modification History: Written by: Huw Morris (adapted from Simon Williams) Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: SLOP_VAR PURPOSE: Calculate slop variations in time intervals CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SLOP_VAR, tmpdata, rpchopsteps, sig_disc, slop_var_str INPUT: tmpdata: An SRD temporary structure rpchopsteps: The raster/chopper combination steps sig_disc: A flag array corresponding to tmpdata.slop KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUT: slop_var_str: A structure containing the slopes variations per time interval and pixel, uncertainties, averages, initial and final signals. COMMON BLOCKS: (none) METHOD: Divide into time intervals per raster point and chopper position: time intervals are given by 2^n seconds, (n > 1). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel - ESA/SAI December 1996 Version 5.5 Bug fixed - JA+CG February 1997 V6.1
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NAME: spd_disc PURPOSE: Return a flag array with flag=2 for all the chopper plateaux discarded using the bitflag system CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: spd_disc, tmpdata, flagarr INPUT PARAMETERS: tmpdata: PHTSPD type temporary structure OUTPUT PARAMETERS: flagarr: Flag array of dimensions (# pixels, # chopper plateaux) # pixels does not include resistor and open pixel RESTRICTIONS: NONE METHOD: Use the SPD discard criteria within PHTACC to flag all chopper plateaux to be deselected PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtacc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL Oct 95 Version 3.5 Changed according to bitflag system (CG) V7.4
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NAME: spd_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSPD defining the contents as a template structure PHTSPD_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SPD structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: SPD_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtspd phtspd_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Keyword index for clearing set of records added (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: SPHDIST PURPOSE: SPHDIST calculates the distance between two points on a sphere. SPHDIST is also able to calculate the distance between a single point and a series of points or between two series of points. CATEGORY: Astronomy. CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = SPHDIST( RA1, DEC1, RA2, DEC2 ) INPUTS: RA1: Flt scalar or array; specifying the right ascension of point 1 [degrees]. DEC1: Flt scalar or array; specifying the declination of point 1 [degrees]. RA2: Flt scalar or array; specifying the right ascension of point 2 [degrees]. DEC2: Flt scalar or array; specifying the declination of point 2 [degrees]. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: None. OUTPUTS: SPHDIST returns the distance on the sphere between [RA1,DEC1] and [RA2,DEC2] [degrees]. If the input variables are arrays, SPHDIST returns an array of the same size. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: RA1 and DEC1 must have the same dimensions, as well as RA2 and DEC2. If RA1, DEC1 are arrays, then RA2, DEC2 must either have the same size or must be scalars. In this case, the distance of [RA2,DEC2] to each of the points specified in [RA1,DEC1] is returned. The same applies to the opposite case. MODIFICATION HISTORY: created by: Stefan Bogun MPIA Heidelberg March, 1995
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NAME: SPLITRAMP_PAR PURPOSE: Definition of the common block SPLITRAMP_PAR for inclusion into other routines. the common block contains information about the parameters used for ramp splitting. CATEGORY: PIA - common block CALLING SEQUENCE: @splitramp_par COMMON BLOCK PARAMETERS: splitramp_par: structure for ramp splitting parameters MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/VILSPA) May 1997 Version 6.3
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NAME: SPLITRAMP_PAR_INIT PURPOSE: Initialize the common block SPLITRAMP_PAR. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: splitramp_par_init COMMON BLOCKS: @splitramp_par MODIFICATION HISTORY: Wrtten by: Carlos GABRIEL(ESA/VILSPA) May 1997 Version 6.3
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NAME: srd_init PURPOSE: Initializes the structure PHTSRD defining the contents as a template structure PHTSRD_TYPE. It can be used for clearing the whole SRD structure, in case this should show as necessary. CATEGORY: PIA - initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: SRD_INIT INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None KEYWORDS: Index: If set, only those will be deleted from buffer PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtsrd phtsrd_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Free handles added (CG) January 1996 mod to use srd_first_handle and srd_last_handle (WMT) May 1996 Keyword index for clearing set of records added (CG+JA) May 1997 V6.3
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NAME: SUBDARK_SCP PURPOSE: Subtract dark current at scp level, log info into the header. It checks if the dark current has been subtracted before. CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: subdark_scp, scptmp, hdr INPUTS: scptmp: Temporal phtscp structure OPTIONAL INPUTS: hdr: Current header COMMON BLOCKS: none PROCEDURES USED: PIA Procedure(s): darkcur Astrolib: fxpar, fxaddpar MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (ISO-SOC, Vilspa) May 1997 V6.3 Bug fixed: bringing back updated header
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NAME: SUBTR_BCKG PURPOSE: Return subtractions of chopper plateaux, using neighbour chopper chopper plateaux positions and interpolating for the background to be subtracted if required CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: Subtr_bckg, tmpdata, srcst, srcsubt, bckstep=bckstep, SPD=spd INPUTS: tmpdata: A structure containing data (SCP or SPD level) srcst: The chopper step to subtract from (if 98 central position is taken for triangular and sawtooth chopping, or 2 for others) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BCKSTEP: The chopper step to be subtracted - (if not present or 99 interpolation of all other steps) ISPD: (0 if SCP level, 1 if SPD, 2 if AAP) OUTPUTS: srcsubt: Structure containing name: measurement name level: 'SCP' or 'SPD' aver: array (pixel #, of averages (src - bck) avun: aver uncertainty array bcav: array (pixel #, of background as used for subtraction bcun: bcav uncertainty array medi: array (pixel #, of medians (src - bck) m1qu: array (pixel #, of first quartiles (src - bck) m3qu: array (pixel #, of third quartiles (src - bck) flag: array (pixel #, OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: METHOD: EXAMPLE: CALLED ROUTINES: COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtcs PIA Procedure(s): conv_subs cp_discl read_cs spd_disc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Bug for SS ('SL' in CS) fixed (CG) December 1995 cp_discl instead of cp_disc used (CG) March 1996 Avoiding crash if no interpolation possible because of only 1 bck point (CG) March 1999 V7.4
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NAME: SUBTR_darstr_MEAS PURPOSE: Subtract an SCP level dark current or straylight measurement from a source or FCS measurement, replacing the contents into the dynamical common block PHTSCP CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SUBTR_darstr_MEAS, src_meas, bck_meas, subt_meas, STRAY=stray INPUT: src_meas: A real SCP structure containing the source measurement bck_meas: A real SCP structure containing the background measurement INPUT KEYWORDS: STRAY: indicating subtraction of straylight measurement REPL_INDEX: giving the position within the scp common to put the subtracted measurement OUTPUT: subt_meas: A real SCP structure containing the subtr. measurement SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtscp phtspd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1996 REPL_INDEX keyword added (CG) June 1997 V6.4 Measurement name added if Warning (CG) August 1999 V8.0
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NAME: SUBTR_MEAS PURPOSE: Subtract an SCP or SPD level measurement from another one, writing the results into the dynamical common block PHTSCP CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: SUBTR_MEAS, src_meas, bck_meas, subt_meas, SPD=SPD INPUT: src_meas: A real SCP or SPD structure containing the source measurement bck_meas: A real SCP or SPD structure containing the background measurement INPUT KEYWORDS: SPD: indicating SPD level subtraction AAP: indicating AAP level subtraction NO_AP: not using apertures normalization NO_WIDGET: to avoid showing a widget with subtraction info. INDPHT the index of subtracted measure in PHTXXX structure OUTPUT: subt_meas: A real SCP or SPD structure containing the subtr. measurement SIDE EFFECTS: The dynamical structure phtscp (or phtspd) is increased on one record containing the subtracted measurement. RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtscp phtspd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) January 1996 Extension for keywords ARSI, ANDR and AVSD (CG) January 1996 Apertures normalization introduced - No_AP keyword added (CG) April 1996 Information added on buffer name (CG) April 1996 Extended for AAP subtraction (CG) November 1997 V6.6 For normalisation by different apertures take omegas instead of aperture sizes (CG) January 1998 V7.0 Number of pixels for PHT-S SPD/AAP fixed (CG) July 1998 V7.2 Use CASE instead of IF ELSE, use FILL_xxx routines, and update of PIA_MNAM keyword in the header (JAc) Dec 1998 V7.3 Bug for aperture normalization case fixed + warning added in case of measurements with different filters/apertures (CG) June 1999 V7.4
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NAME: TMEAS_CONV, RAW_TMP, DET_MODE, CONV_TMP PURPOSE: To convert measured temperatures from telemetry CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: TMEAS_CONV, RAW_TMP, DET_MODE, CONV_TMP INPUT: RAW_TMP - integer, raw (telemetered) temperature(s) DET_MODE - char str, the modeword for this subsystem OUTPUT: CONV_TMP - real, converted temperature(s) DESCRIPTION: Uses the subsystem-dependent conversion parameters to convert the raw telemetered detector temperature values using the algorithm defined in "Converting Algorithms for Telemetry Data" (TN 2096-8100DS/01). Namely : T [ `C] = B ----------------------------- log10(Rs) + (K /log10 Rs) - A where Rs [Ohm] = 1000 * [ 1 - Rk] ----------------------- [ 1 - 1 ] ---------------- --- C1 * TMDATA - C2 Rp The quantities A, B, K, C1, C2, RP_1 (1/Rp) and Rk are accessed from an array using the modeword as a key. PROCEDURES USED: NONE MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: UNIT2JULDATE PURPOSE: convert the usual format of date ("DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS.S") to reduced Julian date CATEGORY: PIA - utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: jd = unit2juldate(date) INPUT: date: Date in the format "16-DEC-1995 7:19:14.00". Is is compatible with tag unit as read from PIA data structures. OUTPUT: jd: Reduced julian date PROCEDURES USED: ASTRO LIB: juldate MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Jose Acosta (PIDT - MPIA) December 1997
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Name: Vignet Purpose: To correct for chopper amplitude dependent vignetting CATEGORY: PIA - processing Input: SubInst: PHT Sub-instrument: One of P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, SL In_Slop: Array of uncorrected averaged slopes for plateaux In_Slun: Corresponding array of uncertainties associated with each slope Chop: Chopper position for each slope Fcsn: FCS active for each slope Pixel: Pixel number for PHT-C100 (0 - 8), PHT-C200 (0 - 3) Aperture number for PHT-P (0 - 13) Filter: Filter position number (1 - Max_filter) Output: Out_Slop: Array of corrected averaged slopes for plateaux Out_Slun: Corresponding array of uncertainties associated with each slope KEYWORDS: FCORRECTION: the computed correction factors (same dimm as in_slop) Restrictions: All input arrays must be of the same size The vignetting correction tables must have been read in first Procedures Used: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtvignet Modification History: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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Name: Vignet_Tables_Read Purpose: Read the Vignetting Correction Tables into a common block CATEGORY: PIA - initialization Input: None Output: None: Restrictions: The five correction files must be available Procedures Used: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtvignet Astronomical Library: fxread Modification History: Written by: Huw Morris Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Changed to pipeline SPD C200 pixel order - CG December 1996 V5.5
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NAME: WEIGHT_MEAN PURPOSE: To perform a weighted mean returning also the standard deviation CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: WEIGHT_MEAN, DATA, UNC, MEAN, [STDV], [SIGMA] [, /MEDIAN] $ [,SET_WEIGTH = SET_WEIGHT] [,MINNR = MINNR] INPUT: DATA - A one-dimensional array of values UNC - An array of same dimensions as data with uncertainties OPTIONAL INPUT: MEDIAN - If set, returns median instead of weighted mean SET_WEIGHT - A vector defining the weighting factors MINNR - If set, the minimum number of points required to weight the mean. By default, if less than 15 elements, then simple average is taken. OUTPUT: MEAN - The weighted mean OPTIONAL OUTPUT: STDV - The standard deviation of the mean SIGMA - The standard deviation of the distribution DESCRIPTION: PROCEDURES USED: NONE RESTRICTIONS: At least 15 points or MINNR are required for weighted mean, if less normal average is returned. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C.Gabriel Modified: Threshold and limit added - CG December 1996 Limit changed - CG December 1996 V5.5 If no weight use weights=1. (CG) June 1997 V6.4 SET_WEIGHT keyword introduced to use as proper weight (JA) July 98 Keyword MINNR added (CG) September 1998 V7.3
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NAME: WHEELS2ID PURPOSE: Returns the filter and aperture id's corresponding to the wheels and detector specified CATEGORY: PIA - processing CALLING SEQUENCE: wheels2id, det, wheels, filt_id, aper_id, lambda=lambda INPUT: det: Detector name wheels: 3-array containing the wheel positions OUTPUT: filt_id: Official filter identifier - (string) aper_id: Official aperture identifier - (string) OPTIONAL OUTPUT: lambda: Central Wavelength area: Aperture area (in mm^2) COMMON BLOCKS: phtapertures: Apertures and their sizes phtfilter: Filters' IDs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA-SAI) November 1995 Bug with C filters fixed (CG) December 1995 Adapted for phtapert CB from OMEGA (CG) February 1998 V7.0
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NAME: WRITEFITS_MOD PURPOSE: Write an an IDL array into a disk FITS file. Works with all types of FITS files except random groups CALLING SEQUENCE: writefits, filename, data [, header, NaNvalue = , /APPEND] INPUTS: FILENAME = String containing the name of the file to be written. DATA = Image array to be written to FITS file. If DATA is undefined or a scalar, then only the FITS header (which must have NAXIS = 0) will be written to disk OPTIONAL INPUT: HEADER = String array containing the header for the FITS file. If variable HEADER is not given, the program will generate a minimal FITS header. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: NaNvalue - Value in the data array to be set to the IEEE NaN condition. This is the FITS representation of undefined values APPEND - If this keyword is set then the supplied header and data array are assumed to be an extension and are appended onto the end of an existing FITS file. Note that the primary header in the existing file must already have an EXTEND keyword to indicate the presence of an FITS extension. OUTPUTS: None RESTRICTIONS: (1) It recommended that BSCALE and BZERO not be used (or set equal to 1. and 0) with REAL*4 or REAL*8 data. (2) WRITEFITS will remove any group parameters from the FITS header EXAMPLE: Write a randomn 50 x 50 array as a FITS file creating a minimal header. IDL> im = randomn(seed, 50, 50) ;Create array IDL> writefits, 'test', im ;Write to a FITS file "test" PROCEDURES USED: CHECK_FITS, HOST_TO_IEEE, SXDELPAR, SXADDPAR, SXPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN, Jim Wofford, January, 29 1989 MODIFIED, Wayne Landsman, added BITPIX = -32,-64 support for UNIX Use new BYTEODER keywords 22-Feb-92 Modify OPENW for V3.0.0 W. Landsman Dec 92 Work for "windows" R. Isaacman Jan 93 More checks for null data Mar 94 Bug caused by the use of host_to_ieee fixed Routine name changed (C. Gabriel) Jul 98 Changed for x86 (linux) as little endian (CG) Mar 99 V7.4
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NAME: WRITE_AAP_SL PURPOSE: Write a PHT-AAP (Astrophysical Applications Product) measurement from a temporary structure of AAP type onto a FITS binary table file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_AAP_SL, TMPDATA[, tmphdr] INPUT: tmpdata : PHTAAP temporary structure OPTIONAL INPUT: tmphdr : PHTAAP header OPTIONAL KEYWORD: filename: filename to store the FITS file RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid PHT_S AAP temporary structure (either staring or chopped subtracted) PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtslwavlen MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Min Y. Hur Feb 1999 Small modifications by CG Feb 1999 V7.4 Modified to reflect the new AAP structure (MH) Mar 2000 V8.2
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NAME: WRITE_ACC PURPOSE: To write acceptance criteria for read-outs into the read-out acceptance block CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ACC, NSEL,DRN,NDR1,NDRN,MIR,MAR,ANR,SIG1,SIGN,MIS,MAS,ANS,$ CPN,MIC,MAC,ACP,MINV,MAXV INPUT PARAMETERS: NSEL : 1 if general NDR selection rules used, 0 if not DRN : 0 if DR to be accepted, 1 if not NDR1 : 0 if first NDR to be accepted, 1 if not NDRN : Array of NDRs to be neglected MIR : First Read-out (absolute) to be accepted MAR : Last Read-out (absolute) to be accepted ANR : Any Read-out (absolute) to be neglected MINV : Minimum voltage to be accepted MAXV : Maximum voltage to be accepted SIGF : Structure giving the fraction to be taken for chopped/n.chop. SIG1 : 0 if first Signal/Chopper Plateau to be accepted, 1 if not SIGN : Array of Signals/Ch.Plateau to be neglected MIS : First Signal (absolute) to be accepted MAS : Last Signal (absolute) to be accepted ANS : Any Signal (absolute) to be neglected CPN : Array of contiguous Ch.Plateaux to be neglected MIC : First Chopper Plateau to be accepted MAC : Last Chopper Plateau to be accepted ACP : Array of non-contiguous Ch.Plateaux to be neglected SPN : Array of contiguous Ch.Plateaux to be neglected (SPD level) MSC : First Chopper Plateau to be accepted (SPD level) MCC : Last Chopper Plateau to be accepted (SPD level) ACC : Array of non-contiguous Ch.Plateaux to be neglected (SPD level) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: NONE METHOD: PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtacc MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_ASC_FCSPOW PURPOSE: Write a PHT FCSPOW to an uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ASC_FCSPOW, FILENAME, FCSPOW, TRS_NUM, DETECTOR, FCSPOW_TABLE INST_TAB = INST_TAB, VERSION = VERSION, AUTHOR = AUTHOR INPUT: filename: uplink file name fcspow: character string of '1' or '2' trs_id: character string of '1' or '2' det: character string of 'C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' talble: fcspow table, 4 dimensional array of 45 * detector pixels * 2 * 2 OPTIONAL INPUT: INST_TAB : string to identify the instrument table, eg P_FC1_C1 VERSION : the version number, string type, (00.00) default is 00.01 AUTHOR : author, string type, default is PHT IDT PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtoptpow MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_ASC_PDETECT PURPOSE: Write a PHT PDETECT to an uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ASC_PDETECT, DETECTOR, IDARK = IDARK, NEPREAD = NEPREAD, RESPONS = RESPONS, ETA = ETA, INPUTFILE = INPUTFILE, OUTPUTFILE = OUTPUTFILE, INST_TAB = INST_TAB, VERSION = VERSION, AUTHOR = AUTHOR INPUT: detector: character strings of the detector, (P1, P2, P3, C100, C200, SS and SL) OPTIONAL INPUT: IDARK: dark current, floating point NEPREAD: nepread detector noise, floating point RESPONS: responsivity, floating point ETA: quantum efficiency of detector, floating point INPUTFILE: string type for the input uplink file, default is p_detect.txt OUTPUTFILE: string type for the output uplink file, default is p_detect_pia.txt INST_TAB : string to identify the instrument table, eg P_DETECT VERSION : the version number, string type, (00.00) default is 00.01 AUTHOR : author, string type, default is PHT IDT PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_ASC_PFILTR PURPOSE: Write a PHT PFILTR uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ASC_PFILTR, BUFFER, INPUTFILE = INPUTFILE, INST_TAB = INST_TAB, VERSION = VERSION, AUTHOR = AUTHOR INPUT: column: Column in the table (0 < column < 12) BUFFER: a floating array of 14 OPTIONAL INPUT: INPUTFILE: string type for the input uplink file, default is p_pfiltr.txt OUTPUTFILE: string type for the output uplink file, default is p_pfiltr_pia.txt INST_TAB : string to identify the instrument table, eg P_SS_SL VERSION : the version number, string type, (00.00) default is 00.01 AUTHOR : author, string type, default is PHT IDT PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_ASC_PPSF PURPOSE: Write a PHT PPSF to an uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ASC_FCSPOW, FILENAME, PPSF_TABLE INST_TAB = INST_TAB, VERSION = VERSION, AUTHOR = AUTHOR INPUT: filename: uplink file name talble: ppsf table, 2 dimensional array OPTIONAL INPUT: INST_TAB : string to identify the instrument table, eg P_FC1_C1 VERSION : the version number, string type, (00.00) default is 00.01 AUTHOR : author, string type, default is PHT IDT PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_ASC_PSSSL PURPOSE: Write a PHT PSSSL to an uplink file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ASC_PSSSL, DET=det, PIXEL = PIXEL, FPSF = FPSF, LC = LC, TRANS = TRANS, RRESPONS = RRESPONS, INPUTFILE = INPUTFILE, OUTPUTFILE = OUTPUTFILE, INST_TAB = INST_TAB, VERSION = VERSION, AUTHOR = AUTHOR INPUT: OPTIONAL INPUT: DET: string type of 'SS' or 'SL'. If det is set as keyword, the following four optional parameters have to be an array of 64 elements, if not they have to contain 128 elements. PIXEL: individual pixel number, this override the detector value if set, integer FPSF: point spread function for pixel, floating point LC: Central wavelength, floating point TRANS: total transmission for the pixel, floating point RRESPONS: relative system response for pixel, floating point INPUTFILE: string type for the input uplink file, default is p_detect.txt OUTPUTFILE: string type for the output uplink file, default is p_ss_sl.txt INST_TAB : string to identify the instrument table, eg P_SS_SL VERSION : the version number, string type, (00.00) default is 00.01 AUTHOR : author, string type, default is PHT IDT PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_CRELIN PURPOSE: Write a PHT CRELIN to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_CRELIN, FILENAME, DETECTOR, CRELIN_TABLE, PIPELINENAME = PIPELINENAME, COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: filename: fits file name without the '.FITS' extension det: character string of 'C1', 'C2', 'P' talble: crelin table, 4 dimensional array of 121 * detector pixels * 3 * 2 OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Changing pixel order to SPD pipeline convention when writing out (CG) Dec.96 V5.5
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NAME: WRITE_DARK PURPOSE: Write a PHT DARK CURRENT to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_DARK, FILENAME, DARKP1, DARKP2, DARKP3, DARK1C, DARK2C, DARKS COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION, FITS = fits INPUT: filename: fits file name without the '.FITS' extension darkp1, darkp2, darkp3: single float type dark1c, dark2c, darks: array of float type, size of 8, 4, 128 OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 FITS: IF present and not equal 0, write out FITS file PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdarkcur MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_DARKCSTR PURPOSE: Append a new structure to the dark current structure corresponding to det CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CATEGORY: CALLED SEQUENCE: WRITE_DARKCSTR, DETECTOR_NAME, newdarkcstr, [,/REPLACE] INPUTS: DETECTOR_NAME: ONE OF THESE STRINGS -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2, SL darkcurr: the corresponding new dark current structure OPTIONAL INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: REPLACE: the new structure will replace the old one. If not set then it will be appended PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN BY: Carlos GABRIEL Oct 95 Version 3.5 Replace version included (Jacosta) June 96
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NAME: WRITE_DETDARKCUR PURPOSE: Write a PHT-subsystem DARK CURRENT to a STRING ARRAY containing all dark currents (same format as PDARKCUR) CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_DETDARKCUR, det, darkcur [,fitsfile=fitsfile] INPUT: det: PHT-subsystem darkcur: Dark current array corresponding to det OPTIONAL INPUT: FITSFIL : The name of the fitsfile (without extension) in case that a FITS file should be written COMMENT : The comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtdarkcur PIA Procedure(s): get_darkcur write_dark MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Carlos GABRIEL Oct 95 Version 3.5 Swapping C2 pixels for FITS file (CG) December 1996 V5.5
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NAME: WRITE_DIETRANS PURPOSE: Write a PHT DIE 1 or 2 Transfer Function to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_DIETRANS, FILENAME, INSTRUMENT, PDIEFIX, PDIEUOF,PDIEGN1,PDIEGN2 COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: INSTRUMENT: character strings of '1', '2' PDIEFIX, PDIEUOF, PDIEGN1, PDIEGN2: float array OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_FCSPOW PURPOSE: Write a PHT FCSPOW to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_FCSPOW, FILENAME, DETECTOR, FCSPOW_TABLE, PIPELINENAME = PIPELINENAME, COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: filename: fits file name without the '.FITS' extension det: character string of 'C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' talble: fcspow table, 4 dimensional array of 45 * nr of filters for det * 2 * 2 OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_FCSPRE_STR PURPOSE: Append new records to the FCS Pre-reduced Signal Table corresponding to det, using the keyword REPLACE it will replace the whole structure CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CATEGORY: CALLED SEQUENCE: WRITE_FCSPRE_STR, DETECTOR_NAME, newfcspre_str INPUTS: DETECTOR_NAME: ONE OF THESE STRINGS -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2 newfcsprestr: the corresponding new FCS Pre-reduced Signal Table OPTIONAL INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NONE PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN BY: Carlos GABRIEL (ESA/VILSPA) October 1995 keyword replace introduced - JAcosta June 1996
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NAME: WRITE_FCSPSTR PURPOSE: Append new records to the FCSP current structure corresponding to det CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CATEGORY: CALLED SEQUENCE: WRITE_FCSPSTR, DETECTOR_NAME, newfcspstr, [/REPLACE] INPUTS: DETECTOR_NAME: ONE OF THESE STRINGS -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2 newfcspstr: the corresponding new FCS powers structure OPTIONAL INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NONE PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN BY: Carlos GABRIEL Oct 95 Version 3.5 Typ name changed CG October 1995 keyword replace introduced - JAcosta June 1996
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NAME: WRITE_IAAP PURPOSE: Write a PHT-AAP (Auto Analysis) measurement from the dynamical structure PHTAAP onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_IAAP, PHTAAP_INDEX, FNAME = FNAME, PATH =PATH, INFO = INFO INPUT: PHTAAP_INDEX : Index of the measurement within PHTAAP OPTIONAL KEYWORD: FNAME : name of the save file, by default PHTSCP.ADMN is used PATH : directory where the internal file is saved OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PHTAAP(PHTSCP_INDEX) must exist PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta Feb. 98 Version 7.0
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NAME: WRITE_ICLA PURPOSE: Write a PHT-CLA (Calibration A) measurement from the dynamical structure PHTCLA onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ICLA, PHTCLA_INDEX INPUT: PHTCLA_INDEX : Index of the measurement within PHTCLA OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PHTCLA(PHTCLA_INDEX) must exist PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtcla MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_ILLUM PURPOSE: Write a PHT FCS Illumination to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ILLUM, FILENAME, INSTRUMENT, ILCOR, ILLUN, PIPELINENAME = PIPELINENAME, USERNAME = USERNAME, COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: FILENAME: filename for the output file without extension INSTRUMENT : character strings of '1' or '2' ILCOR, ILLUN : float array of C100 or C200 pixel size OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name USERNAME : the username line in the fits header, string type. the maximum character length is 8. COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Change pixel order for C200 to pipeline SPD convention (CG) Dec.96 V5.5
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NAME: WRITE_ISCP PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SCP (Signal Data) measurement from the dynamical structure PHTSCP onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ISCP, PHTSCP_INDEX, FNAME = FNAME, PATH =PATH, INFO = INFO INPUT: PHTSCP_INDEX : Index of the measurement within PHTSRD OPTIONAL KEYWORD: FNAME : name of the save file, by default PHTSCP.ADMN is used PATH : directory where the internal file is saved OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PHTSCP(PHTSCP_INDEX) must exist PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtscp MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: J. Acosta Apr 97 Version 6.2
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NAME: WRITE_ISRD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SRD (Signal Data) measurement from the dynamical structure PHTSRD onto an IDL savefile CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_ISRD, PHTSRD_INDEX, FNAME = FNAME, PATH =PATH INPUT: PHTSRD_INDEX : Index of the measurement within PHTSRD OPTIONAL KEYWORD: FNAME : name of the save file, by default PHTSRD.ADMN is used PATH : directory where the internal file is saved OUTPUT: IDL save file RESTRICTIONS: PHTSRD(PHTSRD_INDEX) must exist PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtsrd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Modification to include options path and fname (JAcosta) Apr. 97
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NAME: WRITE_MAP PURPOSE: Write a PHT MAP to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_MAP, FILENAME, MAP, HEADER, MAPPAR, PATH = PATH COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION, USERNAME = USERNAME INPUT: filename: fits file name with the '.FITS' extension map: a N X M float array, it would accept any type of array hdr: fits header from the phtaap mappar: the parameter structure from the OPTIONAL INPUT: PATH : the path to write the file COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 USERNAME: the username ; PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): addpar2hdr addcomm2hdr get_sysdate Astronomical Library: writefits (modified !!!) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai, FEB, 1996 Use of writefits instead of openw (Jacosta) April 1997 Bug in writefits corrected (writefits -> writefits_mod) -> No byte swapping in this routine (CG) July 1998 BUNIT=JY/BEAM for maps in Jy V7.3
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NAME: WRITE_PPSF PURPOSE: Write a PHT Point Spread Function Corrections to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_PPSF, FILENAME, PPSF_TABLE, PIPELINENAME = PIPELINENAME COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: filename: fits file name without the '.FITS' extension talble: ppsf table, 2 dimensional array of 15 * 14 OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_RESP PURPOSE: Write a PHT responsivities to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_RESP, FILENAME, P2RESP, P2RESP, P3RESP, C1RESP, C2RESP, SRESP, PIPELINENAME = PIPELINENAME, COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: filename: fits file name without the '.FITS' extension p1resp, p2resp, p3resp: single double type c1resp, c2resp, sresp: array of double type, size of 8, 4, 128 OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 to pipeline SPD C200 pixel order + PHT-S out (CG) December 1996 V5.5
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NAME: WRITE_RESPSTR PURPOSE: Append new records to the RESP current structure corresponding to det CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CATEGORY: CALLED SEQUENCE: WRITE_RESPSTR, DETECTOR_NAME, newrespstr INPUTS: DETECTOR_NAME: ONE OF THESE STRINGS -- P1, P2, P3, C1, C2 newrespstr: the corresponding new FCS powers structure OPTIONAL INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: REPLACE: replace RESP structure through new records PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN BY: Carlos GABRIEL Modified by: Wai-Ming Tai Oct 95 Version 3.5 Replacing of old structure possible (CG) January 1996
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NAME: WRITE_SCP PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SCP (Signal Per Chopper Plat.) measurement from a temporary structure PHTSCP onto a fits file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_SCP, TMPDATA[, tmphdr] INPUT: tmpdata : PHTSCP structure filename: filename to store the fitsfile OPTIONAL INPUT: tmphdr : PHTSCP header RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid PHTSCP structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtscp Astronomical Library: size_struct MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified (last) by: C Gabriel November 1996 V5.x Y2K Compliance (CG) Jun 1999 V7.4
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NAME: WRITE_SELNDR PURPOSE: Write a PHT SELNDR to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_SELNDR, FILENAME, PP1SNDR, PP2SNDR, PP3SNDR, PC1SNDR, PC2SNDR, PSSSNDR, PSLSNDR, DRFLAG, PIPELINENAME = PIPELINENAME, USERNAME = USERNAME, COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: PP1SNDR, PP2SNDR, PP3SNDR: Long interger array PC1SNDR, PC2SNDR, PSSSNDR, PSLSNDR: Long interger array OPTIONAL INPUT: DRFLAG: integer PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name USERNAME : the username line in the fits header, string type COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5
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NAME: WRITE_SPD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SPD (Standard Processed Data) measurement from a temporary structure PHTSPD onto a fits file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_SPD, TMPDATA[, tmphdr] INPUT: tmpdata : PHTSPD structure OPTIONAL INPUT: tmphdr : PHTSPD header filename: filename to store the fitsfile RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid PHTSPD structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtspd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified (last) by: C Gabriel November 1996 V5.x mod SPD_UNIT line to make sure the unit is 19 chars long WMT Feb 1997 Bug for P-raster mode fixed + bug for keywords TFORM fixed (CG) Oct 1997 V6.5 Bug for SL case (wrong position of ') fixed (CG) May 1998 V7.2 Y2K Compliance (CG) Jun 1999 V7.4
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NAME: WRITE_SRD PURPOSE: Write a PHT-SRD (Signal Data) measurement from a temporary structure PHTSRD onto a fits file CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_SRD, TMPDATA INPUT: tmpdata : PHTSRD structure OPTIONAL INPUT: tmphdr : A temporary header filename: filename to store the fitsfile RESTRICTIONS: tmpdata must be a valid PHTSRD structure PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): phtsrd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Extension for effective reset time and nr of read-outs (CG) Jan.96 trim to srd_unit to 18 chars (WMT) March 96 Storing into PIA_SAVEDIR (CG) March 96 filename keyword added (WMT) Apr 96 No byteswap to flag (CG) August96 Y2K Compliance (CG) Jun 1999 V7.4 Bug for array data fixed (CG) March 2000 V8.2
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NAME: WRITE_SUBTR PURPOSE: WRITES source - background subtracted values from srcsubt accomodating them into the dynamical structure PHTSCP or PHTSPD (ispd=1) CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_SUBTR, srcsubt, data, ispd, newhdr, no_info=no_info, $ OUTMEAS=outmeas INPUT: srcsubt: A structure containing the subtracted values data: The PHTSCP or PHTSPD temporary structure used for the subtraction ispd: 0 for SCP, 1 for SPD, 2 for AAP OPTIONAL INPUT: NEWHDR: Modified header to be used as input in the new structure, it will be modified in the output KEYWORDS: NO_INFO: Suppressing message OUTMEAS: subtracted SCP (SPD) temporary structure NO_INTO_BUFFER: do not put the measurement into the corresponding buffer PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): adm phtscp phtspd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: C. Gabriel (ESA/VILSPA-SAI) December 1995 Extension for ARSI, ANDR and AVSD (CG) January 1996 Information added on buffer name (CG) April 1996 NO_INFO keyword added (CG) July 1996 Added outmeas keyword to provide the resulting subtracted structure (JA+CG) May 1997 Added REDUCE_MED keyword to reduce subtracted signals to one value using median (JA) Aug 1997 Keyword NO_INTO_BUFFER added (CG) Oct 1997 V6.5 Chopper position from source instead from background (CG) Oct 1997 V6.6 Bug in HDR keyword for SCP case fixed (CG) Jan 1998 V7.0 Bug in SCP & NO_INTO_BUFFER fixed (CG) Mar 1998 V7.1 Bug for 1 element case fixed (CG) Mar 1999 V7.4
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NAME: WRITE_VIGN PURPOSE: Write a PHT VIGNETTING Corrections to a FITS file. CATEGORY: PIA - I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_VIGN, FILENAME, DETECTOR, VIGN_TABLE, PIPELINENAME = PIPELINENAME, COMMENT = COMMENT, VERSION = VERSION INPUT: filename: fits file name without the '.FITS' extension det: character string of 'C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' talble: vignet table, 3 dimensional array of detector pixels * 25 * filters OPTIONAL INPUT: PIPELINENAME: string type, default is the pipeline product name COMMENT : the comment line in the fits header, string type VERSION : the version number, string type, less than 8 chars default is 0001 PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: W. M. Tai Modified by: C Gabriel Oct 95 Version 3.5 Change according to pipeline SPD C200 pixel order - CG December 1996
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NAME: xdisp_hk PURPOSE: Display hk status and analog data depending on the time. CATEGORY: PIA - graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: xdisp_hk INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: NONE METHOD: Check, if the data is status or analog. Print status data in a table and analog data in a curve, both in relation with the time PROCEDURES USED: Common Block(s) or @ procedure(s): colour_indices phthk phthk PIA Procedure(s): get_boundaries pia_xplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Andreas Karch Oct 95 Version 3.5 Overplot with same axis capability added (CG) April 1997 V6.2
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